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Saga To Every Thing There is a Season |the Kessel Run Challenge, Winter 2022

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Seldes_Katne, Jan 15, 2022.

  1. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Thank you. I remember seeing him in TPM and understanding why his mere appearance would scare the living daylights out of a lot of people. And I agree that it was too bad he was killed off in that movie, but ... dead is dead, unless you've got a plausible explanation otherwise. (Or you're writing superhero comic books, apparently.) I could certainly understand why Maul would be confused after all that.

    Thank you. I don't have a lot of characters I really dislike -- I mean, they're fiction! If I don't like someone in fiction, I always have the option to close the book/change the channel/pick up my popcorn bucket and leave the theater. Why torture myself?
    All those items in the therapist's office are psychologically meant to put people at ease -- light blue tends to help people relax, kittens are cute and friendly, etc. (Although I might have had gizkaspice's "Fluffy the Therapy Cat" holiday story in the back of my mind... [face_whistling]

    Thank you. That is the question, isn't it? I hope the final answer, should we ever get it, isn't too traumatizing.

    I'm guessing the doctor's seen all kinds in his career. I wonder if he was Darth Vader's therapist, too....

    And in what order....

    Thank you. And thank you for commenting.
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  2. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Week 9 Prompt: Write a poem of any style/form and of any length.


    Author's Note: Believe it or not, this does qualify as poetry. I've been wanting to try a shape poem for ages, so this was my chance! Shape poetry (also called "concrete poetry") is exactly what it sounds like: the words are arranged to form a shape related to the poem. Some examples can be seen here:
    umbrella poem
    spring butterfly:
    Student poems:
    An article about shape poems, with instructions:

    My poem is less complex than some, but I'm reasonably satisfied with it.

    And some recommendations: most libraries and bookstores will have a poetry section, but there is an entire genre of fiction where a story is told through free verse or other kinds of poetry. Try Love That Dog and its sequel Hate That Cat (don't worry, no cats were harmed in the writing of this book), both by Sharon Creech. Also Out of the Dust, by Karen Hesse, which won the Newbery Award in 1998.
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    WOW this is great, expressing the menace that is the Death Star
  4. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Wow, definitely a neat and outside-the-box idea for the poetry prompt! And all of it fits perfectly, right down to “commence primary ignition,” “laser,” and “fire!” in the superlaser. It’s interesting to note the spots where there’s symmetry and where there isn’t, and in a way that adds to the description of the Death Star, too, because of the asymmetry (to put it mildly) brought about by its destructive capabilities. Nice work and very fun and original, indeed! =D=
  5. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Very cool! This is very well-done, and even the more subtle details like the different text colors (grey and black) add to the overall effect of the shape. Those words definitely make up the Death Star and what it represents. I agree with @Findswoman , the "laser" and "Fire!" are perfect. I don't think I would have had the patience to try to do the word shapes on a computer, so major props on that. Your poems are always awesome. Great work! =D=
  6. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    I am digging this visual poem! Two thumbs up!
    Kahara and Seldes_Katne like this.
  7. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Thank you. A bit oversimplified, perhaps, but overall people seem to like it.

    Thank you. I hadn't thought of the "asymmetry" aspect until you mentioned it. Good call!

    Thank you. [blushing] I did try to do this poem by hand, and... let's just say people should be grateful my computer does "Word Art," because this version was at least legible.

    Thank you. It's a fun form of poetry to play with.
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  8. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Prompt: Write a story between 100 and 400 words, and include these three words: galvanize, cavalier, adversary

    “-s-a-r-y. Adversary,” came six-year-old Ben Solo’s voice from the living room. Han Solo, who had just come in from the back yard landing area for the Millennium Falcon, paused for a moment to listen.

    “That’s very good, Master Ben,” C-3PO said. “Your next word is ‘galvanize’.”

    “How many more do we have to do?” Ben grumbled. “I’m tired of spelling.”

    “We are almost done –only three more words,” the droid replied. “And then we can move on to mathematics. So, ‘galvanize’.”

    Han heard Ben sigh. “G-a-l—“

    Deciding enough was enough already, Han moved toward the living room.

    As 3PO began, “The next word is ‘cavalier’,” Han interrupted them.

    “Hey, buddy, you wanna blow off this lesson and help Chewie and me with the Falcon?”

    “Really, Master Han, this is import—“ 3PO protested. But Han noticed Ben’s eyes had lit up.

    “Can I really? Can I practice flying?” This generally consisted of playing with the main panel when it was (carefully) locked down, but the kid seemed to enjoy it, so….

    “Sure, if you help us do some repairs first.”


    “You go on down to the ship – I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Ben dodged past Han and scurried out of the house. Han turned to 3PO. “Where did you get those words, Goldenrod?”

    “Sir, they are all perfectly good words for spelling practice—“

    “For a six-year-old? I can barely spell ‘em now. He’s a kid, 3PO. Give him a break. I swear, if he ends up as a traumatized adult because of these lessons, I’m coming after you with a blow torch. Understand?”
  9. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    Typical Threepio! As a teacher, this made me smile.
    Kahara and Seldes_Katne like this.
  10. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Treepio and his teachings. They will lead to the dark side I think
    Kahara likes this.
  11. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Ben's a pretty smart kid! Both in being able to spell the words and in recognizing an opportunity to get out of doing it, LOL. This was a fun little slice-of-life at the Solo household. :) Threepio gets no breaks.

    If it wasn't Threepio he was talking to, I would've bet that the sequel would have Han in the spelling classes instead of Ben. :p

    Great work! =D=
  12. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    As much grief as Threepio gets in the movies, he's a stickler for education at all times. Gotta admire that.

    Well, we know how Ben Solo turned out in the ST, so....

    Thank you. The response to this challenge was a surprise to me (never thought I'd be writing about these particular characters), and I'm glad you found it amusing.
  13. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Ah, so this could be where it all started for Ben! As someone married to a Han-like speller myself, that’s a headcanon I could totally accept. :D I have to say, too, that I love how you wrote this just using the prompt words as words—a nice statement about this kind of prompt, which I have personally always found difficult. Thanks so much for sharing—this made me smile! =D=
    Kahara and Seldes_Katne like this.
  14. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Thank you. This was one of those challenges where I considered just using the "Get Out of Jail" prompt -- I have it already written and everything, and will probably post it later -- but this story idea popped up, and it worked.

