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[Week 12 Task] Christams For All!!!

Discussion in 'Archive: Big Brother 3: The Mods Strike Back' started by PrincessKenobi , Nov 29, 2004.

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  1. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    Carmen: Firefly on DVD. Plus two tickets to the movie premire of Serenity when it comes out. I figure since it's recently come to my attention that you love a Joss Weadon show. And I know for a fact he's making a movie. Have Fun!!!1

    Terr: Here's a $1000 shopping spree to your local music store. And I'm not talking cd's. I'm talking the place you can buy the instruments and sheet music at. And hey maybe they sell a cd or two. Since you love music so much. And I know I love music so much. That this is a way awesome gift for any music lover. Have fun!!!!

    Rhett: I would find a way to convince the President to have Dinner with you. This way you can let him know exactly how you feel and all that fun stuff. Plus what's a better way to spend your holidays then with the man you helped put in awesome. Have Fun!!!!

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!

  2. droideka27

    droideka27 Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2002
    PK-- i did modify the rules, dunno if you saw or not. You'll get 6 points for what you've done so far, but you can get 2 bonus points if you get me a present as well.
  3. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    Ok Here's the last person on my Christmas list then.

    Tracy: You get an army of driodika's. One to do your cooking. One to do your clean. And a bunch to take over the world for you while you're doing school and stuff. I figure you like them so much, you might as well have some and have them do something useful for you. Have fun!!

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