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Star Wars OPEN War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , Dec 30, 2022.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Five Battles

    Second Lwhekk ,Vhetin, Faruun, Molkivj, and Rothana

    The Second Battle of Lwhekk transformed into a slog, missiles periodically thrown, and droid starfighters moved up to block them. Meanwhile the Second Battle of Rothana was over in devastating fashion.

    But other engagements occurred too.

    The Tof divided their forces in four; a half fleet to Lwhekk, a quarter force to Alpha Base; the best part of a fleet to Rothana, and a similar number to Vhetin. The Tof needed resources for their burgeoning League, and Vhetin had been damaged and not fully recovered or rebuilt.

    It had replete minerals, minimal defences relative to worlds such as Nagi, Mon Calamari and Zakuul, and the Tof League invaded and won without little fuss. It wasn’t a massacre; Vhetin had already been depopulated by Knife, and its refugees had made their way to Saijo, thankfully. A Mandalorian and Nagai underground emerged of course, but the central government on nearby Nagi would not know of it for now. The Tofs deployment was swift and efficient and in short order Maccabree were en route to the mines.

    Word reached Nagi, Saijo and Sluis Van shortly enough, much as it did about Rothana.

    But the Nagai took a third blow in this round of hostilities; but so too did the Tof’s. Faruun had negotiated an honourable and profitable neutrality, and that only benefited the two of them in the so-called War of Three. They were decent fighters; had absolute faith in their chrome designs based on Nagai and Tof ships. They would resist.

    The Sun Guard did not care for that.

    In a lightning assault evocative of that on Rothana, but all the more devastating for the stronger resistance the locals gave, the Faruuni orbital defences were shattered by advanced pocket Durame-class Star Destroyers built off the Gladiator-class hull, as well as Interdictors off the same design, augmented by well defended Mon Calamari input. The latter were screened by the former, and the Faruuni, outnumbered as they were, inflicted minor damage to the Sun Guard forces before their defences crumbled; they responded with their planetary defences; a full orbital bombardment and devastation of the shipyards occurred. There wasn’t even time for seizures to be repelled; the Faruuni were simply attacked back and ruthlessly so. What little resources could be easily taken from orbiting cargo ships were, but denial became the aim, not much else. The Faruuni fought back and had to be crushed to give that much.

    This was not war; this was the dark side at work. The aggression within the military of Darth Mascon had an outlet; potentially to an even more destructive level than he wished.

    By the end of the savaging, which lasted mere hours, the world was a holocaust disaster, and no warships would be delivered to the Nagai or Tofs whatsoever; no resources bartered were sent; the mutual aid treaty was shattered in principle. Many, many Faruuni were dead. Their mineral wealth and technical expertise remained, but they had no position to barter from; they needed aid. With Nagai and Tof commitments, by the time the jamming net was noted and notice reached them, the battle itself was already over… all that remained were spoils.

    Molkivj was a similar story, but the Sun Guard were more circumspect when three squadrons of E-wings rose up against them. Wanting to have a monopoly on cortosis - which could be developed in eclectic uses to counter lightsabers or more generally in starship hulls - they assaulted the mines, killed everyone they found, took with them all the refined cortosis they could find, and because they were so far from their zone of control, hunkered done with the equivalent of a single capital ship, but well supported with advanced fighters and Force sensitives to punch above its weight. Production and refinement would be prioritised; resources were premium.

    Five major engagements had occurred in a matter of a day, and millions had died, dozens of capital ships, and so much potential lost. The First Battle of Rothana had begun the War of Three, and rage it would.

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @adaml83
  2. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Nagai Alliance

    The Nagai lost the First Battle of Lwhekk but acquired new allies in the Confederacy and New Separatist Union. This was tempered by the devastation of Faruun and Rothana, and material loss of Vhetin.

    Instead of having seven more capital ships delivered by those worlds, the Nagai Alliance rose up two forces from Nagai resources, the Sullustan Bulwark cruisers, and the Lucrehulk half fleet. Two fleets total. A pair of capital ships held at Nagai with their planetary defence grid, and such systems were being hastily installed at Eriadu, Sluis Van, Sullust and Saijo. Sullustan and Mustafarian resources remained, Eriaduan and Sluissi shipyards too. The population of Nagai remained, though Mandalorian losses were such that their input into the alliance was becoming minimal; the few that remained existed among the tugs of beskar that fled Rothana for Sluis Van.

    Options prevailed.

    Not just the seven remaining independent nations - Bakura, Senex, Nocto, Trulalis, Nal Hutta, Lothal and the expansive Corporate Systems, either.

    The Sluissi were convinced they could upgrade the Bulwark’s to battlecruiser strength; equivalent to a fleet in half a fleet’s numbers. Rothana was in ruins, and would need commitment of much of their new resources to rebuild. The Union was eager to spread droid factories across the Alliance; the Eriaduans were proffering TIE Crawler tanks for the ground forces and the Nebula-class Star Destroyer as a research option.

    At very least, the Nagai leadership was secure. They had weathered their worst, and had a growing pool of now four Dark Jedi to command. Would that give them an edge?

    IC: Darth Nihl

    The news woke the Sith Lord up.

    Deaths rippled through the Force.

    The news flooded in and he opened the comlink in a rage to the triplets. “What are we doing about this.”

    About Vhetin.

    About Rothana.

    About Faruun.

    About Bakura, and the other worlds.

    TAG: @darthbernael (directly)

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Mitth_Fisto, @adaml83
  3. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Tof League

    The briefest pause for diplomacy had given the Tof time to rebuild and regroup, and their twin assaults had proven successful, severely damaging the Nagai at Rothana and snatching Vhetin while they were weakened, let alone their successful expedition to Base Alpha. There had been troubles; the loss of promised Faruun aid, their forces enmeshed at Lwhekk.

    They would have built up greatly though; two and half fleets were ready, with a separate additional half committed at Lwhekk of course; a quarter in system with Barbosa and a quarter holding with Tovah. The Eminence would have to decide what best to do; commit more or even less to Lwhekk; look to the breached contract from the Farunni; decide the next grand move of strategy.

    Options prevailed.

    Not just the seven remaining independent nations - Bakura, Senex, Nocto, Trulalis, Nal Hutta, Lothal and the expansive Corporate Systems, either.

    The Fel Empire had made clear its stance on the Tof and their histories; reforms be damned. Still resources were sent to Kwenn with no sight of the stealth bomber. The Tof League was constructing a half fleet at Tof, another half fleet at Maccabree. It was going well, and their resources were ample. The two damaged beskar Star Cruisers and beskar tugs at their command had to be deployed somewhere, somewhen, for them to be examined and their wealth of knowledge taken for the glory of the Tof League.

    What next?

    IC: The Macca

    The co-head of state of the Maccabree (with the other titled The Bree), reflected in the news from Faruun.

    He also had news for his Eminence.

    My Lord, I would forward concerning data from our recent security protocols. I would request an audience via Holocom to discuss.

    The data included confirmation that the Clawdite had escaped their clutches. The genetic markers had enabled them to track them when they left, but leave they did. Stealing a runabout shuttle, the spy had fled. Better fled than aboard, but Macca had looked forward to seeing their new interrogation procedures in place.

    But two other spies had been detected, confronted, and died in the ensuring arrest attempt. One entering Tof itself, and another attempting to join the Vhetin occupation force. Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators.

    He intended to speak to his Eminence about a response. He also sought to see what was next for the Tof League after their recent triumphs and minor setback at Faruun. As a former brother in arms, the Maccabree people generally didn’t want to see the Faruun suffer and had been relieved the confrontation there had ended peacefully - profitably even. But now, after the Sun Guard raid, allies of the infernal Yuuzhan Vong…?

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto (directly)

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @darthbernael, @adaml83
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Sun Guard

    Their successes were growing.

    The Yuuzhan Vong alliance; the strikes at Molkivj and Faruun. The Sun Guard had made a perennial thorn in themselves, all the while building up. The cortosis ore looted from Molkivj would assist with their resource matters, but their aggressive stance had yielded more; the Centrality, fearful of the Yuuzhan Vong, offered to sign articles of allegiance and bring their quarter fleet of updated Dreadnaught-class cruisers into the fold.

    A diplomat would be needed.

    Options prevailed.

    Not just the seven remaining independent nations - Bakura, Senex, Nocto, Trulalis, Nal Hutta, Lothal and the expansive Corporate Systems, either.

    The Mon Calamari shipyards were taxed, but swelled the Sun Guard with another half fleet. This increased their fleet numbers to two fleets, led by a Dreadnought. The Yuuzhan Vong had lain coral keels for a half fleet which would be ready swiftly; their Dreadnought and half fleet was ready.

    Eager even.

    IC: Zat Lah

    Word reached him that the Domain Lah loyalists in the Mobus system had secured command of half a fleet of coral warships. Sekot was keeping an eye on them so they were not placed to leave without support. They weren’t far from Molkivj mind you…

    Lah passed this information to Mascon’s liaison here on Rodia, but frowned about the news from Nal Hutta. The sudden end of the Hutt Civil War and the decamping of the rogue Kadijic’s from Nar Shaddaa meant that the Hutts and their half fleet were not distracted but unified, abruptly so.

    Did that change their campaign plans?

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha (directly)

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael, @adaml83
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2023
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Fel Empire

    The Zakuul Accords were on-going.

    The Empire had committed to the Second Battle of Lwhekk and ending the Grysk Hegemony; as well as the Ssi-Ruuvi and Tof Empire.

    It wasn’t all too clear when and how that would materialise, but it would. Their foreign policy clearly stated as much.

    The Tof League had been perceived as a potential ally, and now were marked threats.

    Construction at Yaga Minor and general commitment to such matters had boosted their overall strength to four fleets. While a sizeable contingent was at Lwhekk, their diplomatic endeavours could potentially bring a full Chiss fleet to the front, let alone what was believed to be two fleet-sized deployments of Eternal warships. For now though neither has materialised and the Second Battle of Lwhekk would be a draw on their resources. While they had a continuous territory around the east-north-eastern flank, worlds such as isolated Xagobah and Kamino were distant from other parts of the Fel Empire.

    Options prevailed.

    Not just the seven remaining independent nations - Bakura, Senex, Nocto, Trulalis, Nal Hutta, Lothal and the expansive Corporate Systems, either.

    Still resources were sent to Kwenn with no sight of the stealth bomber.

    However, the Quillan Datapad was unlocked by Voort Piggy SaBring; the secrets of the TIE Neutraliser were now in Imperial hands.

    The Adumari colonies in the Unknown Regions were being drained of resources and manpower, across a flank that had itself been mined hard by the First Order for decades…

    The Fel Empire was tensing against Lwhekk and the Chiss and Eternal Fleet. When any one broke, it would release a dam of Imperial strength that would sweep away their enemies. That was what Emperor Fel I believed, he just needed to get everyone over this hurdle.

    Would they make it?

    IC: Voort ‘Piggy’ SaBring

    The Gamorreon had decoded the Quillan Datapad and headed to Zakuul with his side project. He’d never studied genealogy, and it was a fun aside.

    He entered the rather crowded room when the throne didn’t respond to the Zabrak DNA. “Yeah I knew that was going to happen.”

    The crowd of diplomats and officers looked at him, still rare and enough to turn a room’s attention. “Don’t mind me.”

    He tugged aside those who could afford to be. Jagged Fel glowered at Piggy, but smiled too, as warm as he was officious, looking back to the Yuuzhan Vong, Sekot and Chiss representatives.

    Once he had his co-conspirators, Piggy turned down his voice box and spoke on. “There were eight Outlanders; we can’t take command of the Eternal Fleet without at least, in my estimation, five of the bloodlines. Two Jedi, two Sith, one Trooper, one Smuggler, one Spy, one Bounty Hunter.”

    He oriented on Theron’s hologram and Lana’s spirit, visible to listen. “Which you both knew.”

    “Your worthiness of the Throne is determined by how you obtain it. You can’t kill the Outlander and take it, so this is the best we can offer as challenge.” Lana intoned.

    “What she said,” Theron shrugged.

    “You’re playing with the entire galaxy.”

    “If the wrong candidate takes the Throne the galaxy will suffer,” Lana said. “We saw it three times. It was bad.“

    “It was also three times the Eternal Fleet so maybe we should cut ‘em some slack,” Theron suggested.

    “Also no.”

    Piggy shook his head. “I’ve located two Jedi bloodlines and two Sith. Problems from each. The Jedi bloodline is held in relics on Chandrila, or in a Mandalorian-Jedi woman named Madelyn Linnett. The Sith bloodline belongs to a Firedancer named Vincent Mikaru on Eshan, or… Darth Mascon.”


    The chitchat between the Tech Squad was less relevant than not. The Emperor turned back to the others. “The War of Three is supposed to be a side campaign, while we liberate the galaxy. I appreciate Chiss political theory but you are warriors. The Adumari and Remnant have already given much to the cause of defeating the Grysk, Ssi-Ruuvi and Tofs. Not even to the cause of Empire; just to an end to the Chaos of the Unknown Terrors and Supreme Leader Snoke.”

    He stood from his Throne and stepped down the dais. This drew focus to him, in his military uniform, purple cloak attached to golden epaulets. “The galaxy needs the Chiss syndics to destroy the rogue Yuuzhan Vong. Nas Choka needs his conscience to be cleared, to have kept his people loyal to the Sekot Accords, and Zonama Sekot needs to maintain its distance from the war.” His voice was soft, and then raised. “Adumar must be avenged! The War of Three is merely giving the First Order more time. We must end it here and now.”

    Baron Fel pointed at Adam Lyons. “He is so impassioned; he should command Chiss forces into battle against these Domain Lah supporters, show he risks all as a warrior.”

    “I will communicate to Sekot that it is time to depart; we have other friends in the Unknowns,” Danni said. “The Remsi system will accept ourselves.”

    “I will exhort the fleet to obey the Sekot Accords one more time from the bridge of your Chiss warships,” Nas Choka slammed a fist to his shoulder.

    The Chiss Syndic, she smiled lightly, a void of perception otherwise, as many politicians and warriors and those possessing luminosity were. “The Chiss Expansionary Defence Fleet is at your command, Adam Lyon’s.”

    Emperor Fel smiled at them, and at Adam. “Well?”


    Face Loran slept for most of the trip. The Rishi Maze was a long way away. Alpha Base was at the most distant known point of the Maze too. Stealth buffers on one of their last StealthX’s would keep him hidden from the miners until he was ready to make contact, but then it would be up to him.

    The StealthX had access to his data too, so for the last hour of the hyperspace leap, he studied what he knew about the Rishi Maze. Rishi itself was Yuuzhan Vong, now allied with the Sun Guard; Kamino belonged to the Fel Empire, but it was distant from any other deployment they had, especially with Nadia recalling ships to Lwhekk; Rothana was Nagai, after a particularly unpleasant brawl, he intended to poke his nose in their to get updated Intel as and when.

    That left Alpha Base to survey.

    No, wait.

    A Sith warship? The Rebel Alliance had a record of an encounter between Solo and Chewbacca and the same, but it had subsequently gone missing. Odd. Face Lorn made his shopping list.

    Alpha Base; Sith warship coordinates; Rothana. Then he’d head home.

    He sent his updated itinerary to Zakuul High Command.

    TAG: @adaml83 (directly)

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Galaxy

    In the East

    While Lothal with its doonium was still pointedly ignoring a Tof request, the Centrality and its quarter fleet of Dreadnaught-class cruisers (and ample mineral wealth) had petitioned for membership in the Sun Guard to combat their isolation, while the Trulalis Protectorate and their quarter fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers had yet to.

    Kwenn took resources in from the Tof League and Fel Empire and still demurred in granting the stealth fighter prototype to anyone. Research into it was being conducted in utter secrecy and even Talon Karrde was growing annoyed at his inability to pierce the security.

    The Hutt Civil War resolved completely and utterly to the surprise of all involved. The half fleet of Hutt cruisers belonging to Borga the Hutt claimed victory, when the half fleet of Hutt cruisers belonging to the rogue Kadijic’s suddenly decamped from Nar Shaddaa for parts unknown.

    In the North

    The Corporate Systems of Kril’dor, Gargon, New Ubrikkia, Cassander and the Corporate Sector deployed their quarter fleet of assault frigates and quarter fleet of Invincible-class cruisers to their borders. Another quarter fleet of each was under construction, and Ord Trasi was under repair. They also upgraded the KDY Customs frigate to the Lancer-class frigate, offered by them for anyone willing to pay for it and guarantee their neutrality. They remained caught between the Fel Empire to the north and Sun Guard to the south, and as concerned by Imperialism as by the Yuuzhan Vong.

    In the West

    The capture of Molkivj made little difference to the great galactic war, though going around it would be a point of cartographic contention. Timings to cross the Unknowns and Knowns at this junction were extended at that point. Despite the vanishing of the Iskalloni and Coynite forces from the Second Battle of Lwhekk, there were no indications of anti-Grysk actions at Iskallon.

    In the South

    The Bakurans and their half fleet got word of the Fel Empire’s stance against the Ssi-Ruuvi, Tof League and Grysk. With P’w’eck crewers and their own opinions on the matter, the Bakuran Prime Minister Malinza Thanas-Skywalker petitioned for representatives from the Nagai Alliance and Fel Empire to attend Salis D’aar, the Bakuran capital city.

    Conversely the Senex Lords, with their own history of slavery, half a fleet and a disdain for Imperial and Eriaduan nobility, requested the Tof League and the Sun Guard send representatives to them.

    The shipyards of Nocto, despairing at being ignored, upped the ante. Not only did they offer the Ranger-class anti-starfighter gunship to the cause for their protection, the notoriously independent clans were willing to join a regime and offer an exclusivity contract.

    Despite the vanishing of the Iskalloni and Coynite forces from the Second Battle of Lwhekk, there were no indications of anti-Grysk actions at Coyn.

    In the Rishi Maze

    The entire region was claimed; the Tofs, Fel Empire, Nagai and Sun Guard (via the Yuuzhan Vong at Rishi) had quartered a galaxy.

    In the Skyriver

    This region shifted. The Nagai Alliance lost Vhetin, and Faruun was now commanded by Sun Guard assets. No deliveries occurred to the Tof or Nagai… now only it and Nagi itself remained separate from the Tof League.

    The Wider War

    Thustra fell.

    The minelayers had cut off the entire northern dependencies, and Maxima-class heavy cruisers now patrolled the inner parts of the Mid-Outer Rim borders.

    Reports suggested the Third Battle of Jakku had begun, and there was growing activity in the Perave system.

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @adaml83
  7. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Updated GM War NPCs

    Jagged Fel
    Terek Rogriss
    Zat Lah
    Nas Choka
    Zel Johan
    Darth Nihl
    Beolars Bribbs
    Adalric Brandl
    Borga the Hutt
    Face Loran
    Malinza Thanas-Skywalker
    Lady Theala Vandron
    adaml83 and darthbernael like this.
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  9. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2023
  10. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    OOC: These messages below are between @darthbernael and myself with the careful eye of @Sinrebirth
    IC: Nadia, Remus, Romulus, and Adam
    Various Locations

    You were right about the Tof, perhaps we are best judged by our enemies. I am sorry, but now you can strike the Tof.

    Nadia considered the words, they were not enough. They needed context, and her words did not explain how she knew about Bernael. She checked a display, glanced at the negotiations, and issued some orders. She shuddered to think of the consequences of this going poorly. In that light, she continued.

