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Saga Unpopular Star Wars opinions!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by Feelicks, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Howard Hand

    Howard Hand Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2015
    The Clone Wars is by far the worst theatrical Star Wars film with creepy human-mannequin-like animation, a terrible score, and one of the worst McGuffins I've seen for a Star Wars property. The series itself isn't that much better either.
  2. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015
    Dandelo wrote

    Can we please get back to the eccentric unpopular opinions like "Hoth snow was too blue for my liking"

    With pleasure, the OT color fidelity of both the DVD and Blu-ray discs is a catastrophy, ranging from exagerated colors (ANH) to an overall bluish tint (ESB) and in general "dead" images because both brightness and contrast are set way too low.

    High definition resolution (Blu-ray disc) may produce sharper images than ever before, but sharpness is an element of a good image and not its only and ultimate definition. :mad:

    Conspiracy theory: The OT was deliberately made to look bad, so that the PT could shine in comparison.
    PymParticles and Darthmaul208 like this.
  3. {Quantum/MIDI}

    {Quantum/MIDI} Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2015

    N.H.K is a term coined by the Japanese animation titled "Welcome to the N.H.K" the term is usually used to define a series of negative scenarios that will drive a person to do things completely out of their character. It has been defined as god or an evil organisation bent on ruining peoples lives for no given reason. The N.H.K can differ from person to person and is in some situations completely situationa
  4. TheMoldyCrow

    TheMoldyCrow Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 16, 2015

    lol I was agreeing with you until the last sentence. But seriously, how could Lucas be okay with releasing that film in theaters? It was literally three episodes of the show quickly cobbled into a feature film. It should have just been released on DVD or aired on TV. Literally nothing about it even seems like a theatrical release, other than the voices of Christoper Lee and Samuel Jackson as Dooku and Mace respectively.
    Dinos4Ever and Howard Hand like this.
  5. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Dandelo and Lt.Cmdr.Thrawn like this.
  6. Howard Hand

    Howard Hand Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2015
    To be fair, I haven't seen much of the series itself beyond the first season.
  7. {Quantum/MIDI}

    {Quantum/MIDI} Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2015

    Ehhh. They are pretty good as shows. I mean, it was one of the most expensive animation shows ever. Compared the the movies, the are meh.

    As their own, they are great TV shows on cartoon network.
  8. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Well looks like I have to give another unpopular opinion and say I actually LIKED TCW movie, but then It came out when I was like twelve so its got about the same nostalgia for me as the movies do, not quite as high, but close.

    And I liked every episode of TCW, some were better than others but I didn't "Hate" any episode
    Ezon Pin and Darthmaul208 like this.
  9. Valiowk

    Valiowk Chosen One star 6

    Apr 23, 2000
    The development of the Sith in the PT enables the more black-and-white view of morality in the OT to work better, because of the trickle-down consequences of the Emperor being a Sith Lord and its influence on the way the Empire functions.
  10. Valiowk

    Valiowk Chosen One star 6

    Apr 23, 2000
    The OT is spiritual on the outside but down-to-earth ("political") on the inside.
    The PT is down-to-earth ("political") on the outside but spiritual on the inside.
  11. AshiusX

    AshiusX Jedi Knight star 3

    Feb 7, 2016
    Anakin creating C-3P0 is actually a pretty cool revelation. Well, technically Anakin didn't create 3PO but reassembled from parts. It makes the character feel more imitate to me. Something he build to help his mother has lived on to help his beloved wife and then his children. I look at 3PO differently afterwards.
    ConservativeJedi321 and Ezon Pin like this.
  12. obi-arin-kenobi

    obi-arin-kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005
    EXCEPT for Zero the Hutt. He was awesome.
  13. AshiusX

    AshiusX Jedi Knight star 3

    Feb 7, 2016
    Maybe the prequels would be better off if they were produced in the 80s. Or currently. Instead of the time when digital CGI was in its infancy.
    TheMoldyCrow likes this.
  14. AshiusX

    AshiusX Jedi Knight star 3

    Feb 7, 2016
    I love TCW. Its probably my favorite thing out of the prequels. Although theatrical movie on it is pretty tame and boring I have to say.
    TheMoldyCrow likes this.
  15. {Quantum/MIDI}

    {Quantum/MIDI} Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2015
    I tend to like AOTC Anakin more but thats for psychological topic reasons.

    Hayden was one of the best actors in the PT and in his career. He was a visual actor. You can tell what emotions he's feeling just by looking at him, no need for words.
  16. obi-arin-kenobi

    obi-arin-kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005

    Classic motion picture cinema in its purest sense.
  17. Davak24

    Davak24 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 15, 2015
    Captain Phasma is cool.
    TheMoldyCrow likes this.
  18. TheMoldyCrow

    TheMoldyCrow Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 16, 2015
    • The Battle of Hoth in ESB is kinda meh
    • All the new characters in TFA are infinitely more relatable than anyone in the PT
    • Ziro the Hutt is the most annoying character to ever show up in Star Wars
    • The Prequel planets are given too much credit in the creativity department
    • TCW and Rebels should have been 2D instead of 3D
    DarthCricketer likes this.
  19. obi-arin-kenobi

    obi-arin-kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005
    Knights of The Old Republic is a terrible take on Star Wars.
  20. Chancellor Yoda

    Chancellor Yoda Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2014
    I actually like that they brought Darth Maul back.
    TheMoldyCrow likes this.
  21. L110

    L110 Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 26, 2014
    The Force Awakens is a piece of garbage.
  22. HevyDevy

    HevyDevy Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 13, 2011
    Yeah, Hayden's visual acting in ROTS is one of it's strong points.

