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Senate The US Politics discussion

Discussion in 'Community' started by Ghost, Dec 6, 2012.

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  1. Vaderize03

    Vaderize03 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 25, 1999
    True, but it does become grating after awhile. She has some truly strong proposals, but we talk about Pocahontas instead. This is a perfect example of the media giving Trumpism its oxygen when they should be starving it instead.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  2. Yoda's_Roomate

    Yoda's_Roomate Chosen One star 5

    Feb 8, 2000

    You know, I know this is nowhere near Maria's power, its just a storm, but I'm having an anxiety attack. When I say we still have post-Maria PTSD its no joke.

  3. Fifi Kenobi

    Fifi Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 13, 2019
    Of course it isn't a joke. I'm sorry that you all have to suffer. I walked through the ash of 9-11 so I have an inkling. Hoping you stay safe and it all works out.
  4. CT-867-5309

    CT-867-5309 Chosen One star 7

    Jan 5, 2011
    I read the whole thing. I don’t see how it was an attempt to kill Warren’s candidacy.

    Look at the title.

    That is a weak title, and it may very well be true.

    Look at the first line.

    This is trying to kill Warren’s candidacy?

    This is absolutely correct analysis. Guaranteed this happens if she goes up against Trump.

    I agree, or at least that’s what he’ll try. It’s hard to say if it will succeed.

    It is a fact that the Native American controversy did damage her campaign, and that she hasn’t reached moderates.

    What I find dubious is the idea that moderates really care all that much about the Pocahontas thing...yet. I think her relatively progressive views are the biggest reason why she doesn’t receive support from moderates.

    Moderates like things like pragmatism, realistic goals, and incremental change. So the best way for Warren to reach them may be to keep hammering that she has a realistic, working plan for everything she proposes, and to show that there is substance to her catchphrase. Or the best thing for her may simply be for Biden to drop out. Biden’s supporters may support Warren if the choice is between Warren and “crazy Bernie”, or Warren and Trump.
    Runjedirun and V-2 like this.
  5. appleseed

    appleseed Chosen One star 5

    Dec 5, 2002
    Take a spin down I-40 from Benson to Wilmington and you'll really smell the effects of pork.
    anakinfansince1983 likes this.
  6. ZanderSolo

    ZanderSolo Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 18, 2007

    The walmarts by my house are already out of every water except Dasani. MIL says Miami is already out of gas. Was told by my new employer im an emergency responder since i work for the county...drug testing people? Idk man this state is crazy.

    Granted I'm in florida. Hope you guys over in PR are ok.

    Time to summon the national thread guess.
  7. Yoda's_Roomate

    Yoda's_Roomate Chosen One star 5

    Feb 8, 2000
    I bet, whatever happens here, Trump will say we already got enough money, no more for us. And he still clings to that 92 billion in aid received when it is nowhere close to that.

    Congress has approved 42 billion or so in aid, and still today, almost 2 years after the event, we have received less than 20 billion.
    appleseed likes this.
  8. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Moderator star 10 Staff Member Moderator

    Apr 27, 2005
    And reportedly he just snatched money from FEMA to pay for the damn border wall!
  9. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
  10. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
  11. Nobody145

    Nobody145 Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 9, 2007
    Officially it might be for "border enforcement". But with Trump and his lackeys grabbing money from any and everywhere they can to build the wall Trump promised Mexico would pay for, who knows. I've never been sure if his supporters actually believed that or didn't care as long as they got to insult liberals. Maybe they'll put the money back if a Republican state gets hit by a hurricane.

    The Washington Post had an update on the border wall-

    That line sums it up. He also wants it to be pointy on top and painted black (and painting it will cost extra money). And Trump wants the wall money to go to one certain North Dakota company. Sources say Trump wants them to really rush it and that he'll pardon them for any laws they break. Another source says he's "joking" but we know what Trump's sense of humor is like. Well, seeing something so stupid in progress is kind of funny. Well, its either laugh or cry at how ridiculous this situation is.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  12. Yoda's_Roomate

    Yoda's_Roomate Chosen One star 5

    Feb 8, 2000
    All I have to say is.....Alabama.

    WASHINGTON – Alabama's Republican Party is calling for its congressional delegation to have Rep. Ilhan Omar, a freshman lawmaker, prominent progressive and one of the first two Muslim women ever elected to Congress, removed from the House of Representatives.