    I suppose I owe you an explanation, especially about your father, Bernael. I want you to know two things, first I do not KNOW Bernael (I will elaborate). Second, I do not really understand the Force, what little I understand came from Adam.

    Let me be clear, the entirety of my knowledge of your father is based entirely on two points of interest. The first is from a series of interviews after the Second Galactic Civil War, which we used to determine our relationship with Adam and his associates. The other point was when Corraidhin offered to rebuild his ship after that war. They sent me as a representative of the Adumari government since they did not know what was going on. I was just a pilot then.

    Just to be clear, I mean no disrespect, but saying that I met your father is inadequate to describe what happened. I believe, 'experienced' to be most accurate. Adam speculated with an educated guess that Bernael only tells people he plans to talk to. Which initially meant Adam, and later his then-fiancee, now wife, Rachel. She was the only one in the entire hangar complex who knew. So I was wandering around the complex when someone scared me within a centimeter of my life. He was really nice though he could easily tell I was frightened. We barely talked until Rachel showed up, she looked at me and smiled before asking, "Did they tell you the 'at your own peril' part?" I shook my head no, she gave a silent shake of her head and the two left to enter the ship.

    The dominant impression I had was of Bernael's precision and the care he takes with only letting a very limited number of people in. The latter was a skill that I had to learn when I became Perator. It begs the question though, how many people truly know him? It was also from those interviews that we gathered what was until recently, the bulk of our information on the Nagai, which was entirely based on the two of you. That was also an unwise decision which I must also apologize for as well. Bernael raised you, who would have done his research. Whoever planned Vhetin could not plan something around a plastic trinket 15 minutes old. While I know this is a lesson for me and my misdirection of my temper, it should also be a lesson for you as well. Never let go of your ideas until it is ready to stand on its own.

    I hope that along with my apologies you will accept the information I wish to provide. First, we are in quite an enormous battle at Lwhekk, one that will certainly last awhile. Adumari forces are currently battling a significant portion of the Tof, Ssi-ruuv, and Grysk fleets. We are doing this because we believe that one of their first moves would be an attack on Bakura. We know that their ruling family has ties with some members in our Intelligence Agencies, and that one was one his way to visit the ruling family. Our Intelligence also believes that they are there to split the Rim in half. Either it will be along a west-south split or a south-east split. Either way, you have interests in those areas, and they are relatively devoid of force in those areas given their concentration at Lwhekk, so if you wish to strike the Tof…

    I do not know how the battle will go, but our ships have one critical element, our maps. If the Tof ship boarders get ahold of those no place will be safe for us. That leads to a series of decisions, first we refuse to be subjects of those three slaver powers. Nor can they profit from our territory. Finally, if the only choice is chattel or death, we value our Independence enough that there is only one choice. We will Return and leave the galaxy with one final Adumari trick. I urge you to not find out why. We will follow the 100 million before us.

    Aboard the modified Defender class corvette Inferno that was the hidden flagship of the forces that Romulus and Remus were now controlling the pair of them were preparing a list of the ships that would soon be available. The list included not just the Nagai craft that were being rapidly rebuilt but also craft from all of their new allies. Their sister as well as Nihl wanted them to control a multinational fleet, as their troubleshooters.

    Which was why they were in the main lounge space of the ship, standing at a large holotable as they went over the reports that were filtering from their people who had spread through each of their new allies systems. Not just those but the ones placed as close to any of their foes' strategic locations as possible had sent reports. The most interesting, at least currently, was that a massive battle, a second battle actually, was occurring at Lwhekk, this time without the Nagai taking part.

    They had copies of all the missives that Hyn sent, she copied them on it all as the Alliance’s Spymasters needed to know what the co-rulers had as policy to either enact it or to work as subtly as possible behind the scenes to cause it to fail. The one piece that had caused both of them to chuckle when they worked out the reasoning was the missive to the Tofs. Both of them knew how their sister, as well as Nihl, felt about the Tofs so it made sense as a ploy.

    Which was why, when the table chimed to tell them there was a new message sent for their eyes only and who the sender was, both of them took a moment’s pause. The last time they had encountered that person was here, when they negotiated against the woman and had secured the Slissi, Sellonians, and Eriaduans as allies. The message itself made both siblings sit down, reading and rereading it independently for several long minutes.

    With the bond they shared, both knew when the other was ready to discuss it. ”I thought we would have to get her knowledge of Dad directly from her mind.Rem said softly.

    She shows a great deal of strength and resolve, not to mention cunning, by sending this message.” Rom replied, reaching out to send a message to Hyn, Rikis, and Nihl. It would only add to their aura as spies to know about the battle of Lwhekk and how it was going, by not explaining from where their information was coming. ”She has apologized, given us what we desired, and has given us excellent intelligence.

    Rem nodded, ”I believe she deserves a response.

    Standing, leaning over the holo table to type, she drafted a message.


    Your message was received by my brother and I, with great thanks. You did leave us quite curious, and you know what a curious Nagai will do, but the message answered our questions.

    Your apology is accepted, the heat of negotiation can and does often cause one’s emotions to flare, especially at critical junctures. Your surprise was not as great as ours though, to find out about the stealth craft in the system and who was actually aboard. Perhaps that discussion can occur after the battle you are currently engaged in.

    We offer to host you and a small contingent at Sluis Van as we will not be venturing to Lwhekk at the current time, the Grysk let alone the Tofs would not be pleased to see us, and the closer system to Bakura, Eriadu, we doubt would accept your presence after recent events. The reason behind the offer is both personal as well as political and diplomatic.

    Therefore, we would prefer that you destroy the Grysk and the Tofs that you are currently fighting and we will work to distract your foes, cause the seeming alliance between Tof and Grysk to fracture at the Tofs need to remove themselves from the field of battle and protect their other interests.

    Therefore, we both hope you are in good health and survive this battle so that we can meet in person shortly.

    Njósnameistarar Remus and Romulus

    After allowing Rom a chance to read the message and suggest edits, she sent it back on the same encrypted channel that it had been received.

    Nadia was reading the response to her initial message, several things pleased her, when Adam walked up and sat down next to her.

    He kept his voice low, "Are you okay? I'm doing my best to point out the problems…"

    It caused a small smile to emerge on Nadia's face, "I know, I heard and I appreciate you are fighting. I even felt you in my mind a bit, what did you see?"

    Adam winced at the image he got from her, "A nightmare", as it certainly was something that was haunting to the core. "Do you get those often?"

    "Ever since Adumar, though it has been increasing in frequency and intensity in the past week or two."

    Adam gave her a hug, "I will do my best to not let that happen." he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "We will do our best to get Trec home as well." He finally looked down to see the messages back and forth between Nadia and…someone. "Who are you talking to?"

    "The two Nagai, Romulus and Remus. Are you going to give me the talk?"

    Adam could see a small smile from Nadia's lips, he matched it, "Normally yes, but I've seen behind the curtain so I'm going to only ask why."

    "I insulted them pretty badly, and I wanted to make it up to them. I told them of my brief meeting with Bernael,"

    "I remember that day, I kept on waving at the investigators on the other side of the two-way mirror."

    Nadia stifled a laugh, "And I let them know they had an opportunity against the Tof. By the way, what are your opinions on the other powers?"

    Adam thought for a minute, "We can add it in the message, but I have them. I've had a thought, we could elevate their standing within their society."

    "How?" Nadia wasn't sure, but she would humor the thought.

    "Well, we can feed them information like you have. We can also make speculative guesses on events around the galaxy. We probably need Piggy for some of that, and the rest of the Wraiths if I'm honest."

    Nadia considered for a second, "Okay, what sort of commitment do you think the Old Man will ask from Bakura?"

    Adam had an immediate answer, "For the Fel Empire? Nothing. Even for us, it shouldn't be much. Maybe they agree to fuel our ships that stop there in exchange for strengthening their defenses. We have no advice regarding the Fel Empire, which honestly might be more negative than anyone in there would like." He kept the last part quiet and stayed quiet for the next part, "What numbers are you considering for him by the way?"

    Nadia kept a mental note for the first part, maybe not something to offer this time. She had a thought on what she could do and it was the big one. Nadia kept her voice low, “80-20, 80 is banishment

    I appreciate the kind words; it means a lot considering the risks that we are taking. I believe a meeting between us would be beneficial for our understanding between Adumar and the two of you.

    The first thing I offer is Adam's opinion on other powers:

    Sun Guard: Strike me as a little too Sithy

    Tof: Diplomatically they seem like prostitutes, they will talk to anyone. Therefore, all agreements made with them are suspect. Rumors that they are still slavers.

    Grysk: Extremely dangerous. In order to avoid their schemes, you must eliminate any intrusion into your territory. They are the most hated species in the Unknown Regions. Known to move from influence to subjugation.

    Chiss: Unpredictable but extremely dangerous when they finally decide to take action against you.

    Fel Empire: There is potential, however they need to use more than the Adumari.

    New Mining Guild: Made the mistake of using the wrong people to increase their profits and they paid a price. It will be curious how they rebound from their losses.

    Nagai: Outside of Romulus and Remus, we can verify very little. Very sneaky and difficult to trust because of sneakiness.

    There are other notes, the Yuuzhan Vong are a major threat, perhaps right behind the Final Order. Hopefully, the next meeting will go well and you can find out about the big secret. It's been taking people for thousands of years.

    Nadia was looking back over the message when Adam nudged her, "Look at this, the Kaminoans want to see what our updated order is. Trec has already offered a couple of suggestions to our list."

    Nadia considered for a minute, "Are things that bad?"

    "Kind of, we can't train replacements fast enough, and we will need to rebuild after Lwhekk. Not to mention build up Task Group Four. So we will need people, skilled and creative people."

    "Trec did not seem happy about the tricks that Thrawn played, that's why he is there. He has a pretty powerful sense of revenge, you know."

    Adam snickered, "Oh I know, he still reminds me." he looked at the document, "I have nothing else to add. Give me some time and I could come up with some more, but we've taken enough time, anyway."

    "I hope this works."

    Adam nodded affirmatively, "It has potential. We will get through this."

    It wasn’t that long of a wait before a response reached Rom and Rem. The information they had already received from Nadia was being incorporated into their data and intelligence reports, including the possibility of the Tofs being ripe for direct attacks. Almost at the same time a pair of reports came from Hyn.

    Dividing their attention, Rem began to read Nadia’s message as Rom read through the reports. It didn’t take the brother long to start cursing. His eyes were hooded with anger as he walked over to the holo table. ”Rothana and Vhetin have been attacked by the Tofs. Hyn says she will give us full details when the battles are done.” His tone was grating as he spoke.

    Rem set down the message as she listened to her brother. One finger of her left hand tapped the datapad that held it as she thought. ”They claim to be a league but their actions are, once again, nothing more than pirates and raiders.” she replied, as calmly as she could.

    Shifting the pad so her brother could read it, she began to think about how she could respond to the message. Rom’s anger was barely cooled when he finished, turning it back to her. ”So…we meet her?” he asked.

    Nodding, ”One of us, anyway.” she replied. ”I believe it should be me, not you, too. Brother, I hate to say it but you let your emotions rule you too much.

    He snorted, ”Says the one I keep having to pull out of the fire.” Holding up his hands in surrender, ”Okay, okay. Yes, you go.

    Taking the pad, she began to compose a reply.


    The intelligence you have provided is received with gratitude. The section about the Nagai, well…yes, our people tend to sneakiness, hard lessons learned from the Tofs in the past and even recently add to that.

    The Grysk, through the troublesome actions of Knife, have all but left our territory but, with the news from Lhwekk and who they seem to be allied with, the possibility of their return is high. The Sun Guard are dark, yes. The Tofs…well, with what we’ve just received initial dispatches of, the desire to remove them from the equation is quite high. The Fel Empire has been quite closed off to us so this intelligence is of value. The Chiss, not sure if they are all the same but the one we know…he is honorable at least within his definition of honor. We have not explored the Mining Guild that much so that is appreciated, and the Vong, they will certainly be trouble.

    Your thought that a meeting between us would be beneficial is something we agree upon as well.

    She paused in writing as another missive arrived from Hyn. Rom read it, chuckling, before passing it to her. A quick read made her smile.

    Would you be able to get yourself assigned to this conference that Bakura has requested both the Alliance and Fel Empire attend? That would be the perfect opportunity for us to discuss things, around the business of assisting them.

    I await your response.

    Njósnameistarar Remus and Romulus

    Just as she sent the message to Nadia the comm opened to reveal an enraged Nihl. “What are we doing about this?” burst from his lips.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Mitth_Fisto, @adaml83, @darthbernael
  11. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Barbosa & Macca A Combo with Sinre
    Interstellar Negotiations

    Barbosa gently swayed in the privy closet with it's secure comm relay, sending a few quick missives and responses as he read reports before triggering a conference call. Granted with distance and a battle going on outside it was not the clearest reception, "Strong winds Macca! What can I do for you? I have just a minute before the battle will need me again."

    The Maccabree paused as he reached Barbosa.

    He had sought his Eminence, but his Eminence's closest aide and confidant was sublime.

    "Spies, sir," he said without aplomb. "The 'Clawdite' we picked up at Rothana assuredly escaped, and undoubtedly transmitted information about our alliance with Faruun." A grimace. Now that world had been taken, and the Sun Guard had a foothold in the Firefist. "And two Yuuzhan Vong, my lord. The noseless cretins were picked up by our new security measures." He rolled his lips in Maccabree annoyance.

    "But I hear that the Senex Lords have offered to parley between us." A huff. "I know you're enmeshed at Bakura, but might I ask if the League truly intends to debate with those treacherous Sun-nites?"

    Barbosa smiled a long suffering smile at the Maccabree, "It is good that we have captured two at least. Although it is unsettling to know we might be responsible if only as an aside to what has happened to Faruun. I will make a missive to see what we can do for them although most of our fleets are occupied at the moment." Knowing the more complex visual transmission was more open to interception and likely less secure encryption due to base understanding of what was being displayed meant true clarity was need of muddling.

    "As for the Senex Lords. Yes. An ambassador will be sent. Because we do not debate with the Sun-nites. We are putting forth a show for the Senex Lords. Seeing them and them seeing us, to see if we can win them over." Standing he straightened his clothes as he nodded to the image caster. "Sometimes, even in war, there is time for the arts. For diplomacy."

    "Um," Macca said, hesitatingly. "The two nose-less spies killed themselves, sir."

    But he was pleased. "I am exceptionally happy to hear that the losses of our brethren on Faruun will not be in-vain."

    It wouldn't occur to Macca that Barbosa's words could apply as much to him as to the Senex and Sun-nites. Diplomacy for its own sake.

    Heaving a heavy sigh Barbosa patted his belly absently before gathering more treats for his pet to replenish his pocket stash. "So long as we learned from it. Undoubtedly there will be a next time." Sniffing slightly he eyed himself in the mirror. "I'm putting my life in the Space armies hands at the moment. I must say I am impressed and envious of the Maccabree ambassador."

    Macca snorted. "Well, our forces were depleted during our, um, misunderstanding. Otherwise I'd be there with you, my lord. No doubt we will continue to support the League with more impressive bulk cruisers."

    He bowed. "But I will leave you to it, sir. I have no doubt that you will crush our enemies."

    Nodding at the past he left it at that. Ruminating on some things was not the path to change, but to be mired by them. Bowing in return, a simple gesture of respect never given before the reforms and the League. "As I leave the protection of the Homefront and safety of the next generations to you. May our enemies learn to never tread uninvited."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2023
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  12. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    InterGalactic Travel 1-0-1

    Article Written in 53 ABY by Professor Sintak Kya; eleven years after the Battle of Exegol, and less than four years before the events of Episode XII: Legacy of the Force, Star Wars: Voyages, and War of the Galaxies.

    InterGalactic travel.

    It sounds a bit fanciful, doesn’t it?

    Traditional wisdom has long been that a great hyperspace barrier interferes with such things. Such believes were promptly shattered when the Yuuzhan Vong arrived, and reopened the debate.

    Of course, we’ve also accepted InterGalactic travel as a concept for millennia. The Rishi Maze galaxy, for example, has been reachable for seven thousand years; the Republic overextended itself and the economic fallout contributed to the Hundred Years Darkness. The so-called Firefist galaxy, the second closest, sent ships to multiple locations in our own during the Nagai-Tof War. We have long had the InterGalactic Banking Clan, which monetised systems all the way to the Rishi Maze.

    It’s not unheard of.

    It’s just a matter of incredibly unlikely hyperlanes. Many of these are naturally occurring, for example the ones taken by the purgills as apart of their migration patterns, leading from our galaxy to another in our stellar group.

    Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the hyperspace barrier protected just that; the nine galaxies that form our local neighbourhood. But with the immense distances involved, you’d need either incredibly powerful hyperdrives or a long time to complete the travel.

    For example, there are some who believe the Yuuzhan Vong originated from the furthest-most galaxy of the nine. That with their traditional hyperdrives (albeit based in biotechnology) that they took some four millennia to reach us, with smaller, faster scouts, arriving decades before. This is indeed confirmed by the concept of the ‘worldship convoy’, dozens of dreadnought and moonlet sized vessels that eventually reached our galaxy, and also the evidence we have of scouts being discovered during the Mandalorian Wars!

    Meanwhile from the Denab system one could jump to the Peridea galaxy if one had the ancient hyperlane knowledge of the Nightsisters. It would take you a tremendous amount of time, unless you had those aforementioned super-hyperdrives. Imagine grafting dreadnought-scale engines on something much smaller, perhaps. Those distances could be crossed as quickly as one traverses a galactic highway!

    The Rishi Maze, named for the world which leads to it, that’s the closest of the satellite galaxies, and it doesn’t take long to reach there at all. But there’s very little there to see! Kamino, Rothana, but after that, nothing much. It’s not replete in resources. It’s hardly as if the Sith withdrew there, built a navy and advanced from the area; if they’d rather choose the Unknown Regions then one cannot see there being much there. Strategically it’s easy enough to cut off; just take the Rishi system and its moon, and bottle it up. Nobody in or out. Not quickly, anyway. Take a whole mini galaxy and you’d expect to be able to do a lot, but not in the Rishi Maze.

    If you’ve sufficiently advanced computers one could even pierce stellar halo and locate hyperlanes. Look at Firefist. Four hyperlanes run from that galaxy to ours; to Kinooine, Champala, Ord Bueri and Thesme. The gap between Firefist and Kinooine might be the smallest and easiest jump point, but the others were precision leaps, giving the Nagai an incredible range and an ability to setup forward bases. Vice-versa, one might invade the Firefist from the comfort of nearby Mon Calamari or Mandalore to the Ord Bueri or Thesme jump points respectively. Champala is in the Inner Rim on the Hydian Way! A single jump from Firefist and there you are. Imagine the sheer amount of resources and opportunities you’d command if you ruled the entirety of Firefist!

    One could not say much about the furthest most galaxies around us. But perhaps if one was to head to the Janguine or Crispin systems, or the Gardaji Rift or eponymous Vector Prime in the Helska system - all in proximity to the Corporate Sector of course - one might eventually find oneself in the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy. Apparently a depopulated area of space, as a result of wars between them and two droid species.

