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Where will you see Episode 3?

Discussion in 'Archive: Fresno, CA' started by donsolo, Sep 8, 2004.

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  1. The Jedi Apprentice

    The Jedi Apprentice Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 29, 1999
    Okay, well I'm showing up at Edwards at 7am tomorrow. If anyone else from the boards is around, this is what I'll look like: [image=]

    Feel free to approach me and offer your spot-saving services from 11am to 3pm!!!!! :)

  2. AnakinsLuv

    AnakinsLuv Jedi Knight star 3

    Apr 2, 2004
    Sorry I have been in rare form around here lately guys. Work has been beating me to the ground! :mad:

    I am in theater 11. I have someone going at around 4pm to save my spot in line for me, so no, I won't be there early.

    But we should have time to meet up with each other and have some sort of fan force meeting! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! I checked with Edward's last night and they said it shouldn't be a problem to hand out the flyers and such. So who's making them????? I can make a few, but not a ton as it will cost way too much money! But if we all just make a few then we'll have enough! (Fantastic job on those, btw, aero ! =D= )

    I'll get all your screen names and walk up and down the lines tomorrow evening yelling them out! [face_laugh]

  3. donsolo

    donsolo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 3, 2004
    I went to see Unleashed tonight at Sigy and there were 4 people in line, in lawn chairs, at 10pm. I shook their hands.

    +when we got out at around midnight, there were 4 more!

    The day shan't be as desolate as I expected!

    in other news... i'll be headed to riverpark around 9 or 10 in the morning or hte 24 hour kinkos to print some Stars of Hope stuff I made up for the theater, I think I'll wander by and see who's in line already ;)
  4. AnakinsLuv

    AnakinsLuv Jedi Knight star 3

    Apr 2, 2004
    Oh! That's great donsolo!

  5. Jirin_Raman

    Jirin_Raman Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 6, 2002
    Good morning, all!

    It's good to see someone else is motivated enough to do this. AnakinsLuv, congrats!

    I was going to don my Dark Jedi robes, but I have decided against it. Plus, my belt needs work, and I didn't want DS_George's girlfriend to have to bust her butt making the mods for it.

    So, I will be wearing khaki cargos, and my black/white Empire shirt. I was thinking about using my T-Shirt Maker program to make a Palps shirt that talks crap to the Johnny-come-latelys who are acting like they have been a fan of his all along, hmmmm...... :cool:
  6. donsolo

    donsolo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 3, 2004
    lol... all I've got is my jedi robe... but it looks pretty good I think. Plus I've got it set up to have a small MP3 player inside the sleeve, with the speakers hiding in my hood. I just downloaded some SW music last night so I'll be geekin to the beat!
  7. Bladion

    Bladion Jedi Youngling

    Jan 26, 2005
    My group is in theater 11 as well, and my wife and I should be heading over there in about 2 hours. Though I talked to my dad at around 7:30AM and he said there were already about a dozen or so people there.

    As for my costume, alas, I have not had the time to finish the entire thing. My robes are ALMOST complete (though I'm probably going to want to modify the sleeves eventually) so if I finish the robes, I'll wear them. Other than that, me, my wife, and my daughter will be decked out in SW-themed clothing.

    ....I wonder if I can find my old Darth Vader hat. Hrmmmm...By the way, does anyone have a card table they can bring? I plan on bringing Trivial Pursuit - Star Wars and I don't know if people will want to sit on the ground to play it.
  8. Rabbit4x

    Rabbit4x Jedi Youngling

    Apr 24, 2004
    Im probably going to be there around 3 pm or 6pm. Whoever hands me a flyer, Ill ask you if your from the forums.

    I might get some flyers photocopied, so Ill help the cause.

    Hope to seee everyone there, although the only people I know is Jedi Apprentice and Don.
  9. AnakinsLuv

    AnakinsLuv Jedi Knight star 3

    Apr 2, 2004
    We're bringing chairs, but only enough for the people in our group.

    I'm so glad people still want to try and do this!!! We gotta make this fanforce thingy work!!

    I am in theater 11, but won't be there until about 5:30 tonight.

    My hubby will have on his Yoda/Jeff Gordon t-shirt and I will have on a gray t-shirt I made myself with a pic of Anakin/Vader on the front and a pic of Anakin and Padme on the back. Plus, today, I'm sporting one of the Padme hair styles from the hair will be really curly!!! But it's not dark brown....more like redish-blonde. I will look for you guys!!

  10. donsolo

    donsolo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 3, 2004
    ok, I'm probaly going to stop by just to look around at Edwards when I go pick up some stuff from Kinkos. we went over there about 9:30 or so and saw a girl dressed as leia and a few others headed towards the theater with lawn chairs =D=
  11. Sparticus

    Sparticus Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 1, 2002
    So... nobody here is going to be at Clovis Town Center? According to Fandango, there's still tickets available.

    Hmmm... I'm sitting here at the library in my Jedi robes. X)
  12. Jirin_Raman

    Jirin_Raman Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 6, 2002
    I'm willing to participate in some gaming....

    But again---Are we going to congregate in 1 spot in line? It sounds like only 1 person has made a concerted effort to gather us all up in 1 spot.

    I'm leaving here in around 45-1 hour. See you guys there!
  13. The Jedi Apprentice

    The Jedi Apprentice Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 29, 1999
    Well I waited all that time in line (found a buddy to save my spot) and was the first in line for theatre 13. Woo hoo. It paid off, great seats for a great movie.
  14. Bladion

    Bladion Jedi Youngling

    Jan 26, 2005
    My hubby will have on his Yoda/Jeff Gordon t-shirt

    Unless there were a lot of people wearing that shirt, I'm pretty sure he was in front of me in the insane crowd that they called a concession line.

    The only flyer I was handed, however, was for the collectibles show in June.

    My wife did get interviewed Univision, though, so that was cool.
  15. Bladion

    Bladion Jedi Youngling

    Jan 26, 2005
    we went over there about 9:30 or so and saw a girl dressed as leia

    That girl and her group, which consisted of Leia, Luke, Han, and C-3PO were two groups ahead of my group. Even got a picture of them though without 3PO because that little girl hadn't put on her costume yet.

    Anyone know if that guy in Stormtrooper armor was a memeber of the 501st?
  16. DarksiderGeorge

    DarksiderGeorge Jedi Youngling star 2

    Apr 29, 2002
    Doubtful, we didnt have any troopers scheduled for a Fresno appearance.... He should join us though!! [face_devil]

  17. CountCuckoo

    CountCuckoo Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 30, 2005
    I saw it at Edwards
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