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OOC The Watering Hole: AKA Black Sheep Ready Room (OOC Thread for the Black Sheep RPG. All Welcome!)

Discussion in 'Role Playing Resource' started by Vehn, Jan 1, 2022.

  1. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    So you found my secret hideout? :p

    That flight looks utterly amazing @Sarge, and you look so damn happy!
  2. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    We've become very entrepreneurial to support our efforts, it seems! :cool:
  3. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
  4. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
  5. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    Dangerous pussy's indeed! :p
    darthbernael likes this.
  6. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Sarge and Adalia-Durron like this.
  7. Sgt.Matt

    Sgt.Matt Jedi Master star 3

    May 12, 2018
    Just a small question regarding the rp's lore, have the Sheep ever ran afoul of any Mandalorian clans?

    If so, how was the interactions like?
    Mistress_Renata likes this.
  8. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    We've had some individual Mandos as Sheep, including our first XO NPC. I don't recall any encounters with a clan.
  9. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    I had a fun weekend...went to my very first burlesque show: The Empire Strips Back! (Google it ). Very tasteful, dancers were amazing, and there were two Twi'lek who Kayne would have appreciated, though they were green, not purple. Did a very moody and beautiful dance. Adults only, but it was very classy. Reminded me of the Folies Bergere. There was some amazing puppetry, too, including Jabba and a TaunTaun. It seems to have finished up in Australia, did anyone catch it while it was there? All over the US. It's been to Paris, but I don't see it anywhere else. Strongly recommend!
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2024
  10. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    I saw the Empire Strips back in March this husband was quite apprehensive but was joining in by the end and enjoying the show. Was worth the night out for sure, and the host pinned me as a super fan shooting questions at me and shocked I knew the answers! lol
    darthbernael and Sarge like this.
  11. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    You could have hosted, no doubt! I was blown away by the TaunTaun puppet. It was a fun night, that's for sure.
  12. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    I haven't seen that show, but one of the dancers is the daughter of a good friend of mind. She showed me a picture of her Vader costume. ^:)^=D==P~[face_batting]:*[face_love]:eek:
  13. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    That's where my husband balked, 'that's someone's daughter........does that make me wrong?'

    Reminded him every woman is someone's daughter.....and that is her profession.
    darthbernael and Sarge like this.
  14. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Traer is in therapy in a combo and is going to punch the therapist
  15. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    If the therapist is Raynor, she'll punch back.
  16. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Traer punches back too!
  17. Sgt.Matt

    Sgt.Matt Jedi Master star 3

    May 12, 2018
    While Traer is tossing hands with the therapist, Zero is jamming into some Imperial swag with Digger and Vermillion
    darthbernael likes this.
  18. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    @Mistress_Renata - I feel like the guys didn't like the subject, so changed it :p LOL
    darthbernael and Sinrebirth like this.
  19. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    LOL, I'm working on a combo with @Sinrebirth right now, he is keeping me on my toes!
  20. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    That does not surprise me at all, I try to avoid him, cause he does that!!! He scares me too, in RPG world at least :p In RL? Snorts Pussycat...
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  21. Sgt.Matt

    Sgt.Matt Jedi Master star 3

    May 12, 2018
    What would be your characters worst fear?
    darthbernael likes this.
  22. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    [face_thinking] Max would probably most be afraid of losing her Dad, or losing Digger (she's got a lot of him backed up, but it wouldn't be the same). Being captured & tortured, maybe; she wouldn't want to betray her friends.

    Thought one of my worst fears had come to pass...couldn't get my laptop to boot up from sleep mode! Had a small panic attack. I walked away for a while, did a chore, came back, pressed the power button & prayed... victory! It's amazing how much of our lives is on these devices!!!
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2024
    darthbernael , Sgt.Matt and Sarge like this.
  23. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Well I hope you emphasise with Mr Traer. He's not all bad.

    Sublime combo, @Mistress_Renata, one of my favourite ever.
  24. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    Which bit? Do we want to know? :confused: [face_hypnotized]:eek:
    darthbernael likes this.
  25. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I mean he started trashing the room. O:)