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Vancouver Welcome New Members/Official Member List. (Welcome Aboard, _5_1_5_0_ & jeigh!)

Discussion in 'Canada Discussion Boards' started by MASTER_OBI-DAN, Nov 8, 2002.

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  1. jade_angel

    jade_angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 4, 2001
    Heeeeeeey, now that you're one of us... you're doomed!!!

    Does a Palpy like cackle.

    JEDIASSANT Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 8, 2002
    Well... actully there is. ^^

    Jedi Padawan Darsha Assant is from the book Darth Maul - Shadow Hunter by Michael Reaves.
    The reason I got hooked on Star Wars actully. IMHO the book are one of the best star wars book out there.
    TF.N review: Http://

    She's one of the first Jedi to take on Darth Maul, but her use of the force is beyond any Jedi I read before. Is really too bad she have to die or she could be as great as master Yoda or skywalker.

    So in honour of her name I name myself after her and in the same time madly in love with her. ^^ Nah... just joking ;)
  3. TIEPilot051999

    TIEPilot051999 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 27, 2002
    Christine, shush! We don't wanna scare him off...not that he would escape, at any rate.

  4. Azeria_Jade

    Azeria_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 3, 2001
    Great that you could join us! We're always looking for fresh meat- uh, "new friends"!
  5. Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma

    Jedi_Ulic_Qel-Droma Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 9, 2002
    Welcome aboard.... :)

    JEDIASSANT Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 8, 2002
    Why do I feel like I just walked into a Yuuzhan Vong camp?

    "You will not take me alive" With the force the lightsaber flow gracfully into his waiting hand. With the Lightsaber ignited. A blue glow cased over Richards face and his surronding more or less...

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    ?Jedi Padawan Darsha Assant is from the book Darth Maul - Shadow Hunter by Michael Reaves. The reason I got hooked on Star Wars actully. IMHO the book are one of the best star wars book out there.?

    I?ll definitely have to check this book out, JEDIASSANT. ;) Also, since you?re new to the JC, I did some hunting around and found The Official Michael Reaves Discussion Thread, which might be of interest. Also, if you?re interested in discussing elements of this book or any other EU book, I highly recommend the Literature Forum. In addition, there's a couple of EU threads right here on our board: The NJO Discussion Thread and The EU Book Of The Week Thread. ;)

    Lastly, and this is totally optional, but I highly recommend that you and/or any of our other [b][color=darkblue]newbie members[/b][/color] feel free to check out the [link=]Newbie Adoption Thread[/link]. Its an absolutely fabulous program where you can get adopted by an [i]oldbie[/i] and learn the ways of the [b]JC[/b]. One of our [b][color=darkblue]members[/b][/color], [b][color=red]Gay-LenKenobi[/b][/color] runs it and she?ll definitely hook you up. In fact, [b][color=darkblue]she[/b][/color] was my [i]adopter[/i] back in the day, and I learnt much of what I know today about the [b]JC[/b] through her skilled tutelage. [face_wink]
  8. TIEPilot051999

    TIEPilot051999 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 27, 2002
    Why do I feel like I just walked into a Yuuzhan Vong camp?

    Because you've somehow stumbled across my secret plan for world domination? ;) :) :D 8-} [face_laugh]

    Oh, wait...that's BAD!!!!! :D [face_laugh]
  9. Azeria_Jade

    Azeria_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 3, 2001
    *smooths ooglith masquer back into place*
    Hmmm... That is odd...

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Hi, everyone. :D I've added everyone?s RL first names to the Member List in the initial post above for our newer members and to help increase our familiarity with each other. If anyone wants their RL first name removed, no problem; just let me know and I'll edit it out. ;)
  11. Sister_Sola

    Sister_Sola Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2002
    Hello Tipoca Citizens, I'm new to the JC (a month-ish), and slowly finding my way around.

    As another Vancouverite (even born and raised!) I thought I'd introduce myself here as well (have been to the JC Welcome section).

    Most of my general info is on my profile page.

