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Atlantic War

Discussion in 'Canada Discussion Boards' started by Sar-Tamber-lac, Jun 16, 2002.

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  1. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    //turns DOY around and points her towards Florida
  2. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    DOY, how many times do I have to tell you? We drink Molson to celebrate after the victory, not before! :p
  3. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    We should make them eat poutine as a punishment and drown them in our beer.
  4. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    Poutine? Naw. Make them use all parts of the buffalo. [face_devil]
  5. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    Or, we could feed them "lobster flavoured chips" and make them puke to death. They exist, trust me. I saw them on the island last summer.
  6. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    They deleted our thread. It was one of the largest threads that board had ever seen, too. :(
  7. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    But why? We weren't being violent. We were fighting with snow and timbits for gods sake!
  8. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    Maybe it's more of that anti-Canadian sentiment I told you about. [face_plain]
  9. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    Then maybe we should go after a country that doesn't hate us...yet.
  10. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    That's pretty much every country in the world. We could always start a world war... ;)
  11. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    And demand world domination?
  12. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    Naw. We don't need world domination. We have more land than we could ever use as it is. What we need is what Japan tried to do. Make the countries of the world dependant on us for trade. We need a market for our maple syrup. :p

    I say we start with Sweden. They've expressed an interest in our maple syrup in the past. ;)

    Actually, in all seriousness, after the response we got from the Floridians, I think we should lay low. You never know when you'll go up against someone who doesn't share our sense of humour.
  13. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    The Brits were the only ones. They had humour! They laughed at us when we attacked. And we gained Rambles. ;)

    Oh well...
  14. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    The Swedes were good too, until we started kicking their butts. ;)
  15. Daughter_of_Yubyub

    Daughter_of_Yubyub Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2002
    Alas, Canadian humour is hard to find.

    And I wasn't drunk! You said Forward March when I was facing a wall!
  16. YoungJediNiagara

    YoungJediNiagara RSA Emeritus FF Canada star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 23, 2001
    Since it started here and there was a question regarding WHY the thread was locked and WHY AT60 was asked not to post in the forum anymore, I'll address the issue here.

    I got a PM from the CR of Orlando asking:
    Can you please do something about Admiral_Thrawn60?

    I want him to stop posting in the Melbourne FF. He is not welcome there. I don't really care that the Canada group is having some fun. I do care that it is AT60 especially when he's doing it just to stir trouble.

    After reading the conversations here about wanting to "have some fun" I can see that there was no real intent to start trouble.

    You went about it in the same way you did Toronto. You can't just walk into a forum and "declare war" without letting them know first. (Ya ya, kind of defeats the purpose of war if you announce it first but...)

    Tammy had the right idea of contacting the CR ***FIRST*** to ask for permission, (even Tara hinted that she did not want a repeat of Toronto).

    Since you guys have rattled the Melbourne cage I think the smartest thing to do would be to "pull out the troops".
    I also think it would be a good idea for Tammy to contact LordGoldenArrow and conduct some "peace talks" to smooth things over. Creating unintentional enemies of other forums does not help your standing as a FF Chapter (or Chapters).
  17. Sar-Tamber-lac

    Sar-Tamber-lac Jedi Master star 5

    May 24, 2002
    Geez...leave for one night and everything goes to hell... [face_plain]

    When I contacted mac-nut, he thanked us profusely for wanting to attack them, but said this would not be a good time, as most of their active posters are away (some on military missions), and there's really only one or two there right now. He said he would let me know a more appropriate time.

    Ya know, I seem to remember sometime last year something happening in one of the north Florida boards where anti-Canadian feelings were discovered. I don't remember what it was, though.


    The closest FF to me is actually Fort Lauderdale. Melbourne is a lot more north of me than Ft. Lauderdale is south.

    I'm sorry it happened that way. I really am. We'll figure something out, don't worry. :)
  18. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    Maps don't lie, and on my map, Melbourne is slightly closer to Stuart than Ft. Lauderdale. At any rate, it was their idea to hit Hawaii, but the idea to hit your home was mine. Didn't you see how I mentioned that the loss of you would be acceptable collateral damage? :p

    After this, I think it's safe to say that the anti-Canadian feelings were discovered in Melbourne. I thought it was just Sandy, but I guess it's the entire board, so we'll just stay away from that place.
  19. Sar-Tamber-lac

    Sar-Tamber-lac Jedi Master star 5

    May 24, 2002
    That might be a very good idea, Chris. Unfortunately, some things run a bit different down here. North Florida is a completely different set of people than what we have here in south Florida. And Fort Lauderdale is only about an hour and a half away. Melbourne is further from me than that.
  20. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    Travelling time, Ft. Lauderdale may be closer, but straight line distance, Melbourne is definately closer.

    Send me a PM describing the difference in N/S FL mindsets, please. Sounds like something I should know.
  21. Sar-Tamber-lac

    Sar-Tamber-lac Jedi Master star 5

    May 24, 2002
    LOL...I'll try
  22. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    I just measured my map. My apologies. Ft. Lauderdale IS about a millimetre closer.
  23. Sar-Tamber-lac

    Sar-Tamber-lac Jedi Master star 5

    May 24, 2002
  24. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    That's 0.03937 inches, Tammy, so you can see how easy it is to make a mistake.
  25. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    But what do we do with all these hockey sticks and timbits?
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