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MN Toy collectors!

Discussion in 'MidWest Regional Discussion' started by Doright, Nov 4, 2002.

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  1. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    [face_blush] LOL. I meant I tend to like the hoth stuff. I guess it's all the snow outside my window. :p

  2. Wattoman70

    Wattoman70 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 30, 2003
    A couple of store reports for this week:

    The TRU in Bloomington had a bunch of new figs restocked after their inventory. As of yesterday, there were a bunch of; Party Barge Bar2-D2, Jabba Palace Luke, Tatoonie Transaction R1-G4, R-3PO, Hoth Trooper and The Jedi 4 pack with the rehash Jedis. They also had one Unleashed Han and a bunch of Unleashed Obi-Wans. Other than that, some of the older figs.

    TRU in Burnsville didn't have any new smaller figs, but they did have a couple of Dooku w/ speederbike and one Ani w/ speederbike if you are missing these. They also had a ton of the new Jedi 4 packs.

    The Targets in the area (Burnsville, A.V., Eagan, Lakeville, etc.) had nothing new. So don't waste your time going out in this cold looking. And the Walmarts only have Palpatines on clearance. The A.V. store doesn't even have a Star Wars section anymore!!! :eek: I hope this changes.

    Good luck.
  3. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    They do they just don't have any figures in it yet.

    It's where the Ninja Turtles use to be. I was just there Tuesday Morning.

    I wasn't shopping for me so no smart remarks. ;) T-man's birthday is this week and I was getting presents for him. :p

  4. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    Well it's a good thing I don't drink or smoke because I would never be able to quit. [face_blush]

    and it's Wattomans fault. :p

    Anyway I Was at AV Wal Mart to get dog and cat food and I had to get something in automotive. Going from pet stuff to Automotive you have to pass through the toys. So remembering that Wattoman said there wasn't a SW section anymore I decided to peak and make sure. Well they have a SW section and they had just put out a box of Figures on it. So I looked just to give you all a report and lo and behold I find a Jabba's palace Luke Skywalker. :eek:

    Now as some of you know I've been none to happy with the quality of Luke Figures over the years. The only ones I really like are the Hoth Luke from a few years back and the Jedi Luke from the Final Jedi Duel Cinema Scene. All the others have been iffy. The new Hoth Luke is cool hanging with the Wampa but other than that it isn't that cool. The ANH lukes all are super buff and have monkey faces. They have done xwing Luke twice and once he was super buff and had a small head and the other he was skinny and feminine so I make a Jaina Solo Figure using that body. [face_plain] The older Jedi Luke has those high heals and the monkey face.

    Don't even get me started on the last Jedi Luke they made. That one sucked big time!

    So anyway here I was finding what I think is actually a pretty decent Luke Skywalker figure. So I bought it. [face_blush] Sorry but I just had too. :_| I am so George's B**ch. :_|

    Anyway I got the last Luke but they had a few Skiff guard Lando's a few R2 sail barge server and a hand full of Hoth troopers.

  5. Jedi_Riibu

    Jedi_Riibu Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 14, 2001
    I knew you wouldn't last. :D
  6. Wattoman70

    Wattoman70 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 30, 2003
    Mwahahahaha, soon you will join me, and your little dog Toto, wait. Wrong movie. :p

    Yes, the Jabba's Palace Luke is pretty sweet. Much articulation. I picked one up the other day that the Bloomington TRU. Now I can add him to my Jabba's Throne Room diorama. If you say that the Lando is already making it's rounds, then the rest should be here soon. I have a Jabba Glob as my main Jabba and a POTJ 3-D Jabba Palace as my background now.

    I was at the KB at B'ville Center today and they have all of their SW stuff at 20% off marked price. I'm sure this is the same at most of the KBs that are going out of busniness. :( The older Saga figs are cheap already, so if some of you customizers might want want to take advantage of this, this is the time.

    Target in A.P. was a bust. Only two red 3-POs.

    *Wattoman70 waves his hand* You WILL find more Jabba Palace Lukes at the Bloomington TRU. Go there NOW!* :p
  7. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    I knew you wouldn't last :p

    Yea and I saw that story about the Luke Xwing Unleashed hitting the stores too. I am in the process of trying to talk the bride into letting me get that one. [face_mischief]

    Come on. That one I just have to have. It fits me so much. :)

    Seriously though I guess I may buy a figure from time to time now but I was getting into the buy almost all of them mode and I just had to stop doing that. I picked up so many I still have some in the package since there is no shelf room, and that is almost a sin to me. Free your figures! Don't let them grow old and evil in the box like Stinky Pete!

