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Vancouver Welcome New Members/Official Member List. (Welcome Aboard, _5_1_5_0_ & jeigh!)

Discussion in 'Canada Discussion Boards' started by MASTER_OBI-DAN, Nov 8, 2002.

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    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002

    [hl=white][b][color=darkblue]1. Welcome New Members.[/color][/b][/hl][hr][/blockquote]
    Hi there! [face_grin] Welcome to [b][color=darkblue]Tipoca City[/b][/color], [b][color=darkblue]Vancouver?s FanForce Chapter[/color][/b]. Who are we? In short, we are an online community of [i]über[/i] [b]Star Wars[/b] fans living within the [b]Lower Mainland/Greater Vancouver area[/b], who not only post here (in the [link=]Jedi Council[/link]) but also enjoy participating in fun [b][color=darkblue]Activities[/color][/b] in our local community. [face_wink]
    To help get you started, here a few useful [link=]links[/link] below that will definitely make your experience in the [link=]JC[/link] a little more enjoyable and a little less confusing.

    [ul][li][b]1[/b]. [link=]What is FanForce?[/link] - [b]TheForce.Net[/b] explains what [b]FanForce[/b] is all about. [face_wink][/li]
    [li][b]2[/b]. [link=]What is the Jedi Council?[/link] - Expand your wisdom or teach another. Discuss the [b]Star Wars Universe[/b] with [i]Jedi[/i] from around the planet in forums on the prequels, classic [b]SW[/b], collectables, games, literature and much more. [face_wink][/li]
    [li][b]3[/b]. [link=]Jedi Council's Terms of Service[/link] - Rules that all [b]JCers[/b] must abide by if they wish to post here. [face_happy][/li]
    [li][b]4[/b]. [link=]Who Are You? (Come & Tell Us A Little About Yourself)[/link] ? Come meet some of our [b][color=darkblue]Tipoca City members[/b][/color], and feel free to tell us a little about yourself too. [face_grin][/li]
    [li][b]5[/b]. [link=]The Tentative Schedule of Activities[/link] ? The thread where we plan out all our future [b][color=darkblue]Activities[/color][/b]. [face_grin][/li][/ul]
    [blockquote][hr][b][color=darkblue][hl=white]2. Official Member List[/b][/color][/hl][hr][/blockquote]
    Currently, our burgeoning [b][color=darkblue]FF Vancouver Chapter[/b][/color] includes the following [b][color=darkblue]members[/b][/color]:
    [ul][li][b]1[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]TIEPilot051999[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Alex[/b]): Founder/Executive Officer[/li].
    [li][b]2[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]DAKAI_SERAKI[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Dave[/b]): Founder[/li].
    [li][b]3[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]jade_angel[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Christine[/b]): Founder/Retired Executive Officer[/li].
    [li][b]4[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]vaderdude_3[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Sean[/b]): Founder[/li].
    [li][b]5[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]obiwansbeard[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Erin[/b]): Founder/Morale Officer[/li].
    [li][b]6[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]Azeria_Jade[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Rachel[/b]): Founder/Fan Fiction Director[/li].
    [li][b]7[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]JediMaster_Skywalker[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Brian[/b]): Founder[/li].
    [li][b]8[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]clee94[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Chris[/b]): Founder[/li].
    [li][b]9[/b]. [link=][b][color=black]ADMIRALSPUZZUM[/color][/b][/link] ([b]Mark[/b]): Founder/Inactive[/li].
    [li][b]10[/b]. [link=][b][color=blue]MASTER_OBI-DAN[/b][/color][/link] ([b][color=blue]Dan[/b][/color]): Founder/City Representative[/li].
    [li][b]11[/b]. [link=][b][color=red]Gay-LenKenobi[/b][/color][/link] ([b][color=red]Lisa[/b][/color]): Honourary Member/Theme Creator[/li].
    [li][b]12[/b]. [link=http://boards.theforce.
  2. jade_angel

    jade_angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 4, 2001
    Oooh is this gonna be like the newbie party thread? Heee!! Well then let's bring out the beer... underage drinking... w00t!

    Ok, hope I didn't scare anyone off now. ;)
  3. TIEPilot051999

    TIEPilot051999 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 27, 2002
    Ok, hope I didn't scare anyone off now.

