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Saga Varykino's Jewel (Padmé, Pooja, one-shot fluff)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by AngelQueen, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Title: Varykino's Jewel
    Author(s): AngelQueen
    Timeframe: pre-AotC
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Pooja Naberrie
    Genre: fluff
    Keywords: Varykino, birth
    Summary: During a night at Varykino, Padmé Amidala spends some time with her newborn niece.
    Notes: I wrote this story because like several other people on the boards, I feel that Padmé doesn't get nearly enough attention in regards to herself and her other relationships aside from the one she has with her dear Sithly hubby. Well, that and Pooja and Padmé are my favorite Naberrie girls. ;)

    The nights by the Lake are so quiet. I think that is one of the reasons Varykino is my favorite place on Naboo. Sitting out on the veranda, I can hear the insects singing and the fish swimming down in the water below. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always felt so at peace here.

    A gurgle disrupts my thoughts and I glance down at the infant in my arms. I cannot help but smile as I take the small washcloth I brought with me and wipe away the spittle leaking from the corner of her mouth. She is a beautiful child.

    I lean back and sway the rocking chair with my foot, hoping to lull her into keeping her silence. Everyone else within the estate is asleep - her exhausted parents, her proud, content grandparents, even her rambunctious older sister. The two of us are the only ones are the only ones still awake and it should stay that way. It has been a long few days for everyone.

    I’d always felt guilty for not being there when Ryoo was born. She arrived right in the midst of my reelection campaign, which I was having to juggle with the continued smooth management of the government. There was no chance of my getting away from the capital, not then. There was no spare time for me to travel to Darred’s family’s country home, which was where he and Sola had decided to have their firstborn. So instead of being there to greet my first niece on her arrival into the world, I was stuck in Theed working on a piece of legislation whose topic I cannot even remember now. I only recall feeling so frustrated over the endless petty politics, and the violent thunderstorm that had engulfed the capital that night.

    So when Sola told me some months ago that she was again expecting a child, I was determined to be there no matter what. I planned my schedule well in advance, so that I would be available to come out to Varykino with the rest of my family. I had to remain in periodic contact with the Council in Theed, but thankfully they were able to manage everything very well in my absence.

    I look back down at the child again, smiling even now. The actual birth, I think, was harder on me than on Sola. I jumped every time she cried out, frantic that something had gone wrong. I acted more like an expectant first-time father than a concerned sister. Mother would just smile at me indulgently and assure me that everything was going as it should. She even said that Sola was enduring this birth far easier than she had Ryoo’s. Looking down at my sister’s flushed and sweaty face, I found it very hard to believe her. I wondered how such suffering could ever be considered natural.

    That was then, though. Now, everyone rests inside the house, save for myself and this wonderful miracle cradled at my breast. Pooja Naberrie, named for her father’s grandmother.

    The first time I held you, little one, I was still in shock. I had been holding Sola’s hand, trying to ease her discomfort as best I could for the past several hours. Darred had been sitting across from me, looking so calm that I could not help but feel a little irritated. Everyone but me was perfectly at ease with the whole situation.

    But then came my turn to hold you. I’ll admit that I didn’t fully register my feelings. My thoughts were still on your mother, and I was in awe that she managed to come through all of that and was still smiling proudly, albeit tiredly.

    Now, though… now I see you for the treasure you are, my dear little prayer. Your sister, though still very young, is already showing that she favors your father’s side of the family. I can already see that it is otherwise with you. You are a Naberrie, through and through. It may sound conceited, but you actually bear a remarkable resemblance to my own faded baby holopictures.

    I wonder what your future will be. What path will you walk? Perhaps mine? The road of service is a hard one - I will say that without hesitation. There is much that you will miss out on. Not just special moments with your family, but also while other children are outside playing, more ofthen than not you will be inside, sitting and applying yourself to your schoolwork.

    Still, despite such sacrifices, that road has its own rewards. You will meet people unlike any others. I certainly never expected to meet a Jedi Master and his apprentice, nor did I think I would meet a young boy with such a golden heart, despite all the hardships that had been forced upon him.

    That is not the only path for you, however. You could easily take the route your parents chose, attending the University and earning a degree in whatever area appeals to you. Who knows - perhaps you will find the one for whom your heart was made, just as they did.

    Or maybe you will forge your own way. There is no shame in that. You could not have been born into a more supportive family. Your mother was the most wonderful sister to me when we were children, despite her merciless teasing. Your father is a good man too. He will love you.

    And your grandparents, oh, how can I even begin to describe them? I can say without any reservation that I would have no others for my parents. They have always supported me in whatever path I chose, even when that path took me far away from them. I have no doubt they will do the same for you.

    I pause in my thoughts and look up from the peaceful baby in my arms. I stare up at the sky and my eyes widen in surprise. I quickly hold you up, allowing you to see what I see.

    “Look there, little Pooja,” I murmur softly. “A falling star!”

