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Saga Unpopular Star Wars opinions!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by Feelicks, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Jid123Sheeve

    Jid123Sheeve Guest

    I believe the Thrawn Trilogy would make a terrible movie.
  2. BlueYogurt

    BlueYogurt Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 26, 2021
    Well, it couldn't be any worse than the books.
  3. would have been very epic
  4. Jid123Sheeve

    Jid123Sheeve Guest

    Were in a golden age of Star Wars
  5. Wu Wei Jedi

    Wu Wei Jedi Jedi Padawan star 2

    Nov 8, 2021
    All of Star Wars should be put to legends and instead be rebooted.
    CampOfSorgan likes this.
  6. jaimestarr

    jaimestarr Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 13, 2004
    I agree. Think about how privileged we are to have so much SW content/merchandise right now. Not only do we just take it for granted, we piss and moan about it. Star Wars has, more or less, constantly been on the pop culture radar since 1997 and it's been a glorious time to be a fan.
    KyleKartan likes this.
  7. KyleKartan

    KyleKartan Force Ghost star 4

    Feb 4, 2004
    Thats why my #1 unpopular opinion is: the problem is not the content but the fans...
    jaimestarr and CosmoHender like this.
  8. Jid123Sheeve

    Jid123Sheeve Guest

    I'd argue it sorta got off the pop culture radar around 2008-2012

    Sure we had Clone Wars but it was never popular as it is now and the period of 08-2012 was sorta the winding down period of Star Wars...Before the buyout that is,
  9. jaimestarr

    jaimestarr Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 13, 2004
    Even during that era you never had a lack of merchandise, you had a show on TV, you had films in the theaters. Compare that from 1985-ish to 1997 and you'll see quite the difference.
  10. Saga_Symphony

    Saga_Symphony Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 30, 2010
    The TCW era was definitely not the same as it is now. The amount of Disney SW content, and the speed it's being churned out, doesn't impress me. Not that quality can't come out from quantity, but especially after stuff like the ST and Solo, it makes me less enthused if anything.

    So far, RO has been the only film / show I've liked from the Disney era. And it wasn't exactly what I'd call great, but it was decent. And (unpopular opinion), I don't care about The Mandalorian or more TCW seasons/ spinoffs.
  11. BlueYogurt

    BlueYogurt Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 26, 2021
    For continuity, iconic lines such as; "this is tense" and "Yippee", should be spoken by Vader, under his breath, at crucial moments during the OT.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2021
    Huncrweo and Sarge like this.
  12. ezekiel22x

    ezekiel22x Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2002
    "We have so much content coming out!" is not something that I automatically celebrate.
  13. Bee Bee

    Bee Bee Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 23, 2015
    The early to mid 2000's was the golden age of Star Wars because that was when I was a kid and everything sucks now /s [face_plain]
    Darth__Lobot and ThisIsTheWay like this.
  14. Master Endz-One

    Master Endz-One Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 30, 2017
    Mace Windu is stronger than Palpatine
  15. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    He also has a purple lightsaber.
  16. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    This is not a real unpopular opinion, but a complaint: I hate with all of myself many categories of Star Wars fans. More specifically, I hate the following categories:

    1. The extremist Original Trilogy purists: The extremist Original Trilogy purists are truly unbearable. I have nothing against their thinking, I just hate their attitude. If you only like the Original Trilogy, and you don’t like the Prequels, the Sequels or the post-1999 Expanded Universe, you are absolutely free to express your opinion and I have nothing against your personal tastes. The important thing, however, is that you respect the personal tastes of others and express your opinions with courtesy and modesty, without pretending to know the absolute objective truth. The problem is that unfortunately many Original Trilogy purists don't behave this way, rather they behave in exactly the opposite way, insulting anyone who does not think like them, and behaving as if their thought were the absolute truth, without any kind of modesty or respect towards those who instead appreciate the Prequel Trilogy, the post-1999 Expanded Universe or the Sequels. The only Original Trilogy anti-Prequels purists for which I have respect are those who know how to discuss civilly. There are also Original Trilogy purists who, despite hating the Prequels in the film version, appreciate the Prequels novelizations and accept those instead of the movies. I have a lot of respect for them too, because they have a constructive and non-destructive attitude. Unfortunately, Original Trilogy purists like these are a small minority...
    2. The Expanded Universe haters: That’s probably the category I hate the most. Although I disagree with the views of the Original Trilogy purists, I respect their thinking. I don’t hate their thinking, but as I said before, I just hate the attitude of many of them. Well, in this case not, in this case I hate the thought of the category directly. The Expanded Universe haters simply have a thought based on nothing. Many of them have never opened a Legends book in their entire life, but they criticize the Expanded Universe. Based on what? Based on rumors, or the opinion of other Expanded Universe haters. And those few who opened a Legends book, probably didn’t even read it carefully. I have nothing else to say about it. I simply believe that this category should disappear from the fandom. They are a cancer, and often spread lies, like the usual bull**** that "ThE ExPaNdEd UnIvErSe WaS NeVeR CaNoN".
    3. The extremist Dave Filoni's fanboys: I think the attitude of many Dave Filoni’s fanboys is really annoying and unbearable. I have often had discussions with these people, and most of the time they're not capable of a constructive and civil discussion. They treat Dave Filoni as if he were a perfect and infallible god, and anyone who criticizes him is insulted, even if it's constructive and reasoned criticism. Very often, on Facebook or other socials, I wrote that although Dave Filoni’s work is very good it’s not perfect, and that fans should stop treating him like he’s George Lucas 2.0. The only answers I got were insults, or I was told I was secretly a supporter of Kathleen Kennedy. I think these kind of people are the reason why many people decide to stay away from Star Wars. Although I appreciate Dave Filoni's work, the attitude of these people makes me almost want to say that TCW, Rebels and The Mandalorian suck, although I don’t really think it. The attitude of these people has often led me to the most complete exasperation, so much so that I can discuss much more civilly with people who don’t like at all Dave Filoni’s work that with other fans of his work like me.