    And why isn’t the Yuuzhan Vong Galaxy outside our stellar group? Why what a good question. The Janguine, in Old Republic memory, spoke Yuuzhan Vong. Impossible. The droid races from their galaxy ended up here; both of them! The Silentium and Abominor. And then, not only did Zonama Sekot cast off into the void and arrive here, tens of millennia later its child race did? Incredibly unlikely that all of these connections cannot point to a historic tie between the two galaxies, and that puts the Yuuzhan Vong especially distant - it could be argued that the Yuuzhan Vong took fifteen thousand years to reach here!

    And what of the other satellite galaxies?

    The ones between Firefist and the distant most Yuuzhan Vong galaxy? Why, save for Peridea, nobody really knows. Emperor Palpatine would have been our best - trying to map the Unknown Regions, Deep Core and even Otherspace, if anyone had attempted it in living memory, it would have been him. But with the devastation of Jedi, Sith, Mandalorian, Fallanassi and Nightsister culture and history by the ongoing Second Galactic Civil War, who can say what has been lost and has yet to be found…
    Mitth_Fisto and darthbernael like this.
  13. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC: Romulus, Remus, Rikis, and Nihl
    Sluis Van and Saijo

    Just as Remus sent the message to Nadia the comm opened to reveal an enraged Nihl. “What are we doing about this?” burst from his lips.

    In the same moment as Rikis appeared in the comm as well, Nihl received note from the system defense command at Saijo that a quarter fleet of the Alliance had entered the system. It was a mix of craft, most of Rikis’ original fleet as well as a Bulwark cruiser and a Lucrehulk battleship, showing that the fleets were being integrated.

    ”Which part do you reference? Rothana, Faruun, or Vhetin are at the top of the list.” she replied, in a cold tone that wasn’t directed at him.

    ”If we include Bakura, Remus has that under control, although a force similar to yours might be appropriate for what she has planned.” Romulus added, sitting back and tapping the datapad that Remus had handed him, his finger tapping lightly on its screen.

    Nihl was incensed, as he noted the arrival of a quarter of a fleet.

    "Vhetin lost to the Tofs, Faruun to the Sun Guard, Rothana burning."

    He grimaced. He wanted vengeance. The Nagai were taking hits and had not a success since the Battle of Rothana; and the first one had been a costly engagement and the second a costly loss.

    "Bakura has a half fleet," Nihl groused. "How much of our arm are you intending to feed to the diplomacy this time?"

    Rikis’ expression was just as cold as her tone had been as she watched the other two. She had her own reports and knew some items that had not been passed along. But, there was time for that, when the time was right. ”There is diplomacy and then there is diplomacy.” Her eyes flicked towards Rom for a moment, ”While there is only a small force she would have taken, there is history with her, in a roundabout way, and Bakura.”

    Tilting his head to the side, Rom looked at his sister, ”History?” He shook his head, ”Anyway, she’s taken the same composition force you did, sister dear. Which leaves our biggest concentration here. Which is good as Beskar tugs have begun to steam into the system.”

    Nihl nodded. The composite task forces were the best way to approach new factions. They provided a full range of their strengths as evidence. “We need to do more than diplomacy. We need to respond with engagements.”

    His eye turned on Riki. “But we also need the Protectorate. It extends our southern flank and reduces the isolation of Rothana.” Nihl’s eyes’ narrowed. “And Pedric Cuf survived on Rothana so we need to keep him on side… let alone Zels.”

    Sitting back now, steepling her fingers before her, resting her chin on their tips, Rikis’ eyes smoldered as a feline smile crossed her face. ”Rothana will see our assistance soon enough.” Her hands moved, spread out towards the unseen viewports. ”I did not just bring my fleet to display to you the new composition. We will set out from here momentarily to bring more power into the fold. Power we can then set loose to aid the resistance I am sure has formed on Vhetin, for one.”

    Rom had been distracted for a moment, when a datapad had been presented to him. His attention turned from that to the pair and back again, absorbing the data. ”The arriving tugs have some interesting data. Nothing to discuss over comms but we can do even more than disturb the Tof efforts at Vhetin. I will inform you on your return, sister.”

    Nihl narrowed his eyes, not enjoying being managed like this. “So no offensives proposed?” His eyes grew molten with yellow.

    ”Well…” Rikis said, her tone more even, ”We would be poor leaders if we left Vhetin to the Tofs gentle mercies. Romulus…” she turned to face his image, ”The repaired craft at Sluis Van, I believe my coruler would be perfectly situated to scout Vhetin and then use them. Given the reports coming from Lwhekk the Tofs are hemorrhaging forces and would need most of what is at Vhetin to protect their own worlds.”

    Rom nodded, ”The refit and repaired ships are all but ready for action so that sounds best, although adding in a couple from our allies might be prudent.” he agreed.

    "So we prepare to strike back at Vhetin?" Nihl wondered. There was almost a full Tof fleet there. It was running into the enemies teeth. He paused, his mind catching up with his emotions. "We struck Lwhekk and lost Vhetin, and our allies at Rothana and Faruun too are crippled." Nihl narrowed his eyes.

    He thought of their homeworld.

    They had minimal craft at Nagi but ample planetary defenses. It would take a full fleet just to break those.

    Ditto Tof, Zakuul, or Mon Calamari.

    "Our priority worlds are Sluis Van and Eriadu. We lose those, we lose the war," he said, finally. "The more we reinforce them, the better. We can't just attack. But perhaps we can take some lesser worlds from the Grysk to balm our wounds."

    There were several targets.

    Coynite and Iskalloni were Grysk allies, the latter reinforced by the Hegemony. Batuu, Bespin and Polis Massa were also Grysk, but not heavily defended. Hyperlanes, Tibanna Gas, and medical technologies. But he didn't want to spread themselves too thinly in the south. The Sun Guard had taken Molkivj and its cortosis mines from the Grysk in a massive stretch of their operational range, but Faruun was a stretch too. But the latest Intel suggested the Tof were en route in force to Faruun.

    Tapping a stud on her desk, Rikis brought up the galactic map to study it. She frowned in thought as she studied where the nearer Grysk allies called homes. ”Polis Massa, Bespin, and Coyn would be our best bet to hit and take if possible. Given the currently ongoing battles, Coyn might be a good choice, especially as they assisted in destroying our forces before. Bespin would give us the tibana mines there.” she mused before turning back to the other two, ”So which would you like to vent your frustrations on, Nihl?”

    He was tracing his fingers across the holographic star charts, picked at another Grysk world. “Ah, Elliad. I nearly forgot about that. Shipyards.”

    “We should burn down Coyn, and ’liberate’ Bespin and Elliad,” Nihl said firmly. “A capital ship to each?”

    There was Nocto, too. Independent but capable of constructing modern Corellian Ranger-class gunships. “Before we commit to being pleasant Imperials, shall we take Nocto? Two capital ships?”

    Rom nodded, as did Rikis. ”Sounds like a good opportunity to show our allies how much trust we extend. One of Eriaduan capital ships to Elliad as they know shipyards well? Slissi to take Nocto, with you in attendance to oversee, Nihl? And then the remainder of a quarter fleet to take the other two?” Rom asked, as his sister had seemed to be wanting to give her co ruler a chance to burn things.

    “No more than five capital ships committed to the offensive, agreed,” Nihl confirmed. “Keep the rest in reserve at Sluis Van.” They already had two task forces of five capital ships out at Bakura and Trulalis after all. A full fleet and then some at Sluis Van would be plenty. Sluis Van was more well defended than even Nagi at this point.

    “Three systems secured and one scoured, and likely we’ll earn some favour with the Imperials for crushing the Grysk.” He tilted his chin. “Then I shall be satisfied. I want to focus our defence systems development on Sluis Van and Saijo, so our military and our populace are built up. Johans has an army and armour on Eriadu already.”

    It wasn’t the Tofs, it was opportunism. But with all these worlds they’d shortly have enough strength to strike at their hated enemies.

    Both siblings nodded. ”One task force enroute to Trulalis, I stopped here before heading there. That’s my next stop.” Her tone was calm but her expression was almost hungry. ”But otherwise, I am in complete agreement. Finish this and then we can begin to take the war to the Tofs in a major way. If Remus is successful we might perhaps have one less concern too.”

    ”I will have your ships sent immediately Lord Nihl.” Rom stated, ”And then have the army and armor prepared for the ground actions.”

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83
  14. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: King Nivic II, Admiral Naberie aka the Pirate Queen
    Holoconference, King's Private Comm Chamber

    King Nivic II looked at the displayed reports to the calm face and back again in utter disbelief. "You lost how many ships!"

    "Just the one. Well, one big one anyway." Admiral Naberie responded with a graceful shrug.

    "That is - you mean - do you know?" the King labored how to address the situation. "We haven't lost one in a fleet since - since!"

    "Hey! I brought more back." Admiral responded with a hurt and defensive tone.

    "That's the only reason the coffers aren't in the red! Do you know how much survivors benefits we are having to pay out because of that stunt!" He replied with quiet indignation.

    "Have you seen moral? I wouldn't be surprised if letters home let alone visits break the recruitment offices doors." She choffed in return.

    "Recruit offices don't fill the coffers they drain them! The old pay to play problem that the government hasn't had to contend with until all this bloody conquered people's rights business. If my idiot brothers and father hadn't whittled a future away on playing great huntsmen. I would be relaxing in a floating villa demurring philosophy, instead of how to keep this government fiscally viable with people playing diplomat that had no right promising tax free trade, and Admiral's getting ships destroyed that ought in a fleet be neigh indestructible!" He ranted, not the most kingly thing to do, but this was a private line and it wasn't like he could at home.


    Letting the touch of a grin touch his face he looked over the materials still pouring in. "You did bring more than one. Always nice to have a spare." he mentally sighed as she looked on in consternation. Clucking his tongue though he looked at her archly. "Couldn't capture any of these Man-do-yeah people that know how to work it?"

    "Warrior culture, I'm sure you remember your highness. Death before dishonor and all." she drolled back. It was the most an alien would be allowed to mock him, and now the private comm worked in her favor.

    "Yes. Quite." he replied with shift in his seat. "We will offer one to Kwenn as a token research and defense ship. A possible last defense for their people to use to evacuate, and an incentive to share what they have promised. See what they can work up. The other and the tugs will come here for research and use. If we cannot figure it out we can sell it I'm sure for a hefty sum." He sniffed at the projected numbers. It was tempting just to sell it outright, but he knew that Barbosa would never go for that, and with Naberie on the line as well not to mention Tovah and his band of sea fanatics the King would never live down doing such a thing. Sadly he had to keep people working with him. Sad state of political affairs.

    Naberie for her end merely glared at the man. "Their not exactly ready for that."

    "Of course. We will fix and study them both before choosing." he added with a dismissing wave. "No reason we cannot send them messages of potential research collaboration, see if they want to pay for more, and of course planned aid that would be proof of concept."

    Leaning forward Naberie spoke up with a pointed finger, "Speaking of aid..."

    Now that elicited a frown. "Faruun. I know." Tapping keys he hummed at the news. "I'm approving beefing up planetary security and defense at all Tof worlds."

    "You mean all Tof League worlds your highness?" she hedged.

    Suppressing a snear he gave a solemn nod. "Of course." he bit out the curse. Seeing the healthy green of profits drain back toward the black. "As for Faruun, it's a lost business partner, but we can honor their deal yet."

    "They wanted neutrality, they got what they wanted! Boohoo the price was bad." the Pirate Queen responded with a shrug of dismissal.

    "If we 'save' them, their wealth can become our wealth." the King patiently explained.

    "The lads are high off of the raid. . .another we maybe stick around after might not be so bad." she nodded. Thinking now not of idiot planets, but of idiot planet's planetary wealth. Or rather, the loot.

    "Shall we send both fleets?" the King asked.

    "I'm sorry, have you lost your rocker?"

    "I beg your pardon!"

    "No offense, no offense sir." she quickly added with a wave of appeasement. "Vhetin is a tinderbox of a treasure chest that the Nagai will try to steal back. As much a political as well as a social symbol as any other. Even I know they can't let that stand." she retorted with increasing frustration.

    "So, half their fleet?" the King replied with some confusion.

    "Half? Half? I'm sure one is enough there and you want to send half!?!" She yelled across the void.

    With a minor shrug he ran a finger over the lines of profit avenues the worlds offered. "Vhetin is less valuable to us than the Faruuni world."

    "No! I will resupply and take a fleet. A Fleet! But there is no way we are weakening our front line. There are not enough missile or cannon stations in this galaxy to lay in defense. That fleet has enough to do just laying defenses for any incoming Nagai." she added firmly.

    "Fine. Fine. Take your fleet. Go." he responded with a dismissive wave.

    "Resupply and then we'll go." She added as she glanced off screen, biting her cheek as she ruminated something instead of cutting the line. "What about Barbosa?"

    "Barbosa? Well. No one ever said diplomacy was an easy game. He will either make his way out with something to show for it, or not. This will be his baptism of Fire in the Sky River." he stated with a firm nod as he shuffled some papers about.

    With a firm shake of her head she disconnected the line. She would have her one fleet and do her best to secure this galaxy for her family. If not for that she might question staying on with someone as King who could toss his closest confidant and guiding light of his people away in such a manner. Then again, was that cold calculation? Or merely faith? Tarnation she wasn't sure what to think anymore on that point!

    TAG: Sinre
  15. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Nadia ke Mattino, Adam Lyons, Rachel Nezuma-Lyons
    Various locations

    Nadia smiled before whispering to Adam, “Maybe 70-30…

    Adam nodded, keeping his voice low, “But he has some way to go. He needs to lead in battles again.

    Nadia grinned, still quiet, “That’s your job, Supreme Commander.” she gave Adam a little shove, “I’ll be fine, but thank you. Now I need to find some place quiet to work on these developments.” They gave each other a small mock salute before Adam rejoined the meeting while Nadia left to find a place with a connection to the Colonies.

    The Colonies were curious places, when the Adumari started moving there shortly before events of the Second Galactic Civil War, they found evidence of multiple incursions, obviously of the First Order who had turned other worlds into husks in order to get and build their fleets. However, they found a much older evidence, that of the Rakata. The Adumari could only guess that was why those worlds were not like the others.

    Nadia shook her head at the history lesson, but at least she found a place for issuing orders and to have a conversation.


    1. Start pilots and trainers on TIE Neutralizer immediately.
    2. Production is to begin immediately on multiple lines at Tiboulen and Jaemus
    3. We officially committed Jaemus starfighter shipyard lines to joining Corraidhin Inc's organization.
    4. We will share the larger shipyards at Jaemus among the various companies constructing those ships.
    5. Calibration of tracking TIE Neutralizer will happen immediately with an update to be sent ASAP.
    6. We will compile a list of targets with Jakku (mission in 3 days), the Rim barrier, and Lwhekk being the highest on the list.
    7. Deployment will be to every habitable base including Oracle Base, Xagobah, and Kamino.
    Nadia looked over the list, it didn't mention clones, but that order already left her pad for Kamino. She wasn't sure what else to add, so she sent those orders out.

    Nadia expected a response, and she got one from Rachel. "Are you sure that you want to do this? Some people could call it favoritism."

    Nadia scoffed, "If nearly 20 years of loyal service, while completing projects on time and under budget is favoritism, then so be it."

    Rachel still wanted to protest, but it was mainly to protect her friend from extra criticism. She glanced over the orders before speaking up again, "Is there anything that isn't in these orders that you need me to do?"

    "Once the new TIE is in production, start tinkering. The sub-light speed is good…"

    "but it isn't stupid fast like other bombers. I assume you want it done without compromising the range too much, correct?"

    "Correct, also the K-wing project now requires a hyper-drive. If we want to add long-range bomber sorties to our repertoire, then all bombers should have hyper-drives equipped by default."

    Rachel looked through the technical specs, "Perhaps if we get it a power source that would accept a SLAM drive, then it would improve the sub-light speed at least temporarily. However, I do not want to do anything that would compromise the atmospheric speed. It's faster than everything you have."

    Nadia nodded, "Do what you think is best. I trust you. We just need some done quick for Jakku. We are on their schedule, not ours."

    Rachel signed off, and within a couple of hours she could send the message that the production lines had started. It required a lot of moving things around, but it finally started.

    TAG: Noone, not really.
    darthbernael and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  16. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    OOC: In case anyone needs a good image for just how angry Nadia got at @Sinrebirth 's Jag... Also sorry for the double post, however Sinre wanted this up in a hurry.

    IC: Kan Mandeen, Nadia ke Mattino, Medb Ra-oon, Jagged Fel, Voort Sabinring, Briana Odan

    Kan looked at Piggy keeping his voice low, "What if I were to sit on the throne, working as the Commander again?"

    The Chiss syndic eyed Adam. "Well?"

    Otherwise, Piggy shook his head. "We'll need more of the Commander's lineage I imagine." He held up a bag. "In here is a chunk of materiel and data recovered from a lab on Exocron. It was used to merge blood samples from various Commanders into one vessel. It was all lost, the place burned down, and this is what we recovered."

    "I'm inclined to draw blood, run it through the transfuser, and put it into our beloved Emperor to be."

    Adam smiled at the Syndic, “Genetics is beyond me. For many reasons, that's Piggy's domain.

    Kan listened to Piggy, "This also skips the evaluation process. We need to know that you are the right person to sit on the Throne. From a more personal perspective, I need to know that you will be good for business."

    “I mean Jagged is the best person for the job. Only Imperial Head of State to actually refuse power,” Piggy pointed out. He was paying more attention to the Zakuul Accords. Adam was going to need him, he could tell.

    “But I asked Talon Karrde to put together the rest of the data on the other bloodlines. Darth Mascon is hardly going to hand us over his blood, and the others won’t be.” Three more left.

    A small ping across their comlinks; it was Face’s updated itinerary.

    Kan saw Nadia enter the room and noticed her heading over in this direction before looking back at Jag, "Voort is making my point for me, anyone remotely acceptable to sit on the Eternal Throne is a brief list. It is you or no one."

    Kan caught a look from Nadia and held a hand up, "I mean this on a galactic level. There are others, Nadia for example, who would meet the character criteria but I see her better at locking down a few sectors for whoever rules. That or a strong regional power, independent of whoever rules. For those on a galactic level, most would be a disaster."

    Kan took a breath, "However, if I'm supposed to sell you to my people, much less the other Outlanders, I'm going to need more."

    Nadia nodded, there were some among Adumari command that used Jag's name in a pejorative manner. Usually reserved for those people who talked more than acted or those that were too detached from their own command.

    Nadia held up a hand, "It would be beneficial if you led in battle again. We have seen some evidence of a lack of cooperation between the various groups at Jakku. I believe that you leading there would solve many problems." She handed Jag a datapad, "especially considering the now desperate supply situation at least among the Adumari."

    Fel took the datapad, freed up from the Zakuul Accords. “I know. The Chiss joining us should ease our supply issues. The Adumari have given too much, and now we need to give back. To restore Adumar, to secure the future.”

    He pursed his lips. “If I’m going to lead an offensive, it should be against the First Order. That’s our true enemy. Not the Tofs, Ssi-Ruuvi or even Tofs.” Jagged reviewed the data. “I appreciate the reserves are being constructed of Maxima-class star cruisers, but that’s half a fleet so far. With what we’re committing to Lwhekk, we can’t fight Snoke. The reports out of Jakku are concerning. If that battle is lost, those Tho Yor will come for us.”