    About 15 years ago, I ran both a book discussion group and writing workshops for homeschoolers. We did challenges like this one -- each student chose a word and then everyone had to write something incorporating those words. One of the tips I gave the kids was if you're having a hard time fitting one or two (or whatever number) of the words into a story, create a "throw-away" line or scene. (If you're having a hard time fitting all the words in, it might be time to revamp your story idea....)

    For example, your character walks past a bookshelf and notices the title of a publication with your problem word in it. You've now used the word in your story, and your character moves on. Or your character overhears a bit of conversation that includes the problem word in it. (I used this in the Kessel Run Week 5 prompt with the line "All things considered, this was an interesting way to wind up in prison.") Neither of these actions has any real impact on the story, but you've met the criteria and are free to get on with things. Don't get me wrong, it's great if you can actually incorporate the word or phrase as an important part of your story, but if you can't, there's a work-around.

    For the most part, I've enjoyed this challenge and have actually figured out what I'm doing for the 5 + 1 prompt, which still makes no sense to me, but hey, if it works for other writers, have at! :) I'm hoping to post that later this week, and if I can work up enough energy to finish it, I'll post the other idea I had for the 5 + 1 prompt (which I'm pretty sure constitutes cheating, so...).
  15. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    In Which All Roads Lead to Dok-Ondar
    Five sales and a purchase (5 + 1 story prompt)​


    Vestri Dain, Human Sentientologist, and her Ithorian companion Querth Enon strolled through the streets of the Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. Their party’s pilot was talking to personnel at the spaceport, looking for charts and information on the area of Wild Space beyond this planet’s system; two other crew members were arranging for supplies. Vestri and Querth were just taking in the sights, until the Ithorian stopped in front of a large, carved stone. The carvings depicted a pair of eyes and a nose (or face, it was hard to tell) that flared out into a body of sorts.


    The Ithorian lightly touched his fingertips to the stone. “This—this is an ancient relic of Ithor, from a time when our people lived on the surface instead of on herdships. It serves as a gravestone.” He pointed to an inscription at the statue’s base. “That reads ‘We Wither to Bloom’.” He backed away and stood gazing up at the stone. “I wonder how it got here. I thought all those relics were either on our herdships or still on Ithor’s surface.”

    “Well, we can ask the proprietor. Presumably they’re a collector of some sort. It does say ‘Antiquities’ over the door.” Vestri pushed the door open and led the way inside.

    The room was – well, not cluttered, exactly; objects were neatly arranged on racks and shelves and walls – full of a large variety of items in a large variety of sizes. Small pieces of jewelry and full suits of clothing, bladed weapons, helmets, rugs and holographic pictures, books and sculptures and musical instruments.

    “Is there something I can help you find, or do you wish to browse?” A tan Ithorian in blue and yellow robes stood at the counter.

    Vestri and Querth glanced at each other. “We wished to ask about the grave marker outside,” Querth replied finally. “It seems an unusual object to find here.”

    “As you noted, it is a grave marker,” the shop owner said. “It commemorates the death of my parents.”

    “Ah. I feared it had been acquired by someone who did not understand its meaning,” Querth said, bowing slightly in apology.

    “I have an acquaintance aboard one of the herdships,” the other Ithorian explained. “As I am not attached to a group, and I had a valid reason, he allowed me to have it brought here.”

    “Thank you.” Here Querth turned off his translator. “Mnomenet ree ossen’tot. [I did not mean to offend.]”

    His counterpart responded, “Ossen’tay koe h’soton. [No offense was taken.] I am Dok-Ondar, the proprietor. As long as you are here, would you like to look around?”

    “Yes, thank you,” Vestri replied. “You have some fascinating items.”

    She began to wander back and forth among the displays, peering closely at some of the objects. “I recognize some of these things – but most I don’t.”

    “All these antiquities have histories, and most have stories, although I don’t know them all,” Dok-Ondar said.

    “Well, I do love stories,” Vestri said. “I was hoping for something that might include information on Wild Space, at least in this general vicinity.”

    Dok-Ondar left the counter and walked to the book display, selecting a volume and handing ii to the Human. “Perhaps this will do. Beyond the Known Worlds, by Teritt Na’Zen. She supposedly ran four successful expeditions into Wild Space. It’s a copy, not an original. And I have no idea how accurate it is.”

    “That’s all right. It might be useful, or at least entertaining. And maybe we’ll be able to verify the information.” Vestri accepted the book and thumbed through it. “And there are sketches. This will do nicely.”

    They settled on a price, and Vestri tucked the book under her arm. “We’ll see if we have time to stop back in on our way home,” she said. And we’ll certainly recommend you to friends.”



    “This must be the place Vestri was talking about.” A female Togruta, followed by a female Gamorrean, entered Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities and stepped down onto the main floor. Both gazed around the room.

    “Ooooo.” Daggeri was staring at a pair of scimitar-like weapons hanging on the back wall. Turning to Trognu, she asked, “Do you know what those are?” The Gamorrean shook her head. “Those are Cerean shayarn. They’re a very special kind of weapon. They’re forged in a way that makes them magnetically attracted to each other, but not to any other kind of metal.” Daggeri looked up at Dok-Ondar. “Can we see them?”

    The Ithorian nodded to his Clawdite assistant, who located a stool, stepped up and carefully lifted first one, then the other, scimitar down from the wall. He handed them both to Daggeri. The Togruta grinned and handed one hilt first to her companion. “Here. Tap that against this one.”

    Trognu complied, and the two blades locked together. The Gamorrean pulled, gently at first, then more firmly, but the shayarn refused to part. <<How do you fight with these?”>> she asked in her own language. <<It seems more like a wrestling match than swordplay.>>

    “The Cerean people have a bunch of schools where you can learn to use these properly,” Daggeri replied, twisting her weapon until the blades detached. “Apparently, you can train most of your life before you get really good at fighting with these.” She eyed the shayarn appreciatively. “What’s the price on these?”