    In the old stories, it was said that when a star fell, a miracle happened, no matter how big or small. Could it be the gods heralding your birth, I wonder? Could it be a sign of your future?

    I slowly lower Pooja back to my chest, rubbing her back soothingly. “I cannot promise that I will always be here for you, my dear niece,” I whisper, “but if the old stories are true, then I have faith that the gods will look after you, long after I’m gone.”
  2. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    *feeds the hungry author* :p

    Very sweet, AQ. [face_love] I also think that Padmé is too rarely written without Anakin; I'd like to see more of her as just Padmé. This is a great little family moment, and I can really see Padmé being a doting sort of aunt. [face_love] I really like your description of Varykino, and the image of Padmé and baby Pooja being the only ones awake late at night. Very nicely done, my darling. [:D]
  3. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    I agree, it's so nice to see her just as Padme, not part of a couple. Beautiful! =D=
  4. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    *chomp chomp* ;) :D :p

    Many thanks, Gabri! I've always wondered what sort of aunt Padmé would be ever since we see that brief deleted scene where Ryoo and Pooja come bolting out of the Naberrie home and practically tackle their aunt with hugs. It's obvious they adore her there, so of course, there just has to be a backstory to that! :)

    Thank you, Mama Vader! :) [face_love]

  5. JediMasterRev

    JediMasterRev Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 2, 2004
    I agree with my esteemed colleagues, it is nice to see Padme interacting with another character, on her own. I thought this was beautifully done as you very adeptly portrayed the awe and wonder the new aunt had for her neice. I liked the subtle reference to Pooja one day following in Padme's footsteps. It was a nice touch to have this blessed event at Varykino. In what we've all seen and read about it, the place holds a certain mystique about it that is both charming and seductive at the same time. Very well done, AQ. Hope to see more from you soon!
  6. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    :D :D I'm glad you saw so much in this, Rev! Varykino was perhaps my favorite place in the Prequels and I've been wanting to do something there for a while. Couple that with the desire to write Padmé in a capacity other than wife of Sith boy or Mummy to the twinsies and this is the result.

    Thanks again! :)

  7. Vejibra_Padme

    Vejibra_Padme Jedi Youngling

    Jul 29, 2005
    Beautiful!! [face_love] just beautiful, I have to say that the portrait of Padme as a aunt is beautiful and baby Pooja! [:D], Padme and Pooja are my favorite naberrie girls too! [face_love]. Just love it!

    See ya!!
  8. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    *smiles* I'm glad you enjoyed this, Vejibra. I had a wonderful time writing it. Pooja and Padmé were a dream to write for. Allowing Padmé to look at life as something other than a politician or the wife of her Sithly hubby is really an interesting experience. :)

    Thank you! :D [:D]

  9. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
  10. SakuraTsukikage

    SakuraTsukikage Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 24, 2005
    Great job! Just like everyone else, I agree that it was nice to see Padme as just Padme instead of part of the Padme-and-Anakin relationship. You did a great job with this. It had a very reflective feeling, and I liked the way everyone was relaxed during the birth but Padme. :p It seems very in-character to me.
  11. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    *laughs* I had fun with that little aspect of the story, I will admit. It is fun to rattle a character's cage, especially one that is rather calm most of the time. [face_batting] [face_batting]

    Thank you for responding, Sakura! :) [:D]

  12. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    So beautiful! [face_love]

    Like everyone else has said, it's nice to see Padme as a person. You did a lovely job with the descriptions, and with her thoughts. And baby Pooja is adorable. [face_love]

    Fantastic work! =D=
  13. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Thank you, amidalachick! :) [:D] I'm glad you enjoyed it. And yes, baby Pooja is adorable. *cuddles baby Pooja* [face_batting] [face_batting]

  14. AzulSaber

    AzulSaber Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 15, 2005
    AQ! *hugs* :D It's so great to see another work by you up!

    I loved this...there's not enough interaction stories/vigs about Padme and characters other than Anakin. And I've always liked Pooja, especially knowing she'll go on to serve in the Empire (I do have that right don't I?).

    It does make me sad though because Padme was so dedicated to service yet missed out on so much family stuff, even before she and Anakin were married. And it makes me wonder how good of a mother Padme would have been. Judging by your fic, she would have been excellent. :)

    Anyway, this was great! Good job! See you around. [:D]
  15. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    [face_blush] [face_blush] Thanks, Azulie! [:D]

    Yes, Pooja does go on to serve as Naboo and the Chommell Sector's representative in the Imperial Senate. Kind of ironic, isn't it?

    Personally, I sometimes wonder how Padmé would have juggled being a mother as well as a politician too. We've seen something of that in how Leia and Han handled raising their kids in the years of the New Republic. :rolleyes: That in itself is one of my biggest problems with the EU. Is it me, or are none of them capable of attempting to be normal parents? Oy...

    Thanks for responding, hon! :) Loved hearing from you! How is Saving the Galaxy coming along these days, out of curiosity? :D

  16. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Reopening thread...