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We saw it!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Archive: Lafayette, LA' started by MasterJediShake, May 19, 2005.

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  1. crestfallen

    crestfallen Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 12, 2003
    I wish it was more like 10 hours.
  2. Ubigod

    Ubigod Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jan 16, 2003
    I finally got to see the movie. Of Course being exiled offshore for the last 40 days didn't help. This movie was better than Ep II, but it still left me with an aloof feeling that I just haven't been able to grasp. More pondering over beer is required to find this answer.

    If I have the tome I will have to watch it again.

  3. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I am going to be at the Grand tomorrow night at around the 07:30 PM feature. I am about to finish reading the novel tonight. I think I have a much deeper understanding of the characters now. Would be nice if you joined us. Also, you didn't happen to make a new copy of the Clone Wars II? My copy is missing after the campOut.
  4. Ubigod

    Ubigod Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jan 16, 2003
    I haven't had a chance to re-download the latest Clone Wars season, so I haven't been able to make a newer version.
    I am not sure if I can make it there tomorrow, due to not knowing my work schedule. If things work out I will try to call your listed number around 5:00. I still have a lot of stuff to do before I have to return to the sea.

    I just got the book for some offshore reading, so don't go spoiling the ending.

  5. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Finished Revenge of the Sith this morning, immediatly following my read of Labyrinth of Evil, this set makes for a GREAT read.

    I sincerely recommend reading Labyrinth of Evil first and going directly into the Novelization of RotS. I actually cried when Padme' died. Anakin's turn to the darkside is spelled out with such detail that it seems inevitable. Much unlike the screenplay we see at the cinema where it looks rushed at times. I can't impress on you or anyone how much more interesting the book is. However, there are ways the book explains sceens that don't agree with what we see completely, so your left asking yourself what is cannon and what is not. I think this is a question for debate.

    Senators, your opinions I ask of you. Book v/s film, which is fact?
  6. Lord_Sidious

    Lord_Sidious Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 14, 2001
    Definitely film. What are some of the major contradictions?
  7. Jedi_Skye

    Jedi_Skye Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 10, 2002
    I loved the book and the movie. They compliment each other nicely. I liked the way Stover wrote it. He gave you insights as to what was going on in the characters' heads. I definitely recommend reading the book! :D
  8. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    The were small changes in the way characters approached decisions, and points of view they adopted, and such. Nothing major, no contradictions really just shifts in the way decisions were made. However, when I see the movie again tonight, I will have a better idea of what is different.
  9. Lord_Sidious

    Lord_Sidious Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 14, 2001
    I still haven't decided if I am going to read it yet. Is Labyrinth of Evil about the kidnapping of Palpatine?
  10. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I just thought of something that sticks out. In the film Obi-Wan drops his lightsaber while jumping around in the sink-hole on Boga while chasing General Grevious. It falls at the feet of Commander Cody, he picks it up, and returns it to General Kenobi later.

    In the novelization, he chooses to let it fall in order to engage in a struggle with General Grevious to keep him from injuring Boga during a side by side chase in the wheel-rider inside of a tunnel. A clone trooper finds it and give it to Commander Cody who later give it to General Kenobi. The cool part is Commander Cody says glumly to himself only moments later, after receiving Order 66, "Would it have been too much to ask for the order to have come through before I gave him back the bloody lightsaber . . . ?"
  11. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Yes, that and that business at Cato Nemodia.
  12. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Going to be going to the 8PM tonight, for sure.
  13. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    A W S O M E ! ! !

    This is the best STAR WARS movie in my eyes by far. I'm tellin' you all, if you haven't read the novelization and it's prequel, do so. It brings to life so much.

    I think a good analogy would be how folks say that communication is 15% the words we speak and 85% body language. Now reverse that picture. The film is the 15% of what we see and hear, while the novelization is the body language (85% of what we need to know to really understand what is going on).

