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What is THE BEST EU line?

Discussion in 'Literature' started by ILLUMINATUS_JEDI, Dec 7, 2001.

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  1. aodhjedi

    aodhjedi Jedi Youngling

    Jun 8, 1999
    From SBS -> That woman could talk a Hutt onto a diet.
  2. NJOfan215

    NJOfan215 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 17, 2003
    IN rebel dream Lando is leading a bunch of his droids, and he keeps saying, i'm too old for this, i need a drink.
  3. Capt_Page

    Capt_Page Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 14, 2002
    I assume video games count? How about this?

    "You always sense a disturbance in the Force." - Kyle Katarn, Jedi Academy.
  4. puppyglo

    puppyglo Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 2003
    And you can't forget...

    The trooper gave Lando an ingratiating smile. "I'm only a noncommissioned officer, but that beats a civilian on the battlefield. We leave."

    Lando grabbed him by the collar of his tunic and dragged him close. "Listen to me, bantha fodder," Lando said. "I blew up a Death Star before you were born. In twenty seconds I can conclude a conversation with General Antilles, who blew up that Death Star with me, and I'll be General Calrissian again, and you'll spend the rest of your military career cleaning refreshers on Kessel. Or you can dig. Which is it?"

    The trooper looked at him for a long moment. "I guess we dig, sir."
  5. Wraith_18

    Wraith_18 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 23, 2003
    Most of mine have already been said. :(. I was going to take a passage out of TFP, but the realized it's the entirety of chapter 16. "Yes, Lieutenant," [Wedge] murmured. "I think I've just about had it with Bilbringi."
  6. Quixotic_Jedi

    Quixotic_Jedi Jedi Youngling

    Mar 6, 2003
    I think this contains TUF SPOILERS, but I'm not sure because it's really an inconsequential line in the grand scheme of the book, plus I'm not sure if it's past the spoiler point. But, if this is a spoiler, I guess there's the warning.

    My favorite line is from The Unifying Force, although it's not classic, funny, or witty. It's from a character that's been fairly overlooked in the mainstream books that finally got a speaking role in a NJO novel: Kyle Katarn.

    "Has his identity been verified?" Kyle asked from across the table. -The Unifying Force, page 164

    Mentioning his name (page 51) and giving him a line of dialogue all in the same book! It's more excitement than I'm prepared to handle.
  7. Capt_Page

    Capt_Page Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 14, 2002
    From Rebel Stand (once again, Janson's doing):

    Controller: "Ace-One, Reckless Abandon. Do you suppose you could confine your courtship rituals to groundside?"

    Wes: "Copy, Reckless. Twins Leader, look me up when we're on the ground. Ace-One out."

    Jaina: "Arrogant little monkey-lizard."

    Piggy: "I agree. I know him."

    And part two...

    Wes: "So, who is she?"

    Wedge: "Jay something. Isn't that right?"
    "Jay, Jay... That's it. Jaina Solo."

    Wes: "Jaina Solo."
    "Sith spawn. I was flirting with a nine-year-old."
    "I guess I'd better apologize to her and then throw myself on her lightsaber."

    Wedge: "No, just ask Han to shoot you. It'll be more merciful and it is his right as a father."

    More from RS:

    Face (to Mara): "Kiss for luck?"

    Mara: "I don't know whether to mark that down as 'exceptionally daring' or 'unusually stupid.'"

    Face (to Luke): "Kiss for luck?"

    Still more from RS...

    Tahiri: "So I'm baby-sitting people twice, three times my age. Where's the fun in that?"

    Kell: "Aunt Tahiri, tell me a story."

    Another video game quote:

    "Thus is the fate of enemies of the Empire." - Thrawn, Tie Fighter CD.

    And a couple of serious ones...

