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Ummm Why use Lumyia at all?

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Sabrajaguar, Mar 1, 2007.

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  1. RedXIV

    RedXIV Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 23, 2004
    The difference between Lumiya and Ventress is that Lumiya was taken in to be an actual apprentice. Yes, Sidious and Vader were of the Bane Sith Order. But remember, Sidious took Maul as his apprentice while he himself was still Plagueis's apprentice. He rectified the violation of the Rule of Two by killing Plagueis. Vader would have done the same, but Palpatine found out about Lumiya too soon, and thus Vader (rather transparently) covered his tracks by handing her over to be an "Emperor's Hand". She got real Sith training from Vader, something Ventress never recieved from Dooku. How much, I don't know. But whatever she got has been supplemented by the holocron and Sith spirits, and whatever she's come up with on her own. She might have been presumptuous to declare herself "Dark Lady of the Sith" right after Endor, but she's since done more than enough to actually earn the title. For one thing, she's had far more Sith training than Darth Revan, the man whose teachings were the basis of Bane's Sith Order.
  2. Pelranius

    Pelranius Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 25, 2003
    Well, there's Tremayne and Cronal, but they really don't have much connection with Luke the way Lumiya has.
  3. Coonsan

    Coonsan Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 3, 2003
    She makes sense to me *shrugs* Not everyone can be 100% happy with anything.
  4. Muhdurin

    Muhdurin Jedi Youngling

    Jan 14, 2007
    So far Lumiya has been one of my favorite things about hte Legacy of the Force series. She had been a consistant, interesting, and deep character to read. Plus she has provided a good "Fall" for Jacen and made his entry into the Sith much more plausible than anything else I can imagine. Plus, I dig the lightwhip...
  5. Senator_Cilghal

    Senator_Cilghal Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 19, 2003
    sn00va, I want to know why you would consider a character whose been hiding in the Unknown Regions "original" and "creative"--that's the most overused plot device in the EU ever since Zahn started writing SW

    I think it is very creative to reintegrate an established characters whose been in limbo-land back into the storyline; and it is done well

    I enjoy Lumiya because she is, in my opinion, the kind of villain that is fun

    she isn't a hack-and-slash pawn like Maul or Ventress

    she is intelligent and manipulative, a schemer, like Palpatine

    and she has a sense of humor; not just, laugh at how wonderful I am maniac humor like Palpatine and most movie villains, she laughs at things that are really funny; she can make fun of Jacen and make him blush

    and watching her and Jacen manipulate each other is fun, trying to figure out who is the puppet and who is used
  6. RushinSundaws

    RushinSundaws Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 23, 2005
    Having Lumiya as the catalyst for Jacen's fall makes perfect sense to me. By turning Jace, she hurts Luke. She lied in Exile about not hating him, she hates him with a passion. I'm beginning to think of her as another Traya of sorts.
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