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Fanclub This Party's Just Beginning - The Mace Windu Fanclub!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by Darkslayer, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. JediMasterAmanda

    JediMasterAmanda Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 7, 2005
    I was, actually. :p Considering we just went over this during our role plays. :p
  2. Padawan4687

    Padawan4687 Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 10, 2010
    Do you have any idea how much time I spent digging around said Roleplays, trying to find that little conversation?! [face_laugh]
  3. JediMasterAmanda

    JediMasterAmanda Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 7, 2005
    As much time as I was trying to find our talk about cosplays for the story? :p

    Anyways, there is another question I left you to answer. ;)
  4. Padawan4687

    Padawan4687 Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 10, 2010

    The actor's name is Samuel L. Jackson... one of my personal favorites to see on-screen. :D Star Wars related or otherwise!
    Darkslayer likes this.
  5. JediMasterAmanda

    JediMasterAmanda Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 7, 2005

    And this is why one of my managers is wrong about people hating the fact there's a black Jedi. No one hates Samuel. :p
    Darkslayer likes this.
  6. Padawan4687

    Padawan4687 Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 10, 2010
    He thinks people hate the fact that there's a black Jedi? :eek: If it weren't for him and Lando, I wouldn't have known that dark-skinned humans even existed in the GFFA!
  7. JediMasterAmanda

    JediMasterAmanda Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 7, 2005
    He thinks everyone is racist. This is the same one that is convinced everyone cares only about looks though, so I shouldn't be surprised. He's convinced all people follow stereotypes. Also accuses me of doing drugs. As if. :rolleyes:
  8. Mace Windu is GOAT

    Mace Windu is GOAT Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 13, 2016
    That would be right if I said SW. But, in the question I asked for the voice actor who portrays Mace in TCW, who is a different person. Sorry.
  9. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    Well, SLJ does voice him in the film. Just not the tv series :p
  10. Mace Windu is GOAT

    Mace Windu is GOAT Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 13, 2016
    Since no one answered Round Two, Round Three begins.
    What form of lightsaber combat does Mace use?
  11. Padawan4687

    Padawan4687 Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 10, 2010
    I'm afraid to try answering... :p And, who was the real voice actor then?
  12. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    TJ Carson I believe. :)
    Mace Windu is Awesome likes this.
  13. Mace Windu is GOAT

    Mace Windu is GOAT Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 13, 2016
    Terrence Carson. He has also voiced Master Windu in a ton of video games.
  14. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    I thought it was either Terrence or TJ! Lol :p
    Mace Windu is Awesome likes this.
  15. JediMasterAmanda

    JediMasterAmanda Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 7, 2005

    Vapaad, a form of his own design that he created to make his own inner darkness into a weapon for the Light. :p
  16. Cleo Jinn

    Cleo Jinn Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 7, 2015
    Where is round 4? I want to join this club, Mace Windu is awesome. :)
    And SLJ is a really good actor. ;)
  17. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    Just say your favorite Mace moment and you're in! :D
    Dagobahsystem likes this.
  18. Cleo Jinn

    Cleo Jinn Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 7, 2015
    My favorite Mace moment is the part that this thread is named after, when he says, "this partys over."
    But if we are allowed TCW as well, I like the part in the Mace and Jar Jar arc when he uses the Force to lift Jar Jar up up and away, nearly risking his life to save Binks. (this is in the weird Temple,that is underground)
    Mace Windu is Awesome likes this.
  19. Mace Windu is GOAT

    Mace Windu is GOAT Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 13, 2016
    Correct! Round Four- How many Jedi were involved in Mace's "mission" to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi on Geonosis?
  20. Cleo Jinn

    Cleo Jinn Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 7, 2015
  21. Mace Windu is GOAT

    Mace Windu is GOAT Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 13, 2016
    Correct! Round Five (Final Round)- Who and what species was the senator that Mace attended the funeral of in TCW?
  22. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    There is no doubt that the mysterious Cleo Jinn should be admitted to this fanclub.


    1) Darkslayer (Master of the Order)
    2) Pensivia
    3) BigAl6ft6
    4) mihaitzateo
    5) Saga Explorer
    6) Alienware
    7) ChefCurryWindu
    8) Padawan4687
    9) JediMasterAmanda
    10) Deliveranze
    11) Mace Windu is Awesome
    12) Dagobahsystem
    13) Cleo Jinn
  23. Cleo Jinn

    Cleo Jinn Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 7, 2015
    Mysterious? Me? :p
    Darkslayer and Padawan4687 like this.
  24. JediMasterAmanda

    JediMasterAmanda Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 7, 2005
    Yup, you're a complete mystery, Cleo. :p
    Darkslayer and Cleo Jinn like this.
  25. Cleo Jinn

    Cleo Jinn Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 7, 2015
    Not to you, you know almost everything about me. :p
    Darkslayer likes this.