    Tycho's "Return" speech in BW:

    "I am Tycho Celchu, son of Alderaan, now orphan of the galaxy. I have come to this place of my birth to pay homage to who I was and those I knew. And those I loved and love still. It is my wish that when life abandons me, I am returned here to be among you, so that for eternity we may be together as we should have been in life. These gifts are but insufficient tokens of the love for you all that still burns within me... This fighter is another. It bears the colors of the Alderaanian Guard and transmits their code. It is my pledge to you - not of vengeance but of vigilance. I hope you rest well knowing you will rest alone, because it is my life's work to see to it that no one else suffers as you have. I won't rest until this quest is complete. Rest easy. I miss you all."

    Leia and Jaina's heart-to-heart in RD:

    Jaina: "I keep having these thoughts. That I should be planning for the future. Lately, they've gotten, well, even more frequent. But I can't bear to do that. I can't plan to have a home on a world when it might not be there tomorrow, or for a career in a service that might be gone, or to spend time with people who keep throwing themselves against the Vong until they stop coming back."

    Leia: "I know. That's what it was like all those years ago, when Palpatine seemed to be an unstoppable force and we were always on the run, and your father was just this ridiculously attractive man who always seemed to be on the verge of leaving us. And do you know what I learned?
    At times like that, you plan for the future by bringing people into your life. You know that they can't all survive what you're facing. But those who do, they're part of you're life forever. No matter what, when you fall, they'll catch you; when you're hungry, they'll feed you; when you're hurting, they'll heal you. And you'll do the same for them. And that's your future. I've had whole worlds taken away from me... but not my future."
  8. quad_gun_jinn

    quad_gun_jinn Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    "I'm going to draft a strong worded letter the the Yuuzhan Vong commander to insist he stop using them"

    - Han Solo - Rebel Stand
  9. SaberBlade

    SaberBlade Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 19, 2001
    "We are droids! We are braver than the Yuuzhan Vong!"

    ...or something to that effect.
  10. Lord_Riven

    Lord_Riven Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 13, 2001
    The R2-D2 and C-3PO reminiscing at the end of TUF (pg 516-517)

    3PO:You can be the most infuriating little droid! I am fully aware of my need to adapt to chagne. But that needn't interfere with my ability to express sadness over the closing of an era.

    Artoo: Flurry of buzzes, zithers and hoots.

    3PO: I know it was a war, mechanic! and I also realize that it was a war that threatedned our existance far more than any other war has. But that's preisely the point, because for a moment we became as valuable as they were. As often they fought with us, they fought for us.

  11. Ganner_The_Hero

    Ganner_The_Hero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 14, 2003
    "And when they do," Iella said, "who are you going to face them with? The New Republic or the Rebel alliance?"
    Wedge and Tycho exchanged a look, and both of them grinned.
    "Neither, Wedge said. "We're going to face them with an enemy they've never had the displeasure of fighting. We're going to hit them with the Empire."
    "they're not going to like the Empire," Tycho said.
  12. DarthRotten

    DarthRotten Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 24, 2003
    All these have been good. Here are a few more:
    Mace Windu: I'm a prophet. I can see the future.
    Thug: Oh, yeah? What do you see?
    Mace: I see you... bleeding.

    Legacy of the Jedi
    Dooku: What's this? An apology? At this late date? I'm touched.

    Vergere: How could I teach treachery if I had not learned it myself.

    Clone Wars
    Dooku: You are no Sith. You lack the essential quality of a Sith. A Sith has no fear and I sense MUCH fear in you.

    Star Wars: A Long Time Ago Vol. 7
    Lando: You were really going to start a war to save me? Or were you bluffing?
    Han: Lucky for both of us. We'll never know
  13. SingingJedi

    SingingJedi Jedi Youngling

    Aug 8, 2002
    A couple of quotes that I love and haven't seen yet...

