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Amph What was the last movie you saw? (Ver. 2)

Discussion in 'Community' started by Violent Violet Menace, Nov 17, 2017.

  1. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    Now with your endorsement, Stephen, I really want to see Ad Astra. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll get to see it in theatres.
    pronker likes this.
  2. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003
    I wanted to see it but it disappeared pretty quickly here.
    pronker likes this.
  3. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    Oh I hadn't actually checked. Looks like it's out of my local theatre too.
  4. Sith_Sensei__Prime

    Sith_Sensei__Prime Chosen One star 6

    May 22, 2000
    Jay & Silent Bob Reboot

    In an emoji: :)

    So, Jay & Silent Bob Reboot was a Fanthom events presentation, meaning it was a special engagement where the film would play in certain theaters for a night or two rather than the usual wide longer term release. And so, the people that attended the film were all fans of Kevin Smith and his films. As such, it was like seeing the film at a panel at a comic book convention. And since it was a Fanthom event presentation with a two night showing, the theater was nearly sold out and the crowd was very enthusiastic, which helped my overall experience of the film. Moreover, I did not see any trailers or promo footage for the movie so every cameo and appearances were a pleasant surprise to me.

    The film, is as meta and forth wall breaking as Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back and is a reboot of sorts of that movie, which Jay & Silent Bob Reboot unshamefully tells the audience more than once. And like previously films that feature Jay and Silent Bob, this isn't for everyone as the humor is often crass and low brow and there is of course the gratuitous use of foul language. For fans of Kevin Smith and his films, this is just standard materials that's expected to be in the film. The movie is silly and very much inside nerdom jokes.

    Jay & Silent Bob Reboot is definitely a story told by Kevin Smith at this stage of his life as there are some elements and moments where Kevin Smith shares his thoughts through the certain monologues from various characters.

    I enjoyed Jay & Silent Bob Reboot more than Jay & Silent Bob Striker Back as there aren't those subplots of a Will Ferrell or diamond heist. The flick focuses on the two lead characters and their mission. Additionally, there's a nice character arc. The film is not very original as it's a reboot, but I feel is better than the film it's rebooting as there's more heart to the film and it's more focus in it's story telling. And there's the fact that the characters I watched in the 90s are now grown up like me. I felt like I was in on everything having watched all of Kevin Smith's films and a listener to his various podcasts. Plus the world of Jay & Silent Bob is something I've very familiar with. I enjoyed the movie and left with a smile on my face. Thus my emoji of :)

    There's cutting room footage and clips that played during the credits that worth watching. However, after the film there was an interview with one of the actors that has a surprise appearance in the film as bonus material (not an end credit scene). I watched about five minutes of left and then left because the actor really didn't talk about the Jay & Silent Bob Reboot movie but how they broke into the business of acting. I'm sure that will be part of the bonus material that will be included on the home release.
  5. Sith_Sensei__Prime

    Sith_Sensei__Prime Chosen One star 6

    May 22, 2000
    Isn't It Romantic

    In an emoji: :)

    Going into the film, I didn't know if it would be more of a parody or spoof. My wife and I were pleasantly surprised that is was more a parody. It's like what Scream is to horror movies; rather than what those Scary Movie flick are to the horror genre. So, although Isn't It Romantic points out and mocks all the various RomCom tropes, it incorporates them for their own story and character arc.

    Isn't It Romantic isn't a great RomCom, but rather a slightly below average one. My expectations for the film were pretty low and the movie manage to step over that bar easily, thus my emoji of :)
    Master_Lok and Deadgobahsystem like this.
  6. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003
    saw Joker last night.

    ...jesus christ. I mean I think it is a really brilliant brilliant film and that performance by Phoenix is astonishing , but it's incredibly upsetting/ sad/ grim etc.
    Is there a particular thread discussing it?
  7. DAR

    DAR Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 8, 2004
    The Laundromat-The Big Short covered similar territory in a more entertaining way.
    Sith_Sensei__Prime likes this.
  8. soitscometothis

    soitscometothis Chosen One star 6

    Jul 11, 2003
    Barefoot in the Park (1967)
    As funny as it ever was, Redford and Fonda shine in the film adaptation of Neil Simon's play about a newlywed couple. Neil Simon's script is just so witty... I'd remembered that it was a film I'd enjoyed, but I'd forgotten just how good it was.
  9. Master_Lok

    Master_Lok Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 18, 2012
    You're spot on. I enjoyed that movie myself.