    "I am not proposing Jakku as a planetary conquest, but as a chance to allow those forces to escape and fight another day. I already have a mission prepared to send the new TIEs after the Jakku minefields to allow the Resistance quadrant escape. They have to get through a Tho Yor on their end, but I have faith in my husband, none in the Resistance so far. Daala's Chimera seemed to escape already, so maybe if you can free the rest of the Remnant forces, you will have more to work with."

    Nadia paused and Kan noticed, "Does Bastion not have its own shipyards?"

    “No,” Jagged replied. “We had Yaga Minor, Ord Trasi and Jaemus. Diversified shipyards. We had Bilbringi for a time too.” He looked to Nadia. “Bastion was our utterly unassailable fortress.”

    He was regarding data. “If we reach for Jakku, we need to be able to punch as far as the Inner Rim. Molkivj and Batuu are both in enemy hands, which limits our access points to the south.”

    The Emperor paused. “Jaina once told me there was an ancient Jedi hyper route from Ilum to the Core. One of their unlikely galactic routes, like Korriban to the Deep Core, through the Deep Core, or to Peridea.” He looked to Nadia. “If Intelligence can pick up some of these, we can try a direct approach as a feint.”

    Nadia nodded before looking to Kan, "I imagine you can find them, but you probably need a Force User to feel out the route. Which with that data, we could raid the Core with the TIE Neutralizers."

    Medb walked over, "I can do that with my Vector and one other person."

    Nadia looked back at Jag, "Do you think Bastion could withstand an attack from Mortis?"

    Jagged paused. “It fought half the First Order. To make it so costly an engagement that no power could rule the galaxy thereafter, so decimated they would be.” A moment later. “It could equal Mortis, in-theory.”

    Nadia shook her head warily, "Their ability to do what Adam calls, spike damage, effectively pierced our planetary shields and killed 10s of millions. I thought we were not too far behind you in planetary shield technology."

    She went back to change the subject, "I still think that of the people at Jakku, you may be only one of two people that could get everyone to follow your plan." She pulled off an effective Briana smirk, "Other than your Uncle that is. I imagine he would want to talk to you."

    Jagged hadn’t fought Mortis, just a Tho Yor… “Perhaps I’m overestimating Bastion’s chances. But therefore we won’t be poking the First Order until we can.”

    He swallowed hard. “I’ve not asked, because I’ve an obvious conflict of interest. But what are we proposing to do about Jaina?”

    Nadia nodded, "I still think staging a breakout from Jakku is a good move. However, I believe we need information about the Rim barrier for our plans. It means an overall knowledge of their defenses, their weaknesses and their strengths. That said, I still plan on annoying the Tofs more."

    "As far as Jaina goes," Nadia offered a sympathetic look, "We believe that she's on Arkania, or what is now known as Starkiller Base II. Do we know for certain? No, but her family has a habit of finding tons of trouble and confronting it."

    Kan spoke up, "Whether you could stage a breakout at Jakku is debatable, but I don't see how you could free her from there without significant help."

    Briana made a face, "Killjoy, but those Jedi routes could be useful for getting people in and out."

    "Jaina is the last Jedi Master of the Order. She knows things," Jagged said, firmly, and then relented. "But I may just be finding an excuse to save her."

    He paused. "Get me a plan, Briana, Kan, Nadia. I don't want to commit troops to Jakku until we have a better idea of it." He was solemn. "If Starkiller II is complete, we'll have lost the war. Jakku is important, but Starkiller II is more so. I want plans, ideas, and an attack strategy in 48 hours."

    The Emperor was final in his tone. Priorities. Trec, isolated, but Wedge was doing something, clearly, by the sudden attempt on the minefield and departure of the Chimaera but not the rest of the Maw Fleet.

    "No, I imagine we need Jaina if we ultimately want to defeat Snoke. All I was saying, was that if our Intelligence services, or the Skywalker/Solo Theory, was correct it would be difficult to rescue her." Nadia smiled.

    Briana nodded, "Besides we need strong Force Users to counter theirs, and Jaina would go a long way to assisting in that goal. Besides, I overheard you saying that you wanted your own force of Force Users to defend the Fel Empire. The things we lack are teachers, and a development plan." She flicked a thumb over to Medb, "I imagine she has a few ideas herself."

    Kael looked at Briana, "You saying something about Force Users in a positive light?"

    Briana sighed, "I know, but we're outclassed and we all know it here."

    Medb was walking over with a stack of datapads, "I have some ideas... they are in here. Even with expanded storage, there is 30,000 years of lessons and mistakes."

    Kan shook his head, "Are you wanting a plan to destroy Starkiller II? We don't even know if they fixed the previous plan, which would make it vulnerable to starfighter attacks." He looked to Nadia, "Which you're producing by the dozens."

    Nadia smiled, "My people are pilots, flying is what we do." She looked back to Jag, "We can check out those routes, though getting there would be difficult."

    Medb held a hand up, "There are The Paths, something the Nihil used during the time of the High Republic. It was fantastic for raids, and size mattered not."

    Nadia considered for a moment, "That may be an approach, however, that would only work if we can attack it with starfighters only. If we can not, we need those forces from Jakku to strike Starkiller." she sent over her plan based on the latest data, "Trec is preparing to attack one of the four Tho Yor because it is advancing on his position, which means the pilots I've been training are preparing to break in through the minefield and my guess is that Trec is hoping to use his starfighters to do the initial damage to the Tho Yor before advancing on it with larger ships."

    Kan looked over, "Is he looking to win?"

    "No, to escape, for within a week, they will be on starvation level of rations. It will be questionable whether they will make it back then." She looked at Jag, "I will do this alone if I have to. However, this is an opportunity for the other forces to escape as well."

    Jag looked at her. “Give me three days.”

    “Can we pull off a successful attack to Arkania in three days?” The Emperor looked to them each.

    He had another question, but the current was a speculative one.

    Nadia remained dubious, "If all you need is starfighters, we could go now with 12 squadrons of TIE Neutralizers, however if you want much more than's mostly committed. That is unless you want to strip all the defenses from this area, Group Two is under your command, but everything would be defenseless."

    She faced the Emperor though, "I will still stage an attack to breach the minefield around Jakku as I believe that the timeline is not ours to control."

    “Three days,” Fel said more firmly. “We’ll have more to commit, and we will finish Lwhekk either way.”

    “My second question is about the Bakura Accords. You say we need Force users. The Nagai have at least three, probably four. If we can ensure they’re not the next set of Sith, we should bring them into the fold of the Force Order you’re proposing.”

    Nadia raised an eyebrow, "Bring transports filled with rations then with the second wave to meet at some point."

    Medb answered the second question, "Probably two force orders at least. Plus, many groups that have historically aided Force orders. There is also my group, but they will only come if we guarantee them safety as they faced repeated persecution by Sith and occasionally the Jedi over thousands of years. Especially since the Jedi became too dogmatic."

    Kan held up a hand, "You never found the new headquarters on Odessen."

    Briana smirked, "Stealth has always had a thing about learning from mistakes, I suspect there would be a critical Jedi historian movement along with further research into the Force."

    Medb nodded, "Commendable, I would suggest avoiding Sith artifacts as many of them are trapped... that bastard Faya Rodemos..." there was a pause, "If I can see that location, I can send a message and bring them there. Their ships are rather ancient though."

    Kael spoke up, "I only know of two, but I trust the two known as Romulus and Remus."

    Nadia nodded affirmatively, "I find them to honorable as well. Adam has also mentioned Tython to me before."

    Kan grinned, "If you ever find the Agent, I know they will have ways to hide things from even the most rigorous sources."

    For a moment Jagged lamented the death of Tionne and Kam Solusar at the Ossus Massacre, but refocused. "Get supplies to Jakku now, fine. Find pilots. We're not committing capital ships."

    "If we can get the Nagai on board, and our own Force Order, one for the Empire, not the Jedi or Sith, that would be best. Make Odessen our Force Capital if need be." He nodded. “Agreed?”

    Nadia considered, "We have the pilots, and the transports. We just need the rations." She didn't know that Kan had already found some contacts, and that ships were being filled with old Imperial ship rations, not the best but it would do the job. Especially on short notice.

    Kan smiled, "I have that taken care of, are your pilots ready?"

    "They have been training ever since we got the technical data on the Neutralizer." She looked to Jag, "They're some of the best bomber crew we have as we like them to train the next crop of pilots."

    "Would you like some paths in and out?" she also looked at the Emperor, "Then you will know what they can do before we commit to using them against Snoke."

    "We'll have enough Neutralisers off the production line soon, and then they can try," Jagged said, softly. "But for now, we have the Battle of Lwhekk and Mobus to see what happens." He looked at them. "Jakku, Starkiller, afterwards. We can't overstretch ourselves."

    "I would like to think so, Rachel ordered six full lines into production. Pilots we should have enough for this." Nadia looked at an update of Lwhekk, "But beyond that I suspect that this will be the last you will see of our capital ships for a long while."

    Fel looked again too. "We still have the advantage in terms of numbers."

    He looked at the focus on the fleeing five capital ships, Barbosa's request for parley, Natalya's response.

    "The Tofs could be salvageable. They're opportunistic, not vile to the extent of the Ssi-Ruuvi or Grysk or their vassals." He hesitated. "It might even save Natalya's fleet."

    Nadia looked incredulously at Jag, "You honestly think that the..." she tapped a few buttons, "Three THOUSAND starfighters won't save Natalya's fleet?! Just how poorly do you think of our starfighters and their pilots?! Not to mention the training methods, the man who is your Supreme Commander handles that. How do you think he would react to your saying his 20 years of hard work, his wife's 20 years of hard work means absolutely nothing?" At this perceived insult Nadia was very close to pulling all support and retreating all Adumari forces back to only their specific places of interest. If he wasn't extremely careful, he would have to win this war on his own.

    Jagged glowered at Nadia. "Calm down. If starfighters won battles without fail, we wouldn't have Navy's at all. You know as well as I that the Ssi-Ruuvi have more starfighters present, and the ability to field more, too. We are going to win the Battle of Lwhekk, that's a given. It just comes down to how much it costs us."

    "I'm a starfighter jockey. I know my limits, Nadia, as a pilot. We lost 300 capital ships and 11,000 pilots at the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar." He glowered. "And we didn't win the battle because of them. We won because the Supreme Overlord was beaten, and the Yuuzhan Vong focused on Zonama Sekot instead of our forces."

    His tone softened. "The Adumari have committed so much to this war. I understand, I do. I've lost most of my family in service of justice and order and peace. If you believe, truly, that killing every single person at Lwhekk is going to improve our situation, then I won't stop you. But it won't be with the Emperor's support." He sounded glum. "But that's not necessarily a bad thing. The leaders of the Empire, and the Emperor, they should be able to act independently of each other, to act how they think is the best way to do so for the Empire, within the rules of engagement we set and agree upon."

    "After Lwhekk, what will you do if we negotiate an accord with the Nagai? What if Nas Choka had brought his ships to our aid, all warriors who fought and murdered and butchered in the Vong War? We accept former Imperials, but would we accept Daala, or Kylo Ren, to end the war?" Jagged was looking straight at her. "Hell, the last time they unleashed the Eternal Fleet it committed genocide."

    He completely and utterly appreciated the response of Nadia. He would have said the same thing in her shoes. This was a discussion about what the Empire was going to be about and how it was going to work.

    Jagged Fel knew he was looking at his first Grand Moff, hell, his next Grand Admiral. Someone who would tell him when to frak off, in no uncertain terms, if need be.

    Someone just like Jaina.

    Briana immediately cringed at Jag's immediate response. Nadia noticed because her stare became Hoth-like in its coldness. Nadia kept her voice low, "Jaina neglected your training. I say this because any properly trained man would know better than to tell a woman, any woman to calm down as it is extremely hazardous to that man's health. Force help you when it is someone who is Force sensitive, much less a Jedi Master like your wife."

    "I too am a pilot, I was at Exegol with Trec and Adam. I know starfighters are their most useful when they are a sneaky surprise." She made a hand gesture and only Medb understood Nadia was operating the Throne room's display.

    Medb smirked, and Nadia grabbed Jag and put him in the middle of the battle at Lwhekk with a little shove. "Yes overall they're outnumbered but," she isolated two spots, "here there is an advantage a roughly 12.5 to 1 starfighter advantage. That does not count the five wings of K-wings coming to say hello. Also," she highlighted the ships firing around the friendly starfighters and into the enemy formation getting some occasional hits, "we know we can't depend on starfighters only, though we may soon, The ships that can bear in that direction are firing their guns in supporting fire."

    She quickly minimized that battle and brought up the infamous 30 vs 4 match where Wedge and the rest of Red Flight fought 30 pilots in equal equipment. "Wes Janson was forces to eject and none of the others could make it to space. That was 7.5 to 1. They killed everyone but their goal was to get to space, and they failed. You want to compare craft? Fine." Nadia brought up the technical data for each starfighter and compared it to an enemy craft highlighting relative advantages for each comparison, then she moved on to small escorts, medium escorts, large escorts and finally capital ships. Each design also had the date of the revision shown in the image. Most of them were in the 50s ABY, though some were older all were post-Exegol in design date.

    She brought back the battle, "I would point out that these people know the situation which is why you see some ships conducting a planetary bombardment." She highlighted ships conducting that operation. Nadia then brought up the average, maximum, and minimum amount of training, flight hours, missions, and kills. Nadia knew from looking that it was lower on average, but that was because of the rate of attrition. Overall, it looked pretty good compared to most other allied forces, and probably trounced the Resistance overall.

    She brought up the image of Natalya, "I do not know if she is planning on killing everyone in the battle, though I would not bet on many Grysk or Ssi-ruuvi survivors. They caused too many galactic level wars and should be punished for it. The rest... I do not know."

    Medb looked up, "I doubt that the Force Horror from the Tof flagship did much to improve her mood."

    Nadia nodded, "That was another mistake of Barbosa's. First was making himself the face of that alliance. The second was whatever that was." She looked over to Medb, "Was it effective?"

    "No, most thoughts I gathered were debates on what date was worse. I was more than a little surprised honestly, that is a pretty advanced Dark Side power."

    Nadia simply looked at Jag, "When every day is a nightmare, then I guess trying to inject more fear just is not as effective."

    Nadia considered the others, "I roughly do not trust the Nagai, however both Romulus and Remus would be useful. I do not believe that Barbosa's word to be worth anything, but between those two powers, I honestly believe that we can only pick one to back. The Adumari future is in flux as it depends on what happens at Lwhekk and Bakura. Aren is... unconventional, but he is likely to come up with a deal that would be agreeable for us and the Nagai. I think there is an opportunity to be the first Empire to embrace abolitionism."

    Nadia took a deep breath, "You have a lot to learn. First, I am not sure if you ever figured out this war is you versus Snoke. That means you need to step up, and I mean yesterday. Two, I understand that there maybe is not a way to actually lead in battle, you have the tactical acumen to change the course of a battle. If you want to maximize what is available, I need you to step up and see what you would do to end the battle quickly."

    Jagged pursed his lips. She wasn’t giving him an inch. Not a micrometer. “I accept your advice.” He called up the displays of Lwhekk.

    “I realised something while we were speaking.” He showed the paltry commitment of the Tof. “The Tofs have enough resources that they could have deployed another two if not three fleets of their own at Lwhekk. At the expense of the wider war, yes, but with the Grysk reinforcements we would have lost the engagement. Barbosa didn’t do that; he deployed another five Star Destroyers, and that was it. Which means the Tof were baiting the Grysk and Ssi-Ruuvi out to us. They’ve damaged us, but not crippled our deployment.”

    He tapped screens. “If the Tofs commit to our destruction after the battle, we’ll be in a difficult position. The Nagai were losing the war, so we can’t expect them to counter the Tofs in the short term. We can kill Barbosa and everyone in the Lwhekk system, but it will expose us to that counteroffensive. So we need to win, yes, but more cleanly than we are going to presently.”

    “The Ssi-Ruuvi won’t retreat. This is their homeworld. That makes them less of a priority tactically. The Grysk however will take the first chance to flee. On that basis my recommendation is to focus every spare fighter we have on the Grysk. Not the Coyn, Iskalonni or Tofs. When the Grysk are erased, I expect the entire coalition will collapse. That will win us the battle quicker. We try to do everything, and something will slip through our fingers. We are also more likely to be in a much worse position if the Tofs counterattack.”

    His eyes narrowed. “If we kill the Tof King’s favourite servant, we definitely encourage that, so recall fighters from anything more than runs to strip the Bulk Cruiser of weapons. But make abundantly clear to all combatants that any continued fighting will be met with complete and utter destruction.” Jagged’s tone grew hard. “And make sure we transmit to all parties that any faction that tolerates Ssi-Ruuvi or Grysk alliances or existence will earn a repeat performance of what has happened at Lwhekk.”

    “I don’t want to win the Second Battle of Lwhekk to have to fight a third. We can’t afford to be pinned down here. Every Ssi-Ruuvi asset capable of being used towards warfare will be destroyed. If the entire populace fights back, then the entire populace will be destroyed.” Jagged’s voice firmed. “I want us to have as much of two, three, fleets left at the end of this engagement. Understood?”

    Nadia raised up a transmitter to hers and Jag's faces and smiled, "Done" She looked at the battle as they reoriented around the Emperor's orders, though with a slight modification where they still went after the Ssi-ruuvi as much as the Grysk. "An Admiral in the new fleet near Natalya's is taking your suggestions into a series of demands that we will submit to the other forces. This is a series of anti-warmongering list of demands."

    Nadia opened a new panel of information, "From what we have discovered, Lwhekk used to be a Nagai world, would it not be prudent to offer the planet to them?"

    “Nearly a Nagai world,” Jagged corrected. “But an incentive for them to ally with us. Bequeath it, on the understanding that entechment technology is completely illegal and any proposal to gain or perpetuate it will cause action taken directly upon the individuals responsible.” He was being absolutely firm on that.

    He looked from the Perator to the working group. “What you’ve said has also given me an idea. Let us regroup once we hear about Mobus and Lwhekk. Both are done now, we can only trust our admirals and crews. The next step is mine to take.”

    Nadia nodded, "Aren is a very smart man, and like you, has fought against the Ssi-ruuvi before so he is aware. Beside if he forgets anything, the Bakurans will not."

    Nadia's thoughts drifted back to Jakku, those trapped there, and Medb's mention of the Paths. Wait! "I have an idea! Instead of using to Paths to get transports in, why not use paths to get everyone out! Medb, can we do that?"

    Medb already concentrating on creating the paths sighed, "I can, it will take longer, and I will be no good for a day or two at least... where to?"

    Nadia thought quickly, "Adumari except for Trec's ship, Auteuil, Trec, the Remnant, and Wedge wherever he is, Zakuul. The Resistance, Bakura? Sun Guard can go back to Mon Calamari as I do not know a good black hole for them. I do not care for the Sith, but that is a lot of distraction so they may have their own way out." She looked at Jag, "Unless there is a better plan, this may be the best way out. I will enact it on my own if I must."

    She then remembered Mobus and smiled, "There is one more thing you need to learn, It is very rare when you can work on your own plans, and perhaps Mobus could use your insight before you work on your own plan. If you are to lead people, lead everyone."

