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ST Will IX be the end of the Skywalkers?

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by sheri1967, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    You personally did not, but the previous posts along the lines of the murdered students being on the “wrong side” (Luke’s side) were blaming the murdered students for being murdered.

    Your stance is a launching point that I can accept, although we view Kylo differently.
  2. oncafar

    oncafar Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 10, 2017
    Yeah but I read the previous posts and didn't interpret them as blaming...
  3. cappoe

    cappoe Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 12, 2018
    Exactly. It's like in real life when people aren't believing people coming forward with sexual harassment charges without evidence. When there's multiple sources and multiple people coming forward you start to get a pretty clean picture.

    Like Kylo Ren all you want but the dude is everything people say he is.

    He is a MURDERER
    He is a MIND RAPIST
    He is a master MANIPULATOR
    He assisted in the genocide of MILLIONS

    Good lord take off your Kylo goggles girl, he's not a woobie puppy and the only one clinging to crap is you since the canon literally says he killed students in the jedi temple except for the 6 that went with him. This is CANON! Does it matter how many he killed? HE STILL KILLED PEOPLE!
    Stop trying to come up with excuses for him killing people. HE. KILLED.INNOCENT. PEOPLE. And he was not a child at all during that time, he was in his 20's. Fully capable of making common sense decisions like not murdering people.

    Umm how so? If a gun men goes to school and kills only one person guess what? That's one innocent person they slaughtered. So no, the numerical count is irrelevant. Kylo Ren murdered padawans in the temple. Doesn't matter how many, he did it. And just like a gun men, whether the gun men murders 1 or 100 that's a innocent life taken away by a deranged maniac.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  4. cappoe

    cappoe Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 12, 2018
    Anyways thank god that episode 9 is the end of the Skywalkers.

    The only one's Kennedy has said would continue on past episode 9 is Rey, Poe, Finn, and BB-8. The new trio and the new droid. Kylo Ren is not included in the statements Kennedy made. He is likely gonna die with the Skywalker legacy going down with him. Rey can adopt the name cause she's everything a Skywalker is.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
    MillenniumFalcon2015 likes this.
  5. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    In the final battle Rey should levitate for an extended period, literally walking on air, saving the day in the process. The galaxy then dubs her "The Skywalker". I'm weirdly serious.
  6. Darth Gummybear

    Darth Gummybear Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 15, 2016
    I do not see how suggesting there may be more to the temple massacre story than we currently know is the same as spreading conspiracy theories. That sounds like a way to shut down speculation on a thread dedicated to speculation.

    First, this is not real life, it is Star Wars, a work of fiction where things are written in ways that are often not as they initially appear. Sometimes there are twists in fictional stories. Secondly, many people were convinced prior to TLJ that Kylo killed ALL the students after TFA, but in TLJ, we learned that is not true: half joined him and half were killed. So it is not so far fetched to speculate there the possibility that there could be more to the story.

    As of right now, until I receive more information, I believe Kylo and his cohorts fought and killed the students who did not join them, BUT I am open to the possibility that may not be the final story. There may be more to it, or the final truth may be different. Or it may turn out to be just as we were told in TLJ, but there is nothing outrageous about speculation about it.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  7. TheEvilQueen

    TheEvilQueen Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2018
    Kylo's trajectory is a big spoiler - I'm quite confident Kennedy knew what she was doing when she omitted him. That in no way means it's a certainty he will die.

    It isn't the same at all - it's speculation on a yet to be fully told/revealed backstory. Like it wasn't revealed until TLJ that not only did he NOT kill all of the students - about half went with him. It's speculation how exactly that went down - if it was planned/unplanned, if there was conflict between two groups of students, how the hut incident played into it, the Vader relation reveal played into it [or not].....