    3 From Hell (2019)'s unfortunate that Rob Zombie waited too long to mount the third chapter in the Firefly family story. It was cool to see Bill Moseley back as Otis, but the story is a very uninspired, less shocking and much less gory retread of The Devil's Rejects. (I watched the unrated version and it's surprising how much editing there was with the gore).

    Everyone's older and that doesn't bode well for the characters. Moseley sounds weary, and most of Otis' greatest hacks and slashes are retread here shown as after the fact rather than before-during-and-after (that's actually a good thing considering how brutal his crimes in Rejects still are).

    Sheri Moon Zombie does this movie no favors, except for allowing Dee Wallace to steal every scene they share. Again, too many years away from the character makes Baby less appealing. That the film focuses on her is problematic.

    It's not really worth going into the plot because even in Zombie universe terms a lot of it just doesn't make for a good story. I guess I'll end this with I am sorry this was Sid Haig's last movie (he still had Spaulding's laugh), but he deserved much better than the 2 minutes he received (though the "end" for Spaulding made sense since his scene took place in a prison).

    I do hope Rob works with Bill again at some point, but I'd rather see an original story than another go around with these characters. Their story should have ended with The Devil's Rejects.

    Oh well.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2019
    Rogue1-and-a-half likes this.
  10. PCCViking

    PCCViking Chosen One star 10

    Jun 12, 2014
    Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

    Follow-up to Maleficent: when Prince Phillip proposes to Aurora and she accepts, Maleficent is opposed to it. Little do they know that Phillip's mother is plotting a war between humans and the Moors folks.

    Both Phillip and Aurora take a more active role in this one than Maleficent.

    Also, there is a reference to the original animated Sleeping Beauty at the end.
    Dagobahsystem likes this.
  11. Master_Lok

    Master_Lok Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 18, 2012
    All Monsters Attack (1969) Oh gracious it's the donkey braying Minilla (Baby Godzilla)... I've forgotten how kiddie-centric this movie is. All the better to segue into Godzilla v. Hedorah (1971). That's the one with the hilarious ravers wearing fish-head masks. I love that scene.
    Dagobahsystem and CT-867-5309 like this.
  12. Havac

    Havac Former Moderator star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 29, 2005
    Ghost in the Shell. So I am not a fan of anime at all, but I figured I might as well give one movie a try. This is supposed to be good, it’s on Amazon Prime, and I’m a sucker for cyberpunk, so I took a shot.

    It’s no coincidence that my favorite part was the montage of the main character traveling across the city. There’s some pretty cool cyberpunk cityscape art. The rest of it didn’t do a ton for me. The story is generic cyberpunk and kind of shoddy, and the characterization is thin to say the least. And the animation style is not as obnoxious as most anime, but it’s not really my thing either. It felt like pretty bland post-Blade-Runner, post-Neuromancer cyberpunk. It wasn’t bad but it didn’t make any impression on me as some classic. I don’t regret giving it a watch, though.
    CT-867-5309 likes this.
  13. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000

    The Secret World of Arrietty
    (2010) – Hiromasa Yonebayashi

    The Secret World of Arrietty isn’t a Miyazaki film as far as the direction goes, though he did contribute to the screenplay, but it is a Studio Ghibli production and Yonebayashi has lovingly crafted a film that feels, all the way down to the bones, like a Miyazaki film in all the right ways and none of the wrong ones, not that are that many wrong ways to feel like a Miyazaki film. I don’t want to say that Yonebayashi has just done a tribute film or just tried to copy Miyazaki; I’m trying to pay him a compliment. In this film, Arrietty is a young Borrower; along with her mother and father, she lives beneath the floors of a simple country house and her family makes their living by “borrowing” things that won’t be missed: the odd sugar cube here, a square of tissue there, etc. But when Sho, a young boy suffering from a heart ailment, comes to the cottage in order to rest up for an upcoming surgery, Arrietty finds herself being drawn to and ultimately forging a strong emotional bond with him. Long story short, this is an absolutely delightful movie. It has all the hallmarks of a great Studio Ghibli film: a minimal story, compellingly drawn characters, a wonderfully detailed world and a rich emotional payoff. The stakes aren’t super-high for most of the story and it’s really a film that is focused, first and foremost, on the friendship between Arrietty and Sho. About half-way through the film, I realized that there essentially aren’t any jokes in this movie; there are some comedic moments, especially toward the end, but they all flow out of character, not out of funny dialogue. That’s kind of astonishing for a kid’s movie. But this movie does what Ghibli has always done: treat kids without condescension. They assume they can simply tell a rich, engaging story with interesting characters and kids will be interested, even if there are no real action scenes or hilarious gags. I don’t know how I would have reacted to a movie like Arrietty as a kid, but I certainly know how I reacted to it as an adult and that was with absolute satisfaction. This movie is a kind of contented sigh of a film, a sweet, earnest fairy-tale that evoked a sense of peace and emotional fulfillment. I’d rank this one higher than even some of Miyazaki’s most beloved Ghibli films (Howl’s Moving Castle, for one, and possibly Kiki’s Delivery Service); it’s a quiet, thoughtful masterpiece. 4 stars.