  8. Jedi_Riibu

    Jedi_Riibu Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 14, 2001
    I now enforce a strict limit of 4 action figures a month, no matter what. Even though I got two figures on clearance at the start of the month, they still counted. It's not as hard to stict to as I thought.. but January was a rather dry month for action figures.

    I got:
    Nightclub Obi-Wan
    McQuarrie Stormtrooper
    Galadrial (Two Towers repackage)

    and gee.. I can't even remember what was #4, even though I know there was one. I did also get Pippin in Armor, but that didn't count because it was a late Christmas present from a friend.

    Ah well, at least tomorrow's February. :)
  9. Snidely_Whiplash

    Snidely_Whiplash Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 10, 2002
    That's a smart plan. Problem is I am not that disciplined. I would say to myself. Ok I'll get 8 this month and none next... then next month buy more anyway. [face_blush]
  10. Jedi_Riibu

    Jedi_Riibu Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 14, 2001
    The incentive to buy fewer is that if I only buy 3 in a month, I get to buy 5 the next month. But I know that if I buy 5 in a month, I can't count on having the dicipline to buy only 3 the next month...

    But I guess you're just doomed. ;)

    REBADAMS7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2001
    Buy only the good ones!
    and anyone seen Cartoon Network Yoda?
    Yeah for Yoda I will break my female rule
  12. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    But I guess you're just doomed

    Owch. That hurt. Careful. You'll make Snidely Cry. :_|

    No Toon Yoda. I won't even look because I know I'll buy it if I see it. :eek:

    I have the toon Obiwan. That's an Awesome figure.
  13. Jedi_Riibu

    Jedi_Riibu Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 14, 2001
    Toon Obi-Wan! That was #4 for the month! Very awesome.
  14. mirax80

    mirax80 Retired Midwest RSA star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    I lasted longer than Doright! :D

    But I caved in today and bought myself a Chewie w/a broken down (but) light up 3PO.

    The KB in Burnsville Mall is CLOSING, so right now all SW action figs are 20% off. They have the 4 packs for 9.99, regulars are like $2.55 (after tax). They also have the light sabers on sale. I would report what figures they have, but my brain is temporarly off line right now.
  15. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999

    I lasted longer than Doright

    Blame it on my Animals. If they didn't eat so much I wouldn't have been there. :p

  16. mirax80

    mirax80 Retired Midwest RSA star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    Oh, BLAME the helpless little animals.


  17. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    Trust me. If you watch the way that Cat goes after that German Shepherd then the last thing you would call him is helpless. :eek:

  18. Yoda_ate_Mirax

    Yoda_ate_Mirax Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 27, 2003
    Ah, who cares... just eat them all. They might be a little stringy, nothing that bbq sause won't fix! :D
  19. mirax80

    mirax80 Retired Midwest RSA star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    I was good today, I really was! I've 1/2 been on the lookout for the Hoth Luke that you can hang upside down w/the Wampa... and I found 3 of them at the Target in Roseville! But I walked away!

    I felt so proud of myself, I went and bought myself a book. :D

    N-e-ways, the Target up there has all the Cartoon Clones except for Yoda. A couple of Hoth Lukes, a couple General Rieekans, and a couple of the Red 3PO droids. Otherwise, the pegs were collecting dust.
  20. Wattoman70

    Wattoman70 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 30, 2003
    I found the second wave of cartoon Clone War figs (Yoda, Durge, Dooku and Clonetrooper) at Target today too. Different Target though. :p Picked me up Durge and Yoda. A different Target had nothing, so they must be starting to trickle out. Some stores have them and some stores don't yet.
  21. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    Cartoon Yoda!!!! :_| I hate you all. :p

    LOL. Just kidding. Going to pass on that one.

    I would rather have the Unleashed Luke Xwing so I have to be good so as not to make the Woman mad. :)

  22. Siths_Herald

    Siths_Herald Minnesota CR, MNFF Co-Leader star 2

    Jan 5, 2004
    Ridgedale target had Jedi Lukes and Bar2-D2s. Also had one Hoth Luke.

    I plan on hitting Eden Prarie Target over lunch today so I'll update if I find anything.
  23. Siths_Herald

    Siths_Herald Minnesota CR, MNFF Co-Leader star 2

    Jan 5, 2004
    Don't bother at EP. It was a bust. I'll be checking Mtka again before the weekend.
  24. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
  25. HothIsBrisk

    HothIsBrisk Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 3, 2004
    Damn, that x-wing luke looks cool. I WILL NOT EVEN HESITATE TO GET THAT!(AND NOT OPEN IT)
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