    I don't think anyone on this forum behaves like the categories mentioned above. Maybe some of you can share the thoughts of some of these categories, but surely none of you are behaving arrogantly and unbearably. On this forum you are all people capable of discussing civilly, at least from what I have seen. So, I don’t think I offended anyone, because of course my complaint was addressed to those people who behave badly, and not to the thought itself (apart from the Expanded Universe haters, of which I hate both attitude and thought). Literally, this forum is the only place where I’m not afraid to express my opinions. I’m so glad that this place exists!
  17. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 1, 2012

    If you hate them, put them on your ignore list. Problem solved.
    wobbits, Subtext Mining and Bee Bee like this.
  18. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    Usually that’s what I do, but sometimes I find them without wanting to, and unfortunately sometimes I’m not good at ignoring people, especially when they act extremely annoying XD. Anyway, I wanted to write that post to see if other people have the same problems with those categories of fans XD.
    Count Yubnub likes this.
  19. paradigmes

    paradigmes Jedi Knight star 3

    Jun 9, 2021
    I suppose I am a Expanded Universe "hater" in that I do not care for it too much, so disregard it. I like the Original Trilogy as it tell a neat story with a start, middle and conclusion. It is a nice package. The Expanded Universe just feel like loads of random ideas of other people who want to stick their own part onto the nice package and make it now messy and not so neat.
    Alexrd likes this.
  20. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    I'd prefer shows like Rebels and Clone Wars, which synthesise multiple characters from across the series, rather than isolated miniseries focusing on individual characters/groups. It remains to be seen whether stuff like Book of Boba, Kenobi, or Andor end up like this, or more open to the full roster of potential characters, but the way it's going with other spinoffs seems to be keeping the main characters separate from each other. I may be proved wrong, but I want more like Mando season 2, which featured a nice set of returning characters, than to see them all go back in their little niches. I'm sure individually that'd be fine for a season, I like the idea of Kenobi being its own thing for instance, but in broader terms I hope the various shows retain that interconnectivity.
  21. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    This does not mean being a hater, it simply means ignoring the Expanded Universe without hating it or acting as if your opinion were the absolute truth. In my opinion your attitude is more than fine and does not bother me at all.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
  22. Bee Bee

    Bee Bee Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 23, 2015
    Sorry to be a downer but I'm not at all hyped for the upcoming Boba Fett show. I just don't see Boba Fett or Fennec Shand having enough charisma or providing enough intrigue to carry a show based on what I've seen in the Mandalorian. Hopefully I'm proved wrong though.
  23. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    "I think these kind of people are the reason why many people decide to stay away from Star Wars". I do have to disagree with you on this point. Because you know what has almost made me give up Star Wars on more than one occasion? The old Expanded Universe/Legends fans. You claim that the attitude of some Filoni fan boys makes you almost want to say that TCW, Rebels, and The Mandalorian suck even though you really don't think so? Well, I feel the same way with Legends. I don't hate Legends, not at all. But I get very easily annoyed by Legends fans and their attitudes, especially toward anything new. For years now I have had to deal with Legends fans harassing me about how "their Star Wars is real Star Wars" and how anything that Disney makes is "fanfiction" and "not Star Wars" because Legends is the "true canon". While I do think Legends is very good, like your opinion toward Filoni's work I don't think Legends is perfect and there is plenty about it that I don't love. I feel the same way about the current canon. It's not perfect and I don't love everything about it, but I still think that a lot of it is really good. I like both Canon and Legends, both the old and the new Expanded Universe. I feel like they both have advantages and disadvantages. Yet whenever I say that I like something Disney put out, I get harassed because I'm not a "true fan". I've been told that I can't actually be a fan of Legends if I dare say anything bad about it. This especially got frustrating when the High Republic received so much unjustified backlash, with a lot of it coming from older fans who claimed that the High Republic was replacing or ripping off the Old Republic. I love the Old Republic, it's actually one of my favorite things coming from Legends. But I still love the High Republic and I don't appreciate being talked down to by Legends fans just because I like something they don't. And don't even get me started on having to deal with The Force Unleashed fans while watching Rebels. In short, a lot of Legends fans that I have interacted with put the old Expanded Universe on a pedestal and see it as the "only Star Wars" while overlooking its flaws and remaining close-minded to anything new. I don't want to hate Legends, I want to love both it and Canon. But too often the Legends fans have told me that I am either with them or against them. For me there is nothing worse than older fans trying to invalidate the new fans and their experiences, which is what I have had to put up with as a fan for years.
  24. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    A reminder that this is an Unpopular Star Wars opinions thread, not a “real people that I don’t like” thread, and we have a “discuss the films and not the fans” rule here.
  25. Bazinga'd

    Bazinga'd Saga / WNU Manager - Knights of LAJ star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 1, 2012
    Baz Comment: May I have everyone's attention. This thread is about unpopular opinions, not unpopular groups of fans who have particular opinions. Keep this thread away from bashing certain groups of Star Wars fans.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021