    Jagged smiled, winningly. “I’ve figured out how to get the Eternal Fleet without the blood of the Outlander.” He swept away, leaving them to their surprise.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael, @Kev-Mas_Colcha
    darthbernael and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  17. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Rikis

    The plan for entry into the Trulalis system had been worked out with the command staff as the quarter fleet was enroute to the system. As it was a hybrid fleet there had to be some amendments to what Rikis’ people had done in the past. When the streaks of hyper resolved into the almost static starfield what appeared in the midst of the system were what appeared to only be a Bulwark cruiser and a Lucrehulk battleship. Hundreds of droid fighters flushed from the latter, spreading out around the two ships.

    But that was not what drew attention to them. That was the feeling that spread through the system, focused on the planet itself, the sense of male being steeped in the Dark Side of the Force, that seemed to be with the ships. They drifted deeper into the system, towards the planet, a slow, deliberate advance, the fighters scouring every rock and planetoid. Issor and Cadezia were scanned and messages were sent through their local Holonets, stating that someone, no name used yet, had come to speak to the Dark Jedi on Trulalis.

    The two ships settled into a deep orbit of Trulalis where it finally became evident they were not alone. Space seemed to shimmer, aSyalann class Brute Destroyer, Spider Battleship, and a Swoop cruiser appeared from cloak, another hundred Nagai fighters also coming into view, joining the droid fighters flying protection around the fleet. The dark presence was felt even more strongly as close to Trulalis as the fleet was.

    Signals cut into the Holonet, a hooded and cloaked figure standing almost in darkness appearing. In a harsh, masculine tone the being spoke ”Dark Jedi of Trulalis, I, Darth Nihl, am come. In less than an hour I arrive at the main square of Kovit. Be there and we shall commune. Fail to be present and…” Lightning crackled out of the sleeves of the figure’s cloak, ”...there will be no hole you can hide in.”

    A slight chuckle.

    Aboard the actual bridge of their ship.

    An aged man had appeared in dark robes. His appearance was grave, his eyes piercing, and he seemed to hold a spheroid in his hand. A prop? “All stages are hidden to some extent. One would question the wisdom of approaching ‘Dark Jedi’ with a threat.”

    Turning around the planets moon were all five Imperial II Star Destroyers of the Protectorate, coordinated and already with some four hundred TIE Defenders launched. “Would it make any difference to you, in that instance, if we were not in-fact Dark Jedi?” He was amused, clearly, and an image of skulls floated above him.


    “You project power and approach with purpose, and yet deploy warships launch fighters from another polity, implying a sense of confederation. You proffer a dalliance and a confrontation.” His tone was smooth. Clipped. Powerful. “Dispense with theatrics before the master of such things, and come to talk plainly.”

    And then the dark side illusion vanished from the bridge. An officer spoke up. “I believe that was Adalric Brandl, sir.” A Dark Jedi Master.

    Joining the dark presence in the air was an aura of amusement. Rikis turned to the officer who had spoken, ”Upload the coordinates from where that call originated to my fighter.” she ordered before striding off of the bridge.

    A few minutes later, five fighters, of a slightly different design, darted from the front hangar of the Flarefire. The coordinates had revealed that Brandl was at the square, which had caused the amusement to spike for a moment.


    The five fighters screamed into the atmosphere, descending toward Kovit. Four held their position above the square as the fifth slowed, revealing the same cloaked figure standing on the upper hull of the fighter, arms crossed and cloak fluttering around it. It came to a stop at the edge of the square, the figure looking across at Adalric. The same masculine voice spoke, the Force writhing with the words, ”Of anyone…I was certain you would enjoy theatrics, especially at this world.”

    “I truly do,” he smiled broadly, appreciative. A flutter of his fingers and a flock of doves emerged from the opposite sleeve. “But this is mere parkour tricks. The true depths of Darth Nihl I seek to understand.” A slight quirk of a smile. “Before I commit my family to your cause, I wish to see whether you accrue the trappings of Sith as garb, or your soul is as true as Darth Sidious.” His chin tilted up. “For I served that black heart, and I will not again.”

    The aura of amusement darkened for a moment before the arms of the figure atop the fighter rose, cupping the sides of the hood. The voice spoke again, shivering through timbres as it did until it settled on a certainly feminine tone. ”Parlor tricks have their place but…” the hands moved more, the hood falling back. Red eyes shone, fixed on Adalric, ”Nihl doubted I could get this close without my true self being felt. I am Daritha Rikis. Heir to the ancient dark, not a scion of the modern Sith.”

    Her smile was cold, ”A Dark Jedi Master, how fitting that you and I are the ones to speak then, my own journeys brought me to learn from ancient spirits, learning the lessons of Ajunta Pall, Sorzus Syn, XoXaan, and others. Today, the old and new lineages rule the Alliance, myself and Darth Nihl.”

    Brandl’s expression was unreadable. “I see. A Sith Lord, and young Nihl is your waif and stray.” He folded his arms, the tall man looking impassive as he did. “What does your Nagai Alliance have to offer my Protectorate?” An eyebrow arched. “I assume you have heard that the Yuuzhan Vong and Sun Guard have struck Kwenn and since Nal Hutta has gone silent.”

    Rikis’ face was almost as impassive as Brandl’s. She seemed unmoved by the question and the information freely given. ”There have been unconfirmed reports of their movements but I am not surprised that they are advancing.” Her arms moved, hands loosely clasping behind her back, ”With your ability, your knowledge, even your academy here you are well provided. What can be offered is a chance to expand the ranks of Force users across almost the entire southern quadrant of the Knowns and beyond. Already there is an order of moderate talents that could become stronger with your training. We offer a chance to stand against the piratical Tofs and the Sun Guard, while your system and people are protected by the forces of the Alliance and the same orbital facilities that the other worlds will soon all have in place. Basically, full membership in the Alliance, a hierarchy of Force Users both part of the order of the Alliance as well as separate to be able to prosecute war and protect the other members of the Alliance.”

    The Dark Jedi sounded thoughtful. “I imagine if the Tof and Empire had been more successful in the southern quadrant in your war, I’d be having this conversation with one of them.” His eyes flashed yellow briefly. “Does that concern you, that I’ve approached you because of mere convenience.”

    “I would perhaps turn to the Sun Guard, but their alliance with the Yuuzhan Vong is insanity. I fought the Vong. I know that they will only betray the Sun Guard when they no longer need them.” Brandl scoffed.

    “Or should I approach the Grysk Hegemony? They’ve been drifting this way, and your forces were trounced at the Battle of Lwhekk and then Battle of Rothana.” Brandl’s tone was even. “And yet my word is my bond. If I commit the Protectorate to a cause, it will have my commitment.”

    Rikis’ posture softened slightly, as a peal of laughter escaped her. ”The fortunes of such a war ebb and flow and convenience sometimes provides the most fertile ground.”

    Her hands moved before her, coming up until her index fingers touched her lips for a moment, ”Your hatred of the Vong is understandable. I hold no love for them either. The Tofs…one day they will face judgment for their many centuries of crimes. Although…” As her hands dropped to her sides again a cold smile returned to her face. ”Besides, all evidence points to both the Tofs and the Grysk are currently facing a worse fate than our previous ruler did at Lwhekk. And, since then our fortunes have risen.”

    Shaking her head, ”We do not offer violence and destruction in every direction, nor do we offer to turn you into enteched drones or slaves or vassals. Should you and your people join us you will be as equal as every other member state. Which includes the rights to be involved in decisions of state as well as the protection of your state by the Alliance and aid in protecting other member states.”

    “At Lwhekk, perhaps,” Brandl hedged. “But what of the worlds the Grysk Hegemony command across the southern quadrant. They have territory, plenty of it. Their defeat is not guaranteed.” His eyes seemed possessed with knowledge. “If one was to wait, perhaps convenience would swing in their favour and not yours. Might I be proffering my word too early?”

    Rikis’ head fell back in a laugh, the sound echoing around the square, the humor even deeper in her essence. Taking a deep breath as she turned her attention back to Brandl, her pointed teeth showed in her smile. ”You mean allies or member worlds like Coyn, Iksallon, Elliad, or say Polis Massa, to name a few?”

    Her eyes gleamed with a fey light as she went on, ”They will not have a moment to regroup. Whatever flees Lwhekk will find their world a new Alliance state if they return home.” she said with a dark humor. ”The Grysk will find that their forced vassals are much fewer in number, if any remain.”

    “Good to hear, for we would commit to their destruction as much as you would the Tof’s,” Brandl said. “I have kept an eye on the situation, and was curious as to whether you would share your operations with me.” He nodded, pleased. “I offered the information about the Sun Guard campaign merely to see if you would reciprocate.”

    “The Trulalis Protectorate would like the status of an Allied Region within the Nagai Alliance and Galactic Empire. We oppose the First Order and the Sith rule, and will bring our full forces and five Imperial Jedi Knights to the forefront of any operation we commit to. Myself, my son, my daughter in law, and my two grandchildren are each fully trained, and ready to commit.”

    He smiled. “Might we notify the nations of the galaxy on your behalf? To announce the return of the Protectorate to galactic politics. Long has it been since we defanged our local Grand Moff. The Empire will remember us, let alone my personal service as High Inquisitor… which Darth Mascon will recall.”

    He tilted his chin. “The Sun Guard are a grave threat. We intend to offer ourselves as a jump off point for the assault on their worlds. Were they to more thoroughly mine Rishi, the route to that satellite galaxy would be severed. We cannot allow them to dominate a quadrant so thoroughly.”

    The gleam remained in Rikis’ eyes as she nodded. ”Allies must share intel, of course. Your request is fully acceptable. Requests, I should say, as notifying the galaxy will shake the Sun Guard and Tofs both. With other operations in place…” the smiled faded, returning to a look of steely determination. ”...this war seems to be settling into two major sides.”

    “So it does. The good and righteous on one, and the evil and vile on the other,” Brandl said, drily. “I’ll make the announcements then.” A bow, and he vanished, leaving the Nagai in the courtyard. The agreement was made, another five Destroyers for the Nagai Alliance.

    Chuckling at the theatrics, Rikis shook her head. Taking the holocom disc from her belt, she enabled the encrypted channel to send a short message, ”Trulalis is ours.” she sent to Nihl as the fighters accelerated up towards the fleet in orbit.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83
  18. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    IC: Sun Guard Protectorate
    Avarice, throne room

    The armored figure of Darth Mascon stood in front of his large, elaborate cortosis throne, in front of a figure belonging to that of Sha Mu'orca.

    "You shall now be known as Darth Rylliah. Under my tutelage, a powerful Sith you shall become, and together, we shall cleanse the Galaxy. Rise, my new apprentice."

    The Herglic rose to his feet. "Yes, my master."

    "For your first mission, it will be a test of your devotion to the Dark Side. The Mon Calamari have been a thorn in our side ever since we have conquered their world. Their refusal to cooperate has gone on for far too long now. A purge is now necessary, I'm afraid."

    "Starting with King Ech-Char and the Mon Calamari monarchy, you shall be their executioner. Wipe them out. All of them."


    "Sir," said a faceless, helmeted Sun Guard through a large doorway to Mascon's throne room, "the Centrality is petitioning for membership."

    "They wish to join us?" replied the Sith Lord, "what resources do they have to offer?"

    "A few Dreadnaught-class cruisers, and some rather productive mines, which have ample mineral wealth. We're running low on resources to build new ships with, but with the help of the Centrality, we could at the very least replenish them for a short time. Furthermore, this request is made out of fear, ensuring loyalty, should you properly exploit it."

    "Yes, I sensed as much. They fear our new Yuuzhan Vong allies, and rightly so. But yes, their aid would be welcomed. With those resources, we have more ships to conquer more worlds, to mine for more resources. Consider their request granted. Welcome them to the fold and tell them a representative will be visiting with them soon to formalize their allegiance."

    The Centrality already had diplomatic documentation drawn up, committing to the Glorious Sun Empire - as they identified it - and the Scrivinir agreed to place his forces under the command of the Sun Guardian in-exchange for protection and other nonconsequential personal favors. Resources would be promptly prepared for delivery to the Mon Calamari shipyards.

    It was going well.

    Mascon grinned from the good news. Indeed, it was a good decision to add these new members to the fold, for he had gotten more than he had even anticipated.

    Mon Calamari Shipyards

    However, they weren't entirely out of resources. With the conquest of new worlds, specifically Mokijv, they had enough to bring Mon Calamari Shipyards back up to full capacity. As such, they were put into action, constructing 4 Duellator-class Star Destroyers and 4 ShaShore-class Heavy Frigates.

    The shipyards reported that they were placed to begin construction on another vessel; the Mediator-class battlecruiser. 1500m of firepower that could stand up to an equivalent Imperial design. They otherwise confirmed that they had update the Duellator-class shield matrices to Mon Calamari specs. Well, the Quarren had. The Mon Calamari were refusing to assist.

    Perhaps it was the influence of Mascon's newly christened Apprentice that had inspired the Quarren to prove their usefulness. Indeed it did play a role in his ascension to the title of Darth, but at the same time, the Mon Calamari's rebellion is exactly why they had to die. All of them.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    darthbernael likes this.
  19. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    IC: Thychani Commander Khei F'jah
    Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnought Yammka

    Newly promoted, with a new post commanding a ship that's not organic for once, she contacted Zat Lah via modified ozzgill.

    "Their war may have ended, but they're still weakened from the conflict, and we shall surprise them nonetheless. We proceed with our campaign as planned."

    They came to the rendezvous together.

    Zat Lah had his immense worldship, two Miid Ro'iik and three Matalok cruisers.

    The equivalent of a dreadnaught, two Star Destroyers and three Mon Calamari cruisers.

    Their chosen point to meet was Kwenn Space Station.

    It was no match for the Yuuzhan Vong, let alone the Sun Guard too.

    The massive dreadnought absorbed even the more fervent firepower of the space station, even one so well equipped by the Tofs and Imperials. Replete Starchasers emerged from hangars, and coralskippers hunted them down. Escorts were vulnerable to starfighters so Zat Lah kept back his corvettes, frigates and pickets, using them as an additional layer of shields to the larger coral craft.

    As a testament to their desire to cooperate with their new allies, the Yuuzhan Vong captured the station, rather than blew it apart. What casualties they did amounted to a smattering of coralskippers and a few dozen warriors. There were even prisoners, including the Sullustan Station master Beolars Bribbs. So fierce was the assault that they even captured the infamous scientists behind the new stealth fighter... and found nothing.

    It had been a bluff! The Kwenn had simply been gouging both sides for resources to keep their fat investment safe.

    Zat Lah was annoyed, but didn't kill any of the elites.

    For now.

    By the time the Sun Guard joined his forces, the system was secure.

    Another great victory.

    Zat Lah spoke up. "How many ships shall we leave behind, Commander?"

    "I will leave just one, the Interdictor, along with 2 Serpentarius-classes from the Duellator. We will use the Interdictor to block the main hyperspace lane, perhaps along with some help from you either in the form of dovin basals or mines of some sort, while the Serpentarius use their vast sensor array to block out any comm traffic. Of course, we'll be immune to this however as it doesn't have any effect on Yuuzhan Vong biotech.

    Then, once we have arrived at Nal Hutta, Yuuzhan Vong dovin basals will trap our enemy and Sun Guard electronic warfare systems will prevent them from informing their allies of our invasion.

    Their newfound unity will not help them here. Not while we keep them so disconnected and in the dark. By the time the Hutts know what hit them, it will be too late. "

    Zat Lah slammed his fist into his shoulder. "It will be done. I will leave a minelayer and coralskipper escort."

    At that, they launched their great assault on Nal Hutta.

    The surprise was total, as the Hutts had barely consolidated their control.

    A worldship and a dozen capital ships and the many escorts with them engaged the Hutt defenders and promptly cut the Hutt fleet in half, dividing their numbers and the Yuuzhan Vong ships settling to bombard the planetary shields. Nar Shaddaa's own shields fell first, hastily repaired since the civil war. The Hutt cruisers were very well armoured, but plasma chewed the hulls anyway. One, two, four, five cruisers detonated, explosively, for self-destruct charges were throughout Hutt warships. The worldship drew the disorganised counterfire as the largest target but shrugged it off; the comms blackout made no difference to them with the Yuuzhan Vong biotech, but a twist did follow.

    Across the Ozzgil's a Hutt spoke out. "We surrender!"

    Apparently someone still had a villip on the surface!

    "Very well then," Khei replied over ozzgil, unconcerned and unsurprised that an enemy as avaricious and resourceful as a Hutt would be in possession of what they would likely consider a rare collectible, "We accept your surrender."

    She then turned to her crew as the communication ended, beginning a new one to broadcast her orders to her allies.

    "Prepare for ground assault. We won't likely encounter resistance, as our enemy has surrendered, but they still need to be apprehended, and their planetary assets and resources seized. The Hutts are slimy though and they may very well try a false surrender. Stay sharp."

    The speaker, Borga the Hutt, leader of the Kadijic’s for many years now, hadn’t expected to be fobbed off, but they promptly were. Nonetheless, Borga was content to bide their time, and so orders were given to honour the surrender. Sun Guard crewers were shortly aboard the five remaining Hutt cruisers, and warriors were securing the ports and palace. A smattering of starfighter factories were located abandoned in orbit of Nar Shaddaa, which could be promptly retooled. There was word that the inner areas of Hutt Space had sealed their borders, but by and large it’s replete resources and hyperlane opportunities were definitively in Sun Guard hands. There were a few massacres, especially by the Yuuzhan Vong on the Smuggler’s Moon, where replete evidence of Grysk involvement in the Hutt Civil War was discovered. The location of where the rogue Kadijic fleet had jumped - to Lwhekk - indicated a terrific battle ongoing there.

    Borga the Hutt requested an audience with the Commander or her representative at the palace, to negotiate the accession of the Hutt Kadijic’s into the Sun Imperium. Voluntarily, so as not to distract the Sun Guard from conquest elsewhere. Borga the Hutt was willing to be very amicable.

    Zat Lah emphasised caution. This was the selfsame Hutt who had joined the Yuuzhan Vong in alliance, only to leak their plans.

    "We shall feign interest," Khei decreed, "A meeting will be arranged, but not to introduce a new ally, but an unwitting servitor. They shall serve us, and they will be given an illusion of having control over their situation, but the truth will be much simpler. They are now slaves to our will. They will not betray us, for they will not have the power to do so."

    The Hutts, admittedly, were incredibly compliant. They offered slaves, resources and intelligence services. There were no alternates to the current Hutt Council; they had lost all their opposition in the civil war, encouraged by the Grysk.

    In very short order a menagerie of slaves and riches were en route to Mon Calamari. It was over. The Sun Guard took the five Hutt cruisers and had it all. If anything, the Sun Guard had to keep the overzealous Yuuzhan Vong from overdoing it.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth , @darthbernael , @Mitth_Fisto , @adaml83 (sorry, couldn't remember who the bit about Kwenn would be relevant, so I tagged you all :p )
  20. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    IC: Sun Guard Protectorate
    Avarice, throne room

    News came that Kwenn Space Station had fallen, and that nothing more than the most unsuccessful prototypes existed in their technical repertoire. Apparently they had been bleeding the Tofs and Empire with no ability to make a return.

    The next update was that the Hutt campaign had commenced, notwithstanding the sudden departure of one side of the civil war,

    The conquest of Hutt Space would make them the galactic power in the east. Only Lothal and the Protectorate remained independent of them at this stage. The way to the Rishi Maze belonged to them too, but that galaxy they had a mere quarter-foothold at Rishi itself. The Empire to the north was separated from them by the Corporate Systems, but they were resolutely neutral.