    A few other details are -
    - Birthday - April 4
    - Cat person (like dogs too but you have to be home asap to let them out!)
    - Can't decide which Amidala outfit to do for next Hallowe'en....
    - Have loved Star Wars since I saw it in the theatre when I was 6 (at the Stanley Theatre)

    So hi, nice to meet you!
  12. dexters

    dexters Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 26, 2001
    Welcome Sister Sola!
  13. TIEPilot051999

    TIEPilot051999 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 27, 2002
    Hey, Sola. I noticed that you put me in your WUL before coming here. :)

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Welcome to our Tipoca City Board, Sister_Sola. My name is Dan, and I am the City Representative of Vancouver?s FanForce Chapter; please feel free to PM anytime. Also, please feel free to post on our Board and/or join our FF Chapter anytime. ;)

    Also, I love your username and icon (which is another beautiful creation of one of members: Gay-LenKenobi). In addition, I absolutely adore your Amidala costume. Its quite impressive. Did it take long to make? Was it difficult to locate the fabric of your choice? :confused:

    "[i]A few other details are -
    - Birthday - April 4[/i]"

    I've just added you to our [link=]Birthday Thread[/link]. [face_wink]
    "[i]Can't decide which Amidala outfit to do for next Hallowe'en....[/i]"

    I can appreciate your dilemma, [b]Sister_Sola[/b]. You may have already seen this before, but here is a [link=]site[/link] run by a [b]JCer[/b]/friend of mine ([link=]Adi_Gallia_9[/link]), which has all of [b]Amidala's[/b] costumes catalogued by photo. [face_wink]
  15. JediMaster_Skywalker

    JediMaster_Skywalker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 23, 2002
    sorry for the super late reply,.. but hi yall!! i've been tied up with exams and kept track of the boards at a minimum,.. but it's all done,.. for now,.. so until then, i got more time to spend with you guys

    so once again,.. welcome!!
  16. DarthMalifluous

    DarthMalifluous Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 11, 2002
    Hey everyone,

    I've been a member and "on-again, off-again" poster of the JC for a while but decided to have a look around here. Very nice to see so many SW fans from Vancouver. I'm probably considered an "old folk" (I was around when the OT films were actually in the theaters - "gasp") around here but none the less...

    I feel for all you kids in high school. It does get better, hang in there ;).

    Love to see so much interest in fan-film... keep it up. If anyone needs any help in that regard, I'm partners in one of the most respected FX houses here in Vancouver and a film producer. Always glad to help those who are getting started in this industry.

    Thanks for your time.

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Welcome to our Tipoca City Board, DarthMalifluous! :D It?s wonderful to meet yet another fellow Vancouverite/über-SW fan. ;) My name is Dan, and I am the City Representative of Vancouver?s FanForce Chapter; please feel free to PM anytime. Also, please feel welcome to post on our Board and/or join our FF Chapter anytime as well. :D

    Bye for now. :)

    Yours truly,

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Hi, everyone. :) Alright, I have an announcement to make. It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you now the newest member of Tipoca City: Sister_Sola! :D Besides being an absolutely fantabulous person, Cassandra is also a talented SW costumer. In addition, I have just adopted too. Thus, everyone please come welcome aboard, Cassandra! ;)

  19. JediMaster_Skywalker

    JediMaster_Skywalker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 23, 2002
  20. Yoda_Soda

    Yoda_Soda Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 20, 2002
    Hello. My name is Vincent and I would love to join this Vancouver FanForce.

    I live in West Van and in Grade 8. I'm 13 years old and my birthday is in April 6. Hmmmm, why do I feel like i'm giving away a lot of info? :) Anyways, I might not be able to attend those cool activities but I can always discuss stuff like books and Jedi Outcast!

  21. TIEPilot051999

    TIEPilot051999 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 27, 2002
    Yo, Vincent! The name's Alex. Don't worry if you can't make it to any of these activities. We understand. :)

    *hands Vincent a newbie gift basket, filled with delicious goodies*


    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Welcome aboard, Yoda_Soda! You?re the newest member of Tipoca City! I?m so glad you decided to join us. ;)


    In terms of not being able to make Activities, that?s totally not a problem, as we let all our members decide their level of involvement without the worry of obligations (Attendance quotas, membership dues, etc. - some FF Chapters actually have these [face_shocked] - they're not something that I personally agree with). ;)
  23. Sister_Sola

    Sister_Sola Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2002
    Welcome aBoard, Yoda_Soda!

    [Lama Su] We trust you are going to enjoy your stay. [/Lama Su]
  24. Yoda_Soda

    Yoda_Soda Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 20, 2002
    Eat, eat.
    Hot. Good food, hm? Good, hmm?

    Thanks everybody. (And for adding me to the birthday list without me even having to say anything!)
  25. vaderdude_3

    vaderdude_3 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 29, 2002
    Yoda_Soda, you play Jedi Outcast too?
    I love that game. Do you have it on computer, or a platform system?
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