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The Truth Is Out There: The X-Files Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Archive: SF&F: Films and Television' started by PadmeLeiaJaina, Jan 3, 2006.

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  1. ZamWesell44

    ZamWesell44 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 13, 2003
    Season 8 does not really feel like the true X-files but i think it is a good bit better than Season 7. Its been a while i remember thinking Redrum was intresting, and This is not Happening, i thought was a great episode.
  2. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
    *delurks in the thread*

    I have One Breath on tape and I need to find it again, but the scene with Skinner and Mulder absolutely takes my breath away every time. It's haunting and sort of chips away at Skinner's hard facade all at the same time. I think that scene is where I started caring about the fate of Skinner as much as I did Mulder and Scully in the series. You can tell that his experience in Vietnam haunts him still.
  3. Forcefire

    Forcefire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2000
    Firewalker- Feels like another Ice. Bit less interesting, though. I will give it credit for a great suspense sequence where O'Neil handcuffs herself to Scully, trying to infect her with the spores. I'm also glad that it addresses Mulder and Scully's feelings about her return after the coma.

    Red Museum- This episode didn't grab me at first, and the plane crash seemed a bit out of place. Then the guy who shot Deep Throat shows up and everything changed. From there on I was paying close attention. Alien DNA injections return, but it doesn't feel as significant as I hoped it would.

    Excelsis Dei- Maybe I'm spoiled by viewing this so long after its air date, but the supernatural meets plight of the elderly stuff would be done better years later in Bubba Ho-Tep. The point is made here, but it's not particularly affecting (well, the teaser was functional). I do feel sorry for the people who have to live there- the Excelsis Dei is a hole.

    Aubrey- This is a step up. Manages to get downright creepy from time to time. The Sister killings are unsettling without even happening onscreen. BJ in her crazy killer mode is pretty effective, and when she's got her razor at mulder's throat, I worry. Question: is "Brother" not the obvious thing to find carved on the FBI agent's chest, given the circumstances of the rest of the case? Get with the program.

    Not a lot to say about these episodes, not bad, but not particularly great, I think.
  4. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    Nice posts FF. 3 is a crap episode as you said so nicely. Firewalker, red museum, excelsius dei and aubrey are avreage and above episodes IMO.

    Warning Forcefire!! Spoiler!!!
    Just finshed season 8 (I know it's fast but I spent all night watching[face_blush] ) and I though it was realy good. Dogget and Reyes were realy cool and it's nice with some fresh blood in the show. The first two episodes within/without were good and after that we get to alot of up and down episodes. The realy good episodes start with per manum where the season goes top gear. Scully gets a baby wich is somekind of saviour, Mulder returns from the dead and gets fired, Dogget is assigned to the x-files, Alex takes the bullet and a bunch of terminators called supersoldiers enters the mythology. I have no idea where this is going and I cant wait to find out. Looks like the writers wanted to go back to the roots of the show(season 1-2) with more dark themes and no silly or humor episodes. Did they sucseed?? Season 8 has some freshnes, inventive, scary, some strong and solid standalones and finnaly the writers brought back some menacing and highly suspensfull mythology episodes. The show is clearly and slowly dying but the creators are doing a damn good job keeping it alive. It's the 8th freakin season and when you think of how many episodes there are and how many ideas the creators have re-used this show should have started sucking ages ago and still doing the oposite says something about the show.=D=

    Wonder what season 9 is gonna be like with Mulder only apearing in the finaly. What's your opinion on the last season folks?

  5. ZamWesell44

    ZamWesell44 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 13, 2003
    What did you think of This is not happening? i thought it was best of the season, maybe best of the last 3 seasons.
    Season 9 is not very good. theres about 3 episodes that are good.
  6. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    I gave it four stars. I have read so many positive and negative reviews on the ninth season that I dont know what to expect. Did you like the finaly? What episodes did you like from S8?