    There is an contrast yet eery similarity in his light and dark personas that is done really well.
    wobbits likes this.
  23. xezene

    xezene Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 6, 2016
    • Richard Marquand's direction for Return of the Jedi was very good. I am so glad Lucas brought in a director who was not only classically trained but also was great at both staging and evoking emotion from masks. His resume on both fronts was good, and ROTJ succeeds partly due to that. In many ways, ROTJ could be done as a stage play and still be coherent. The fact that Marquand makes the epic extremely personal is his great gift.
    • On that note, Return of the Jedi is the most moving -- and my favorite -- Star Wars entry.
    • Also on that note, I kind of like the Ewoks. Everyone misses the point with them. Their cuddliness and primitive nature is deceptive; it's why the Empire underestimated them. Through ingenuity and teamwork, they helped bring down the Empire. Some people catch the nature vs. technology Vietnam motif, and that's good -- for those that didn't get the Vietnam Wookie battle they wanted, Revenge of the Sith brings that in spades. However, more than just that nature vs. technology motif, I like the Ewoks because they showcase Lucas' anthropological curiosity and quirky outlook. We see the Ewok culture, how they view C-3PO as a god (which Han and Luke find amusing), how they enjoy mythological stories. It's very meta and I feel like Lucas is being very self-referential about our culture there. Much further depth than people give it credit for.
    • I don't find Revenge of the Sith to be as sad as I once did (though it is very sad). Now I simply find it horrifying and depressing. Expertly made, though.
    • The Force Awakens is a fun but in the end hollow piece of entertainment. I find the acting to be over-the-top and not nuanced at all. The dialogue, especially at the beginning, makes me cringe more than any dialogue in the PT or OT.
    • I don't believe Disney has the right to establish canon more than the creator of a franchise does. I don't believe corporations trump the views of artists. On that basis, I consider the old EU the true Star Wars universe, and I consider the new Disney universe as something else. (Further: You can sell an artistic property. You can't sell a vision.)
    • The New Jedi Order broadened Star Wars to its full extent. That was probably the peak of any Star Wars-related material in terms of worldbuilding and drama.
    • I think all the PT actors did a good job. I also like the OT acting. Mark Hamill's ROTJ performance is very underrated.
    • Clone Wars 2-D TV miniseries was better than The Clone Wars 3-D series.
    • The Phantom Menace looks the best of the three prequel films.
    • The Jedi code was flawed in some respects. This shouldn't be controversial, but apparently it is. Qui-Gon was on the right track, and Luke completed it.
    • On that note, Luke ends up being a better Jedi than both Yoda and Obi-Wan. He combines wisdom with compassion/attachment and proves everyone wrong. That's his greatest success.
    • Most authors and writers of Star Wars are not knowledgeable enough or self-aware enough to write Luke's transformation to enlightenment after ROTJ. Same thing happened to Jacen post-NJO, with DNT and LotF (shudders).
    • The audience that is most likely to appreciate what Lucas is doing with his films are also the least likely to watch them. In the reverse way, the audience that is most likely to watch and enjoy Star Wars is most likely not going to understand or appreciate what Lucas is doing with the movies he makes.
    • The six Star Wars films Lucas made are not modern. They are ancient and decidedly un-modern, both in style and in story. Disney's transformation of Star Wars to modernity will strip from Star Wars one of the only things that made it unique in cinema today.
    • The Special Edition ending of Return of the Jedi with the new song is far better than its original version.
    • Everyone's favorite version of Han Solo is the version he was meant to grow from. At the end of ROTJ, he is a much healthier man. TFA presents a garbling of this.
    • On that note, The Force Awakens is written like fan fiction.
    • Part of the reason Padme and Luke are healthier mentally than the other characters is because they had a stable childhood raised by relatively healthy family units. To a certain extent that also applies to Leia. The Star Wars saga has a strong theme of psychological rooting and the consequences of it. The fact that TFA has Rey grow up abandoned and has Finn grow up brainwashed, but then have them both turn out to be pretty great and healthy people, with nearly no struggle to get there (it took Han 3 movies and Anakin 6) is a tremendous bungling of this theme. To such an extent that it actually flies in the face of the saga.
    • Revenge of the Sith is far more personal to Lucas than most people think. I believe there are elements of Lucas' divorce in that story.
    • Lucas' greatest asset is his remarkable eye for talent. He surrounds himself with the best.
    • The Star Wars saga was both the greatest achievement and also the greatest tragedy of George Lucas' career. The man went from making interesting experimental and nostalgia films to making blockbusters. He infused those blockbusters with his experimental spirit, but he never went back to making experimental films, which are his passion. There's something inspiring but also very tragic about that.
  24. {Quantum/MIDI}

    {Quantum/MIDI} Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2015
    1st Bold.

    I agree. TPM looks amazing. Though, I tend to think that ROTS and TPM have the best look. AOTC was pretty experimental and suffered for that.

    2nd Bold.

    This is something I thought also. I always knew that GL was a self-aware kinda guy, and reading the book about his divorce(his wife worrying about him building an empire he wanted etc) only made more interested. ROTS certainly correlates with his real life.
    xezene and Ewok Poet like this.
  25. obi-arin-kenobi

    obi-arin-kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005
    The prequel trilogy IS experimental.
    L110, Ezon Pin and xezene like this.