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Saga What is the legacy of Qui-Gon Jinn?

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by BoromirsFan, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. only one kenobi

    only one kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 18, 2012

    Sorry for misunderstanding but... I'm not sure at which point leading up to his surrender either he or Vader nearly gave in to anger. So, perhaps you can understand my confusion.

    Secondly, and this applies particularly to Obi-wan - and I'm sorry to have to repeat myself in this - what is so 'logical' about what Obi-Wan and Yoda believe? Obi-Wan has seen with his own eyes (and Yoda has either done so or has already intuited the truth of the situation) Anakin/Vader cut down many Jedi in the Temple including - let us not be squeamish here - children. He has watched as Anakin/Vader throttled his own wife (carrying his unborn child). And, where is Alderaan? Oh yes, that's right it was destroyed, along with all the beings on it, by the Empire's Death Star. Just another day at the office for Vader. How is Obi-Wan (particularly) supposed to intuit the good man that was Anakin within those actions? In what way is Obi-wan's view a coldly calculated, scientific proposition?

    Luke has not been witness to those deeds, he has an idealised view of his father. That disappears on the second Death Star. I don't think Luke's pained cries for help can be considered faith, more desparate hope. Why beg someone you believe to be good to do the right thing?

    And, as for Qui-Gon being more intuitive? He did not sense what Obi-Wan did entering the fray at Naboo. And his decisions regarding Anakin were to do with following a prophecy.
    Valairy Scot likes this.
  2. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    Sorry for misunderstanding but... I'm not sure at which point leading up to his surrender either he or Vader nearly gave in to anger. So, perhaps you can understand my confusion.

    It's not "scientific". It's logical. He's seen what Vader had done and, according to the Jedi doctrine, no one can return from the dark side. So, based on facts, Obi-Wan and Yoda seem to be right.

    As for Luke, has even less reason to believe Vader can be good. At least Obi-Wan and Yoda knew Anakin as an innocent little boy and someone who could have become the greatest Jedi hero of all time. All Luke has seen is that Vader was complicit in his foster parents' murder, Alderaan's destruction, Leia's torture and Ben's death. And then he tortured his friends and cut his own's son death. He doesn't know why he turned to the Dark Side. Again, based on the facts, Luke has no reason to believe Vader can be redeemed. The only reason he does is because he senses the conflict in his father, something that Obi-Wan and Yoda can't.

    He idealized his father before he realized who he really was. That's why he was horrified to find out the truth. I don't think he continues to idealize him, he just hopes to save him.

    I think Qui-Gon is more intuitive in regards to living beings (the living Force is the cue here). He knew that Padme was Queen, for example. And I don't think that his intention to train Anakin was just about the prophecy, there's a deeper conviction there.

    I don't think it's a coincidence that both Luke (in ROTJ) and Qui-Gon use the green lightsabers.[/quote]
    Julius Vernon likes this.
  3. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 34X Wacky Wednesday/25x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012

    The Wookieepedia article for Vader says his body faded- but doesn't cite a source":

    however, the RoTJ Expanded Radio Drama, is cited as having these lines, in the Funeral of Anakin Skywalker article:

  4. only one kenobi

    only one kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 18, 2012
    -NaTaLie- "And I don't think that his intention to train Anakin was just about the prophecy, there's a deeper conviction there."

    You believe that, because it is what you want to see. There is nothing in the film to show anything other than his belief in his understanding of the prophecy and how it should be served. Everything he says with relation to why Anakin should be trained is in relation to Qui-Gon's belief that he is the Chosen One of the prophecy. he says it in the Council, he says it to Obi-Wan as he dies. He has no other argument to offer, only; "He is the Chosen One".
    Valairy Scot likes this.
  5. Arawn_Fenn

    Arawn_Fenn Chosen One star 7

    Jul 2, 2004
    ROTJ DVD commentary.
  6. Force.Child

    Force.Child Jedi Youngling

    Dec 7, 2012
    I had said (as i posted somewhere else) That Qui-Gon does live on in a sense... I noticed ALOT of things about Obi-wan that was so much like Qui-Gon... Specially in ROTS. There is a reserved-ness about Obi-Wan that Qui-Gon had. In a Sense, Obi-Wan was like a Son, therefore carrying his name and everything Qui-Gon taught him.