    I love this show and I think season 8 is good wich alot of fans dont. Mabey Il like the 9th..............Hope so.:(
  7. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    One Breath is the best single episode of the show probably. The layers in that show, for every single character, CSM, Skinner, Deep Throat, Scully's mother and sister.

    I really must say that speech Don Davis gives is just pure beauty.

    as if it had been the length of one breath, one heartbeat . . .

    3 is easily the worst episode of the season and maybe of the whole series.
  8. ZamWesell44

    ZamWesell44 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 13, 2003
    3 the worst of the show? you must not have seen all the episodes, especially the later one, its not the best of that season, 2, but not worst either.
  9. Forcefire

    Forcefire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2000
    Another batch. Study for finals? Me?

    Irresistible- Here's an episode clearly fixated on death. This Pfaster guy is possibly the most messed up villain of the series yet. Just disturbingly sick in the head. The moment he focuses in on Scully, it practically churns the stomach to think what he has in mind.

    I wasn't sure that I'd completely buy Scully being so put off by this case, but Anderson makes it work here, and when she lets it all out an cries, embracing Mulder, I think it's cathartic for us, too.

    Die Hand Die Verltzt- The old Parent-Teacher organization are really Satan worshippers story. Great laugh when Scully declares there to be "nothing odd" about the place, and frogs rain from the sky.

    It's hard to get into this one, because I really can't figure out what the villain is trying to accomplish. Punish the PTC? Then why mess with (read: brutally murder) the kids?

    Fresh Bones- Third episode in a row featuring corpse desecration or theories thereof. Makes you wonder what was going on in the writers' room at the time. Kind of a boring episode. Maybe it's just because voodoo has never been that interesting an opposing force to me, going back to Live and Let Die. And this doesn't even benefit from the crazy laughing man with the skull makeup.

    Colony- Now this would be mythology, I'm sure of it. Good hook with Mulder on the verge of death and Scully telling the doctors to keep him from getting warm.

    Alien Bounty Hunter, I presume? He projects an air of menace, which is probably desirable factor number one when you're looking for a nemesis like this. The toxic blood and green blood of the clones is the big clue that we're getting mythical here, in light of The Erlenmeyer Flask.

    Samantha comes back, or so this woman says. I have to express some doubt on this subject. She seems to be saying exactly the kind of things Mulder wants to hear. Speaking of Mulder's family, this is the first I've seen of them, so it's interesting to note that they all seem a bit aloof.

    Terrific cliffhanger. I had to keep going.

    End Game- Wow. Great finish to this two-parter. The massive amount of information Samantha, or random clone woman, I guess, spits out here is a bit hard to process, but I think I've got it, at least in part. Aliens want to colonize Earth, send these clones, clones perform experiments to make human/alien hybrids, aliens get mad, send bounty hunter. I think I've got that right.

    I see that X is actually taking meetings with Mulder at request for a change, and is up to his usual, entertaining routine. And better yet is him coming face-to-face with Scully, practicing the Deny Everything school of conversation he mentioned a while back. Then, when he goes down a floor and Skinner is waiting for him, a big grin pops on my face. When Skinner grabs hold and starts pummeling him for information about where Mulder went, I cheered. Fists were pumped. Great capper to that scene when he hands the information to Scully, bloodied and tired.

    Alien Bounty Hunter really sticks it to Mulder in this one. A rare case in which "What's he going to do? Bleed on me?" is a genuine concern. At least he got that little bit of information about Samantha. Though, why does Alien Bounty hunter not just kill him outright, as he said he could? Cigarette Smoking Man had the same thing going. Hmm.
  10. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    Irresistible, die hand die verletzt, colony and end game are great episodes[face_dancing] Fresh bones was kind of scary but boring at times as you said. If you compare season 1 to what you have seen of the 2nd what do you think is stronger.