    Dok-Ondar gave her a number and the Togruta smiled ruefully. “Yeah, that’s above my pay-grade. Maybe someday.” She handed the shayarn back to the Clawdite and watched as he hung them back on the wall.

    <<We’re supposed to meet the others in a few minutes,>> Trognu reminded her.

    “Right. Thanks for letting us look at those,” Daggeri called as she and Trognu stepped up to the door.

    Two hours later, Trognu entered the shop and, as Dok-Ondar looked up, said, <<I want to purchase the shayarn we saw earlier.>> The Gamorrean reached into a pouch and pulled out a generous handful of coins. <<The price is the same, isn’t it? Will this cover it?>>

    “The price remains the same.” The Ithorian counted out the coins, then handed several of them back to Trognu. “You have more than enough. Here is your change.” He signaled to the Clawdite, who took down the shayarn and began wrapping them.

    <<Thank you,>> Trognu said. <<And thank you for being honest.>>

    Dok-Ondar cocked his head. “What do you mean?”

    <<I was hired to be security for my team,>> Trognu replied. <<But my real job is accounting. I know the exchange rates on all kinds of currency, and I knew how many of those coins you would need for the shayarn.>> She dumped the rest of the coins back into her pouch. <<This is the correct change. You’re an honest merchant. Keeping people from cheating my team is a form of security, as far as I’m concerned.>>

    “You are most discerning.”

    << Daggeri’s been kind to me. They all have, really, but I know Daggeri wants these, and I don’t have much else to spend my money on right now, so this is my way of thanking her.>>


    Doing the Math

    After a week-long anthropologists’ conference on Kinyen, the two Sanbra University staff members agreed it was time for a break. While Batuu might not be the idea vacation planet for most beings, a pair of Sentientologists could always find something of interest, especially when shopping for antiquities.

    Iyran Professor Tem Eliss was piloting his floating aquachair around Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities, gleefully pointing out items to his fellow professor, Vestri Dain.

    “I think that one is a Jedha knot – both a form of currency and a spiritual token, if I’m not mistaken. Ah! That’s a pallie-pit necklace! They’re made by the Aki-Aki for their Festival of the Ancestors. If you get a chance, you should attend the next one, which will be coming up in a few years.”

    “Love to. I’ll put it on my schedule.”

    Eliss glanced over at the shop’s owner, Dok-Ondar, who stood at the payment counter. “Wait – is that an abacus? Vestri, look at this! A genuine abacus! I haven’t seen one of those in years!” The aquachair zipped across the room to hover by the counter. “This is remarkable. I… don’t suppose this would be for sale, by any chance?”

    “Certainly not,” Dok-Ondar replied. “This abacus and I go a long way back. I trust it more than a computer. Properly used, it always gives the correct answer.”

    “Of course, of course. Forgive my enthusiasm. It’s just that these are so rare.”

    The Ithorian inclined his head. Eliss floated back to his companion.

    “This is Nautolan, isn’t it?” Vestri held up a double strand of carved coral beads, which ranged from pale yellow to deep blue in color.

    “It is. That is a Nautolan tranquility bracelet. It supposedly allows one to focus during meditation. They are becoming more difficult to get, as the Empire has been interfering with trade routes in that part of the galaxy.”

    “Good enough.” Vestri handed Eliss both the bracelet and necklace and rummaged around in a pocket for money. “Please take these up to the counter and pay for them for me.”

    The Iyran swiveled all of his eyes to stare at her. “Why am I doing this?”

    “So you can watch our host work the abacus.”

    “Oh, I see!” Eliss’s aquachair floated up to the counter with the merchandise and money.

    The dark-skinned Human woman serving as Dok-Ondar’s assistant leaned over and murmured to Vestri, “Good way to keep him busy.”

    Vestri smiled knowingly. “It works pretty well on four-year-old baby Gungans, too.”


    Buy the Book

    “Got a minute?”

    “Several, as a matter of fact. Please, sit.” Tem Eliss adjusted his aquachair ‘s height so his guest could look him in the eyes, rather than up or down at him. Penald Krull, professor of Mid Rim Literature at Sanbra University, settled himself into a chair.

    “Do you know anything about Bimm poetry?” Krull asked.

    “I know that the Bimm are fond of art in all forms,” Eliss replied.

    “Ha’lathin is one of their most respected poets, and rumor has it that an original copy of his works has surfaced. I would like to get my hands on it, but I don’t know quite how.”

    “That would be an excellent opportunity for many beings. I’d like to see a copy myself. Many cultures use poetry for expression.” Eliss twined and untwined his tentacles. “Let me think…. There’s a fellow out near Wild Space who caters to collectors. Give me a couple of days, and I’ll see if I can contact him.”

    Two days later, Eliss had set up a holo-call to Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities on Batuu.

    “I am aware of your book,” Dok-Ondar’s hologram said. “Few outside of the Bimm themselves have heard of this work, but there are other interested parties.”

    “Do you any idea what the price would be?” Krull asked.

    “It will depend on the seller and a variety of other factors,” the Ithorian replied. “I can contact you when I have more information.”

    “Sounds pretty pricey,” Krull said once the call ended.

    Eliss rippled all of his tentacles in a shrug. “It can be. You might want to go home and count your credits.”

    The Besalisk gestured with all four arms. “I’m a college professor,” he remarked. “I could count my extra credits on my four hands and still have some fingers left over.”

    “I understand. Maybe it’s time to get some help,” Eliss said.

    Word began to spread around campus. Krull was a popular professor, and within a week, several groups had proposed fund-raising ideas: a “Day of Assistance” where students would spend a day doing odd jobs in the community for a fee; Poetry Nights and Dramatic Reading Nights at Anthon Suzal’s restaurant, where the entry fee and the evening’s food profits would be donated; a Community Family Carnival put on by college students; and a “Pay Professor Harch NOT to Sing Day,” proposed by Harch himself, during which the Thisspiasian astrophysicist offered to stop at various locations and see how much money people would give him to prevent him from bursting into song. (While amusing, this particular fund-raiser was respectfully declined; however, several days later a group of students showed up at Harch’s office with a box of credits, saying they wanted to donate to a good cause in his name anyway.)

