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Beyond - Legends Waking Up Skywalker (AU L/M)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by lukemaraben, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. lukemaraben

    lukemaraben Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 2, 2012
    Title: Waking Up Skywalker (based loosely on Katy Perry's song Waking Up in Vegas)
    Time frame: between Thrawn Trilogy and VOTF
    Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Disney and Zahn do.

    Chapter 1

    Mara’s assassin sense was tingling. There was someone in the room, and even being hung over Mara Jade was still on alert just like years of training required.

    Body tensing in preparation to strike, Mara took the hold out blaster she carried out and…


    Lying in bed next to her was Luke Skywalker!

    “Skywalker!!!” Mara screeched, instantly shoving the sleeping Jedi out of the bed.

    Luke hit the floor with a loud thud, his head was pounding and the loud string of cursing coming from on the bed was not helping matters. “What’s the meaning…” he started, getting ready to give the other party a piece of his mind. “Mara!?”

    “Don’t Mara me!” Mara snapped. “What are you doing in my bed?”

    “Your bed?” Luke couldn’t keep the shock from his voice. “I do believe this is my apartment.” He said exaggerating his glance around the room.

    “That’s ridiculous why would I be in your…” Mara trailed off as she too glanced around the room. Finally her green eyes returned to look at Luke. “Well?”

    Luke looked at her confused. “Well, what?”

    “Care to explain?”

    Luke shook his head no. “Hold on! You’re the one who pushed me out of my bed, and woke up in my apartment. You explain!”

    “Must have been one of your Jedi mind tricks.” Mara muttered folding her arms across her chest.

    Luke was about to point out Jedi mind tricks only worked on the weak -minded when a shiny glint caught his eye. On Mara’s left had was a --Luke could not quite believe his eyes --a wedding ring!

    “What are you staring at?” Mara asked her tone still resentful.

    Mouth still ajar, Luke pointed to her left hand.

    “Sure, my hand is what caught your attention.” Mara bit out, but looked at her hand anyway.

    “Oh SITHSPAWN!!! Is that…”
    “I think so.” Luke nodded.

    “Are you…?”

    “Good chance.”

    Mara’s eyes bulged. “Well just don’t stand there! Do something!” She hissed.

    “Me?” Luke gaped at Mara.

    Mara Jade was seriously freaking out, in fact Luke thought she might be having a panic attack.

    “I can get you caf.” He offered trying to recall if Mara even liked caf.

    Mara shook her head no seeming to have regained control of herself. Mind racing as she tried to piece together the previous nights events.

    The night had, as Mara recalled, started out normal, she’d gone to the Riding Rancors cantina to meet with a client. Gotten pissed when the client never showed and had started downing way more ale then was responsible. Mara couldn’t remember exactly when Luke had arrived, but she did remember throwing a few less then civil remarks his way.

    Before Mara had realized it Luke had also started downing the ale and that’s where the evening really became foggy. None of the nights events though added up to marriage!

    “Skywalker, you breathe a word of any of this…I have no qualms in finishing the last command.”

    Luke put his hands up in a placating manor. “You think I want it to get out that the galaxy’s Jedi Master got married while drunk?”

    “Point.” Mara conceded. “Good news for you, most of the galaxy would just be shocked to learn you drink.”

    The moments that followed were spent in awkward silence.

    Mara finally seemed to have realized she was still sitting in Luke’s bed and had moved to the far corner of the room glaring vibroblades at Luke.

    Luke on the other hand, busied himself striating up the room and trying to forget about the angry redhead in the room. “Why are you still here?” Luke finally asked.

    “Isn’t it obvious…I am your wife.”

    “This isn’t the time or place for your sarcasm. “ Luke bit out.

    Mara snorted. “Seems like the perfect time. We’re kriffing MARRIED!” She yelled. “MARRIED!!” Her voice going up an octave as she said the “M” word once more for emphasis.

    “We don’t know that for sure…”

    Mara threw her hands up. “I am wearing a ring and woke up in bed with you.”

    Luke sighed, she was right it didn’t look promising. “Maybe we had a fake ceremony.” He offered.

    Mara gave Luke an icy glare.

    “Maybe we should figure out what happened.”

    “That’d be a great idea. Except I don’t remember!”

    Luke swore. He had been going over the nights events in his mind. He’d gone to the cantina to get away and had ran into Mara. After she’d finished her usual pleasant greeting, Mara had offered him a drink. Luke remembered leaving the cantina with Mara sometime later. He’d been tipsy and she’d been completely hammered, but he couldn’t remember where they had gone after the cantina.

    Clearly there must have been more alcohol at some point, cause Luke hadn’t felt this bad since his Rouge Squadron days.

    Mara finally had come to a conclusion. “We retrace our steps. Someone would have been bound to recognize us so we ask around.”

    Luke smirked. “You hope we had a fake ceremony too.”