    tl;dr – kind of the Platonic Ideal of a Studio Ghibli film; a rich emotional palette, engaging characters, a wondrous world and a sweet, earnest heart all add up to make this one of Ghibli’s best. 4 stars.
  14. Jordan1Kenobi

    Jordan1Kenobi Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

    My problem with most of the Disney live action remakes are they’re very cookie cutter, and this is no exception. It’s good. But that’s it. It doesn’t try to be anything better than good. It’s the same story we’ve seen a thousand times before - evil queen causes conflict between two kingdoms, then they work together to take her down. Very predictable. Jolie was good as Maleficent. Fanning was fine. It was enjoyable, but I’ll probably forget all about it tomorrow.

  15. AndyLGR

    AndyLGR Force Ghost star 5

    May 1, 2014
    Fractured Netflix movies starring Sam Worthington as a father who takes his wife and daughter to a local hospital after the daughter falls at a building site near a gas station and hurts her arm. He suspects something sinister is going as his wife and daughter go missing in the hospital. They have no records of them ever arriving and no one believes him, so he has to try every way possible to find them and discover what’s going on at the hospital. This was pretty grim throughout with unsettling angles and music to reflect Worthingtons state of confusion. Not the best film in the world but worth a watch, maybe not as predictable as you’d expect either.
    Rogue1-and-a-half likes this.
  16. Rylo Ken

    Rylo Ken Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 19, 2015

    As Geoffrey Rush says in Shakespeare in Love, all I really want from entertainment is alligators, a hurricane, competitive swimming references, and a bit with a dog.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
  17. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    The Yearling (1946)

    I get it's an Oscar winning classic, I get that it's based off a Pulitzer prize winning novel, I get that it's one of the best films ever made. It did nothing for me. Besides Gregory Peck, there's nothing to write home about. Am I supposed to feel something about the wretched baby deer that grows up and destroys the family's crops over and over while the poor kid works his *** off because his father is bedridden? Kill the mother******. Cut it's ****ing head off. Have an alligator eat it in the slowest, most grisly way possible. I ****ing hate deer, always on the roads where they shouldn't be, putting drivers in mortal danger. This movie had a happy ending, shut the **** up kid.
  18. SateleNovelist11

    SateleNovelist11 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 10, 2015
    Joker in the theater on 10 October. I'm going to see Maleficent: Mistress of Evil today.
    Dagobahsystem and PCCViking like this.
  19. Master_Lok

    Master_Lok Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 18, 2012
    Godzilla vs Hedorah (1971)


    fan art by kaijusamurai

    I haven't seen this in a very long time. I think it might be in my top 3 Godzilla movies now.

    This is actually timely with our industry, pollution etc. bringing about climate change.

    So all the pollution, post-atomic fallout and smog combine with meteorite dust to create Hedorah, a shapeshifting, red eyed blob of corroded goop whose sulfuric acid gas can atomize people (or make them look like broken mannequins).


    Godzilla takes a back seat to the Professor who single handedly (okay his young son helps) finds out what Hedorah is and eventually how to stop Heodorah's death smog/goo.

    There's some wonky stuff, like a cat surviving
    being smothered in Hedorah goo, no one in the main family mourning the loss of their sibling, a wannabe hippy youth. Also great, Hedorah nourishing itself by toking industry smoke from the factory stacks (Why yes, it looks very bong-like [face_laugh]), the same teen hallucinating his club buddies wearing fishhead masks during a psychedelic rave, =D=[face_rofl]=D= and Godzilla flying via his fiery breath.