    I don't have delusions of grandure and think for a minute that this is a fact. Only my bull-headed opinion. However, even if I have it backwards, you're still missing 15% of the picture. And in STAR WARS, 15% is a lot! :D
  14. Jedi_Skye

    Jedi_Skye Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 10, 2002
    ^I totally agree!! :D
  15. crestfallen

    crestfallen Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 12, 2003
    You are insane Swampsurfer. It ain't better than SW or ESB.
  16. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Without RotS, there would be no Episode IV or V.
  17. Mando_Ithorian

    Mando_Ithorian Jedi Youngling

    May 19, 2005
    RE: "Without RotS, there would be no Episode IV or V. "

    Hehe, actually, you know, there was an Episode IV for years and years w/o a ROTS. /halo

    But I didn't start a post just to be cheeky. I thought of a question this morning I wanted to ask: In the novelization, does it go into any detail about how the Sith Lords get named? I would like to know, "Why Sidious? Why Vader?" Does Palpatine just poke his nose into a Book of Baby Darth Names and choose one? Are they named after ancient Sith guys?

    Just curious. :)
  18. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Not a clue. Not mentioned. However, my perception of the way it was dramatized in the movie is that it was the will of the Force. Remember that he took a deep breath as though listening for the name to give to Anakin.
  19. Spide143

    Spide143 Jedi Youngling

    May 6, 2005
    Thanks for the heads up on the books! I ordered both you recomended and can't wait for them to come in.
  20. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Be sure to post when your done reading. I want to hear what you have to say about them.
  21. Jedi_Skye

    Jedi_Skye Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 10, 2002
    I'm sure you will love both books! :)
  22. YO-SOLO

    YO-SOLO Jedi Youngling

    Mar 27, 2002
    I really enjoyed reading this thread...

    This is something I only get to see every now and again... which is saying alot, given my perfession.

    I have $25 in gift certificates that I have been holding on to for a while... I was going to use them on either the next "Harry Potter" or "The Davinci Code". I did notice as well that the first films are all on paperback at Walmart for really cheap. I haven't began reading the literature of "Star Wars". I'm kind of scared I'll get sucked in... I already have a reputation among my students of going off subject when Star Wars it brought up... I'd be really obnoxious then.

    By the way. In reference to the question asked earlier about the names of the Sith Lords:
    I once talked to a Dr. Anderson, professor of English at UL. He told me some pretty interesting things about the name choises of the Sith.

    Darth comes from a Gallic word (I think) which means "unknown"

    Sidious = insidious = Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way

    Vader = Gallic for "Father"
    - also (invade) - Occupy in large numbers or live on a host - midiclorine count....? (I know that's a bit of a stretch)

    Maul = Injure badly by beating

    Tyranus = tyranny = Dominance through threat of punishment and violence

    Enough of that... I'm sure I'm driving Swampy nuts with the same old discussion.

    Plagueous = Any epidemic disease with a high death rate (a bit of irony in that he was able to stop death)
  23. YO-SOLO

    YO-SOLO Jedi Youngling

    Mar 27, 2002
    P.S. I also thought it was the best one.

    I took my wife to see it the other night (we actually had an evening together!) and she was really into it... she usually falls asleep during a movie if it does not move.

    The visual effects in this film ... I can't describe... they just blew me away. I was completely imersed in the film.

    The Acting was still a bit weak. The dialogue kept pulling me out of that "zone" of total immersion. But, I keep telling myself, it's supposed to come off with a touch of a "Flash Gordan" feel... remember the 1980 remake of Flash Gordan (with the Queen Soundtrack - Flash - Ah Ah - Bling Bling - the greatest advernture of all)... think of that... Dosent that make you feel better? Another aside, this one in the spirit of comic book goes Hollywood: if you missed the 1980 version of Flash Gordan - check on There is one slated for release in 2006.

    Although it wasn't my all-time favorite film, It was by far my all-time favorite SW episode.

  24. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Not crazy at all YO-SOLO. In fact I wanted to quote some of your in depth study of the sith lord names, but couldn't remember all the details. Thanks for puttin' it in black and white for us.
  25. Spide143

    Spide143 Jedi Youngling

    May 6, 2005
    Just finished ROTS book! REALLY good read. I like the way Stover presents the character's viewpoint and uses it as opportunity to shell out really good inside information. The book does a MUCH better job of illustrating Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship. Also Stover shed light on Obi-Wan's motivation for his actions and his responses in certain situations elsewhere in the saga. Learning more about the way Obi-Wan thinks is really cool. Can't wait to see the flick again to examine how the emotions layed out in the book match up on screen. If you need an excuse to see EP3 again, read this book.

    Now I start on Lab of Evil, diffrent writer so i am a bit hesitant. I hear that Lab of Evil guy writes the first novel after EP3 exploring Vaders early adventures, Comming soon.

    I am now offically hooked on the books.

    Thanks alot Swampy!
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