    “No, it’s better to know the facts before we file for divorce on a marriage that never took place.” She said pulling on her boots and finishing braiding her hair. “So, I’m going home…taking a long hot shower and I’ll meet you for lunch at the Plaza tapcafe.”

    To Be Continued...
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_dancing] Perfect snark and what a terrific set up for eventual mush LOL [:D] !!
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  3. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Lol! Sweet!:D
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  4. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010

    Oh, yeah! These two are soooo asking for this.

    Please tag me? @};-
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  5. Lady_Misty

    Lady_Misty Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 21, 2007
    Nothing like waking up with a hangover, a wedding ring on your finger and no memory of what happened.

    The day after my best friend got married her brothers were on facebook and saw that she was on as well. One of them asked how the wedding night was (I saw the comment on facebook). If it had been my brother he would have been dead!

    Hey, Han could ask that! Oh wait, we don't want him to die.

    Please tag me when you update.
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  6. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    At least they realized they may be married the morning after. I just read today that the comedian Janeane Garofalo just found out this week she had been married for twenty years and she didn't know it. She got drunk and her boyfriend and her got married in a Vegas drive-thru chapel. They thought it wasn't legal unless they went to the courthouse to file the paperwork....WRONG! [face_laugh] So this does happen obviously.
    I always like the 'waking up in bed' scenarios. :p I forgot to ask for a tag in my previous post. Thanks!
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  7. Book-Geek

    Book-Geek Jedi Knight star 3

    May 28, 2011
    Add me to the tag list please! This is Luke and Mara at their best, and--at the same time--their worst! :DI can't wait to see what wackiness retracing their steps will reveal!
  8. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Lol! This is a hilarious senario! I can't wait to see how it all turns out! Perhaps there's a law in the gffa that requires you to be married for a certain amount of time before you are eligible for devorce. If you are doing tags, please tag me when you update.
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  9. Voxynking2

    Voxynking2 Jedi Youngling

    Nov 15, 2012
    Looks Great. I can't wait to see what happens next, and how this will all be sorted out!
    lukemaraben likes this.
  10. lukemaraben

    lukemaraben Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 2, 2012
    Tag list: Lady_Misty Book-Geek Hazel Briannakin Jedi_Lover

    Chapter 2​

    Mara had just left when the comm went off.

    Luke groaned. If it was the academy they’d have to survive without him for a few days. Hitting the accept button, Luke prepared for Tionne to inform him of some crisis that he was desperately needed for.

    Luckily or unluckily, it turned out to be Leia.

    “Hey, Leia.”

    “Are you alright?” Leia asked worry written all over her face.


    Suddenly Luke realized he must have been projecting his whirlwind string of emotions into the Force. Leia, being the protective sister she was, had interpreted his shock/confusion/horror as some big crisis that her accident-prone brother had walked into.

    Or in this case Luke reflected, drank his way into.

    Luke was going to have to inform Han and Lando that their bad habits were rubbing off on him. How many times had he heard Leia complain about some dumb thing Han said or did while he’d been drunk?

    “What’s going on, Luke?”

    “It’s just been a rough morning…don’t worry about it, Leia.”

    Leia gave a reassuring smile. “Hang in there. By the way, Han and I are taking the kids to the zoo. Care to join?”

    “Sorry, I have plans.”

    Leia raised an eyebrow. “Ohhh…”

    “Bye, sis.” Luke said before she could begin the questions.


    Mara entered her apartment and as quickly as she could pealed off her clothes and stepped into a scalding hot shower.

    Wanting the shower to wash away the past twenty-four hours. Mara glared at the tiled wall, she’d always been in control of herself. Prided herself in analyzing every situation. Being able to list out the pros and cons of each possible situation and then acting.

    Even drunk, she’d never totally lost her inhabitations. “Dang, Skywalker!” She hissed allowed.

    Mara wasn’t sure how Skywalker did it, but she was sure it had to have been his fault. Whenever she was around him she did things that she wouldn’t normally do. The last time it had been watching the Solo kids with him. Time before that he had talked her into being his date for a New Republic function Leia was making him attend. The list just seemed to go on.

    Mara finished her shower muttering about how she should have left Luke in that ruined x-wing.


    When Luke and Mara met up for lunch both were feeling much better. Some of the shock from waking up as apparently husband and wife had worn off. Not that either of them were happier with the previous night events they had just had some time to cool down.

    The task now was retracing their drunken self’s and putting the madness behind them.

    They sat down in a far corner booth so that they wouldn’t be noticed, and after ordering food got down to business.

    “It could be worse you know.” Luke said after they had been eating for a while.

    Mara shook her head in dismay and asked, “How?”

    “Well, we could have woken up naked together. It could have been, for either of us, someone we didn’t even know.”

    Unwillingly, Mara smiled.

    “Worse yet you could have married your long lost brother.” Luke made a face that was quite unlike the Jedi Master.