    The animated interludes and use of liquid light shows makes this a wonderfully visual and colorful kaiju romp, while Hedorah is a wonderfully ridiculous Toho monster (He's kind of cute in his bipedal form).

    My question about these Toho Godzilla movies is why do the little boys run around in shorts all the time?o_O

    I couldn't stay awake for Rodan (or Sugar Hill which I haven't seen in eons. Seriously, TCM why show that so late:()...

    but I am hoping Godzilla vs. Megalon is aired next Friday.

    This was lots of fun, but even though the humans actually have a decent role here, I want more Godzilla. I also wanted more of the animation and psychedelic club bits. Those were great. I'd buy this one digital. :)

    BTW the clarity of this print makes me think TCM are airing the upcoming Criteron versions.

    Darn, seven year old me would have written a much better review of this (She's telling adult me to find a Hedorah figure stat!)[face_batting]
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
  20. soitscometothis

    soitscometothis Chosen One star 6

    Jul 11, 2003
    BlacKkKlansman (2018)
    Warmer and wittier than I anticipated - considering the subject matter I wasn't expecting it to be more entertaining than preachy. Now I'm looking forward to watching John David Washington in Tenet.
    Dagobahsystem, Master_Lok and MrZAP like this.
  21. Darth Maul Apprentice

    Darth Maul Apprentice Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 27, 2014
    In theaters, Joker. Outside of theater, The Dead Don't Die.
    Dagobahsystem likes this.
  22. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 10

    Jul 19, 1999
    King of Thieves

    This is a very strange movie.

    The marketing would have you believe this is a comedy caper, or a humourously told tale of crime and, for a while, it sort of does that. It contrasts where the characters are with where they were, with a lightness of tone that skates over the actual violence of their crimes.

    As the film goes on, it becomes very apparent that this bunch really are a load of very unpleasant, old bastards. If you think of Broadbent as playing genial old codgers, he really goes against that here with aging psychopath but no less psychopathic Terence. Winstone is more typecast as Danny. And there is the clear sense that, if the cops hadn’t swooped on the lot of them, they would have ended up killing up each other.

    Even after the film has decided to make it very, very clear that These Are Not Nice People, it still sometimes flits back to jaunty caper sequence, like when they are stashing the loot, which makes for a very weird, off-kilter feel.

    What is darkly amusing is the way the cops go about getting them. The entire gang, with the absence of Basil, has no tech awareness whatsoever – they are on CCTV, their faces and car number plates are visible, their phone conversations are intercepted, they had no chance of getting away with it. But let’s say they were more tech aware, I don’t think they would have cared. These were a bunch of arrogant, nasty, manipulative and violent individuals – with a very fast willingness to turn all of those aspects onto each other. There’s no honour among theives? There really isn’t and the fallout isn’t pretty to watch.

    Still, so long as you go in not expecting what it was marketed as, this is a well-executed movie.
  23. SateleNovelist11

    SateleNovelist11 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 10, 2015
    I just saw Maleficent 2 with friends, and I liked the film. But I am beyond tired of these Coca-Cola commercials they have before playing movies. If only they knew that I never drink coke during movies, and I haven't drank any coke or Pepsi since 1994. I didn't like the taste of either one! [face_laugh]
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
    Dagobahsystem likes this.
  24. Darth Maul Apprentice

    Darth Maul Apprentice Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 27, 2014
    Annabelle Comes Home. Almost didn't watch this cause I saw the first two and didn't really like them, but I picked it up from the library so it was free. I had low expectations for this and liked it well enough, although a lot of it made no sense to me. Basically a girl comes over to babysit the Warren's kid, she has a friend show up who's not suppose to be there. The friend goes looking into the room she shouldn't and weird stuff ensues, blah blah blah the end. I didn't find this film scary although there were a few scenes with some interesting camera angles.
  25. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Snoochie Reboochies!


    Jay & Silent Bob Reboot (2019)
    Viewing Experience: Theatrical (Roadshow)

    I hadn’t been following Kevin Smith news lately beyond his health issues last year, so the trailer for this was the first I had heard of the project. That he was taking it on a roadshow tour was great news, until I saw that there wasn’t a screening initially scheduled in NJ. That struck me as very odd, given the Viewaskewniverse series’ origins in the Jersey Trilogy.


