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Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by Dork-Vader, Feb 20, 2004.

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  1. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    It's nearly 5:00 over there, Ben. Go for it.

    Michael: I know what you mean when it comes to having potential guests not reply to you. I sent a request for appearance info to Peter Mayhew and Anthony Daniels via internet about a year ago (to pass on to MSC). I never heard anything at all from either.
  2. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    Ben, have one for us!

    Thanks for the info, Mike. Wish you could have made it out. We had a blast. Saw Carlin and he said that it looks like Steve 'The Dude' Rude is locked in as a commics guest. (For anyone not familiar with 'The Dude' he's got a book out now with Dark Horse called 'The Moth', and has worked on Captain America, Batman/Superman, and is best known for his comic book 'Nexus'.) Looking forward to seeing him and his wife Jaynelle again. They were great in Metropolis. Mike- I did mention MSC to several folks at TC!1 and most had never heard of it. What kind of advertising/promos does the con do?

    Jacob- man, I'm glad someone has got some SMT enthusiasm! I'm one tired Super-Kid! (I've actually got hot compresses on my knees- I've uttered the prhase, "I'm getting too old for this $#*%!" more times lately than I can count!) You and Joe keep up the enthusiasm levels until after the holidays and we'll talk! I am up for having a SMT/SW presence at more events. Maybe we can start working on the costumes again after the first of the year. I know I met several folks at TC! that mentioned they were either working on or wanted to work on a costume. Maybe we can even hit a few Christmas parades next year.

    I'm really glad to see that TC! went over so well with everyone, and that there is interest in doing another.

    BTW- who took the shot of me in the Rebel helmet?

  3. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    I'm all for enthusiasm, fellas. I wish everyone were as enthusiastic as the two of you are. Lin and I both are tired puppies, that's for sure. Hopefully, our unusually-high levels of enthusiasm will return after the holidays. Right now, though, I think we need (and deserve) a bit of rest before we start rocking in 2005.
  4. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    I just realized we have 12 pgs of TC! posts!

  5. WonderPants

    WonderPants Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 6, 2003
    Between the JD I had earlier and digging up Natalie pictures, my headache has gone. :)
  6. Timewalker

    Timewalker Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 27, 2004
    Steve Rude?????!!!!!!

    Oh man, if that is true, then I'll have to go! I love his work.

  7. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    Y'all will have to refresh my memory about just who he is.

    I'm just a CBGIT (Comic Book Geek-In-Training), and I have a long way to go. (I'm Lin's Padawan when it comes to comics.)

  8. Timewalker

    Timewalker Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 27, 2004
    Here is a column a friend of mine write after hearing Rude speak at the Motor City Con recently.

    And here is his official site, where he does have MSC listed under appearances.

    When I have a little more time, I'll find some more stuff for you.

    -Joe (who will gladly assist Lin in your training, young master Qui-Gon)
  9. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    'The Dude' is the big comics guy I told you about who when Alex Ross (big comics guy, too!) asked Steve why he was outside under a tent instead of inside with all the other celebs/guests he answered, "I like drawing and talking to the fans." Alex said, "Oh-kaaaay..." Great guy, and not only did he talk to and draw for the fans, he did it for FREE!

    He's one of those artists who are so talented and skilled in storytelling that they kind of get looked over by new readers because he doesn't do a lot of eye-candy. That's not to say his work isn't gorgeous to look at, he's a solid draftsman and not overly flashy.

    Good guy. Looking forward to having him come to town. I have always liked his work, but really became a fan after meeting him and seeing more of his work. I hope he has something in the con art show.
  10. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    Ok, I've started posting pics on the site.

    If anyone else has some TC!1 shots please email them to me. Once I've got all of these and the Kidz Day shots together I'll be glad to burn a piture CD for anyone who wants one.

    Oh, and feel free to pm/email me any info for the pictures that are posted, or post your own comments.
  11. mr_nightmarez

    mr_nightmarez Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 20, 2003

    Pat has all my pics on a CD. (Haunt & Timmycon)
    If you can not snag that - let me know and I'll make you a CD too... You know how Pat is when it comes to "sharing"....

  12. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    No prob- I'll see if I can get a copy from him. He said something about Libby making a DVD of the video footage John took..?
  13. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    Just found out from Greg that Memphis and the MSCA will be the host for the next annual NCS(National Cartoonists Society/Southeast Chapter meeting. It'll be in the middle of October and asked me if we were going to be doing TimmyCon! around then or not- he's looking for other events to tie in with the meeting. I told him I wasn't opposed to it, and we'd see how things go. Could be a fun thing- especially for any comics fans like me. Kinda like the Ohio trip I took, but without the road trip!

    Rhonda- I may need some advice for dealing with hotels. Greg's looking to find a hotel for folks to stay at, and to do panels, dinner/breakfast, and a possible art show there or at a nearby gallery. We'd kinda like to know what hotels can/can't will/won't do before he starts negotiations.

    I'm going to talk to Lisa Bobal and see if an animation fest could be held that weekend, too.
  14. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    I wouldn't have a problem at all with doing that, Lin.
  15. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    Groovy. We're supposed to kick around ideas at the next MSCA dinner meeting in a couple weeks.
  16. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    Give me a shout if you want me to tag along. Maybe we could talk Rhonda into joining us. Just choose a restaurant that serves cocktails and you have our undivided attention.
  17. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    We usually do dinner at R.P. Tracks, and I know they have a bar!

    Actually, if Rhonda ever wants to bring her son Jacob out they're more than welcome anytime. He might get a kick out of meeting a few of the guys- Greg draws 'The Buckets' strip, Adam does a comic for Image, Shane does illustrations for the CA and is trying to get on with Dark Horse, and we all know Antone draws comics with BIG breasted women- always a big hit with male teenagers!
  18. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    Int he event of a water landing, please use Antone's heroine as a flotation device.

    I'd feel out of place since I only draw stick figures. And I do that poorly.
  19. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    Put some big boobs on them and nobody will notice!

    (*Note- that was not a knock at Antone since he CAN draw nice women and he has a black belt in karate!)
  20. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    Antone is very talented. I wish I could draw women with big boobs. I wish I could draw anything. But, alas... This is why I leave the artwork up to you, Lin.
  21. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    No prob- next SMT promo piece will have a green woman with big boobs!

    (How about that- three seperate threads mentioning green women at the same time!)
  22. rhonderoo

    rhonderoo Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 7, 2002
    Let me know when you do the next meeting, and I'll come. I can bring some info.

    I'm sure Jacob would love to come also. He'd be in heaven being around that many artists.
  23. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    First Thursday of each month- the next one should be December 2nd at 7:00pm. R.P. Tracks is next door to the Tiger Book Store on Walker off Highland/Southern near the UofM and Highland Strip.
  24. otisdodge

    otisdodge Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 21, 2004
    Actually I am no good at that kind of drawing and have only recently gotten into reading comics. I would feel pretty out of place.
    Still, I might think about coming some time, but I always have class on Thursday nights. Ironically, our class sometimes ends up at RP Tracks afterward--I wonder how many times I have brushed past Lin before I knew him?
  25. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    Heck, we found out that Tim and I both saw ROTJ at the same place/showing back when we were kids and didn't know each other! Traci and Rhonda did, too!
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