    Fund-raising commenced, and the main Student Union Center hosted a large sign showing how much was being raised. The amount kept edging upward. Sentientology professor Vestri Dain’s friend Daggeri suggested someone should start a betting pool on how long Vestri could go without either telling a story or talking about Gungans, when led to an argument and a duel with fighting sticks on the main quad. An enterprising Weequay grad student took bets, kept twenty percent for herself, and donated the remaining profits to the “Buy the Book” fund.

    In the meantime, Dok-Ondar had contacted Krull with a price, and the news that two others were interested in bidding on the book. The campus-wide funding had a long way to go before meeting the quoted amount. Krull thanked him and signed off. Then he locked up his office and went home to change clothes; the Poetry Night was scheduled for that evening.

    Harch, Eliss and Dain were among those attending, and during an intermission, Krull filled them in on Dok-Ondar’s holo-call. “Ouch,” Vestri remarked. “That’s expensive.”

    “I wonder who the other bidders are?” Harch said.

    “It’s possible that one of the Bimm is bidding on it,” Eliss said. “It would be part of their cultural heritage, after all.”

    “Professor Penald Krull?” A middle-aged Kessaurian male stood at their table. “I’m Izaluu Tren, the Library and Archive Director. We met briefly last year when I came on staff.”

    “Director Tren. Glad you could join us. What do you think of our presenters?”

    “I think they’ve all done a fine job tonight. I wanted to ask you – what book are you buying with the funds? It wouldn’t happen to be a volume of Bimm poetry, by any chance?”

    Krull and the rest of the staff exchanged looks. “Yes, it would. Would you happen to be one of the other bidders?”

    “On behalf of the Archive, yes. It’s an older volume, and we do specialize in preserving rare books.”

    “Well, if that doesn’t beat all.” Krull rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I don’t suppose you know who the third bidder is, by any chance?”

    Tren shook his head. “I don’t, but I can make inquiries among other Archivists if you’d like.”

    Three days later, Krull, Eliss, Dain and Tren met in the Archive office. “The third bidder appears to be Abridirr N’shinndo, of Bimm, who is also an Archivist.” Tren smiled. “It seems we’ve been working at cross purposes.”

    Eliss hovered his aquachair. “This changes the situation. The Bimm have a right to that book, as part of their culture and history.”

    “On the other hand, Ha’lathin’s poetry speaks to members of many races, and is part of our history and culture,” Krull pointed out. “His works could enrich the entire galaxy.”

    “Both valid points,” Tren said. “I am wondering if there is a compromise to be made here. Do you wish specifically to own the original volume itself, Professor Krull, or would a copy suffice?”

    “As much as I’d love to have the original book, you’re right – it’s an old volume and would have to be handled with care and kept in a safe location.”

    “My thought is this: we three pool our resources and purchase the book to share. It would reside on Bimm, but be available for loan to us. Part of the agreement would be to make copies for various scholars and universities for their collections. I suspect there would be some demand for copies, either fully or in part. Does this sound reasonable?” There were nods all around. “Then I will contact my colleague on Bimm, and make some arrangements.”

    A week later, Dok-Ondar himself arrived at Sanbra University to present the original copy of Ha’lathin’s poetry to Izaluu Tren and Abridirr N’shinndo. Payment had already been made, and the book arrived in a special protective container. N’shinndo carefully examined the volume and certified it as authentic.

    By the end of the year, a copy of Ha’lathin’s book sat on a shelf in Krull’s office. Students and staff passing by could sometimes hear him reading his favorite passages aloud, and the course catalogue for his department offered a workshop specifically on Bimm poetry.



    Dok-Ondar, the Ithorian proprietor of the Den of Antiquities on the planet Batuu, glanced up and studied the being who had stepped into the shop. It wore a hooded jacket; hoods were certainly not unusual for Dok-Ondar’s clientele, many of whom preferred not to be recognized for various reasons. The being looked around the empty store, then lowered its hood to reveal a Human male with pale skin and sandy hair and beard. “Are you Dok-Ondar?”

    “I am. And how may I help you?” the Ithorian asked.

    “I’m looking for something very rare,” the Human male replied.

    Dok-Ondar spread his long fingers. “You have come to the right place. I specialize in rare and unique items.”

    “A Lasat bo-rifle.”

    The Ithorian blinked. “That is rare. I did not think any still existed outside a few museums – ”

    “This is a very specific item. It’s modified for close-range as well as long-range shooting. It would have originally been located on Lothal, but I’m not certain where it would have gone from there.”

    “I will need to look for it, then. I can begin by asking my suppliers and sending out word to others who collect such things. Where can I reach you with information?”

    The Human smiled grimly. “I move around. Let’s just say I’ll stop by from time to time.”

    “Then I will need to purchase it when and if I can find it. That will require a down-payment.”

    Unclipping a pouch from his belt, the Human poured a pile of Imperial credits onto the counter. “I presume these are still good.”

    “In many places. I can get them converted to local currency, if needed.” Dok-Ondar nodded. “I will see what I can do for you.”

    Over the next five years, the Human male appeared at irregular intervals, each time leaving a payment in a different form of currency. (During one visit, Dok-Ondar sorted through the coins and paused. “Credit ingots? I haven’t seen these in years. The Empire phased them out early on. I have collectors who will pay handsomely for these. I’ll credit you four times their face value and still make a profit.”)

    Over the same five years, Dok-Ondar traveled the galaxy in his search for unique and rare items. Weapons, books, jewelry, art of all kinds passed through his shop from owner to collectors or in trade for something even more rare and unique. On each of his journeys he asked about a Lasat bo-rifle (among other items), without success. Until….

    Six years after the Human had first contacted him, Dok-Ondar brought a bundle out of his storeroom and unwrapped it. “It took a great deal of searching,” he said as he laid the bo-rifle on his shop’s counter, “and a bit of thievery, but I believe this is what you seek.”