    "I refuse to be bound by anyone's preconceived images of me." -Han Solo, The Courtship of Princess Leia

    "I don't have to blow up everything I see, I just like to." -Kell Tainer, Wraith Squadron
  14. SaberBlade

    SaberBlade Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 19, 2001
    From Dark Tide: Onslaught

    ?I would never want to get a tattoo.?
    ?Best to avoid identifying marks, I think. Never can tell when any of those Jedi will be after you and you want to slip away.?
    ?You don?t have a tattoo, do you??
    ?I don?t know, Anakin. A Jedi caught me, after all, so maybe I do.?
    ?More than that answer I don?t want to know.?
    ?Anakin and Mara

    From Dark Tide: Ruin

    ?Better doing something than just waiting.?
    ?Waiting is boring.?
    ?I don?t seem to recall the word boring ever being applied to times when the two of you are running around together. In fact, I recall??
    ?We were exonerated.?
    ?And we could have been at your academy during those years instead of off on our adventures. Your students would have loved that distraction. Besides, the collateral damage was never really that bad.?
    ?Mara, Mirax, and Luke

    Made my day when I found those again...

  15. flinttheking

    flinttheking Jedi Youngling

    Oct 31, 2003
    somewhere in the Corellian trilogy

    "Praise be to the dartmakers! And may their manifolds never ice up again!" - Belindi Kalenda
  16. Pelranius

    Pelranius Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 25, 2003
    The simple silence in which Boba cut down all those *poor* criminals.
  17. darth_paul

    darth_paul Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 24, 2000
    It's a combination of two lines, both Vergere's.

    To Jacen: "Everything I say is a lie."
    To Nom Anor: "Haven't you learned? Everything I say is the truth." (paraphrased slightly, as I don't have Traitor with me)

  18. Admiral_Lobot

    Admiral_Lobot Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 16, 2004
    From Splinter of the Mind's Eye...

    "I can make out many things, Grammel, down to the shallow depths of your own soul."
    -Governer Essada, page 111

    "Grammel, your existence befouls me."
    -Darth Vader, page 266

    "As they moved forward, Vader turned to glance back idly at the receding corpse of Captain-Supervisor Grammel. Already jungle scavengers were beginning to emerge from concealment to sniff hopefully at the body.
    "Whoever is your lord now" Vader murmured, "it is not I."
    -pages 266-267

  19. -RebelScum-

    -RebelScum- Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 21, 2004
    "One can never have enough wine, women or attention."
    --Talon Karrde

    "You are close to insabordination General"
    "No I am close to violence"
    --Wedge Antilles/General Cracken

    "But... it was so artistically done."
    -- Mith'raw'narudo

    Kiss my Wookiee
    -- Han Solo

    "3P0 when was the last time you liked a place?"
    "Well... That is a good question sir, I will have to look it up in my memory archives"
    -- C3P0/Lando Calrission

    "Ahh! What is that Light!!!"
    "Um boss... its the sun"
    "Well turn it off it offends me!"
    -- Wedge Antilles/Derek Klivan/Wes Janson.

    "A Jedi too, fascinating"
    -- Jagged Fel

    "Nice planet; what do we blow up first?"
    -- Wraith Squadron Motto

    "She was short, she was furry, she was loud, and she was determined to sell him a melon"
    -- No Specific Character

    Wes Janson: You can't look dignified while you're having fun.

    Wes Janson: Well, first we go out and find us some women...

    Oh, stop worring Wedge. It's obvious they adore you. You could throw up all over yourself and they'd adore it. By nightfall they'd all be doing it. They'd call it the 'Wedge Purge'. They'd be eating different colored foods just to add variety."
    -- Wes Janson

    "Whiskey for me hot Chocolate for my friend"
    -- Han Solo

    "Thats treason... I like it!"
    -Booster Terrik-

    "I hate that shirt, I think your a crummy dresser"
    "You bought this shirt"
    -- Mara and Luke Skywalker

    I'm putting in a commendation ... for Lieutenant Janson for bravery."
    "Like he needs another one."
    "Maybe he can build a little fort out of them."
    -- Wedge Antille/ Gerrik Loran

    But it never occured to him that he was going to kiss Tahiri until his lips were already touching hers.
    "Oh," she said.
    "That was a surprise."
    "No c'mere." She took his face in both hands and pressed her lips against his. [face_love]

    "Should I have left you two unchaperoned?" [face_mischief]
    (gotta love that one, 2 teens making out in a locker heh [face_devil]
    -- Anikan Solo/Tahiri/Corran Horn

