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Speculation What Actor Should Play A Young Male Skywalker Jedi ? (Images)

Discussion in 'Archive: Disney Era Films' started by Blue_Jedi33, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Alderaan Luke

    Alderaan Luke Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 6, 2012
    Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt:


    Andrew Garfield:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Braeden Lemasters:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (in this pic he reminds me of a very young Harrison Ford)
    Jarren_Lee-Saber likes this.
  2. CoraxRD

    CoraxRD Jedi Youngling

    Sep 17, 2012
    See the reason why I went with a younger actor is because I think that if Ben is included he will be 14. That way his age is in between the age of Anakin in TPM (9) and Luke in ANH (19).
  3. NileQT87

    NileQT87 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 21, 2002
    Actually, Andrew Garfield might be a more appropriate choice for Jacen (note that he's 29). Admittedly, I've only seen him in Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks in Doctor Who (obviously, he's more well-known now for Spiderman), but I liked him. His character on DW was a Depression-era Southern farm kid, so he could definitely play something which vibes with Luke's origins (albeit with Mark's California vibe). He doesn't much look like Mark, though.

    Speaking of other DW actors... Harry Lloyd (a.k.a. Jeremy Baines/Son of Mine in Human Nature/The Family of Blood) if you're looking for a creeptastic villain or someone a bit edgy (he was also more recently in Game of Thrones, Jane Eyre and The Iron Lady). He's also gorgeous. If you want to do a Jacen-goes-evil arc, he's probably perfect for it (though he'd have to change accents). He's 28/29 in a couple of days (he'd be 30 if they shoot in 2014) and 5'11", so he's in the realm of being age-appropriate on the upper end. Fascinating trivia: he's actually the great-great-great-grandson of Charles Dickens.

    Harry Lloyd:
  4. thesevegetables

    thesevegetables Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 11, 2012
    Cillian Murphy.
    Dra--- likes this.
  5. Norminator

    Norminator Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 2, 2009
    But I fear we'll have get a "pretty-boy" in one of the lead roles. That's today's entertainment business for ya. If it had been like that way back when, Mark Hamill probably wouldn't have become Luke. Not that he was ugly, but he certainly wasn't Harrison Ford.
    Let's hope Christensen hasn't set the standard for what they're looking for.
    No suggestions from me, since I know very few young actors, and have never even heard of the ones suggested by the OP.
    kataja and TreborSabreon like this.
  6. NileQT87

    NileQT87 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 21, 2002
    That's another reason you'll note my comments about hiring actors who have been around for a while in support of the kid roles (and those need to be cast with the utmost care--and absolutely no mere pretty faces that are utterly boring and lifeless on screen--and some of the pictures in this thread, as well as the female one, are less-than-dynamic, extremely bland faces), one could have a non-relative join 'the kids' who isn't particularly young or they seem very mature (see Harrison)... and most importantly, are all talented actors well beyond their looks with dynamic chemistry (CHEMISTRY!) and presence. These people need to be capable of headlining and being the faces of a massive franchise.

    (And by the way, David Tennant and Harry Lloyd, whom I've mentioned, are definitely not bland and never get cast in generic pretty boy roles. The latter pretty much always plays morally corrupt jerks and creeps with an unnerving glare--which is why I suggested him for a villainous role. The former, besides supporting a massive franchise, has done quite a lot of Shakespearean acting. There's a reason why Clone Wars went to David to voice Huyang--it wasn't a cold audition. And he's too good to waste on merely a fast-talking, verbose Scottish droid in a spin-off cartoon! He'd be perfect for a supporting mature role.)

    Both David and Harry at their best:

    With males, what you're looking for are the non-Shias. I repeatedly say that a male Solo offspring cannot look utterly weak and little boy-ish next to Harrison Ford. They're going to have to cast someone with mature, tall, strong looks with a lot of presence. It's a necessity. They also cannot be dorky comedic actors who would look completely wrong in an epic dramatic scene (Star Wars has a lot of epic, dramatic, mythic emotional tragedies/clashes and the humor is the acerbic variety dished out by Harrison and Carrie), but handsome, mature dramatic ones with leading-man charisma.

    Mark had that innocent, earnest way about him (Luke is the yearning Dorothy Gale of the story with the big dreams and full of earnest good intentions). Harrison is the embodiment of the worldly manly man who is there to ground the whole thing in reality (he's the skeptic--he's the opposite of Luke). Carrie wasn't just the pretty princess that gets rescued (she, like Mark, isn't really a traditionally 'Hollywood pretty' person, but rather a strong, blunt personality)--she's a pint-size acerbic spitfire. Big personalities are what you're looking for.

