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Spain Time to pack, the forums are moving

Discussion in 'Europe Discussion' started by Obi Anne , Mar 13, 2012.

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  1. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Update: Boards will shut down for data migration on March 21st, 2012. The process is estimated to take up to 2 weeks, during which time we will be using a temporary board accessible through the normal JC URL.

    for more information

    [blockquote][b][u]SO NOW THAT WE'RE FINALLY MOVING...[/u]
    A Preliminary Guide to the FF/JCcalypse[/b][/blockquote]

    [i]We're moving, wooooo![/i]

    [b]So we're moving?[/b]

    Yeah! Finally!

    [b]April's Fools lolz?[/b]

    No. Shut up.

    [b]What are these IGN fellows going to do?[/b]

    IGN is planning to export our forum data at some point in the coming weeks. We have not yet decided on an exact date.

    [b]So what's exactly going to happen?[/b]

    The JC is about to undergo a major upgrade. After the move, all the current glitches like new user registrations and email notifications will finally work again.

    [b]How will I get to this "temporary board"?[/b]

    Once the boards are officially shut down for the move, will automatically forward you to the temp board.

    [b]How will the "temp board" work?[/b]

    The temp board will basically just be a place to hang out until the move has been completed. The temp board is going to be a brand new board - nothing from this board is going to be transferred to it, which means you will have to register a new temporary account in order to post. No threads or posts will be transferred either. After the move is completed, the temp board will be shut down.

    [b]How long does this conversion take? And how does it exactly work?[/b]

    IGN will be exporting all the data from this forum and converting it into a database compatible with XenForo. They will then mail us the data on a hard drive, which will then be imported into the new board set up on TFN's servers. We expect it to take somewhere between 1 to 3 weeks, depending on how long each step of the process takes to complete.

    [b]So when will the new FF/JC be back?[/b]

    When the move has been completed and we've had the chance to verify the import process, will automatically switch over to the new board.

    [b]What can I expect when the new board opens?[/b]

    [u][i]Your password will not be transferred[/i][/u], so in order to log in for the first time, you will need to initiate the password recovery and have your new password emailed to you via the email associated with your account. More in-depth details on how this process will work will be provided in the near future once we've had a chance to test out the process for ourselves.

    [b]So should I add an e-mail address to my profile?[/b]

    Yes, and why the hell haven't you done that already!?

    [b]Will everything be alright?[/b]

    Uh, sure.

    [b]Hug? :([/b]

    Sure, why not?

    [u][b]Some useful Links:[/b][/u]
    [ul][li][link=]Jedi Council Forums[/link] - The official Facebook page for technical updates on the status of the boards[/li]
    [li][link=!/JediCouncilTFN]@JediCouncilTFN[/link] - The official Twitter feed for the boards[/li]
    [li][link=]The Move[/link] - The thread in Comms for the move.[/li][/ul]

    If you have any questions, ask them here so we can either answer them or ask the people in the know.
  2. JoinTheSchwarz

    JoinTheSchwarz Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 21, 2002
    Haré un tema en el foro temporal llamado "FanForce Spain". Nos vemos allí. :)
  3. DarkSapiens

    DarkSapiens Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 2, 2005
    Ok, menos mal que se me ha ocurrido entrar a esto hoy XD

    Por cierto, nada de aquí se transferirá al foro temporal? y nada del temporal se transferirá al nuevo, ¿no? ¿Todo lo que se diga en el temporal se perderá?
  4. JoinTheSchwarz

    JoinTheSchwarz Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 21, 2002
    Por ahora, a no ser que ocurra algo inesperado, eso es lo que va a ocurrir.
  5. DarkSapiens

    DarkSapiens Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 2, 2005
    Ok, que yo estaba asumiendo eso pero ahora de repente me entró la duda :p
  6. JoinTheSchwarz

    JoinTheSchwarz Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 21, 2002
    Pues la migración se ha cargado todos los caracteres especiales del foro. :(
  7. DarkSapiens

    DarkSapiens Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 2, 2005
    Bueeeeenas, por fin he llegado aquí. Una pena lo de los caracteres especiales, sí :(
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