    The Human carefully lifted the bo-rifle and turned it over, smiling and running his fingers over the weapon’s surface. “This is indeed.”

    The Ithorian blinked at him. “You owned it before, didn’t you?”

    “I did. It was gifted to me by its original owner. I left it in what I thought was a safe place, an abandoned communications tower on Lothal, but when I could finally return for it, it was gone. I suspect an Imperial officer took it after I was… captured.”

    Dok-Ondar nodded. “It was originally in a private collection, but during the war it changed hands a few times. When I finally learned of its location, I had one of my… associates intercept it in transit.”

    “You stole it?”

    “Let’s say it got lost in the mail. Along with a few other objects I suspect the possessor acquired through less than legal means, so I don’t feel terribly guilty about re-uniting this with its rightful owner.”


    Selling the Past

    “I am looking for Dok-Ondar.”

    “You have found him.”

    “You were recommended by someone who says you sell rare and antique items. Do you buy as well as sell?”

    “Certainly. What are you looking to sell?”

    “These.” The Zygerrian opened his carrying bag and laid three objects on Dok-Ondar’s counter: an energy bow, an electro-whip, and a fully-charged electric net gun. The Ithorian stared at the items.

    “These are generally used by Zygerrian slavers,” Dok-Ondar said finally, fingers tapping a rhythm on the counter.

    The Zygerrian stared back at him. “Yes. They belonged to my family, and I want to get rid of them.”

    “I see.”

    A pair of Zygerrian cubs huddled against a cabinet, the smaller pressed against the larger; the larger had both arms protectively around the other.

    “Your children?”

    “My daughters.”

    “You don’t wish to leave these family heirlooms to them?”

    The Zygerrian actually snarled. “No! Those ‘heirlooms’ have brought nothing but grief – to those our family enslaved, and to family members killed in slave trade rivalry. They cost my brother his wife and son. They cost my children their mother. I want to leave it all behind.” He calmed somewhat. “I have some cooking skills. I hope to open a restaurant, somewhere far away from the slave empire my people founded.”

    Dok-Ondar stood still behind the counter. At last he said,” I know something about losing parents. My parents were killed in a mysterious accident on an archaeological site. I still search for clues about their deaths.” He turned to his abacus and began shifting the beads back and forth. “Let us see… One thousand spira for the net-gun, two hundred spira each for the extra charges, seven hundred for the electro-whip, and,” here he paused, again tapping his fingers on the counter, “ten thousand for the energy bow.” He picked up a stylus and began jotting something on a piece of flimsi. “I will have one of my runners notify our local bank to get the money. Once there, you can have them convert the spira into a different currency, if you wish.”

    The Ithorian gestured to the woman who served as his assistant. “See if you can locate the boxes of items brought back from my trip to Chandrilla. I think there were a number of serving dishes and other kitchenware.” The woman nodded and walked into the office, located behind the counter.

    “I purchased several items at an estate auction,” the Ithorian explained. “Along with the collectables I wanted, I had to take several boxes of miscellaneous wares, most of which are of no use to me. Anything you find in those boxes is yours, as long as you carry it to your ship. Some of it may need cleaning.

    “In the meantime, you may wish to take your children over to Docking Bay 7. It is our local restaurant. The food is filling and reasonably priced. I can give you directions when our business is complete.” Dok-Ondar paused, then added, “Perhaps you can find work there for a while, and put some money away for the future.”

    I will freely admit that I lifted the general idea for this fic from the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge graphic novel, which consisted of five chapters detailing how Dok-Ondar acquired five different items (one of which was a baby sarlacc and another of which was dianoga pup + a lightsaber). It also featured some fairly well-known SW characters like Han Solo, Hondo Ohnaka and Doctor Aphra. Recommended reading.

    Dok-Ondar was created by the imaginative folks at Disney, and appears in their world of Batuu at the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge exhibit at both Disney World and Disneyland. His Den of Antiquities is a high-end souvenir shop for folks who collect replicas and recreations.

    In the GFFA, Beyond the Known Worlds and its author are fabrications, but many of the other items mentioned in Dok-Ondar’s shop are found in the Star Wars canon.

    Species mentioned in the story:


    Old Jedha knot (form of currency)
    Nautolan Tranquility Bracelet
    Pallie-Pit Necklace
    Ha’lathin poetry book
    Credit Ingots
    Batuuan Spira
  16. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Five times selling things and one time getting them. Showing the different needs. A great way to respond to the challenge
    Kahara and Seldes_Katne like this.
  17. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    I really enjoyed your response to this challenge, and how it showed different aspects of what Dok-Ondar sells/buys as well as of his personality.

    "We Wither to Bloom" is a very appropriate phrase for an Ithorian grave marker. I hope Vestri's new book led them to some fun adventures in Wild Space! And her strategy during the later visit with the abacus and Professor Eliss was very clever.

    I liked the glimpse into Daggeri with the shayarn, and how she seems fascinated by the challenge of learning to use the weapons well instead of just being "yay stabby stabby" like a character interested in weapons could be. I also liked this little follow-up with Trognu's employment and her method of determining whether Dok-Ondar was being honest with them. I'm sure Daggeri will love Trognu's gift.

    The different fundraising methods in "Buy the Book" were fun (I got a chuckle out of the title, too), especially the "Pay Professor Harch Not to Sing" one, LOL. It was a good compromise at the end that allowed everyone to share in the poetry.

    The bo-rifle shows how good Dok-Ondar is at his job, and his perseverance. And even some of the... grey areas he can choose to operate in sometimes, heh.

    Dok-Ondar was also very helpful with the Zygerrian family by recommending a possible restaurant job for the father. Part of me wonders if he bought the items for more than their regular credit value in order to help the family get started on a good path.

    Great job with all of your entries on this Kessel Run Challenge! I really enjoyed reading them! =D=
  18. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Thank you, earlybird-obi-wan. I'm pleased you enjoyed it. And thank you for consistently reading and commenting on my stories. It's very kind of you, and much appreciated.