    Apparently, that struck Kevin wrong too and he had them add a NJ date in Asbury Park at the Paramount Theater to launch the Roadshow with- not only was it the first public screening of the film after the premiere, but it was taking place on the exact anniversary of Clerks’ first screenings in NY & LA 25 years ago. Smith also noted that Dogma’s 20th was also coming up in a few weeks as well.


    So, I felt very fortunate to be able to get a ticket before it sold out (and a pretty decent seat too!). Arriving early, I even walked by Mewes outside (though he was having a smoke and intensely messaging someone so I didn’t want to bother him before the show). The screening was bookended by an intro from Smith and Mewes, who then both came back out on stage after the film for a Q&A and closing statements. Smith used the event to announce that, thanks to this film, he was able to reignite interest at Universal in making Mallrats 2 again, and that that will be his next project after Clerks III.


    Jay & Silent Bob Reboot is very much in the live action cartoon style of Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and, to a lesser extent, Mallrats. Heavily self-aware, self-referential and knocking on the 4th wall almost as often as Deadpool. The actual plot begins as a satirical look at remakes and reboots (and what the difference is between the two terms) with the film being a reboot of the Strike Back premise of going to Hollywood to stop a movie from being made.

    The film eventually shifts gears to focus on the more human story- to the point that the actual initial problem compelling Jay & Silent Bob to cross the country is never actually resolved and is basically forgotten about. Meanwhile, a strange 3rd act twist almost throws things out of whack but the film manages to hold itself together since that part isn’t really important.

    While pretty hilarious throughout, it’s not an entry film into the franchise so it won’t be winning over any new viewers- but it isn’t trying to. It very much knows that it is for the fans and View Askew crew and acts not only as a sequel to Strike Back but also as a partial sequel to every other Viewaskewniverse film (and retroactively, and hilariously, integrates some non-Smith films into the canon). A heavy sprinkling of pop culture references throughout (including love given to my most-often-quoted line from Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead) keeps delivering the combination of jokes and human moments fans of each of the movies would expect.

    The cast, with all the cameos (both of new and returning characters), is quite extensive, as you can imagine. Jason Mewes and Harley Quinn anchor the film, with Mewes showing more range as an actor and Harley really standing out as a pretty good actress (much better than her small role in Tusk indicated). Most of the supporting or returning stars get a good moment or scene in as well, but I wouldn’t want to spoil them.

    So, definitely worth seeing if you’re a fan of previous films in the franchise (particularly Strike Back, but fans of the other films will get at least one treat out of this). If you’ve only seen a couple of the previous films, probably best to check those out before diving into this one. And if you didn’t like most of the other films, there’s probably not much here for you.

    And if you can catch one of the Roadshow events, it’s certainly worth it to see it in a packed house of Smith fans.

    Also saw this one a couple weeks ago:


    Joker (2019)
    Viewing Experience: Theatrical (IMAX)

    A dark, disturbing, but great film anchored by a fantastic performance and presented through the stylistic lens of a 1980’s Scorcese film. It is about evil growing from within a broken man as societal influences and awful people push him over the edge, leading to the emergence of a true villain.

    Unconnected to the existing Worlds of DC films, this “Elseworlds” take on the material works very well as a standalone- and though I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing a follow-up to this set in this world, I’m also glad it’s not the Joker we’ll see in future films. While every Joker actor and performance is unique, the specific motivations and characteristics of this Joker don’t lend themselves well to integrating with other DC material.

    (Say what you will about the Leto Joker, but you can certainly see how that version could integrate better, if only because he was designed and intended to. And, as a matter of personal taste, I prefer Joker to be more in control.)

    Really, the film’s weakest moments are probably those that attempt to connect into the DC/Batman mythos. They’re not bad moments, but you can sense how they’re a little more out of place than everything else. That said, the film wisely avoids certain directions initially hinted at, and is pretty clever at making the Joker simultaneously responsible for, and not responsible for, some actions that previous Jokers have been criticized over.

    Some mild controversy surrounded the film over concerns that it glorifies the incel mass shooter profile in a wish-fulfillment sort of way that might inspire others (or push those on the edge) towards doing so. Those concerns aren’t entirely baseless (it’s difficult to ignore some of the parallels) but I found them to be overblown- at least as much as most “people being influenced by violent media” claims go.

    As in most cases, it comes down to the person- proceed with caution for certain at-risk individuals and younger teens who may not be able to fully process the finer points of the psychological drama unfolding before them.

    Also, random cool:

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019