    A resolution calling for the launch of expulsion proceedings got the stamp of approval from the state's Republican party at a retreat over the weekend in Auburn, according to The resolution cites a number of comments Omar has made about terrorists and Israel that sparked controversy throughout the last several months, including remarks that were denounced by even some Democrats as playing into anti-Semitic tropes.
  13. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Moderator star 10 Staff Member Moderator

    Apr 27, 2005
    This is the same state party that chose Roy Moore to replace Lindsay Graham as Alabama's Senator in Congress, cannot even say I'm surprised.
    Rylo Ken and Runjedirun like this.
  14. bluealien1

    bluealien1 Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 14, 2015
    "The president's ancestors were from the village of Kallstadt in the west of Germany. His grandfather Friedrich—later Frederick—came to the U.S. in 1885 and made his fortune during the Yukon gold rush in Alaska. He became rich by establishing a series of hotels that also served as brothels."

    So abusing woman is in his blood.....makes sense
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
    Glitterstimm and appleseed like this.
  15. Yodaminch

    Yodaminch Chosen One star 6

    Mar 6, 2002
    This to me shows how people underestimate Warren. She doesn’t need to call Trump a liar. Saying Trump is a liar is saying water is wet, grass is green, and the sky is blue. People know these facts. Those who pretend they don’t are not suddenly going to be shocked out of their stupor by Warren. Instead, she has focused in on the human cost of his policies- the financial ruin he has laid on farmers, the cruelty of his immigration plan, the dangerous game of chicken he has played with the economy and the heartless treatment of children. There is more than enough for her to go after then Trump’s lies. Far more. And she’s continued to focus on that. And that is why she is rising. She is making that connection with the very voters Hillary struggled with. And she is reaching them based on her plans and her humanity. Trump has neither and that is going to be what does him in.
    Rew, Bilbo Fett, Juliet316 and 2 others like this.
  16. Jedi Merkurian

    Jedi Merkurian Future Films Rumor Naysayer star 7 Staff Member Manager

    May 25, 2000
    If it is, it shouldn’t be.
  17. PCCViking

    PCCViking 8X Wacky Wednesday Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
    Probably not, but who would enforce it, especially given the appeals courts just dismissed the Emoulents Clause suit by Maryland and D.C. for lack of standing?
  18. SateleNovelist11

    SateleNovelist11 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 10, 2015
    Corruption has been normalized at a staggering rate.
    MrZAP, Glitterstimm, Bacon164 and 6 others like this.
  19. PCCViking

    PCCViking 8X Wacky Wednesday Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
    The Teapot Dome Scandal and Watergate were the most serious Presidential scandals for Harding and Nixon.

    For Trump, it's just another Tuesday.
  20. Yoda's_Roomate

    Yoda's_Roomate Chosen One star 5

    Feb 8, 2000

    MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell says he has a source who told him Russian oligarchs signed off loans given to President Trump by Deutsche Bank.

    "This single source close to Deutsche Bank has told me that the Trump — Donald Trump's loan documents there show that he has co-signers. That's how he was able to obtain those loans. And that the co-signers are Russian oligarchs," he said.

    A shocked Maddow replied, "What? Really?"

    "That would explain, it seems to me, every kind word Donald Trump has ever said about Russia and Vladimir Putin, if true, and I stress the 'if true' part of this," O'Donnell added.
    JEDI-RISING and SateleNovelist11 like this.
  21. SateleNovelist11

    SateleNovelist11 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 10, 2015
    I want that investigated, YRoomate.
  22. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    Hillary Clinton taking a brave position.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
    Rew, MrZAP, Ghost and 4 others like this.
  23. Chewgumma

    Chewgumma Chosen One star 7

    Apr 14, 2009
    Clinton: We should not nuke hurricanes.
    Ghost likes this.
  24. Bilbo Fett

    Bilbo Fett Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 19, 2017

    I appreciate Wilson's point. For anyone who glances at his Twitter feed with any sort of regularity you'll know he's both a Floridian and a Republican who hates Donald Trump with a white hot passion. But Trump's MO in these situations is well established. Florida is the richest bounty of swing states and he'd never win Puerto Rico in a hundred years of dedicated campaigning. FEMA would find the funds one way or another should a hurricane wreak havoc there. Puerto Rico would have to get by on old paper towels and hope.
  25. Yoda's_Roomate

    Yoda's_Roomate Chosen One star 5

    Feb 8, 2000
    Dude just send the nukes and get rid of us brown people you hate so much.


    SateleNovelist11 likes this.
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