    "We Wither to Bloom" is canon, actually. I probably should have included the Wookieepedia article on the grave marker, but I'd already given everyone a lot to read already.

    Vestri has legitimate reasons for going to Wild Space, and not just so Querth can collect interesting plant samples. If I work up enough energy after this challenge, I'll see about writing some of that up.

    Ha. Daggeri has her "yay stabby stabby" moments, admittedly, but part of owning weapons is being responsible with their use, and training to wield them properly. That's one thing Daggeri and Trognu have in common. I hope they enjoy sparring with the shayarn.

    That one really took off, and I was concerned it would basically take over the entire challenge, but it was fun to write. Krull and Harch are quite the (platonic) Odd Couple.

    Dok-Ondar does black market buying and selling as well as legitimate market sales. I deliberately didn't name the man buying the bo-rifle, although I suspect most people can figure out who he is.

    I would not be surprised if that turns out to be the case. In the Galaxy's Edge graphic novel, he steps in and saves one of Jabba the Hutt's henchperson's life by buying something the being has brought back after a failed mission, so it's quite possible there's some compassion lurking in there somewhere.

    Thank you. And thank you for also consistently reading and commenting. It's greatly appreciated. I must say that I'm very impressed by the fact that you could do both the Kessel Run and Winter Fanfic Olympics. I would like to have done the Olympics, but I was already committed to this, and real life has been kind of tough for the last three months. Maybe when I've had a chance to rest up after this, I'll try some of the events even though the deadline will have passed.
  19. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Just for everyone's reading amusement, this was my other idea for the 5 + 1 Challenge prompt. It's a very spare version, and if I had gone ahead with it, I would have fleshed it out more (it clocks in at only 1850 words or so), but you'll get the idea.


    Vestri Dain rummaged around in her carrying bag for the two items that had appeared on her desk overnight. She placed them on the diner table. One was a plain red push-button in a silver holder; the other was a typed note. It read, “Twenty-four hours after receiving this note and button, press the button. It will reset time. Please do this five times over five days. If you have any questions, ask The Author.”

    She showed the objects to Dexter Jettster, the diner’s owner. The Besalisk shook his head. “I’ve never heard anything like it – at least, not from anyone in their right mind. It’s probably a joke.”

    “It’s like that time I received this mysterious thing that took me to Diss-Ney World, where you were filling in at a restaurant.”

    Dex shuddered. “Don’t remind me. That wasn’t a good memory.”

    Vestry slid the note and button back into her bag. “Well, I’ll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.”

    The next morning, she finished breakfast, bid her landlords the Hannows a good day, stepped outside, and pushed the reset button.

    Taking the public transit to Coruscant University, Vestri noticed that the same passengers were riding this morning as had been on yesterday. Exactly the same.

    She settled into her seat in the “Religions and Spiritualies of the Galaxy” class and prepared to take notes. When the professor started lecturing, it was the same lesson he had given the day before. Vestry liked this class – it was among the most interesting in her curriculum – so she took notes on the details she had missed the day before.

    At the diner that afternoon, she again pulled out the button and note and showed them to Dex. His response was exactly the same as the previous day’s, as if he didn’t remember having that conversation. Puzzled but intrigued, Vestri put the items away. The next morning, she pushed the reset button.

    The same commuters rode the public transit train. Her morning class covered the exact some topics. But this time, Vestri skipped the diner and sought out a couple of friends, Aonda Sirabi and Querth Enon.

    Gathering in one of the university’s cafeterias, the three studied the button and the note. “And you are saying this button allowed you to repeat the same day over?” Querth asked. The Ithorian was peering closely at the button.

    “Exactly the same,” Vestri replied. “Except for just now. Meeting with you is different from going to the diner.”

    “Well, I don’t remember repeating anything today,” Aonda remarked.

    “I wonder if it’s just me, or whether people around me would remember, too. I was alone when I pushed it the second time.”

    “I wonder if you need to press it at the same time each time, or whether pressing it now would make a difference,” Querth said.

    Vestri studied the note. “It says to ask The Author if we have questions. Does it mean that literally?”

    “Let’s find out.” Querth raised his voice and asked the air, “Excuse me, Author? We have questions now.”

    “Think that will actually work?” asked Aonda. Almost in response, a door appeared in a nearby wall, sliding open to reveal a brightly-lit room. Vestri, Querth, and Aonda exchanged glances.

    “Apparently it will,” Vestri remarked dryly. She gathered up her property and stepped cautiously into the doorway.

    The room turned out to be a combination office and library; shelves of books lined two of the walls, illuminated by both ceiling lights and a pair of large windows on the third wall. A stocky, light-skinned Human female sat at a desk on one side of the room; she looked up from the machine in front of her and smiled. “Come in, come in! Welcome to my office! Please make yourselves at home. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person!”

    Vestri and Aonda eased into the room. The Human woman rose. “Hello. Is shaking hands an acceptable form of greeting?”

    “Works for me,” Vestri replied, and held out her right hand.

    “And for me as well,” Aonda added.

    The woman, who was presumably The Author, grinned broadly. “You have no idea what an honor it is to shake hands with a Twi’lek,” she said. “I’m afraid my planet is entirely Human-centric, and aside from some of the whale and dolphin species, who we still can’t really communicate with, we have no other sentient beings living here. At least as far as we know – the jury’s still out on octopuses. You would be Aonda, I presume?”

    “Yes. How would you know that? I don’t think we’ve met.”

    “Ah, well, I am an author, after all. I see a lot more than many people think.” She turned to the Ithorian now entering the room, and her face lit up. “This is wonderful. I thought the live-action character in the Book of Boba Fett episode was impressive, but that’s nothing compared to a real-life meeting. Querth Enon?”

    “I am. And you are The Author?”

    “Yes. I’m so pleased you could all stop by. Can I offer anyone tea? Coffee? Or, no, it’s ‘caf’ in your galaxy, isn’t it?” Once everyone had assured her that tea was fine, The Author stepped over to her machine and pressed several of the keys. A pot of tea, four cups and saucers, and a plate of cookies appeared on her desk.

