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Welcome to the London FanForce!!

Discussion in 'Archive: London UK' started by Lord-Tice, Aug 10, 2007.

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  1. Lord-Tice

    Lord-Tice Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 20, 2001
    Welcome to the London FanForce!!

    Welcome to the London FanForce. I'm Matt, the Chapter Rep for FF-UK:London and I'm here to help however I can, arrange social meets, keep the website and links up-to-date and make sure things run as smoothly as possible.

    Firstly, I shall explain which areas are covered by the London FanForce. Generally speaking, it covers the area of Greater London, so anywhere inside of the M25. However, we welcome anyone from anywhere to join-in at the London forum, and of cause we are more then privy to holding and attending meets outside of the M25 (we just have to be careful of the nose bleeds).

    Our social meets arrange from convention/show outings, cinema and theatre trips, park meets in the Summer, exhibitions and tourist attractions, or just simple socializing at the pub. We have some basic rules and meet structures, but these vary depending on the type of meet we are planning.
    On average we arrange meets once a month. And on top of that, we are constantly looking at recruitment/promotional activities. In the past we have hosted tables at several London-based shows, including the London Film & Comic Con and Starcon UK, and we were ever present at Celebration Europe. We hope to continue this trend at future shows, and we are always on the look out for volunteers to help man tables and dish out flyers.

    Another proud tradition of the London FanForce is hosting meets with foreign visitors. In the past we've had people from the States, Canada, Australia and mainland Europe visiting our lovely city and holding meets during their stay. So if you are planning to visit London one day, please feel free to come on by and say hi!

    So once again welcome to the London FanForce and if you're new here, please feel free to introduce yourself.

    Matt! :)
  2. ipadme

    ipadme Jedi Youngling

    Jul 16, 2000
    Well hi everyone. After a very long absence I have decided to return to Fan Force.

    My name is ipadme and I emigrated from the shores of Oz five or so years ago. I used to be a up-front member of SW activities and the club that was run in Brisbane, QLD. I still have SW friends who live there (and one who moved to Japan).

    My husband introduced me to events like Collectormania when I first moved here and on the weekends that I am not working we go along to the signings and cons.

    Celebration Europe was awesome even if we only got to go on the Friday. We met Mark Hamill and I got to catch up with my mate Jeremy Bulloch.

    We are also hoping to visit the SW sets in Tunisia next year but in the meantime I thought we could both see what's happening a little closer to home.

    Nice to make everyone's acquaintance.
  3. Darth_Konikus

    Darth_Konikus Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2005
    Howdy. :) Nice to see a new face.
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