    The male casting has to be of leading-man, face-of-the-franchise, star quality, not sidekicks or pretty-but-bland scenery.
    TreborSabreon and kataja like this.
  7. Alderaan Luke

    Alderaan Luke Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 6, 2012
    Braeden Lemasters would be the perfect Han Solo's son:


  8. laurethiel1138

    laurethiel1138 Force Ghost star 4

    Feb 6, 2003
    This. Actually, can you imagine reuniting him with his on-screen sibling (Emilia Clarke a.k.a. Daenerys Targaryen) as Jacen and Jaina? It would be truly epic, and we already know they play off each other very well. They'd be able to let the blonde wig go, so they'd also look significantly different from their GOT counterparts.

    Lauré :)
  9. nitinblurayfan

    nitinblurayfan Jedi Youngling

    Sep 3, 2012
    Tom Welling?

    Pake Freeman likes this.
  10. laurethiel1138

    laurethiel1138 Force Ghost star 4

    Feb 6, 2003
    For a young Anakin Solo, Tom Felton (a.k.a. Draco Malfoy):
    It would be nice to see him playing a "good guy", for a change.

    And depending on what's the age bracket for a young Ben Skywalker, I'd propose Jack Gleeson (a.k.a. Joffrey Baratheon):
    Again, a nice change of pace for him after GOT, and he's got that Skywakler look, too.

    Lauré :)
  11. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2012
    Ah, another LOST fan. I thought your av looked familiar.
  12. Kyris Cavisek

    Kyris Cavisek Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 12, 2012
    Terry O'Quinn and Michael Emerson as Sith/GrandMoffs...
    Echo-07 likes this.
  13. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2012
    ^ Terry O'Quinn works for Disney right now too. All kidding aside TO would make a damned good villain.
  14. Kyris Cavisek

    Kyris Cavisek Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 12, 2012
    He could play a Jedi too though. Very season 1 locke
  15. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2012
    Yeah, he is dynamic and I didn't mean to imply he couldn't. Actually, there will probably be more Jedi as they are reborn so, yeah he'd make an excellent Jedi elder.
  16. Kyris Cavisek

    Kyris Cavisek Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 12, 2012
    I get upset. TO is being type cast as the villian and i don't like that. Yeah as MIB he was good, but he was better as Locke the spiritual... but now he is playing the devil or whatever and in falling skies he played the same...
  17. T-R-

    T-R- Chosen One star 5

    Aug 13, 2003

    the son of Skywalker..........................Nathan Hamill
    JainaSoloYJK likes this.
  18. Yodahasgreenfeet

    Yodahasgreenfeet Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 4, 2012
    laurethiel1138 , those look like Anthony Daniels children but Luke's.
  19. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Jamie Bamber would have been my choice for a Skywalker offspring if these movies had been done ten years ago. Baby faced, blue eyed, knows his way around a cockpit, looks good in a sleeveless shirt? Yes indeed.


    I'd still like to see him in any kind of role. (I'm on a BSG kick again, so sue me :p).
    kainee, Valairy Scot and LawJedi like this.
  20. Blue_Jedi33

    Blue_Jedi33 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 12, 2003
    Actually he would do well as a male member of either the Skywalker or Solo family
  21. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    He would have to be a long-lost relative at this point. Jamie's a bit too old (39) to play a child of Luke or Han/Leia.
  22. Blue_Jedi33

    Blue_Jedi33 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 12, 2003
    Ok then go young, this kid

    Pierce Gagnon from Loopers
  23. Blue_Jedi33

    Blue_Jedi33 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 12, 2003

    Jesse Eisenberg, just saw him in a new trailer.
  24. NileQT87

    NileQT87 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 21, 2002
    By the way, David Tennant just talked about how he would love a role in SW VII (he voiced the Clone Wars bit about a year and a half ago). ;)

    I'd be a happy, happy fangirl. Maybe an officer, senator, technical person... ancient lightsaber droid cobbled together by Luke with a lot of scrapes and dents? I'd happily take anything along those lines (of course, something even more interesting would be lovely).
  25. ThatWanFromStewjon

    ThatWanFromStewjon Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 8, 2012
    This thread is disgraceful :eek:

    Men are not pieces of meat to be gawped at