    “I hope chocolate chip is acceptable,” The Author said.

    Vestri blinked. “How did you do that?”

    The Author smiled. “The proper words can make almost anything happen. I write it, and it becomes reality. Up to a point.” She proceeded to pour tea for everyone. “Let me get us some chairs….” She typed again, and three more chairs appeared. Everyone sat. “Now, I believe you have questions for me.”

    Vestri drew the piece of flimsy and the large red button from a pocket. “I received these two days ago. After I pressed the button the first time, I realized it had essentially reset time, and that I was repeating the same day over again. I pressed the button the second time to confirm it. The third time, I got a couple of friends to witness it with me. The note said I was to ask if I had questions, and here we are.”

    “Yes, and I appreciate your forbearance,” the Author said. “Please bear with me while I explain the situation. I have a writing challenge that’s giving me a problem, and I’m hoping you’ll be willing to help solve it with me. Give me a minute to translate this into Aurabesh. . . .” The Author pressed some more buttons on her machine, then turned it so everyone could read the screen.

    “Over the next twelve weeks, you will write a longer vignette/one-shot between 2,000 and 8,000 words using the "5+1 Times/Things" format. This is typically a series of scenes or shorter vignettes connected by an overarching theme. The first five sections will usually have the same "thing" in common, while the last section is an inversion of the previous sections. This format works for all genres - drama, humor, fluff, angst, romance... you name it!

    “Word limit = 2,000-8,000 words

    “Entries due Monday, April 4th at 11:59pm EST”

    Once she had finished reading, Vestri looked back up at The Author. “Seriously, someone challenged you to write this? What’s the point in doing the same thing over and over again?”

    “I’d point to a couple of science fiction stories where people are stuck in time loops, but I don’t think that’s the actual point of this challenge,” The Author said. “However, this just seemed like the most obvious way to go about it.”

    “So, what are you saying?” Aonda remarked. “We have to do this two more times?”

    “Essentially, yes, if you don’t mind,” The Author answered. “I’m willing to trade favors for completing this challenge. What experiences can I provide for you in exchange?” She gestured to her laptop. “Any part of your life you’d like expanded upon? Any adventure you’d like to have? Anyone you’d particularly like to meet? I can provide that, within reason.”

    The three visitors exchanged looks. Finally, Aonda said, “I’m studying to become a medical doctor. I would ultimately like to end up with a solid but challenging career.”

    “I believe that is feasible,” The Author said, scribbling a note on a pad of flimsy.

    “I should like very much to meet a Revwien,” Querth stated.

    The Author nodded as she wrote. “I can make that work.”

    Vestri sat and thought for a minute. “I would like to have the most esoteric collection of myths and fables in the known galaxy.”

    The Author grinned. “Wouldn’t we all? More of a challenge, but consider it done.” She put the stylus down. “I think we have an agreement. Once you’ve returned to your universe, you’ll have to press the reset button a couple more times, and then we can all get on with our regular lives. Feel free to visit again after either event, or if you have any more questions. And bring anyone you’d like with you.”

    As they stepped back through the door, The Author settled herself back at her desk and began typing again.


    The next morning, Vestri met with Aonda and Querth before classes began, and pushed the reset button for the fourth time. Since she was on her third repeat of her courses, Vestri spent the time writing up a fable about a Shistavanen who turned into a Human each time the moon was full. She later met Aonda and Querth for a late lunch at the diner.

    “Anyone have any further questions for The Author?” she asked. “Tomorrow’s the last time for the button.”

    The Ithorian blinked thoughtfully. “I believe I would like to be surprised,” he replied finally.

    Aonda shrugged. “I’ m just curious about how it will all turn out. Will we know if The Author kept her promise?”

    “We all remember yesterday’s meeting,” Vestri replied. “So presumably we’ll know at some point in the future. I for one look forward to it.”


    The next morning, standing alone outside her apartment, Vestri pushed the reset button for the final time. Then she went to class, finished the Shivistan fable and began the art for it, had lunch at the diner, and went home.

    The following morning, Vestri paused on the way to the commuter train. She took the reset button out of her bag. “I’m not pressing the button,” she informed the air, careful to do so away from anyone who could hear. “You can have it back any time. Remember your promise.” Then she put the button back into her bag and went to class.


    The following morning, the button was gone. In its place was another typed note that read, “Thank you. You’ve done as asked, and I will do the same. I wish you all the best.” A signature was scrawled at the bottom.

    Vestri grinned, packed up her school supplies, and went down to breakfast.


    A long time in the future, in a galaxy far, far away, The Author also smiled, settled herself at her computer, and began to type.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
  20. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    And my final entry -- the "Get Out of Jail Free" letter prompt. I wrote this up around Week 2 or so, just in case, but never needed to use it. I hate seeing it go to waste, so....


    To: Seldes Katne, Professor of Language Arts (Writing), Sanbra University
    From: Planetary Office of the Archives, Naboo

    Myr Katne,

    Thank you for your interest in one of our more colorful citizens, Professor Vestri Dain. As you know, Professor Dain has published not only several anthologies of non-Human myths and legends, but also half a dozen articles on Gungan culture.

    Information on Professor Dain is rather scarce: she was a galactic traveler and researcher during both the Clone Wars and Imperial Period, and many records from those time periods are sketchy at best. Also, she seems to have become quite reclusive in her later years. While there is some evidence that she retired to a remote area of Naboo to write both her memoires and a guide to Gungan culture, we have no final address for her. Fittingly enough for a writer of anthologies, we do have several stories of her final years, none of which can be proven at present.

    The most widely accepted account places her on Naboo in Otoh Dinistallis, a Gungan city located in the shallows of the Rorikai Sea. By that time, all that remained of her biological family were a group of distant cousins, with whom she seems to have had little contact. The Gungans of Otoh Dinistallis have neither confirmed or denied this account.

    A second story states that Professor Dain took up residence on the planet Takodana and become a frequent visitor to Takodana Castle, the fortress run by proprietress Maz Kanata for nearly a millennium. It is possible that, if this turns out to be accurate, there may be another anthology or two of stories waiting to be uncovered, or, possibly, the original notebooks containing her writings and illustrations, all of which seem to have vanished.

