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Beyond - Legends The X-Wing Files--"The Obvious Truth" Wedge/Iella updated 12/6

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by LoriLynn, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. LoriLynn

    LoriLynn Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 2011
    I've been busy reading the X-Wing books (special thanks to Lexi for loaning them to me!). It is my firm belief that these characters do not get enough love from fanfic writers. Therefore, I've decided to keep a thread of drabbles focusing on all the pilots from Rogue and Wraith Squadrons.
    Here's the first installment...

    [B]Mission Parameters--Wedge, Tycho, Mirax/Corran (41 ABY, Corellia)[/B]

    By the time Wedge and Tycho showed up at his door, Corran was already on his third glass of Corellian whiskey. He led them into the living room where he reclaimed his seat on the couch.

    ?We came as soon as we heard,? Wedge said.

    Corran nodded. ?I don?t think it?s hit me quite yet.?

    Tycho leaned forward, his elbows resting against his thighs, graying blonde hair falling in his eyes. ?Corran, it?s not the end of the world.?

    The former Corsec agent huffed. ?How would you know? You?ve never dealt with this before.?

    ?But I have,? the older Corellian argued. ?So believe me when I tell you that this is not the end.?

    A look of fierce determination flashed in Corran?s eyes. ?You?re right.? He threw back the remainder of the whiskey and slammed the glass down on the table. ?I?ve got to do something. I can stop this.?

    ?I don?t think that?s what the General had in mind,? Tycho sighed.

    ?No he?s right,? Corran began pacing the living room, heedless of the others. ?I?ve got to make some calls. I need reinforcements. Call Hobbie?and Wes! His expertise will be vital for this mission.?

    ?And what exactly are the parameters of this mission?? Wedge asked. He hoped the sarcasm would help his friends see how ridiculous he was being.

    ?It?s very simple, gentlemen. Find the enemy, isolate him, and destroy him.?

    ?Corran Horn!? Three heads snapped up. ?You are unbelievable. And you two should know better than to egg him on.?

    ?We weren?t,? Wedge argued.

    ?Mirax, I have to do something. I can?t just sit by while things change around me.

    Mirax Terrik Horn rolled her eyes, her arms crossed firmly over her chest. ?Corran, whether you like it or not, Jysella is getting married. Get over it.?


    [B]Let me know what you think![/B]
  2. LexiLupin

    LexiLupin Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 27, 2011
    ?We came as soon as we heard,? Wedge said.

    Somebody's sick?

    Corran nodded. ?I don?t think it?s hit me quite yet.?

    Somebody's dying?

    ?Corran, it?s not the end of the world.?

    Mirax is leaving him?

    A look of fierce determination flashed in Corran?s eyes. ?You?re right.? He threw back the remainder of the whiskey and slammed the glass down on the table. ?I?ve got to do something. I can stop this.?

    Someone is about to start a war?

    Mirax Terrik Horn rolled her eyes, her arms crossed firmly over her chest. ?Corran, whether you like it or not, Jysella is getting married. Get over it.?

    Nope! Just overprotective fathers being overprotective fathers! :D

    ?No he?s right,? Corran began pacing the living room, heedless of the others. ?I?ve got to make some calls. I need reinforcements. Call Hobbie?and Wes! His expertise will be vital for this mission.?

    I'd think he'd be more afraid of Wes hitting on Jysella than about Jysella getting married... hehe.

    ?It?s very simple, gentlemen. Find the enemy, isolate him, and destroy him.?

    Oh, some poor boy out there isn't gonna know what hit him...

    [face_laugh] Very cute, Lori- and I, of course, wholly approve and concur that we do need more Xwing fics on the Boards. I can't wait to see what further viggies you come up with! [:D]

    EDIT- oh, and you're welcome for the books! Let me know when you want me to send the rest of 'em.. ;)
    Actually, come to think of it, I'll be visiting the midwest sometime early next year... maybe we should just arrange a book drop-off of epic proportions. All the NJO books... man. LOL.
  3. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Here I am, thinking someone is dead, dying or kidnapped. [face_laugh] Oh, how I love overprotective daddies.

    Great job. Please continue. I agree, pilots do not get enough attention here. The x-wing books are some of the best in the EU.
  4. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010

    I will never ever get enough of these overprotective fathers.

    Great job, Lori! And great idea on this series. =D=
  5. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    great drabbles. Love to see X-wing pilots and their stories
  6. Iverna

    Iverna Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 20, 2008
    Yay, X-Wing pilots! I love these guys. And you picked a great moment!

    He hoped the sarcasm would help his friends see how ridiculous he was being.

    Yeah, no, Wedge, I don't think that worked... [face_laugh]

    Loved how they talk about it like they would about a mission. And Mirax coming in at the end and it turns out it's only a wedding - perfect. *lol* and hey, Corran doesn't get to complain. He married Mirax, after all. I bet Booster would get a kick out of seeing this. [face_mischief]
  7. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Haha! Love it. Poor Corran. And poor Mirax!!!
  8. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Nice start, LoriLynn! I quite enjoyed seeing Corran wringing his hands, even though ' the enemy' never seemed too terrible a threat. Now, will Corran confront the unsuspecting groom to be?