    More warships entered the combined navy, but they were already on the campaign path. The Centrality, Mon Calamari and Rodia each had vessels deployed, durasteel and coral. They had a firm position; would Lord Mascon do any more?

    Mascon had decided to do what he had grown accustomed to. Bolster resources, and focus on one campaign at a time. He had his eyes set on future conquests, but he knew better than to risk the battles of the present to seek them out.

    A good tactician knows the importance of pacing himself. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Mon Cala, palace halls

    The imposing figure of the newly christened Darth Rylliah, flanked by a squad of 10 Sun Guard walked in through the front doors, greeted by an anxiety ridden Mon Calamari Royal Guard.

    "What is the meaning of this visit? Have you come to negotiate an agreement?"

    "No," replied the Sith Apprentice flatly, as he ignited the newly bled blade of his saberpike, skewering him as the two forces immediately began to exchange fire.

    Pulling the pike from the corpse as it fell limp, he raised his off hand in the air as a single guard was lifted, and then, with the sound of breaking bones and cartilidge, crushed into a pile of viscera and gore.

    Without a word, he then pointed his weapon forward, and his troops, still relatively unscathed from the firefight, marched forwards.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
  21. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Natalya ke Morrel, Nadia ke Mattino, Terek Rogriss, Barbosa, Kral Nevil, Hextus, A Massive Combo


    The Grysk had no word from the Iskalloni or Coyn forces Hextus wished to pass on.

    Nor had he opined about commitment from the rest of Tovah's forces.

    He had squabbled in Grysk with someone by comms, but not supplied information about it.

    The two big Ssi-Ruuvi had spoken in fluting tones to their forces, exhorting their fighters, directing reserves to the front, and there were nearly three thousand V'Sett fighters in orbit with some five thousand droid starfighters. The factories of Lwhekk were gearing up to produce a droid starfighter every ten minutes, but frantic retooling to a total war state would take an hour more.


    Tovah seemed to want to hold back his remaining quarter fleet and two armies until the opportune moment, and Intelligence and scouts had that the Empire was going to inevitably commit more to this engagement. They hadn't withdrawn, nor had the ships to start a siege, so..

    Kral watched, conscious that Barbosa seemed inclined to delegate while Hextus seemed to be keep cards to himself. Without a universal translator for Grysk, what could he say?

    Barbosa took a lull in the combat which he felt would last a minute and used the good old water closet. After all, this was the strength of delegating, you didn't have to ignore and then be weakened by your physical needs being ignored.

    Returning he found the Grysk speaking their tongue, the Ssi-Ruuk speaking theirs, and the Tof were invariably speaking Tof around the bridge and comms. It was a language soup that he felt a sympathetic nod towards Kral was needed. Looking at the sensors he saw how things were shifting. Enemy adapting to their moves and making counter moves with more satellites. Sitting on top of a planet was a dangerous place to defend as well as attack. It meant there was no easy way to flee; they were committed. Backs to the seawall of a world, and that meant everyone knew the stakes. This was an all-or-nothing battle for not only the allies and fate of species, but their own lives were gambled on it as well. To see that and press on? One had to be ready for a ferocious fight, or think they held an ace up their sleeves. Barbosa felt these Adumari were showing cards though, and he just had to wait and see if his own was a higher suit or if the Grysk could combine with them to make a full house of opposition.

    Natalya looked around the various displays for her forces, the DP-20s and 25s were firing into the massive cloud of starfighters, or at the edges in order to contain her flank. Various starfighter squadrons were continuing to fire into the cloud with some now heading back to their ships to rearm and refuel, though another squadron would take its place. Some starfighter wings would run through using mass fire tactics to whittle the numbers down, especially with the new approaching arrivals.

    In order to deal with those, she appointed some DP-20s to that flank, along with some fighter wings. The K-wings? Some were visible, others were hiding. She sent a message to Admiral Rogriss, Currently have seven K-wing fighter wings, 42 squadrons, ready to launch a long-range strike at capital ships, four at the heavy bulk cruiser, and three at various Star Destroyer. Do you have a similar strike ready? How would you like to coordinate? We are ready to launch sixty seconds from reply.

    Hextus clucked his shiny teeth with his tongue, not quite a tsk.

    "Ambassador Barbosa, does the Tof League not to commit more ships to the cause?"

    Kral Nevil snorted, his chin-tentacles flowing. "Says the man who lost eight capital ships to traitors." He eyed the Coynite and Iskalloni representatives. Their ships had never returned.

    Smiling in that human manner, Hextus ignored him and looked more to Barbosa. "Sir?"

    The Grysk and Ssi-Ruuvi had everything committed, save, perhaps, for a small five capital ship squadron holding at an edge, in low orbit. It was a Coynite, Iskalloni and Ssi-Ruuvi capital ship, escorted by two Grysk WarMasters. Otherwise Kral still had Tovah's five Star Destroyer contingent and two armies at systems' edge - unknown to the Imperials, as far as they were aware.

    Terek Rogriss was watching the cloud of growing starfighters. More V'sett fighters were joining it, and his scopes couldn't keep count of the thousands of droids that had been gathered. I have similar numbers. Permission to unchain DP-20s and escorts to contain the droid fighters and SLAM the K-wings deep into the Grysk formation?

    He didn't want to ask about reinforcements.

    He did however make sure Zakuul Command had constant updates.

    The Ssi-Ruuvi-Tof contingent, that bulk cruiser, five Star Destroyers, and then the nine Ssi-Ruuvi ovoids and their incredible shields; angled to face her fleet.

    The Grysk eight WarMasters and escorts; angled to face his fleet.

    That small task force at the rear of both, almost in low orbit, of five capital ships.

    Hundreds of escorts between.

    Thousands of fighters.

    The locations of almost every factory on Lwhekk churning out droid starfighters.

    Natalya sent her reply, Do what you need to do, good luck.

    She sent her orders out to Group Three, the capital ships and heavy escorts fired into the gigantic furball, or if they could get a clear shot at the large bulk Cruiser they would fire at that. The smaller escorts concentrated on furball containment. DP-20s and 25s looked to do damage to fighters and whatever the jump troopers were called. The starfighter wings not involved in the strike did squadron-sized mass fire runs through the furball, while others fired proton torpedoes in hoping to destroy multiple targets.

    However, four full fighter wings of K-wings started their run to avoid the furball and fire 5184 proton torpedoes at the heavy bulk Cruiser, while the remaining three fighter wings picked out a Star Destroyer each and fired 1296 proton torpedoes at each one.

    Barbosa smiled a tight-lipped smile. “I have delivered my life into the same - hatchery as you. We will either rise or be stillborn in this crib together. What my colleagues have held back they hold for our future survival.”

    At this point he heard the Captain cry out on the comms, “CHUMs! Distillery credits!” It was a call to all the space army prioritizing the safety of the leaders with a blanket bonus based on how well they screened the incoming damage. In this instance from the long range torpedo barrages with their rotary cannons adding to the ship’s turbo lasers and point defenses making to fill the incoming waves with their destructive might.

    Barbosa turned watching the change in the now flickering battle map. “We must have faith in our people. Without it, there can be little trust, and then where are we? Faith gives rise to hope, and hope a path to salvation where others merely see desolation and destruction. Have faith.”

    The furball wasn’t as containable as they had hoped, and several K-wings were intercepted along the way, ditto the missiles launches, by droid starfighters shifting at their typical rate of intelligence, let alone the Ssi-Ruuvi picket ships and CHUMS screen of space troopers interposing themselves or firing directly. Detonations hammered upon the hull of the bulk cruiser, and three of the Star Destroyers erupted into flame. The other two swept turbolaser fire across the K-wings, missing as much as hitting, but hundreds of space troopers vanished into debris.

    Terek’s K-wings were not targeting the leadership of half a dozen factions and so were not so heavily resisted; their SLAM drives sent them speeding at the Grysk formation, but the smaller Bonecrushers screening the capital ships took most of the hits but all the WarMasters took damage. The entire Grysk fleet was reduced, in more ways than one.

    The thousands of droid starfighters advanced en masse; there was a literal swarm of them and several DP-20s and 25’s vanished as they rushed through the fighter screen with their bulk. Shields took hits and survived, allowing the droid ships to be used as weapons themselves. How would Natalya handle the total of Ssi-Ruuvi starfighters committing to her groups destruction?

    Hextus watched the interplay and seemed it chew his cheek in thought. “Fine.” The Ssi-Ruuvi cluster of capital ships closed up around the Tof Bulk Cruiser with their incredible shields and began applying their immensely powerful tractor beams to scoop up K-wings. Kral Nevil updated General Tovah, who was ready to deploy but was conscious that the Tof bulk cruiser was deep in the Lwhekk gravity well. They’d need to move from that position to withdraw if need be.

    The battered Grysk flotilla kept formation but didn’t take out many K-wings as they retreated. Terek had kept his other snub fighters close, and now the Ssi-Ruuvi were committing to the assault against the sister fleet. The Grysk fired turbolaser equivalents at his ships, and they held fire until the K-wings were out of the way. He groused. Where were those reinforcements?

    Natalya got a message from the CAG, How many wings? She grinned and sent 14 back.

    While this was going on the 42 squadrons of T-85Ad dove in on those who attacked the K-wings on their last strike, annoyed at their failure to protect all the bombers. This added to everything else that was already working on controlling the furball.

    Meanwhile, the 84 squadrons of K-wings didn't attack immediately as Natalya absorbed the changing situation. New orders went out, 1 wing for each remaining ISD and the remaining 12 wings to concentrate on Ssi-ruuvi ships, particularly those involved with entechment. They gave the wings sectors in proximity of their own forces in order to fire at their new targets.

    During this revised planning, a message came through, the reinforcements were close. 100 squadrons each were about to jump into both Adumari fleets' proximity in moments, with the rest to follow a few minutes later. She forwarded that information to Admiral Rogriss wondering what he'd think.

    Barbosa tapped his fist on the holo tank, finding a beat that matched a swelling feeling. He nodded to Kral as he found the rhythm. "Time draws near." he nodded with a growing smile even as three Star Destroyers burned. "See if they can fall back to the rear group and secure themselves." He wasn't sure if they was anything left of them, but the fleet was taking the brunt of it now, and it was time things changed. "Time to prep a shift to the front foot if you agree? Spinning drills?" he asked the Ssi-Ruuvi.

    There was a kind of disconnect even as he felt the death and life play out around him. Barbosa was feeling it, heady and bright as the lights of the dark sea filled his mind. He was a Priest and one of the Green Spot, reaching out along those lines that bound them all he sang as they opened the comms with a nod to all. Feeling the draws and lines of the Ssi-Ruuvi's entechment lines, of the K-Wings plying their trades, and the guns burning the skies.

    There was a change of orders, the two fighter wings who were assigned to take down the ISDs added a proviso that they could pursue their retreat only if they did not cross the Ssi-ruuvi entechment range. If it did, then they were to join in attacking the other ships that were closest to the fleet and moving further out.

    There was another message which Natalya forwarded to Admiral Rogriss, reinforcements would reenter hyperspace with destinations on each Adumari flank, outside of entechment range, with data locked in ready to accept targets of opportunity.

    The droid starfighter furball refused to be contained and the sheer thousands of battle droids and hardy V'Sett fighters meant that more was getting through to Natalya's force than not.

    A lot more.

    Effects from ramming attacks were being felt throughout her forward elements, even as hundreds of fighters fell.

    The gap between the Ssi-Ruuvi capital ships and the fighter scrum grew, filled with picket ships escorting light cruisers, many aflame. The picket ships were very fragile when their shields were eventually pierced. But the entire area was becoming laced with hot wreckage; the fusionables the Ssi-Ruuvi used for engines created an ersatz minefield that was growing with every moment.

    Ssi-Ruuvi tractoring of fighters that crossed the divide was promptly undone when Imperial forces exploded whenever captured; nobody wanted to be enteched. It was a horrible thing to happen. The three crippled Star Destroyers were ill-prepared to move, and instead detonated, taking a cue from the Imperials, and throwing debris and holy hell into the firing lines of Natalya's K-wings. The subsequent bombardment from the Tof broadside into the morass drove back the K-wing advance, at the cost of hundreds of Imperial pilots and Ssi-Ruuvi picket crewers their lives -

    The Grysk fleet for their part was maintaining their close-formation as they advanced on Terek, but one, and then two of the larger WarMasters detonated when the K-wings were close enough. Terek noted the news but ordered his fleet to hold position, even when he lost one of his own capital ships took a concentrated attack from the whole Grysk force -

    He swore.

    The reinforcements arrived.

    First enough fighters to give Natalya some space, but almost every ship in her task force had taken hits, having so many fighters to finally make a dent in the Ssi-Ruuvi fighter swarm -

    The Grysk fleet panicked and attempted a fast turn to face the new fighters, but another WarMaster detonated even before they adjusted their defences, using stolen Chiss breacher missiles to explode acid among the advancing fighters -

    Minutes passed with smaller Grysk cruisers exploding, Natalya bleeding escorts and her forward capital ships looking increasingly battered, they lost many of the new fighters from the sheer proximity of the engagement and the size of the furball they were trying to contain -

    The Tof's lost another Star Destroyer, and word was given that the massive bulk cruiser had lost engines, and they had no fighters or CHUMs left, Kral Nevil barking orders, Ipvikkis' fluting became more urgent as K-wings poured into their local space despite the successes -

    A Ssi-Ruuvi Shree-class cruiser cracked open, opening a hole in their formation -

    Then there were two more Imperial fleets.

    At perfect angles to the Grysk and Tof forces.

    Hextus spoke to his comlinks urgently, received a single worded response.

    Behind Terek emerged eighteen more capital ships and escorts. The missing four Coynite Birds-of-prey and four Iksalloni spheroids, yes, but also ten Hutt chelandions, with escort frigates, light cruisers and corvettes, a motley deployment of pirate and ugly craft. They immediately opened fire with turbolasers and Terek swore as they raked his fleet with fire -

    The Birds-of-Prey dove into the middle of his formation, firing from their wingtips, as Preybird fighters flew through his ships, the Iskalloni spheroids activated tractor beams on smaller craft and obliterated them methodically, the Hutt uglies were a free-for-fall of coordination, with unsteady looking warships armed considerably more than they should have been for their size -

    Terek lost a capital ship before he could regroup and then his own flagship was under attack -

    Behind Natalya emerged five Imperial Star Destroyers, with two forward of the other three. From two of those three emerged the next two Tof armies, advancing on her rearguard in huge numbers. Tovah's flagship held back the furthest, but they promptly began pounding at the edges of Natalya's formation and launching twenty squadrons of Tof starfighters between the five ships -

    The Ssi-Ruuvi formation was already broken in the face of the new arrivals and so lurched forward, looking to close the gap but leaving Barbosa and his sole remaining Destroyer more exposed. The Ssi-Ruuvi were outgunned and outnumbered but sought to use their shields to enable them to close enough to slug it out close-range -

    The Grysk fleet was already out of position and split its forces; most of its escorts and five WarMasters advanced on the fresh Imperial fleet, and the rest caught Terek in a brutal cross-fire, the Imperial fleets began dishing out damage that rapidly caused damage to the Ssi-Ruuvi and Grysk forces, far more than the damage they were taking -

    Suddenly, Hextus bolted from the bridge of the Tof bulk cruiser, and the Coynite and Iskalloni officers were suddenly choking, down on the floor -

    The five capital ship reserve he had maintained - two WarMasters, one Coynite, one Iskalloni and one Ssi-Ruuvi capital ship - began speeding to the edge of the gravity well, far from the major engagement.

    There were over a hundred capital ships in play here, over half of which were Imperial, and many, many of them were about to be lost if they did not bring this to an end.

    Terek suddenly wondered what would have happened had the Grysk advanced on Zakuul with their surprise Hutt forces. It was an open secret they were behind the Hutt Civil War... but clearly they had propped up an entire faction!

    His ship rumbled with damage.

    Terek made the call.

    "Abandon ship!"

    Tag: @adaml83 , @Sinrebirth
    To be continued….
    darthbernael and adaml83 like this.
  22. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    OOC: Part 2 of the Great Scrapheap at Lwhekk with @Mitth_Fisto and @Sinrebirth
    IC: Natalya ke Morrel, Nadia ke Mattino, Terek Rogriss, Barbosa, Kral Nevil, Hextus,

    The new fleet on Natalya's flank fired in every direction. First axis was that of the droid fighters, the Ssi-ruuvi, the Grysk, and the Tof ships. The second axis was towards the rear of Natalya's fleet. 250 squadrons sent to destroy the Tof squadrons and army forces followed this. A wing of K-wings targeted each Imperial Star Destroyer. The third axis was towards planet side of the enemy formation this was the rear of their formation where the recently arrived starfighters were now firing proton torpedoes en masse towards the enemy. The final axis was the planetary bombardment. They targeted factories first, once those were rubble, next were the military bases and the government sector. After that anything remotely Ssi-ruuvi with one exception, the slave pens. That would be the only thing on Lwhekk that the Adumari would spare complete and utter destruction if they continued this fight.

    Natalya wiped away the blood from her brow, those bloody droid fighters that fought better than the 181st at its height. "Enhance firepower into that swarm! Launch the warhead mines at the other swarm! If the additional forces can't take out the heavy bulk cruiser, prepare to ram the damn cursed thing!"

    Fighters moved over to help cover the new flank, though they hoped that greater than 10 to 1 odds in their favor would make quick work of them. That said, the ships were hurting, so were Rogriss's. "Task Group One, do one of the following, either join Group Three in defense, or the additional force on your flank! Whichever is easier. "

    This would open a gap, that was shut immediately, all the CC-7700 interdictors fired up their gravity well generators including the five capital ships trying to escape, which was now being pursued by 56 squadrons.

    The other new fleet fired in just about every direction, with 250 squadrons dedicated to the fleet behind Rogriss's fleet. Concentrated fire at both Grysk forces with even a little fire at Lwhekk orbital defences.

    If the Adumari were to be wiped out here, they would make sure there would be no survivors to take advantage of this battle.

    Barbosa sighed a weary sigh. He had hoped to see his son grow up, but that was feeling a fainter light than ever presently. His surprise had been turned in kind by a surprise twice as large when all things were considered. Pressing a button for ship security and medics he simply stated, "Grysk have broken Parlay." with that he left it to them. Medics would rush to his position and see to the downed members of the diplomatic team. Security would capture the delegates ship in the hanger and the fleeing Hextus would be bound with all the Maccabree had learned about suicide infiltrators to insure he shared their fate.

    Nodding to the Captain he stepped around the holo tank and stretched forth his hand as he opened a comm line to all Adumari ships within range of Lwhekk or any Ssi-Ruuvi ships or attacking his own. "For your sins, I curse thee with the Black Spot! Never may the deep take you souls, eternal torment awaits thee!" he yelled into the comm as he took all he had felt, all he had learned and known from this fight and put it with all his priestly power of the Green Spot into practice. Every pilot, every soul, every enemy would feel what he had felt those that took their own lives felt. Feel it stronger, harder pressing into their minds and souls. His eyes blackened as he pressed into the swarm of minds, Force Horror he believed it was called in this galaxy. Black Spot it was called to the Tof. A curse of the mind and the soul unto ceasing existence. Every pilot every soul should feel that fear, that dread, that knowledge, even a slight tug upon their very essence driving home that they were about to be enteched. Compelling them all to self destruct to spare their souls that fate.

