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PT Why does Sabé tell Padme to clean R2?

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by CaptainHamYoyo, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. CaptainHamYoyo

    CaptainHamYoyo Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 18, 2011
    I'm having(or going to try to have) a PT marathon today(and planning a OT one tomorrow). This question crossed my mind watching Ep1.

    Why does Sabé(the decoy queen, bodyguard, and handmaiden) tell Padme(the real queen disguised as a handmaiden) to clean R2? Especially considering there are other handmaidens there. Padme is humble enough not to argue, nor feel ill will about it, but still.

    I know storywise, they're trying to introduce Padme as a major character, without revealing she was really the queen, but in story, seems odd.
  2. Grievousdude

    Grievousdude Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 27, 2013
    Well it would make the act more real.
  3. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord Chosen One star 10

    Sep 2, 2012
    I vaguely remember this being brought up in the Star Wars Episode I Journal: Padme book. I haven't got it (only read it once) but I think Padme thought Sabe was taking advantage of the opportunity to keep her from getting above herself- a queen can easily get arrogant, and taking the handmaiden role now and then (including doing appropriate chores) prevents this from becoming a problem.
  4. CaptainHamYoyo

    CaptainHamYoyo Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 18, 2011
    That sounds pretty good(and glad they covered an explanation for it then). Thanks :)
  5. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord Chosen One star 10

    Sep 2, 2012
    If someone else has the book, maybe they can confirm or refute my rather hazy memory of it.
  6. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    Sabe is the evil one!
  7. Placeholder

    Placeholder Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 30, 2013
    I always took it as playful in a way, that they are friends. Only a friend could really get away with that. I kind of liked it.
  8. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord Chosen One star 10

    Sep 2, 2012
    That's an equally good explanation- and the EU does say they are friends, not just monarch and subject.
  9. ezekiel22x

    ezekiel22x Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2002
    Padme always struck me as the type who would encourage this. She doesn't come across as being above "menial" duties that allow her to interact with common people.
    CT-867-5309 and CaptainHamYoyo like this.
  10. PiettsHat

    PiettsHat Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 1, 2011
    I always thought that was just a ploy to get Padmé into her line of sight to see if she objected to anything Qui-Gon said. After all, as they are leaving Naboo, the decoy Queen turns to Padmé before making a decision about leaving and says "either choice presents great danger." In the scene with R2, Qui-Gon is describing how he wants to land on Tatooine so I was under the impression that Sabé would want to see if Padmé objected.
  11. SithStarSlayer

    SithStarSlayer Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 23, 2003
    All well and good till she gets told to go and clean the crapper.
  12. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    They needed Padme to run along as a handmaiden on Tatooine. Gotta keep that cover intact. Having Padme play droid cleaner before they land makes it mildly more plausible that she would be one of the random lowly handmaidens to have to tag along with Qui-Gon. She just cleaned the droid after all, kind of her job to do what the "Queen" wants her to do.
  13. Darth Dominikkus

    Darth Dominikkus Jedi Knight star 3

    Apr 5, 2013
    I think that Padme was calling the shots from behind the curtain. Kind of like how the "Queen" wished for Padme to explore the planet of Tatooine. Padme wanted to be involved in what was going on, so I feel that she wanted to give a personal thanks to R2 by cleaning him and have a personal experience with Tatooine by traveling with Qui Gon and Jar Jar.
  14. Prodigy_Knight

    Prodigy_Knight Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 10, 2013
    It was just too good of a opportunity to pass up :p Sabe was probably banking on Padme being a good sport about it and their friendship so that she doesn't lose her job.
  15. Lady_Misty

    Lady_Misty Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 21, 2007
    I have thought that it was simply to get Padme into her line of sight so Padme could give her signals as to what to do. You will note that when Panaka says that he didn't agree he turn so that he could look at Padme as well.
  16. Jango_Fett21

    Jango_Fett21 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2002
    I'd forgotten about the E1 Journal explanation, but I've always thought Sabe's order was made in order to keep Padme's deception going in from of the Jedi as as part of security protocol (although it's clear that Qui-Gon wasn't fooled and knew exactly what was going on the entire time, Padme would've had no way of knowing that).
  17. SweetZombieJesus

    SweetZombieJesus Jedi Padawan star 2

    Apr 12, 2013
    Because Lucas needed a way to confirm it is indeed R2-D2. And queens frequently thank inanimate droids minutes after 85% of them are blown to bits repairing the ship.

    Or Sabe is seeing how far she can push the whole queen thing... "When I'm queen, I'm going to make you scrub toilets! Heeeheeeheee!"
    Dredalus and Vespasian like this.
  18. Ahsoka_Tano_11

    Ahsoka_Tano_11 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 30, 2013
    I agree with SweetZombieJesus.... Sabe was just having fun being the 'queen'.
  19. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    This is precisely how that entire set-up reads to me. I have no idea why she eventually ended up in another room actually doing said work... but, it was probably just to maintain the cover.
  20. MistrX

    MistrX Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 20, 2006
    It sells the deception, I suppose.
  21. Darth_Nub

    Darth_Nub Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 26, 2009
    Both of these work - I also thought it was kind of a way of honouring Artoo even more, by having the Queen herself clean him. He didn't know (or necessarily care, being a droid), but virtually everyone else did. It was a gesture as much for the benefit of those who were grateful as Artoo himself.
    Billy_Dee_Binks likes this.
  22. Vespasian

    Vespasian Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 1, 2012
    I never understood this move by Sabé. I haven't seen TPM in a long time, but don't they formulate their plans while Padmé is cleaning Artoo? This must have been Sabé's scheme for a coup d'état.

    I also don't see why they are thanking Artoo, apart from the fact the viewers know him from the Original Trilogy. Except for Anakin and later Luke, no one in the Star Wars universe seems to care that much about droids.
  23. Jordan1Kenobi

    Jordan1Kenobi Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    She did it for the lols.
  24. SweetZombieJesus

    SweetZombieJesus Jedi Padawan star 2

    Apr 12, 2013
    Which is what happens in The Dictator -- the real guy is (apparently) assassinated and the body double stooge takes his place.

  25. Billy_Dee_Binks

    Billy_Dee_Binks Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 29, 2002
    Padmé, like her future daughter, never minded getting her hands dirty.
    mes520 likes this.