    Please pm me with updates. This chapter was far too short. :)
  9. LoriLynn

    LoriLynn Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 2011
    Lexi--I was hoping to mislead some people into thinking Corran was facing a dire situation. I guess I succeeded? :D

    Briannakin--I agree. I'm loving the X-Wing books and their crazy characters.

    Hazel--I'm glad you enjoy the overprotective fathers. There seem to be plenty of them in the SW universe.

    Earlybird--Glad you liked it! Hope you like this next one as well.

    Iverna--I thought about including Booster in the plotting. Maybe that'll come up later ;)

    JM77--Poor Corran? Poor Mirax is what I say. [face_laugh]

    Brodiew--I'm sure that Corran saw this boy as a threat. Don't know if we'll ever see the confrontation though. I'll leave that up to your imagination ;)
  10. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    [face_laugh][face_laugh] Very cute!! Just like a good daddy. My daughter is 19 months old (MONTHS) and my husband was seriously thinking about buying a shirt that we saw the other day: DADD.... Dads Against Daughters Dating. [face_laugh]
  11. Mondra

    Mondra Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 12, 2010
    That was hillarious! I agree, there should be more stories with the Rouges. Those gyus just have so much comical potential...

    Loved it! :D
  12. Maggy

    Maggy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 2, 2004
    [face_laugh][face_laugh] Lovely!!
  13. LoriLynn

    LoriLynn Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 2011
    Ginchy--'Dads Against Daughters Dating'? That's hysterical. My brother-in-law would love that! Cora's only 2 months old but he's already looking for a gun so that he can be cleaning it when her date shows up. 8-}

    Mondra--I love the Rogues as well as the Wraiths. I've been trying to work the phrase 'Yub Yub' into my daily conversations.

    Maggy--glad you liked it.

    Thanks for all the reviews guys! I'm glad you're liking this. The next drabble should be up soon!! [face_dancing]
  14. LoriLynn

    LoriLynn Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 2011
    Sorry this one took so long. I was working on a different drabble but it just wasn't coming out right so I pushed it aside and moved on to this one. I'm still hoping that the first drabble will work itself out. Stay tuned for that!

    I dedicate this one to the weirdos at the gym this morning. Thanks for the inspiration guys!


    Face?s Faces (7 ABY, Coruscant)

    It was a rare opportunity that Wraith Squadron had any sort of down time between missions. And while most pilots would take that time to catch up on their sleep or raise a glass to those who didn?t come back, Kell Tainer was spending his time catching up on missed workouts.

    His feet pounded against the treadmill, his breathing becoming more and more labored. He looked to his left where his squadron-mate and girlfriend, Tyria Sarkin, was keeping pace with him. She smiled at him and increased her speed. Kell noted the hint of a challenge behind that smile and boosted his own speed to match hers.

    ?Having trouble keeping pace?? she laughed.

    It annoyed him slightly that she was barely panting, but what else could one expect from an Antarian Ranger?

    ?I?m fine,? he said. He watched her for a moment, admiring the way her clothes clung to the curves of her body, the way her long blonde hair swung back and forth with every step she took, the fine sheen of sweat that formed along her brow. Eventually he shook his head and looked away; thoughts like that would lead his mind to other places and while he didn?t mind thinking about such things, it could lead to a rather embarrassing situation if dwelt upon for too long.

    Seeking a distraction, his eyes bounced around the small gym. There were a handful of pilots working out on several of the machines scattered around the room, most of which were unfamiliar to Kell. Luckily there was one all too recognizable face in the crowd.

    Garik ?Face? Loran stood on the opposite side of the room, wrapping his hands with tape as he prepared to lift some weights. Kell watched as he dialed the weight on that dumbbell up to 20 kilos and lifted it almost effortlessly. After a few sets, Face replaced the dumbbell, dialed up the weight to 30 kilos, and started again.

    Kell was impressed. Face didn?t even look like he was straining to lift the weight, just bobbing his head to the music pumping from his ear buds. He seemed as perfectly poised as always.

    Until you looked at his face.

    Kell had to work very hard to not laugh out loud as he watched the muscles in Face?s face twitch and move. His eyes were twice their normal size and focused intently on the mirror in front of him. The faces Loran was making could only be described as astronomically comical. At one point he cocked his right eyebrow and leered at his own reflection making ?come hither? eyes.

    It was all too much for Kell who stumbled slightly when he hit the point where his laughter could no longer be contained.

    ?What?s wrong?? Tyria asked.

    Kell shook his head. ?Watch Face,? he nodded discreetly toward their friend.

    Tyria turned her head and watched Loran closely. She was about to ask Kell what she was looking for when Face?s lips curled back, his teeth grinding together. His eyebrows knit together over harsh looking eyes and a guttural sound erupted from low in his throat.