    The Captain of Barbosa's ship stepped over to another comm console and keyed up two lines of communication. One to the leader of the Adumari forces and another to Tovah. Both would hear the same message, though only Tovah should know the other was on the line.

    "This be Captain of Hallelujah. Grysk have betrayed Parlay! I repeat, Grysk have betrayed Parlay!" Panning the camera down he showed the downed Iskaloni and Coynite down on the deck struggling to live or possibly already dead. "Our engines banjaxed. We be seekin' a new line with the Empire. If ye be satisfied with blood, you taint the deep with here against the Ssi-Ruuvi, Iskaloni, Coynite, and Tof - we sue for ceasefire call this a draw and joint finishing of Grysk betrayal forces. Repeat Cease fire for all except ye Grysk! If ye accept change fire fields and then we will. Savy?!?" Nodding he cut the line and turned to the Ssi-Ruuk General. "Barbosa be busy, but if any of youse wish, and they don't be accepting. Ye have safe harbor with us if you leave the Grysk behind, our priests would gladly aid yours in be settin' a safe place aside for youse and any refugees." The Captain knew Tovah would understand the situation. This ship, the glory of the Tof military, was doomed unless it towed them out of here, and Barbosa was busy. They could launch Barbosa's Medium Freighter that served as a Captain's Yacht to save a small number from this vessel before scuttling her, but they would never survive this trap to escape at present without a miracle. Hopefully, the Priest Barbosa could pull one off.

    If Tovah was successful in wiping out the Adumari leadership, perhaps the new leader for this engagement would be open to reason. If not, this was going to be a dark day for all here.

    Natalya opened the line to Barbosa, the first thing he would see is an image of an angry-looking woman with a bandage on her forehead. Before speaking she spat out a mouthful of blood, "Barbosa, we reject your request for cease-fire. The Ssi-ruuvi have, to use your terms, repeatedly broken parley with a vital neutral party. The Coynite, Iskaloni, and the Hutts here seem to be under the sway of the Grysk, so until they overthrow their overlords, we must hold them to the standard we hold the Grysk. Besides, the Coynite and the Iskaloni had one chance, and they wasted it. We however agree with you on the Grysk, but do we need your help?"

    The squadrons chasing the five ships attempting to escape fired, splitting their fire equally, meaning roughly 2006 proton torpedoes homed after those five ships. Meanwhile, the squadrons reaching the flanking forces, along with the 5 wings of K-wings started firing at those flanking forces.

    "Now, the only thing we will accept from you is complete and unconditional surrender. You can respond, or curl up in a corner and die." with that Natalya cut the signal.

    The Captain looked at the blank signal screen and nodded for Tovah. “Well, there it be. Never thought I looked like Barbosa. Really.” With a scoff he turned off the channels. “Brain addled wench.” He retorted to the silence before heading back to the pit to steer this engineless ship through the ordeal. Besides keeping cannons and tractors free to destroy or redirect threats there wasn’t much for him to do. Ashe wouldn’t interrupt Barbosa unless he felt it was time to abandon ship and put their leader in the emergency transport tube to the Captains Freighter.

    Time passed, and the engagement became an eruption of colour that cast hulks of ships into space, in ever-increasing numbers.

    Natalya's two fleets may have a local superiority over the Ssi-Ruuvi, but were besieged to the rear of one fleet.

    Eighteen capital ships had outflanked Terek's first fleet, and the Grysk fleet turning on him - feeding ships to his reinforcements just to inflict damage to the other.

    But it was clear they were outnumbered and outmatched in all manners.

    And now, betrayed by Hextus.

    Ipvikkis and E'thinaar looked to each other, fluted slightly. "I shall come with you," E'thinaar said. "To keep open the lines of communication. The Admiral will remain to command our ships." They'd suddenly realise Kral Nevil was on the floor, gasping, and then dead. Hextus had killed him too.

    Hextus' shuttle had departed, leaving several dead Tofs, and his shuttle dove close to hull so the big guns could not hit him, and he used the bulk to shield him from enemy fire. When he reached the rear of the bulk cruiser, he shot off into space, skipping across atmosphere - Barbosa's bulk cruiser was falling out of orbit.

    But Hextus was not just running, he was entirely running.

    All one could say, as the last Star Destroyers near Barbosa sundered themselves taking hits with what little hull it had left to shield Barbosa, was that Hextus' reserve fleet and the Grysk forces mauling Terek's fleet were in-range of the bulk cruiser, even if they would struggle to hit Hextus' small shuttle. But with more and more damage escalating on the Tof flagship, reinforced hulls or not, they wouldn't long have guns left.

    Indeed, the reserve fleet of five capital ships - the two WarMaster, one Ssi-Ruuvi ship, and two others - birthed five hundred droid starfighters to protect their rearguard, and were advancing at full speed for the edge of the gravity well envelope expanded by the Interdictors. It wouldn't be enough to win, but perhaps enough to flee.


    The survivors of Terek's first fleet was out of position to do anything about it, meanwhile his reinforcement fleet was positioned to fire at will, now Terek's forces were less, tragically. They had crushed the Grysk support craft with minimal casualty and were now hammering the mixed formation of Grysk, Hutt, Coynite and Iskalloni forces, which had spent itself in a terrible exchange of firepower.

    Terek, secure in a command escape pod, opened comms from the middle of the engagement.

    "I'm still alive, Natalya. I'm transferring my flag to the nearest fleet."

    Indeed, most of his original fleet was in pieces, with eight capital ships holding formation, but there were only three Hutt cruisers, two Coynite birds-of-prey, two Iksalloni spheroids, and five Grysk Warmasters left, facing twenty fresh Imperial capital ships. Terek opened comms. "I want all long range fire lobbed at that fleeing reserve fleet, and Interdictors to keep them in range of the gravity well. Everything else to finish the Grysk allies and fleet." He had plenty of firepower left, even if he had lost more than he wanted.

    Natalya's fleet had so many fighter squadrons nearby that space was thick with V'Sett, Droid fighters, and Tof space troopers. Tens of thousands of the latter, and thousands of the former. Natalya's fleet was coming apart from the sheer cloud of engagements and detonating fighter craft and heavy fusionables, but so far no Tof had boarded her ships through sheer determination. Two capital ships erupted, clearing space, but her flagship was next to be compromised.

    But the Ssi-Ruuvi capital ships were detonating one after the other, and doing minimal damage to her reinforcements, even with a four axis of fighter cover split. The Ssi-Ruuvi fleet would not turn the tide.

    The droid fighter swarm was thinning, slowly but surely, but the cost was ever increasing, especially with five Star Destroyers close to her rear. The axis took out one, then two, leaving Tovah with three and increasing damage. He was on completely the wrong side of the engagement to support Barbosa, and began pulling back to put some distance between him and the thousands upon thousands of craft near Natalya's fleet, which of course gave Natalya's squadrons more space to fight; Tovah lost a third Star Destroyer.

    But Natalya lost another capital ship, then two, but the Ssi-Ruuvi were down to five capital ships and her reinforcements could intervene locally, and the overall engagement was ending. Planet-based weapons began firing on her reinforcement fleet, pinning two capital ships in place, but the officers began methodically blowing apart the source of the fire and directing squadrons to destroy factories that continued to construct droid starfighters and send them into orbit in tens and twenties. In very short order 250 squadrons left most of the government district in flame, expertly avoiding slave pens, and there was evidence of widespread riots and perhaps even a P'w'eck uprising.

    The combined Grysk-Tof-Hutt-Coynite-Iskalloni fleet had lost close to thirty capital ships, and had around twenty left.

    The Imperials had lost around twenty, but had over fifty remaining.

    The Second Battle of Lwhekk was clearly won, but the cost was ongoing.

    And Lwhekk itself wasn't going anywhere…

    The Captain looked at Barbosa as he called it. “All hands abandon ship! Guns! Blast that shuttle out of the sky and clear escape vectors to the last!”

    Barbosa sighed as he pointed to the far wall, his eyes just returning to their natural color, “Escape pods. Or come with me in the freighter.” With that stated he pressed a button and the holo tank so that it made loud clunking noises before sliding aside to expose a large chute. Grabbing Kral’s body he shoved it and the other dead delegates in before turning to nod at the Captain. Jumping in Barbosa was followed by several bridge crew, security, and hopefully the Ssi-Ruuvi.

    The Captain was calling out firing resolutions and would either go down with the ship or wait to the last to trigger the auto destruct and use the last escape pod. The Tof that wouldn’t leave here today would follow their nominal Ssi-Ruuvi Allies lead on their world, even in where to go in their escape pods with their emergency weapons, comm gear, and rations. Tovah would receive the signal that Barbosa’s flagship was being scuttled, and Barbosa attempting to flee around the planet on whatever was the clearest escape vector. Barbosa hoped some escape craft or something of the people here would follow him out, but then again even his making it out was fully in question.

    Natalya was not doing well, however the flagship was doing worse. A signal was coming in from Zakuul actually with the Perator's codes. Speaking was hard, "Lock in a course to the nearest Ssi-ruuvi ship, full power to shields and engines and then abandon.... ship." After that, her world was blackness. She couldn't hear it, but there were multiple shouts for a medic team.

    Amongst the new fleet, and even the remnants of Rogriss's fleet they were dragging the remains of Natalya's fleet into the new fleets even though central command had broken down. However, the Emperor's message got through and much of the fleet changed its focus to that of the Ssi-ruuvi and with the highest priority, the Grysk. They created two messages, one for the Tof, Coynites, the Hutts, and Iskalloni. The other, for the Grysk and Ssi-ruuvi.

    The first message:

    The Grysk are a plague on the galaxy as they will abandon you and let you burn. As the Tof have said, they broke Parlay. The Ssi-ruuvi are just as bad, as they have broken parlay with other forces, and it is almost certain they will break their promises with all of you. Both powers have repeatedly caused many wars on a galactic scale, and we will not tolerate their continued existence in these galaxies.

    If you switch your targeting to those two powers, we will consider you to be in a ceasefire, however you must rid yourself of any other Grysk influence. We have fought enough battles at this cursed location, let us not fight another one. These are our terms, all you need to do is fire on the Grysk and Ssi-ruuvi for us to know that you agree.

    The second message:

    Your time as a galactic power is at an end, we will not tolerate your continued existence as an aggressor. If you wish to survive, leave this galaxy and never come back again. Stay and be annihilated. Lwhekk will be under new management soon.

    The medics had got Natalya into a horizontal bacta tank, and were taking her to an emergency shuttle designed to launch in less than thirty seconds. They shuttle crew, the medics, and an unconscious Admiral were seen entering the small hanger and getting into the shuttle before the blast doors closed. However, in a twist of fate, the flagship was hit. Sensor readings from other ships came to many conclusions for which faction fired that shot, but there was no time as there was a need to abandon ship.

    One officer having followed that order, and working on very incomplete information sent a mournful, quickly filling with anger, message in the clear, "Our Admiral has been killed! Kill them all!"

    The collapse of the command structure caused a degree of utter chaos. While the Emperor’s order to focus upon the Grysk reached Terek’s forces, Natalya’s focus was ragged -

    Especially as the missile that injured her so was fired by a Tof space trooper. In very short order Natalya’s force focused upon Tovah and his surviving assets, with some also opening fire on the Tof bulk cruiser -

    Terek’s fleet turned its full might against the Grysk reserves, surviving Grysk ships, and mass firing at Hextus. The Grysk traitor sent a single communique out before a Tof turbolaser pierced his escape ship. The Grysk fired back, and the Hutts, Coynite and Iskalloni did, trashing what they left to Terek’s fleet. But the Grysk were finished thankfully.

    But, Natalya came too, and the news spread. Too late for Tovah and his ships, and it cost Natalya much of her remaining forces. The sheer number of destroyed droid starfighters left thousands of burning fusionables that pierced hulls, burned Tof space troopers in their suits, and more besides.

    Fire shifted back to the Ssi-Ruuvi after, but Terek’s forces changed tack to take revenge against the Coynite, Iskalloni and Hutt forces - a savaging occurred. In very short order, the engagement ended, and Natalya and Terek all survived…

    In the middle of it, a Wurrif-class light cruiser collected Admiral Ipvikkis, while E’thinaar headed with Barbosa, fluting mutely. Many Tof and Ssi-Ruuvi were going down to the surface, but Barbosa would make it to the edge of the gravity well. Better him than Hextus, of course, who could do untold damage.

    Ten Grysk, five Coynite, five Iskalloni, ten Ssi-Ruuvi, ten Hutt and eleven Tof capital ships were gone. Fifty-one capital ships. Thirty thousand Tof space troopers. Eight thousand Ssi-Ruuvi fighters, in the end.

    Forty Adumari capital ships were down. Ten more damaged, and thirty were intact.

    A last victory for the Empire was that Ipvikkis didn’t

    make it to the surface, and so the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium was broken.

    The Second Battle of Lwhekk was over.

    There was a lead on where Hextus had messaged however… the Corporate Sector. Both the Tofs and Imperials picked up on it.

    Barbosa stood upon the bridge of the Sustained and calmly entered the data at the standing captain’s station. They had waited as long as they could for evacuees to board the ship before they had launched and in some ways the mournful fluting of the Ssi-Ruuvi aboard his ship was a mournful mirror of his own soul. Watching as his fishy friend and his half a fleet burned in the void. As his people fried or were cast adrift to seek refuge on a burning world because he couldn't save them. He had thought they had had an advantage and an edge they could press through this vile enemies spines, but it hadn't worked. It had all been for naught.

    Tapping a key he nodded to the Ssi-Ruuvi, "See if any of your people and ships can evacuate with us. We can guide you to safe harbor in our galaxy. Try and make a spiritual safe zone for you there." It was a parsing of weak words that stuck solidly in the back of his throat that he was forcing out. Pointing to the comm station he picked up his own headpiece as he slipped it over an ear. His people all knew their new mission. Get to Ssi-Ruuvi planet side, survive, give the locals precedence of authority short of sacrificing your lives.

    It looked like the course he had them traveling would see them clear. With that he sang. A mournful and pausing dirge of a shanty that was sent on all Tof channels into the void.

    "I miss my dear Darling and New Babe Born,
    As I wander the Blackness of the deep abyss.
    My Ship is in tatters all dented and worn,
    But I trust my old engine to get back by morn.
    Way ho, out in the blackness,
    Way ho, out in the void.
    Way ho get me back to my true love, as quick as an old asteroid."*

    The knowledge that the betrayer of at least the Grysk was dead was a boon and bitter comfort. So too was knowing he had aids or plans in another corner of the galaxy. Typing up a brief message he sent it to the Imperial forces.

    You've cut me down and refused diplomacies tempering grace. My cold comfort is that we died not alone, and that our blood and deaths of numbers that the mind boggles to contend might of softened your genocidal fury. As we hulled the Grysk leader with our ships dying blasts, we detected a transmission. See attached data resolution. For every rule there is an exception. Good hunting.

    Signed in the blood of the victims you damned.

    With that sent he continued the dirge as he made for hyperspace. Waiting as long as he could if any ships would need a rally point to join them in fleeing to what for him was home.

    "Full fathom five thy father lies
    Of his bones are coral made;
    Those are pearls that were his eyes:
    Nothing of him that doth fade
    But doth suffer a sea-change
    Into something rich and strange
    Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
    Hark! now I hear them, - ding-dong bell"**

    * - Starfield game Sea Shanty
    ** - Hubert Parry A Sea Dirge lyrics.

    Natalya was resting in a bed, though they currently propped it up so she could read her messages. Her record showed that she could only remain in confined spaces for so long because of claustrophobia. It had partially gone away on its own and she was mostly fine with medication. Besides, it was quiet, and in times like these, she missed the quiet.

    First were the visitors, among which were her flag officers, who now played the role of gatekeepers. Next was the young officer who sent that awful message in the clear. He was currently in the brig and even had a security escort when he came to visit.

    Now it was the messages. The other Admirals professionally expressed their relief at Natalya's survival. Terek Rogriss said that message in the clear gave him a heart attack. There were other messages, one saying they intercepted a file containing clues to where Hextus went. Naturally there was a message from the Tof. Between insults, they also mentioned that they also intercepted a file and were temporarily willing to share it, though Intelligence was wary of pirated information. Natalya could only read it before saying, "That was rich coming from them. We at least regret killing in that amount while they object to our desire for independence. Those idiots want to enslave everyone!"

    The final incoming message was from the Perator, she was looking at the results, and while she was pleased with how her people fought, Nadia didn't like the 1.275:1 kill to loss ratio among the capital ships. So she wanted all four Admirals to meet at Zakuul to see what they could improve across the board. She noted it had been awhile since Exegol, Kuat, or Fondor and it was time for new lessons.

    There were two outgoing messages, one was the estimates for decrypting the message without the Tof's file, and the other was the estimates on how long it would take to certify the Tof file as clean from malware. The former estimate was going down while the latter was going up. It also included estimates for salvage operations, though everything needed to cool first.

    The final was a message to the Tof:

    You really are a three of a kind aren't you? The Tof shout reform, yet you ally with two powers who are known slavers that want to take over the main galaxy. You are what, a "former" slaver with "no designs on the galaxy." You call us genocidal? We call you hypocrites, with a history dripping, gushing with the blood of the people you hunted and enslaved. Their blood is on your hands.

    Nadia had already sent messages out to the forces at Lwhekk, congratulations to the pilots, crew and officers. Key and pointed questions to the Admirals to see how they could improve.

    She also sent a request for Rachel to come to Zakuul to discuss the fleet composition across the board. Nadia wanted the Admirals to be there for that discussion as well since they have the combat experience with all of those ships. Nadia also wanted to talk to the Emperor to see what he thought along with building a fleet for the Emperor. They had escorts, they just needed to get started again with capital ships.

    Now for the unpleasant part.

    "I am Nadia ke Mattino, Perator of the Adumari Union. I speak to you because your diplomat, Barbosa, refuses to listen, refuses to see facts as we do, and refuses to accept a new reality.”

    This is a new Empire that will not accept slavery, will not tolerate aggressors, and while we may not start the fight, we absolutely will finish it.

    We are not perfect, and we know that. We will improve as a society. My advice to you is this, fully pursue your reforms as maybe the Nagai may actually tolerate your existence. We are watching and waiting, for if we see either the Ssi-ruuvi or the Grysk rebuilding in Tof territory and you do nothing, the next Battle of Lwhekk will be over the Tof homeworld.

    This is your final warning."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael, @Kev-Mas_Colcha

  23. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Amora
    Home Office

    Amora sat down with a heavy sigh in her husbands large arm chair by his desk. Their child had just been put down and finally fallen asleep. It was with a heavy sigh again she looked at blinking lights on his desk indicating a message. Hitting the switches she checked the messages, responding to those that she could handle concerning their home, but there were a couple she put in a folder for Barbosa to tend to later there was one she paused on moving into the other folder.

    Scanning over the words she wondered if maybe, just maybe she should or shouldn't. . .

    Representative Barbosa,

    Recently you took part in the negotiations at Faruun, where they chose neutrality rather than allying themselves with either the Tofs or the Nagai. Since that time there has been much that has occurred. Under the orders of the joint rulers, Darth Nihl and Daritha Rikis, Den Siva, with a light task force to represent him, is being returned to Faruun.