    "Yub Yub Commander"
    -- Wes Janson

    Don't worry, honey. you could take luke, you'll just have to fight dirty."
    -- Han Solo

    "Say, uh, Han, I was sort of hoping to ride with Leia. It's been a long time since I've seen her, and I sort of want to get caught up on some things."
    "No way buddy, she's mine. Why don't you ride with on that rancor over there? That Teneniel is definitely hot for you."
    "Her? I wouldn't know that"
    "You can't tell me you've haven't noticed her. I mean, that woman is put together just right"
    "Yeah, I've noticed."
    "If I were you, I go right up there and ask if she wants to ride on my rancor,"
    -- Han Solo/Luke Skywalker
  20. Pellaeon-Firke

    Pellaeon-Firke Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 2, 2004
    "And he begins to eat the white."

    "Ok, Man With A Blaster About To Cook You."
    Shadows of the Empire

    The talk with Bastila on Dantooine, something along the lines of:

    "What did you do before Taris?"
    "I'm a Hutt in human form, trying to overthrow the Republic."
    "I see. Where are you from?"
    "Kashyyyk. I'm a bald Wookie, can't you tell?"
    "Yes. How old are you?"
    "3,095. You know, healthy living."

    "No bounties on you, Jedi."
    Boba Fett, Jedi Academy

    "We'll make sure that you're treated well until the highest bidder picks you up. Nothing personal, only business."
    "You'll excuse me if I take it seriously."
    Shadows of the Empire

    "If you get hit by an Imp shot, your canopy will superheat, and your tissues will literally boil. Will you complain then?"
    "No, sir. I'll be dead."
    Wraith Squadron

    "Yes! Destroy his old bones on this sacrificial altar and join the Dark Side!"
    Dark Bastila, KotOR

    A couple of other good ones, but none that I can think of yet.

  21. EH_Pilot

    EH_Pilot Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 12, 2003
    "Soon [the Emperor] will have nothing but his pitiful Force to rely on." -Grand Admiral Zaarin

    "There's gotta be a better way to make a living" -Kyle Katarn

    "Commander Antilles hops on one transparisteel leg"
    "It's true. He really does."
    "I hate that"
    "Me, too. We all do" -Tal'dira and Mon Remonda bartender

    "Wookie is not among my many languages, you extruded fur thing. Where is Solo?" -Zsinj

    -For no one would want to employ a pilot with Ewoks in his nose.- Sullustan pilot in Solo Command.

    "Hey Joe, who's there?" -every Gran in Dark Forces.

    "Jabbu will pay extra for the one who BLASTS HIS BONES!" -swoop rider in SOTE video game.
  22. rogue_wookiee

    rogue_wookiee Jedi Youngling star 6

    Apr 24, 2004
    Everything Capt. Page said plus

    Kiss my Wookiee

    yub yub

    janson: Would you stand still if you were being approached by two naked men with Ewok food smeared all over them.

    Wedge: No, but I'm not an Ewok.

    wedge: Lieutenant, you are out of uniform. And you know, wearing an Ewok as a bathing suit is a felony on some worlds.

    janson: I have been so set up.

    Nelprin: Nice rear Lieutenant.

    Janson: Thank you for noticing Lieutenant.

    How does Allston do it?
  23. TIEDefenderPilot

    TIEDefenderPilot Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 13, 2003
    "Helm, roll us to port and bring us about. Flight Command, have our TIEs deploy while we're turning so they can't see them coming. Shields, I want full power now...The mongrels have arrived, people. They aren't welcome and we'd best let them know that."
    -Commander Vict Darron, commanding the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Direption, at the battle of Liinade III.

  24. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002
    Allen, Stackpole and Zahn all had good end scene/chapter dialogue lines.
  25. TreskImnel

    TreskImnel Jedi Youngling

    Apr 30, 2004
    Even though I'm not really an "Imp fan," I'd have to say Pellaeon's "the Empire will always strike back, that, I promise you..." line from FH1 takes the cake, IMO. ;) I especially like the way they made it a "stand up and cheer" moment. I kind of like the irony in that... ;)
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