    ?Did he just growl?? she whispered, but Kell was laughing too hard to answer her. Tyria slowed her speed to a jog so she wouldn?t fall off the treadmill as the giggles overcame her. Beside her Kell slowed and eventually climbed off his machine, wiping the tears from his eyes. Tyria followed suit. The pair quickly slipped out of the gym and headed back toward their rooms.

    ?I can?t believe he was growling,? she laughed.

    ?You missed the expression before that,? Kell told her. ?I think he was hitting on himself in the mirror.?

    Tyria?s laughter echoed around the corridor. Had anyone else been in that particular hallway, they would surely be questioning her sanity. Tyria grabbed Kell?s hand as they rounded the corner toward their quarters and pulled him toward her own door
  15. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    [face_laugh] Oh dear! That was too funny!
  16. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    [face_laugh] Great piece, Lori!
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Great fun before beginning my workout[face_laugh]
  18. LexiLupin

    LexiLupin Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 27, 2011
    I think what I like most about this drabble, Lori, is the fact that you basically gave me a heads up about it when you were texting me about how crazy the people at the gym are. [face_laugh] It's fun to see those day-to-day :oops: moments translate into bits of X-wing comedy. :D

    Now I'll just be waiting for the drabble about jeans and crocs. ;)

    Fun, and love the use of some characters who definitely need some more love in fanfic. [face_love]

    Can't wait for the next one!

  19. LoriLynn

    LoriLynn Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 2011
    Yay, two drabbles in under a week! Go me!! [face_dancing]


    Designations (17 ABY, Coruscant)

    As a pilot for the New Republic military, Wedge Antilles had seen a lot of things, been to more planets than he ever dreamed possible, and had one of the most impressive kill records of any squadron. He had led two elite fighter squadrons before his thirtieth lifeday and was promoted to New Republic General soon after. Eventually he had gathered the gumption to romance and marry Iella Wessiri and for once he had a life outside of the military.

    Yes, Wedge Antilles had led a fairly remarkable life by any and all standards. But even all those experiences could not prepare Wedge for his biggest undertaking yet.

    ?Pregnant?? He stared at the little disk in his palm with the little yellow plus sign blinking brightly. ?A-are you sure??

    Iella nodded, her eyes red rimmed no doubt from her prior fits of hysteria. To say that the pregnancy was unplanned would be like saying that Palpatine wasn?t a nice person.

    Wedge dropped onto the couch, his attention still riveted on the test in his hand. ?How did this happen??

    ?Do you need a diagram?? Iella laughed and sat next to him, taking comfort as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. ?Remember a few weeks ago, after Tycho and Winter?s wedding??

    Even in such a serious situation, Wedge was hard fought to keep the smirk off his face. Both he and Iella had consumed a large amount of alcohol at the Celchu?s wedding reception so their friends stuffed them into a taxi and bid them goodnight. The ride back to their apartment building didn?t take long and it was all Wedge could do to keep his hands to himself. That didn?t mean that his wife had the same control. They?d stumbled in their front door and didn?t bother to enter the apartment any farther before becoming tangled up in one another. And the entryway had been only the beginning. Given their rather inebriated status, it wasn?t shocking that neither had thought to use some form of protection. The following day, once the alcohol had been purged from their systems and common sense could once again take its rightful place, they had discussed it. Iella was certain that she was at a point in her cycle that would make the chance of conception slim.

    Apparently she was wrong.

    ?I remember,? Wedge answered her. ?So uh?which time do you think it was??

    Iella swatted his stomach playfully but didn?t bother to hide the smile on her face. It had been a great night, but even the best of times have their consequences. ?I?m betting it was in the kitchen.?

    Wedge chuckled. ?Not the shower?? Iella shook her head. ?Or the bedroom??

    ?Nope. Definitely in the kitchen.? A comfortable silence settled over them, giving each a few moments to consider the situation fully. ?So what do we do now??

    Wedge tightened his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. ?I guess we have a baby.? The smile on her face and the release of tension in her muscles told Wedge that was exactly what she had wanted to hear.

    Wedge Antilles had gone by many names in his life: Rogue 2, Wraith Leader, General, husband, friend, and many more. But now he faced his biggest challenge yet and with it came a new designation: father.


    It feels so good to write fluff. It's like breathing air! [face_love]
  20. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Love that. Wedge becoming a father[face_dancing] and where it happened:D
  21. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Awww! I loved that. Wonderful drabble!
  22. LexiLupin

    LexiLupin Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 27, 2011
    Aw! [face_love] And 'father' will, undoubtedly, be the trickiest title of them all. :D

    ?I remember,? Wedge answered her. ?So uh?which time do you think it was??

    [face_mischief] Go Wedge. ;)

  23. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Wonderful! [face_love]

    Sometimes the best things are completely unplanned.
  24. Mondra

    Mondra Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 12, 2010
    Aww... I love Wedge/Iella pairing...
    And I missed the chapter with Face! Unforgivable! Is there a PM list? I'd like to be on it. :D
  25. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    So sweet!! [face_love] And so very Wedge. [face_laugh] [face_laugh] There's far too little W/I fic around. I loved it!!