    Not to speak to the Faruuni but to speak to you, in confidence, about the future of the Three Galaxies, the Firefist even more specifically, and the relationship between the Alliance and the Tof League. If he is unable to return this encrypted channel may be used by you to contact him or our rulers.

    On the behalf of those stated above,

    Hyn Joroc

    That was something she could not read without feeling a pang on her heart. Could her child and her husband find peace with their old foes? So with a deep consideration and some conversation with her cousin she decided to reply in Barbosa's stead.

    Representative Hyn Joroc,

    On behalf of Barbosa, my husband, I am sorry for the delay in reply. My husband has been on a mission to the Sky River Galaxy as you call it since before your message was sent in what appears a circumspect route. Being deemed a sensitive missive it was kept at Tof awaiting his return. Only now as things have taken so long and so poor a turn in the Galaxy have I decided to read and now reply to what I can of his private messages.

    I do pray your man Den Siva survived the aggression at Faruun by those vile Sun people. Too many good men have been lost in this war on all sides since long before I was brought to this galaxy. I know not the status of the war though I do know how the King has taken steps to try and establish stronger boarders and to push back against old aggressions in an attempt prove his position in my Husbands absence. Perhaps if peace can truly be worked out between your people and my adoptive family this galaxy could become a paradise that it always held the potential to become.

    Please feel free to write back to me as well as my husband. For whom I pray the safe return of daily from those I know merely as an Unknown Terror that plague him.

    Amora - wife of Barbosa

    Transmitting the message on the indicated comm frequency she sat back, reclining in the chair. Raising a hand to her head she had to wonder, "Did I do the right thing? Does it even matter?"

    She heard their child begin to fuss and all such thoughts were driven from her mind. Perhaps she should ask the nanny to get up? No, it was her baby and she wouldn't be satisfied until she had seen for herself anyway. If only Barbosa came home safely soon. That was all she could really ask, beyond an end to a war that kept taking him away from her.

    TAG: @darthbernael

    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  24. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    OOC: Hey look, another battle! Perhaps an alliance? With @Sinrebirth
    IC: Adam Lyons, Shawnkyr Nuruodo, Voort Sa’binring, Jagged Fel, Soontir Fel, Sev'eere'nuruodo, Nas Choka, Nadia ke Mattino, Briana Odan

    Adam walked over towards the throne. "I can take this mission, but because of the ships I will need some help with their abilities in order for the force to perform optimally. I will need a Chiss officer, ideally Shawnkyr Nuruodo, to cooperate with."

    Adam glanced at Piggy before looking back to Jag, "Also I would like to request that Piggy join me in order to offer some more surprises of our own."

    The syndic pursed her lips. "Shawnkyr is agreeable." Piggy had just finished passing something over to the Throne Team.

    "I'm available," he said, monotone as ever.

    "And I shall come with you," declared Nas Choka. "From your bridge, I will exhort our forces to surrender."

    "While I return to Sekot and make preparations with the natives to jump to the Remsi system," Danni said.

    Jagged Fel looked pleased. "So may we take it the Chiss Ascendancy will join?"

    The Syndic looked at the Emperor. "When the Yuuzhan Vong are cleared from Mobus. No sooner, no later."

    Adam looked at Piggy, "Do you think you will need anything extra?"

    Then he looked at the Syndic, Adam smiled, "Thank you, she is very good at what she does and she has saved my life many times."

    Adam turned towards Nas Choka, "I appreciate it. I would rather not fight them, as they aren't my enemy, but I will do what I must."

    Piggy shook his snout. “Nope. I just want to move on from the Yuuzhan Vong War 2.0.” A shrug.

    The Syndic stood. “I’ll be coming along.”

    Baron Fel pursed his lips. “I will too.”

    Jagged hesitated. That was a sizeable number of elites. But the Chiss would respect strength. He also needed to focus on the Eternal Throne; securing that fleet was key too much, let alone the Bakura Accords. “May the Force be with you all.”

    Adam nodded, "I'm with you there Piggy." There were some splendid memories of the first war, however, there were some that still caused nightmares to this day. He knew he wasn't the only one.

    Adam looked at the rest of the group. "Is everyone ready to go?"

    They were. A Chiss shuttle took them up to the flagship, a Night dragon-class Man-of-war.

    A seven hundred-fifty meter warship with masers, breachers and missiles launchers, the ship could punch above its weight-class thanks to Chiss ingenuity and combined with Imperial-style shields. Equipped with thirty-six TIE Clawcraft, they well prepared the starfighters for warfare. With twenty of them in orbit, the fleet was ready to fight. This was the total of the Chiss Expansionary Defence Fleet; their offensive strength.

    With his cloak of command flowing, Nas Choka stalked aboard the ship besides Adam, Piggy, Baron Fel and the Syndics. The fleet was prepared, and Danni Quee had already made it to Zonama to order the hyperdrives to be readied.

    The heretics knew what was coming. The five warship analogs and five star cruiser analogs - Miid Ro’iik and Mataloks - were already preparing to depart. Nas Choka looked to Adam for his pre-battle deployment before speaking over the ozzgil.

    Adam hoped that Piggy had figured out the Chiss capabilities, but he looked at those more familiar with Chiss ships and weapons. "Any recommendations? A cursory look at the weapons says that the Breachers could be extremely useful if we can get them past the dovin basals, but I'm looking for ideas if they want to fight."

    “Masers have more kinetic energy than other energy-based weapons. Their punch is more damaging to yorik coral than not,” Nas Choka explained.

    “The weakness of Yuuzhan Vong forces are their escorts. Their frigates and corvettes outweigh the Chiss equivalents, but they’re vulnerable to starfighters,” Baron Fel added.

    “Our best strategy would be to tease out their escorts with our fighters, their fighters with our escorts, and then using our traditional missiles to distract the dovin basals for maser punches at range and breachers at closer range,” the Syndic supplied.

    Piggy was busy collating the Chiss escorts. Dozens of frigates, scores of corvettes, and a good sixty light cruisers. The light cruisers were only 180m in size, making them smaller than a frigate, but their numbers were such that they were clearly more useful and well-rounded than the frigates.

    The Yuuzhan Vong had the full gamut. They’re equivalent of frigates, gunships, corvettes and assault cruisers. The latter were capable of fast and heavy-blast boat equivalents, and deployed to the front of the overall formation. There were ninety escorts total; twenty frigates, twenty gunships, forty corvettes, and ten hunter-killer blast boats.

    “We have nothing equivalent in our starfighter or escort repertoire to the blast boats,” Piggy said.

    Adam absorbed the information, and it was a very solid plan. "Would it be best for the escorts to deal with the Yuuzhan Vong blast boats?"

    "That said, I like what you have presented so far."

    Piggy shrugged, human style. “Numbers is all we have for us with the blast boats. We have more escorts than them, after all.”

    “The Yuuzhan Vong capital ships are superior to ours,” Baron Fel reminded. “We’ll have to be careful of them.”

    “Jaina took out a matalok with three torpedoes,” Piggy said.

    “With gravitic trickery, capital ships being stupidly put in atmosphere, and it was a baby matalok,” the Baron reminded them. “So we need to take a measured approach.”

    “Conservatism,” the Syndic agreed.

    “No,” the Warmaster said. Nas Choka nodded in Yuuzhan Vong negatively. “If we give them a chance, they’ll flee. These warriors have learned not to fight a battle they cannot win.”

    “So we need to hurry,” Baron Fel finished.

    Adam considered the options. "So something like controlled aggression that acts like a noose around their necks that will slowly strangle them?"

    "We might as well get underway, but if we could get our hands on an Interdictor or two, would that improve our chances?" He typed out a brief request with a meeting point at a nearby system to where the battle would happen.

    "Our ships include concealed Interdictor technology," the Syndic added. Nas Choka looked curious.

    "Like the Mon Mothma?"

    "Perhaps," she said, drily. "Can we get going, Lyons?"

    Finished with Nadia, but en route to make his grand announcement of his plan, had opened a channel to the flotilla and joined the discussion as they hung at the edge of the system. "I presume we cannot launch the generators and block the routes out-system?"

    Baron Fel smiled at the idea. "I don't see why not, as impromptu gravity mines?"

    "How long will that take?" Nas Choka growled. "I do not want them to jump into Darkspace and we miss our opportunity."

    Adam considered for a second, "Perhaps our Interdictors could be on those routes, either way..." he looked to Shawnkyr, "Let’s get going, we have an appointment to keep."

    Shawnkyr, eying up the Chiss Syndic, nodded. “I’ll be in command of the clawcraft, if you don’t mind.” Jagged nodded a smile. “Launch, of course. I won’t be interrupting anymore than need be.”

    Nas Choka was already preparing the ozzgil.

    Adam smiled at Shawnkyr. "Thank you, I know you will do an excellent job."

    He then walked over to Nas Choka, and kept his voice low, "I may have said this already, but I don't want to fight your warriors as I believe that there are most likely better fights for these warriors with opportunities to bring glory to themselves and possibly improve your standing in the eyes of the Yuuzhan Vong as a whole."

    “Good luck convincing the older generation of that,” he snorted. “Did you want to speak to them, then?” His gaze sharpened as the micro- jump begun.

    Adam chuckled, "It is probably best that you do so. I fought more against the Peace Brigade, but I was also Borleias." he sobered, "I've been in enough battles to know when a fight is necessary and when it isn't. From my perspective, we have other enemies, while you have a Galaxy or two of potential."

    Nas Choka spoke as they arrived. It was eloquent, in his native tongue, but protocol droids knew the language and so filled in the gaps. He spoke not of their conquests and hate, but of their honour and righteousness, twisted by Shimmra once and now to be by Zat Lah. Serving a Sith Lord who would betray them in an instant, with their ships being dragged into a conflict they could not win, as they had lost it decades before. He used reason, pointed out that their ten capital ships did not compare to the ten thousand committed to the invasion; that the Yuuzhan Vong people would not recover from the Great War for another decade or even three; that they would throw away their lives because they cannot live with the dishonour that is perceived and not real. The Empire was giving them a chance to be honourable, to rebuild their faith in the righteousness of their weapons and blades.

    To the surprise of everyone involved, the five matalok cruisers and escorts moved away from the rest, and the remaining five warship analogs suddenly found their formation ripped apart. They promptly turned their dovin basals towards the turncoats and fired plasma at the Chiss ships -

    Adam almost mechanically replied to their first shots, "Return fire!"

    Adam looked at Nas Choka, "Someone said before that they would run if we gave them the chance. What if we cut those routes off? Do you think they will surrender then? I've had a thought involving your singularity mines."

    He looked around at the others. "Does anyone else have a better idea off the top of your head?"

    There were no immediate replies. As Baron Fel barked orders to clawcraft, the Syndic spat in Cheunh orders, and Nas Choka growled in his own tongue to order the mataloks to open fire on the reprobates. Shields were taxed by the first wave of plasma fire, but focused forward. Each warship analog released some seventy coralskippers, but the mataloks held back their fighters. Reports were flowing of fighting inside the cruisers, and the same would undoubtedly apply to the coralskipper pilots; divisions.

    Piggy spoke up. "We can't guarantee a uniform response from these ships and crews. The warships are advancing with such speed that they hope to blow through us and escape." He noted the first maser shots were caught by dovin basals but the rest affected the hull. They focused most of their gravitic elements to the rear. It was the equivalent of focusing discretionary power to engines.

    If Adam was honest with himself, he would admit that he was out of his depth. He didn't know these ships all that well, his personal knowledge of tactics against the Vong was 30 years old, and he already knew that it wouldn't work.

    Adam got Piggy and the Warmaster's attention, "Unless there is a Chiss solution, I'm looking at two options. The first is to pull the Reserve Fleet from Lwhekk, though that means another tough fight after one of the toughest battles in years. The other I'm considering is," he pulled up a regional map near Sekot's destination highlighting the husk worlds, "these worlds are effectively dead, however do you believe that between your warriors, your shapers, and these worlds. Do you believe that this would be enough to help your people?"

    The area that Adam was showing included at least a dozen husk worlds. Maybe this would be a way to boost Choka's Vong so they could take the fight to Domain Lah.

    The Chiss Syndic bristled. “We are not in the business of conquest. You can cede worlds to the Yuuzhan Vong if you wish.”

    The five warship analogs were pummelling the more numerically superior Chiss force, which was struggling to keep formation. The clawcraft rushed to engage coralskippers, but several reached ramming speed. Baron Fel winced. “This could be costly. If we pull back, attempt to bottle them up?”

    A rumble that seemed to consume the whole star system, and Zonama Sekot vanished. There seemed to be consternation among the matalok crews, with one cruiser firing on the others. Nas Choka reactivated the ozzgil. “Loyal warriors, fret not, Sekot has moved our people out of the fighting. I know where she has gone, and we shall regroup thereafter.” He closed the channel, spat in his native tongue. “We may have to be more aggressive or we risk more of the matalok cruisers siding with the rogues.”

    A pause, interrupted by Piggy. “The longer we continue this engagement, the more likely the Sun Guard will send ships from Molkivj to intervene.”

    “But the more ships we’ll have free from Lwhekk,” Jagged said, firmly. “We could use Mobus as a trap for Zat Lah’s forces?”

    “The Syndicure want this threat ended, not leveraged,” Baron Fel said gruffly. “A siege may see them recall these ships.”

    The Chiss escort frigates and corvettes were taking hits but were also blowing apart coralskippers in more numbers than the damage. Those blastboats though we’re causing all plenty of grief and the slower Miid ro’iik warships would shortly breach the line.

    Adam raised an eyebrow, "You use those worlds as much as we do, Syndic. They need dramatic help if they are to be useful to anyone."

    Adam looked to everyone, "I want to resolve this peacefully, and I've requested the Reserve Fleet to join us along with all of their escorts to join us here." He pointed at the Syndic, "Since you seem so eager to kill them, press the attack, quit with the half measures and attack!"

    The Syndic growled. Baron Fel chuckled slightly, diverting the ire. Shawnykr led the infamous Chiss Squadron in a slash attack which diverted the blastboats to pursue her, and Jagged spoke up. “Admiral Lyons is merely attempting to save Chiss lives.”

    The Syndic turned her glare on the Emperor and then seemed to think better of it. Nas Choka growled. “Enough. If we cannot unify, how can we expect that of my people.”

    The Chiss forces followed orders and advanced wholesale into the fray. Man-of-wars far outnumbered warship analogs but it would take three to bring one down. Jagged Fel regretted the shift of the CEDF away from Chiss Star Destroyers, but traditionalists won out that argument. The Empire of the Hand had those ships, after all.

    In short order, they locked all forces in place, and damage mounted on the hulls of warships.

    Adam sighed, "I thought my idea would unify, especially as it would repair the rampant damage of the First Order." He kept his glare on the Syndic, "Piggy, any other ideas? Reserve Fleet is on the way but we need to do something. Shawnkyr, any ideas?"

    “Little busy here,” Shawnkyr sniped, what with her squadron being pursued by hunter killer blastboats.

    “Adjust to point 5-0-2. Man-of-war Equity please fire along that trajectory,” Piggy said. The Chiss gunners adjusted, albeit with hesitation, and rather than hitting all the blastboats clipped the last in the formation. “We’re not in sync,” Piggy confirmed.

    Jagged Fel spoke up. “Warmaster? We can’t give them our focus unless they give us theirs.”

    The Baron understood. “Portside and starboard capital ships, withdraw along assigned coordinates -”

    Nas bared his teeth, spoke up. “This is Choka. I stand aboard the infidel flagship and I challenge you, traitors to our honour. This Nightdragon will not retreat. I spit on you ngdins!”

    The Syndic showed genuine fear. “All power to shields!”

    The five Miid ro’iik fired upon the flagship.

    Piggy looked at the retreating capital ships, one of which erupted into flame -



    The Chiss man-of-wars caught the five Yuuzhan Vong ships in a tremendous crossfire -

    Dovin basals promptly redeployed, exposing escorts to the masers and breacher fire -

    By the end of it the five Miid ro’iik huddled together and looking utterly battered, with many hull breaches. The fifty escort corvettes frigates and gunships were finished, and Nas Choka addressed the ozzgil again. “Surrender.”

    The five warships simply held position and refused to answer, overlapping the rest of their dovin basals to keep themselves alive. The blastboats were finished, and the Chiss were hunting down the surviving coralskippers.

    The commanders of the matalok cruisers confirmed that most of them were being subjected to heavy internal fighting but both sides were stymied all Mataloks were out of the engagement.

    They’d won?

    Adam sighed with relief with the end of the battle. He was about to speak when the Reserve Fleet arrived, images of Nadia and Briana, "We thought you might want their help, Stealth."

    Adam smiled, "I appreciate it, thank you." he gave a private, 'You'll want to listen to this.' signal and got a wink from Briana in return.

    Adam looked around the room, noticed the ozzgil, “Keep that on Warmaster, with what I have in mind it will affect them as well.” He looked at the Syndic, “The battle is over, that is assuming your bloodlust is satiated.Adam started addressing everyone, "This was a nothing battle. I mean no disrespect to those that fought and died in this battle. However, there was no real reason for this battle. There is no honor in that."

    He looked at Nas Choka, "You know I tried to prevent this. You know I was looking for a peaceful solution, I still am. They fought this battle for a vision that never happened. Zhat Lah lied to you. At no point in this galaxy did the Yuuzhan Vong achieve the goal that Zhat Lah is trying to sell. So what I propose is to sell a future for the Yuuzhan Vong."

    Adam brought up three images, two of those were of the Starkiller bases, and one of the many worlds strip-mined of everything, "These worlds are mechanical weapons designed to kill, or these worlds that are stripped of…everything. In order to fix this, I say we bring the Yuuzhan Vong under Warmaster Choka into the greater galactic community. It brings greater accountability but the rewards are also much better. So we will do what we can to help you rebuild these husks of planets, of which there are many, in exchange for taking on Zhat Lah. I believe your future is something worth fighting for. Now can we try to do things my way?"

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael, @Kev-Mas_Colcha
  25. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Nas Choka
    Battle of Mobus

    The Warmaster of the Yuuzhan Vong smiled.


    The bombardment of the five Miid ro’iik warship analogs continued in the background. They did not so much crumple as withdraw closer, dovin basils overlapping as resources were slowly but surely broken down. One warship, presumably the most damaged, had withdrew to the centre of the formation and was all but obscured. Fighters that attempted to breach the defence line with daring acts would be caught in maser fire, so for the moment an impasse was in-place, until the dovin basils tired.

    This was immaterial to Nas Choka. They would win, inevitably so. The commanders of the five Mataloks, mostly untested, their ability to commit uncompromised, in comparison to the Chiss who were fully holding to this engagement, reported in.

    And so he spoke.

    "On behalf of the Yuuzhan Vong, I accept." He turned to look at the five matalok cruisers - a quarter fleet. "I commit to your galactic community, and to war against the rogues of Domain Lah." He raised his voice. "In the name of the Sekot Accords which we signed and have abided by and honoured for klekkets, I declare the Yuuzhan Vong Empire is going to war."

    The roars across the villips were in unison.

    The crews of the mataloks were eager to fight.

    TAG: @adaml83, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @darthbernael
    darthbernael and Mitth_Fisto like this.