  11. Forcefire

    Forcefire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2000
    I'd say Season 2 is the better. I certainly enjoyed the first season, clearly enough that I bought the second, but they've really managed to improve everything. Part of that is of course thanks to the groundwork laid in the first season, whereas here they can build on that groundwork and really get into character stuff, in addition to the intriguing mythology business.
  12. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    Agrees[face_plain] The mythology is probably the biggest difference in season 2. I have now seen 8 seasons and season 2 is one of the best I think. It's one of the darker season with less humor and more serious and scary episodes.

    How many eps do you watch in one day? It used to take me 4-5 days with the early season. The last 4 I watched in 2 1/2 days. I have too much spare time[face_laugh]
  13. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    Those are all great episodes with the exception of Fresh Bones, which is a little hackneyed. Did love the bit where the voodoo killer apparently bursts out of the cut on Scully's hand and starts strangling her. Band-aid, anyone?
  14. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    Hey Rouqe. Your season 1 reviews were awsome and I was wondering when you are gonna give us your opinion on season 2.
  15. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    Sorry, but I've been watching other things. I have the Season 2 set, but I'm watching through some others right now. I do plan to watch through Season Two again and when I do, I'll post my reviews.

    And thanks. ;)
  16. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    :) Cant wait.

    Hope Forcefire will drop by with some new reviews. Wich seasons do you have and what editions? Watched our town again and that is one scary and sick episode:eek:
  17. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Our Town makes you never want to eat chickens again :p

    I've been in the mood for an X-fix. I just won on ebay 2 Sideshow Mulder and Scully 12" figures and feel like celebrating by watching my favorite FBI agents in action :D
  18. Forcefire

    Forcefire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2000
    So I'm dead in the middle of finals week, which has a marked tendency to override other concerns. That said, I did get an episode watched. I'm moving back home for the summer soon as well, so the reviews are probably going to be down to a trickle for a while, though tomorrow looks like the place to get some more in. Maybe. I promise nothing. But here's the one I managed:

    Fearful Symmetry- I kind of like the teaser and the bit with the guy getting mauled by the invisible tiger. It shares the same sort of entertainment value as watching Edward Norton beat himself up in Fight Club.

    On the other hand, it's a bit silly. And Mulder's "something with the space-time continuum" causing the odd phenomena seemed a bit weak. Still, it's a decent, if lightweight, episode. Autopsy inside a dead elephant- best ever (even if it's sad about the elephant dying).
  19. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    One of the weak episodes. That fake gorilla is so damn silly.
  20. Forcefire

    Forcefire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2000
    One more I got in today:

    Dod Kalm- I think I saw this plot on an old Star Trek episode years ago. The most interesting part of this episode might be Scully and Mulder trying to figure what's causing them to age so rapidly. Like Eve in that the theories bounce all over, except water is less scary than the Eves. Drinking out of the toilet simply cannot measure up to "They wanted to exsanguinate him" for chills.

    Scully gets a big way to go for writing down everything the folks at the hospital needed to help Mulder. I'm betting Skinner was not happy when they got back.
  21. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    Dod Kalm is unique. It's slow and brooding and beautifully shot. But John Savage about wrecks the whole thing; terrible acting.
  22. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    Dont remember that much about that one. I can remeber not loving it though. After that one there is only awsome episodes left............yahooo[face_dancing]
  23. sidious618

    sidious618 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2003
    I really must say that speech Don Davis gives is just pure beauty.

    He's an underrated actor. He always gives a solid performance.
  24. Only_Wan_Kenobi

    Only_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2005
    Gonna save up some cash for the finaly[face_dancing] I must admit that I dont feel as thirsty for more as I was after seasons 123456. Season 6 was the last great one IMO. 7 and 8 had their moments though. Any news on the upcoming movie? Will it ever see the light of day?
  25. ZamWesell44

    ZamWesell44 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 13, 2003
    Chris Carter a few months ago sued Fox, so im doubting there will be a movie in the near future or ever at all, even though Gillian Anderson and David have said they want to do one recently.
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