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Why Darth Vader became the strongest....

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by DarthVaderBob, Oct 20, 2005.

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  1. darthsith19

    darthsith19 Jedi Master star 4

    May 23, 2004
    Woah, woah, woah. Is Mandalore_X trying to say that Vader is stronger than post-ROTJ Luke? The dude that can kill 6 guys in a single second with his emerald lightning? How the hell's vader supposed to block that lightning, huh, when Sidious's, which was far weaker than Luke's, nearly toor Mace's lightsaber out of his hand and did tear Yoda out? And with a blade Luke moves so fast you can't see his blade. How the hell would Vader win? ZOMG, cause he's killed Durge!
  2. DarthJuggalo

    DarthJuggalo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 10, 2005

    To be fair. The books in which Luke does those incredible things have a ridiculous Dragonball Z effect to them. That being said, the post RotJ books do not have to be canon to the movies because they are set after the movies. All the books that are made within the film timeframe have strict guidelines to follow in fear of not being consistant with the films that they take place in between. Dark Lord is the first book in which Vader's power can be demonstrated with the same kind of feel that the NJO books have.

    In Dark Lord, Vader throws his lightsaber with a boomerang effect killing 2 people and injuring a 3rd with one throw. He also singlehandedly storms through and army of enraged Wookiees killing all in his wake and doesn't recieve a scratch. He also rips 8 foot long planks from a bridge on Kashyykk, and throws them with the force over and over again so fast that a Jedi doesn't even have the reflexes to block or dodge them. All this only 30 days after Mustafar. Pretty impressive to me.

    Until there are as many books that feature Vader as there are of Luke, you really can't compare their EU catalog of feats. But fear not, more books covering Vader during the time between RotS and ANH are soon to come. Personally I can't wait.

  3. darthsith19

    darthsith19 Jedi Master star 4

    May 23, 2004

    Yes, if you go by the films Vader is more powerful than Luke. But if you go by the books, as riciculous as they are, they are still the books and even if they are not absolute canon in them Luke surprasses vader by far.

    Yeah, he kills two standard citizens. Very impressive. [face_plain] Yeah, he slaughters a few wookiees. Not quite as impressive as killing 6 people in a single second with just Emerald Lightning, which Vader has absolutely no way of blocking. Not as impressive as controlling a black hole. Hell, not even as imprevvive as blocking AT-AT blasts with his lightsaber.
  4. DarthJuggalo

    DarthJuggalo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 10, 2005
    Killing an army of Wookiees single handedly is just as impressive as using lightining to kill 6 non Wookiees. And what do you mean that Vader has no way to block lightining? Ever heard of a lightsaber??

    As far as manipulating a black hole goes. That is just too ridiculous to even consider possible in the Star Wars universe. You might as well change lukes name to Goku or something.

    You can't compare Luke's comic book-esque feats against what Vader does in the movies. It like comparing the Superman movies against the Superman comics. They are on totally different levels.
  5. Fat_Bird

    Fat_Bird Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 1, 2005
    Who even cares about the books? They aren't canon and as far as I can tell from what I've read posted by others, they make Luke into a god-like Jedi. Ridiculous. [face_laugh]
  6. darthsith19

    darthsith19 Jedi Master star 4

    May 23, 2004
    Your full of ****, I read RODV, Vader didn;'t take on an entire army of wookiees, he just slaughtered some no where near an entire army. And it took alot more than six seconds. And I never ever ever ever said I liked how strong Luke became but it's stupid to try and say that, if we go by the books, Vader > Luke.
  7. DarthJuggalo

    DarthJuggalo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 10, 2005

    OK, maybe not an entire army but it was more than six. Which was my initial point to begin with.

    Speaking of being full of ****, first you say that in the books Luke surpasses Vader by far and then in your last quote you say, "if we go by the books, Vader > Luke." What are you arguing exactly??

    And never did I say that you liked how strong Luke is portrayed in the books. i simply said that you cannot compare what someone does in the books to what they do in the movies. Which you did.
  8. darthsith19

    darthsith19 Jedi Master star 4

    May 23, 2004
    Lol, I means Luke > Vader if we go by the books. And did Vader kill six wookiees in a single second? No, he didn't, and he was using a lightsaber, too. Luke was only using the Force and he killed 6 in a second.
  9. DarthJuggalo

    DarthJuggalo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 10, 2005
    All I'm saying is that you cannot compare what others do in the movies to what Luke does in the post-RotJ books. Everything about those books is ridiculous from Luke manipulating black holes and generating green force lightining to Palpatine's spirit jumping from clone body to clone body.

    Might as well rename Luke Goku or something.

  10. darthsith19

    darthsith19 Jedi Master star 4

    May 23, 2004
    Yes, I agree, but if you do use the books Luke is stronger.
  11. DarthJuggalo

    DarthJuggalo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 10, 2005
    I agree. Although, the power level that Luke is put at is down right unbelievable to the point that I can't even finish reading those books.

    And its not just Luke's power level that I have a problem with. Palpatine's spirit jumping from clone to clone and the whole Jedi academy channeling their power through one person to force push a fleet of star destroyers out of the planet's atmosphere resulting in that one Jedi's death are equally laughable.
  12. Mandalore_X

    Mandalore_X Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 22, 2005
    Flying a republic cruiser through Hyperspace with no nav' computer, Knocking down buildings that are bigger than football fields by just being pissed off. Force pushing huge gun platforms. Cutting missles in half after they're in the air. Aging dooku 10 years with every blow of the his saber. Kicking dooku so hard that his perception of the force was dampend. Dismantling Wooden bridges on Kasshykk with the force and sending all the wood and ropes as a tornado at his opponet. Survived being slammed through a blast door by Durge. Lifted all the metal shards in a control room with the force and sent them rocketing at Durge.Vader Crushed a metal room, Fought 8 Jedi at once,
  13. DarthVaderBob

    DarthVaderBob Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 13, 2005
    Let's not forget that Vader could've killed Luke at anytime during TESB or ROTJ. He was his son and Vader had no desire to do that.
    Also we still have 19 years of untold Vader story, wait until someone has the balls to write a good Vader story! He could do anything that Luke could do if not more! The lightning is not as impressive as everyone thinks, it can be blocked via a saber or through the force which Vader MASTERED! He could call lightning from the sky which is more powerful than from the hand, via force lightning hasn't killed anyone (MACE???) just a lot of pain, but we know lightning from the sky kills most of it's victims!-Lucas arts ps1 game:Star Wars masters of teras ki!
  14. Malikail

    Malikail Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 17, 2004
    i generally have little issue with anything you said except this one line.

    I do not think it is shown as well as the Dooku vs Anakin duel but i do believe once Luke got angry and Vader wasn't angry it was over for Vader, he couldn't have won at that point.

    I do not generally care for many of the parallels lucas put into the two trillogies some are rather contrived but the "like father like son" aspect of those respective duels is rather powerful. Especially since Luke didn't kill him and ultimately saved Anakin from his failure by doing so.

    On a quick aside, does anyone agree that it would have been a really good move to have Luke kick him in the stomach so that instead of the bannana peal slip we had a good reason for Vader laying down and letting his hand get cut off?

    TOSCHESTATION Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2003

    Yeah, I had always wondered why they did that.....[face_thinking]
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