    “Yeah, I guess you should be glad you didn’t marry Leia in a drunken haze during the Rebellion.”

    Mara thought Luke was about to choke on his food for a second, but he mange to swallow somehow between his laughing fits.

    “So, where do two intoxicated “lovers” go to get married?” Mara asked.

    Luke shrugged. “Beats me. I grew up on Tatooine.”

    “What, Solo hasn’t spilt all his dirty secrets to you?”

    “Funny. Why don’t we start asking our questions at Riding Rancors.”

    They finished their lunch and headed to the cantina.

    Luke and Mara decided that since Riding Rancors was only a couple blocks from the tapcafe they would walk there.

    Walking along the busy Coruscant walkways Luke became very aware of how natural it felt to be with Mara. She really was not bad company. Lunch had been full of conversation, and even though the circumstances weren’t really ideal, Luke had to admit he was having a great time. Perhaps after this whole marriage crisis was over Luke would try to make more of a point to spend more time with Mara.

    They entered Riding Rancors a few minutes later and were immediately greeted with the smell of alcohol and spice.

    “Well this should be a blast.” Mara muttered looking around. Humans and Aliens alike were downing various drinks. A Bothan though caught Mara’s eye. “Over there.”

    Luke followed her gaze. “What about him?”

    “He was here last night.” Mara said.

    “You’re sure?”

    Mara nodded as she headed towards the Bothan with Luke in tow.

    “Excuse me.” Luke said. “Could we ask you a question?”

    The Bothan looked up. “You with security forces?”

    Luke and Mara glanced at each other.

    “No.” Mara said. “We were here last night, and you see we have a bit of a problem so…”

    “Look, I don’t remember last night lady. Now scram.”

    “Well that was a bust.” Luke said as they left the cantina.

    “Isn’t there some Force technique for this?” Mara asked.

    Luke shook his head. “Already tried. That’s how I remember even leaving Riding Rancors.”

    “So, what now?” Luke asked after they had been walking a while.

    “You didn’t happen to find a marriage license in your apartment? That’d save us a lot of trouble.”

    “I think I would have mentioned that if I had.”

    Mara ground her teeth in frustration. “Someone’s got to know!”

    “We could ask the Hall of Records. Save us the trouble.”

    “Yeah.” Mara snorted. “And make the press money at the same time. No thanks.”

    “We’re screwed.”

    “Yep. Looks like we’re husband and wife for the foreseeable future.”

    Darksnider05 and AzureAngel2 like this.
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] I guess they're stuck with each other - whee! [face_laugh] [face_love]
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  12. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    That doesn't sound too bad. Now get on your honeymoon you two!!;)
  13. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Oops. Double post. See below.
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  14. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Hey, if I were Mara, I wouldn't complain! ;)
  15. Book-Geek

    Book-Geek Jedi Knight star 3

    May 28, 2011
    I laughed hard at their 'it could be worse' discussion. And I second Jedi-Lover and Briannakin's statements: stop standing their staring at each other awkwardly, realize it's all for the best and get on to the honeymoon!;)
    AzureAngel2 and Nyota's Heart like this.
  16. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Damn it I just got a plot bunny. Noooooooo! It is NaNo! Must shoo the bunny out of my house.
  17. WeAreJedi

    WeAreJedi Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 2, 2012
    This looks like it will be awkward for them...Can't wait. Could you please tag me when you update.
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  18. Tribaldancer

    Tribaldancer Jedi Youngling

    Sep 7, 2012
    This is fun! Can you add me to list?
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  19. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    It's the will of the Force, Luke and Mara. Stop analyzing it and enjoy ;)
  20. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    JL with plot bunnies - yay! Will be eagerly awaiting the [face_mischief] fun! [face_love]
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  21. Lady_Misty

    Lady_Misty Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 21, 2007
    Could be worse Jedi_Lover you could be behind in your fics AND be behind with NaNo. Then on to of all that you feel bad because you feel that you are wrapping your story up too fast and then feel bad because you rarely go this long without updating at least one fic. [face_sigh]

    Well it looks like they are stuck with each other for the time being.

    As far as they know they could have unclothed in one place, got kicked out and went to Luke's place dressed. Just saying!
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  22. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    There are a whole lot of scenarios that could have happened. ;)

    I just hope this doesn’t go the route of Hangover Part II. If we find Luke and Mara with a drug dealing, deathstick smoking, Kowakian monkey-lizard—I am out of here. Because you know what comes next: horrific holos of Luke and a transgendered Kuat pleasure dancer, Black Sun gansters, hoverchair bound Bentu monks, and I am sure we will find someone with a finger chopped off by a lightsaber.
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  23. lukemaraben

    lukemaraben Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 2, 2012

    Oh dear, that just sounds scary[face_sick].
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  24. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    I told you I had a plot bunny!! :D
    AzureAngel2 and lukemaraben like this.
  25. lukemaraben

    lukemaraben Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 2, 2012