    That's my job, Christine. Get your own. :)

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Alright everyone, it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you now the newest member of Tipoca City: Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma. Also known as Antonio, Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma is one of a number of prospective members that I have been conversing with via e-mail for the last few weeks. Just from the few e-mails that we have exchanged, I can tell you that Antonio is both a fabulous person and an awesome addition to our Vancouver FF Chapter (as he was a one of the founders (and former President) of the Phillippine Star Wars Fan Club. :D So please open your warm hearts, and make both him and others feel welcome here in Tipoca City. [face_love]

    Yours truly,
  5. jade_angel

    jade_angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 4, 2001
    Welcome!! Now do we get to party?? We can start pitching Antonio into the pool! :D
  6. Azeria_Jade

    Azeria_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 3, 2001
    Maybe we should dump a keg over his head? *Laughs* I just realized all the initiation welcomes are all water oriented.
  7. TIEPilot051999

    TIEPilot051999 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 27, 2002
    Welcome a-board, Antonio. :)

  8. Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma

    Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 9, 2002
    Thanks for having me guys!!!!

    I remember an old custom we had in the Philippines when accepting new members:

    We would have him/her blindfolded and in a formal attire; then we would ask him 5 questions about Star Wars. Any mistake from the simple questions we ask would be a penalty: Being thrown in a pool. If you pass all 5, you take a "Diplomatic Test" and be assigned a position in the Club (e.g. Diplomat, Jedi Master, Ambassador, Grunt, etc...)

    Thanks again!! :)

    DAKAI_SERAKI Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 7, 2002
    Hey, Antonio, are you pinoy by blood? If so, I'm a fellow Pinoy! Kamusta Pare?!?!?

    Oh and welcome!
  10. Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma

    Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 9, 2002
    I am actually....I've only been here in Canada for two years...

    Mabuti naman...taga saan ka sa atin??

    DAKAI_SERAKI Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 7, 2002
    lol, I forgot to mention that I'm not very good at Tagalog, sry!

    I feel embarrased lol!

    I know what mabuti means, but not the rest.
  12. TIEPilot051999

    TIEPilot051999 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 27, 2002
    I feel embarrased lol!

    I'm not that surprised...
  13. Azeria_Jade

    Azeria_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 3, 2001
    Hee hee, site: contains nuts.

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Oh, Dave or Antonio, please remind me what "pinoy" means again, as I've forgotten. :confused: My Ex is a "mestiza" (half-Spanish/half-Filipino). ;)
  15. Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma

    Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 9, 2002
    Pinoy is slang for Pilipino or Filipino...


    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    "Pinoy is slang for Pilipino or Filipino..."

    Ah, I thought that's what is was. Thanks, Antonio. ;)
  17. dexters

    dexters Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 26, 2001
    This is Dexters signing in.


    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Okay everyone, it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you now the newest member of Tipoca City: dexters! :D Welcome aboard, Dexter. I'm glad you could join us. ;)
  19. Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma

    Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 9, 2002
    Welcome aboard Dexter!!
  20. Fleet Admiral

    Fleet Admiral Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 12, 2000
    Hello all:
    I am Leo and would like to join in. Do I get to step on HOT coal and prove my courage?

  21. dexters

    dexters Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 26, 2001
    No hot coal. You step on Bantha poodoo ;)

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Okay everyone, it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you now the newest member of Tipoca City: Fleet Admiral! :DOver the last week, Fleet Admiral (also known as Leo) and I have been conversing via PM. And despite his busy schedule as both a dedicated student and a respected Scout Counsellor, Leo would like to join us. Thus, welcome aboard, Leo! :D

    "[i]Do I get to step on HOT coal and prove my courage?[/i]"

    [face_laugh] No, we're not that cruel. Nor would we make you post a thread like [link=]this[/link].

    JEDIASSANT Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 8, 2002
    Greetings members of Tipoca City:
    I'm a fan who just got into the real essence of Star Wars very recently and somehow found my way to your great organization. I really hope I can join your great organization and broaden my knewledge of the Star Wars.

    Respectfully JEDI ASSANT

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Welcome aboard, JEDIASSANT! :D I?m so glad you could join us here in perpetually rainy Tipoca City. My name is Dan, and I am the City Representative of Vancouver?s FanForce Chapter. Please feel free to send me a PM, if you have any questions. Also, please feel free to take a look around and post in the other threads (like this one) on our board to find out more about us. ;)

    Lastly, I really love your username (JEDIASSANT). ;) Is there a story behind it? :confused:
  25. TIEPilot051999

    TIEPilot051999 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 27, 2002
    Welcome a-board! :D
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