    A third story claims Professor Dain traveled to Lira San, the original homeworld of the Lasat people, whose civilization on the planet Lasan was destroyed by Imperial forces in 17 BBY. According to this account, she took her entire original collection of notebooks, to protect them for posterity. If this is the case, it is unlikely the notebooks will reappear, as the way to Lira San appears to be lost.

    Another story places her at a Gungan colony founded on an unnamed planet in Wild Space. Coordinates of the planet’s location appear to have been deliberately deleted from planetary and regional navigation databases, presumably to protect the colony from outside dangers.

    I’m sorry to say that we cannot confirm any of these accounts. Professor Dain apparently liked her privacy.

    I am attaching what we have of her professional writings, including her story anthologies and last known employment resume. Should you come across any substantive evidence of her location in her later years, or of her final resting place, or the location of her notebooks, we would appreciate you contacting us so we can update our records.

    We wish you the best in your search.

    Office of the Archives
  21. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    5+1 I love how you get the author in, making promises to Vestri and her friends. And the letter to the author. Not knowing where Vestri ended up.
    Thank you for sharing these extra's
  22. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    I love your Blu-Ray Special Features. :D That's a pretty sweet deal that Vestri, Aonda, and Querth made with The Author, and I liked their reactions to the entire experience and how things could materialize in front of them. It's good that The Author is on good terms with them (my characters have several chips on their shoulders, for good reason). I'd like to read Vestri's fable about the were-Shivistan.

    I enjoyed the different stories about what might have happened with Vestri-- I agree that it's fitting for someone like her. I wonder if she had a hand in generating any of these stories about her whereabouts in later years.

    Thanks for sharing your bonus material!

    P.S. I was at Diss-Ney World the other day, and I thought of your Dok-Ondar story when over by his antiquities shop. :)
  23. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Caught up with these wonderful and fitting culminations to your series! :)

    “In Which All Roads Lead to Dok-Ondar”: This was incredible and impressive! Both for the wealth of GFFA lore you brought in—a seamless blend of canon material and your own—and for the insight into Dok-Ondar’s character. He’s got knowledge both deep and broad, but also acute cultural sensitivity, and even (as we see in “Reunited”) a bit of the scoundrel in him when the situation calls for it! (I know exactly who that hooded fellow is, of course!) The fact that two of the artifacts in the story gave me an extra smile—when you write about ancient books and literature in the GFFA, it’s clear how much that means to you! I love both that Vestri ended up with a book so valuable to her own work and that a compromise was possible for the book of Bimm poetry—it really is a cultural heritage for the Galaxy as well as a priceless treasure to its own people. You got Trognu and her accounting background in there in such an ingenious way, and you had Dok-Ondar really go above and beyond for the Zygerrian—that was not just a business transaction or a purchase but also a new lease on life, coupled with true generosity. Just a wonderful combination of culture, characterization, and lore—a real crowning piece to the series! :)

    “Untitled”: Ooh, you know I love your “extras” and “outtakes,” and this one was nothing short of sheer meta genius—you even made it both a 5+1 and the “origin story” for your whole series of Vestri stories, in a way, which was extra genius! This was indeed a tricky prompt, and I love that you brought your characters into dialogue with yourself-as-Author to quite literally help her/you write it. What a wonderful bonus that the situation is mutually beneficial to both sides—the characters get their stories expanded on and wishes granted, and the Author achieves her challenge goal! Loved what you did with this—brava! =D=

    “Unavailable”: Ah, now, this is really super intriguing! :D This is like the inverse of the previous untitled story, in a way, with the Author (or author figure, at least) searching for her main character. And, of course, for those of us who have been following Vestri's adventures from the start through your various awesome story anthologies, it presents a very tantalizing look at where she might have ended up and eventually closed her long and rich career. I love how you made all four possibilities mentioned in the letter equally plausible! They all fit for Vestri, and I like to think it's been all of them at various times. I also love the idea that your myriad wonderful stories about Vestri have as their basis "what we have of her professional writings." Heck, if just those form the basis for your incredible stories, think of how rich those actual lost notebooks are likely to be!

    Bravissima on three superb conclusions to a superb series—I really enjoyed your stories from start to finish! =D=
    Kahara and Seldes_Katne like this.
  24. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    You're welcome, and thank you for reading all the way through this Challenge thread. I also have to add, I'm impressed by how many challenges you've written stories for -- I wish I had that much imagination and energy! :)

    Given what many of your characters do for a living, I can understand why they might not be on the best of terms with the universe. Fortunately, my characters tend to be pretty even-tempered. (Note that Daggeri did not appear in this piece....)

    I'd like to read that one, too. :D It occurs to me that my favorite holiday of Halloween is coming, so....

    One of these days, when it is again safe to travel, I plan to visit Dok-Ondar's place at Diss-Ney World. I will probably just spend 30 or 40 minutes staring at the animatronics in awe.

    I've always rather hoped that our unnamed buyer would get that particular weapon back, and this seemed to be a plausible way to get it.

    Dok-Ondar seems to deal in both perfectly legal merchandise, as well as black market stuff, and has apparently been in business for a long time. He still seems to be a decent sort, however (according to the graphic novel).

    I do love my books. And lots of other people's books, too. Or at least copies of them -- stealing's wrong. [face_devil]

    Thank you! We've actually already met Anthon, who hosted the Poetry Jam earlier in this thread. And I have some ideas for his oldest daughter when she grows up.

    I've actually written fanfic reviews this way, too, where the "reviewer" invites a character from someone's fic into her library/office and talks about their story as though it were an interview.

    It's possible that, regardless of where Vestri ends up, one or more of her notebooks turns up in Maz Kanata's possession. I'd like to spend a few weeks puttering around in her storerooms myself. :D Maybe when I retire....

    Thank you. And thank you for reading through the entire thread. That was a challenge in itself, I imagine. :)
  25. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    The unnamed buyer of the Lasat bo-rifle was Kanan, wasn't it?
    Kahara likes this.