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Amph What was the last movie you saw?

Discussion in 'Community' started by TheEmperorsProtege, Aug 15, 2004.

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  1. JedimasterMoon

    JedimasterMoon Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 4, 2005
    Super Size Me[face_flag]
  2. QweenofEgypt

    QweenofEgypt Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 20, 2002
    I just saw RENT again. Still good the second time around. :cool:
  3. master_organa

    master_organa Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 5, 2004
    War of the Worlds (1st time)
    Interesting movie. Dakota Fanning and Tim Robbins are good in it, but I don't like Cruise. Overall, pretty well done.
  4. feenicks

    feenicks Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 11, 2005
    I watched "Closer" a couple of hours ago. I ended up being angry with nearly every character, so I guess I really liked it. :D

    I do think Julia Roberts was miscast though. I can't put my finger on it, but she just seemed out of place or something.
  5. Gobi-1

    Gobi-1 Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 22, 2002
    Your's, Mine and Our's - Saw it on Friday and it is a very enjoyable family film with a lot of laughs. Very much in the vain of Cheaper By The Dozen which I also enjoyed.
  6. Son_of_the_Suns

    Son_of_the_Suns Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 2, 2005
    Last movie I saw was Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang and it was actually pretty funny I thought.
  7. Darth-Lutgerous

    Darth-Lutgerous Jedi Master star 4

    May 24, 2005
    I watched The Pelican Brief with Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington. It had an interesting and elaborate plot which kept my friend and I hooked on the movie. The movie was very enjoyable and both Roberts and Washington gave good performances.

    I also saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire again.
  8. ROTS_Obi1

    ROTS_Obi1 Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 16, 2005
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Wow. It's a masterpiece.
  9. PlastiqPhantom

    PlastiqPhantom Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 26, 2002
    I caught Walk the Line last night. Great movie, although I thought there was some iffy acting by some, mostly just his wife, she was dreadful. But all around damn good movie, and Phoenix (I forgot how to spell his first name :p , it's early) did a very good job, I couldn't believe it was him singing.

    I'd give it an 8 outta 10.
  10. DVader316

    DVader316 Jedi Knight star 7

    Feb 18, 2000
  11. darthlrrp

    darthlrrp Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 19, 2005
    dvd-black hawk down
  12. Darth-Lutgerous

    Darth-Lutgerous Jedi Master star 4

    May 24, 2005
    I just watched Troy. It was interesting to see Homer's Iliad made into a movie, but I thought the movie was at best a good popcorn flick. It was very violent and of course the special effects were very good. What needed some help was the screenplay/story and acting in some parts, but if you like Greek mythology and a good action movie, it's worth a watch. I especially liked the Julie Christie short role/cameo since she's always a pleasure to see act on screen.
  13. Drac39

    Drac39 Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 9, 2002
    Over the Weekend

    Repossessed(Stupid film with some laughs.)
    Rocky IV(Unbelieveable film with an iditoic storyline but Stallone makes it work and keeps us entertained.)
    The Bride(I really enjoyed it.Great performance from Clancy Brown.It isn`t a Frankenstein movie,it`s a great drama that works tremondously)
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(I think this is probably my second favorite of 2005 after Batman Begins.It was thrilling and for the first time in the series I didn`t feel it was a kids movie.I can`t explain how much better it is than the first 3)
    Black Sheep(Stupid film from Farrley with all most zero enjoyable momments.I did have a bit of a smirk at the kill whitie part though)
    Exorcist III(Clever film and it is thrilling.I don`t get the bad reviews this is as good as the orignal film)
  14. WormieSaber

    WormieSaber Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 22, 2000
    House of Wax.

    It was kind of disgusting. The climatic where the wax house finally melts was very, very cool if I must say so.
  15. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    Actually, as much I like Troy, if you're really into Greek mythology, I would suggest not watching this movie, as it completely cuts the Olympians from the story.
  16. Sith_Lord_Linkoping

    Sith_Lord_Linkoping Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 19, 2001
    The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended Version 5 out of 5
    The Two Towers - Extended Version 5 out of 5
    The Return of the King - Extended Version 5 out of 5
  17. Eddie

    Eddie Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 16, 2001
    Flight Plan - A very good thriller. Well worth the price of a ticket.

    American Pie: Band Camp - Better than you'd expect, quite funny.
  18. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    Since last time:

    Donzoko (1957) - Akira Kurosawa - I enjoyed this quieter Kurosawa immensely. The ensemble acting was brilliant and it was extremely faithful to Gorky's original play, The Lower Depths. It was surprisingly funny at times, but this did not detract from the overpowering tragedy of the work. Exceptional and less well known than Kurosawa's other work, but equally essential, I think.

    Thirteen at Dinner (1985) - Lou Antonio - fairly dull Christie film with Ustinov as Poirot. The only thing worth watching as David Suchet, who would make a much better Poirot a few years later, as Inspector Japp.

  19. Arwen-Jade_Kenobi

    Arwen-Jade_Kenobi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Door In The Floor: Very good. A few uneccessary bits, but awesome metaphor and theme. The ending is also worth the viewing

    Donnie Darko: I still love this, doesn't matter how many times I've seen it. It's something I think everyone should try and see
  20. JediTrilobite

    JediTrilobite Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Nov 17, 1999
    Watched Solaris last night to fall asleep.
  21. Master_Ti

    Master_Ti Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 14, 2005
    I watched Mean Girls today for the billionth time, I also watched Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead, and Fever Pitch

  22. PloKloon1138

    PloKloon1138 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 5, 2001
    RENT. Great film.
  23. Zombi_2_1979

    Zombi_2_1979 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 13, 2005
    The Wild Bunch (1969) - Starring William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Ryan, Edmond O'Brian, Warren Oates, Ben Johnson, and Jamie Sanchez. Sam Peckinpah was a brilliant director. And this western is one of his most acclaimed of many acclaimed works. Every cut and scene is shot episodic for gritty realism, when violence erupts, it ripples dramatically on the surface and lingers in the air like an electrically charged storm. The story opens on an aging outlaw Pike (Holden) and his gang arriving in town dressed as army cavalry men. However, his ex-partner Deke (Ryan) now serving the railroad as a tracker and bounty hunter is lying in wait. What ensues in the next 17 minutes is bloody brilliant balletic chaos, in which the hunters and hunted alike make no distinction between innocent and enemy. The Wild Bunch evolves from a heist and chase film into a rescue and revenge film ending in a fantastic choreographed small-scale war in the deserts of Mexico.

    Once again, Peckinpah delivers brilliant dialogue such as this sadistic piece, "Here you are with a handful of holes, a thumb up your *** ... and big grin to pass the time of day with."

    Highly, highly, highly recommended.
  24. Zombi_2_1979

    Zombi_2_1979 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 13, 2005
    double post
  25. Siths_Revenge

    Siths_Revenge Jedi Youngling star 7

    Jul 27, 2004
    Fellowship of the Ring EE. Hadn't seen it since it was in theaters a few years ago. A modern classic.
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