    This is all stuff open for speculation. In a fictional story. It's completely and 100% fair to speculate.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  8. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    There is a difference between “What if he wasn’t actually the murderer” as in “What if there is a plot twist like the parentage reveal of ESB coming/what if he is Bucky Barnes”, and “what if he wasn’t actually the murderer” as in “what if Luke and the Resistance are really the bad guys and Kylo is the savior”. The former speculates that we don’t know everything (and I agree, we don’t), the latter reminds me of both conspiracy theorists in real life and the really hard-core pro-Empire arguments in the Star Wars fandom—there is one thread in one of the forums where I mod along the lines of “What if Obi-Wan murdered Owen and Beru”—thankfully it’s a joke and the posts indicate as much, but I have actually seen that posited seriously. One is speculation, the other is flat-earther territory.

    For the purposes of this thread, speculation as to whether the Skywalkers are done, it is pretty easy to assume the more conspiracy-theory-inclined assumptions.

    But if Abrams can sell me on the idea that Kylo was really a Snape-prototype the entire time and still preserve the OT characters’ legacy (Snape’s reveal did not blame any pre-existing main characters for his behavior during his Death Eater years, which was why it was easy to come on board with sympathizing with him)...I welcome it.
    civilsecret likes this.
  9. cappoe

    cappoe Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 12, 2018
    He's not a member of the new trio, he is the big bad like Vader. Him dying is a very real possibility only denied by people that view Kylo as a puppy.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  10. TheEvilQueen

    TheEvilQueen Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2018
    Rey, Finn and Poe are not Luke, Han and Leia and Kylo isn't Vader. Rose also isn't Lando. They're their own characters.

    I don't see Kylo as a puppy - I see him as too good a character to kill off so soon when more could be done with him, even if Driver doesn't return to do any more films. I have a hard time believing they would needlessly kill Kylo after the ST when they could use the character in future stories.
    lovethedarkside and NileQT87 like this.
  11. civilsecret

    civilsecret Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 27, 2016
    not sure how kylo killing the students is still headcanon, it was straight up said in the movie he did, why wouldnt he have if these things were a test for him from snoke, if he could kill his father to prove something to snoke then why not the students at the academy. when he gets angry or something doesnt go his way he becomes so blinded with rage and pain that he burns things down in his path, even with lor san takka, clearly he said something that struck a nerve and kylo struck him down. i like what TLJ did for kylo it made him a little sympathetic but also held him responsible as well, the movie didnt want to give him an easy out for his actions/choices etc rian gave a similar explanation as to why they didnt delve deep into kylos sad backstory. and them fighting and killing those that didnt join him fits kylo yet it still makes him look pretty bad, its like join me or die, hardly the other students fault. its canon for now for me until something says otherwise
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
    anakinfansince1983 and cappoe like this.
  12. cappoe

    cappoe Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 12, 2018
    Rey, Finn, and Poe are the trio of these films. Just like how the prequels was Obi Wan, Anakin, and Padme and the Originals was Luke, Han, and Leia.

    And Kylo Ren is the big bad like Vader was. Vader was a great and compelling character as well and they killed him off. Though comparing Kylo to Vader is an insult that is unfortunately whom they want us to remind him of. Kylo is literally just an immature brat, that throws temper tantrums when things doesn't go his way and has no problems killing anyone or doing anything that stands in his way. A crappy childhood(or so Kylo thinks) is no excuse for the actions he commits just the same as how Nikolas Cruz people try to show sympathy by saying he had a very crappy childhood. Doesn't excuse the fact he is a murderer.

    And TLJ actually did cement in many ways that the sequel trio do play very similar roles to that of their predecessors. Rey for Luke for example. Although Poe is a very strong mix of both Leia and Han. Han especially after The Last Jedi.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  13. NileQT87

    NileQT87 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 21, 2002
    Poe was meant to die in the first act of TFA. He was never meant to be part of any trio.

    No one said that Ben killing six of the students is a debunked headcanon, though we were not actually told HOW it went down either. He very well may have killed every single one in full Carrie-style massacre (note that Carrie had an abusive psycho mother and she was bullied viciously throughout the film, but it still doesn't make her any less of a killer). He might have killed some alongside other students and not actually killed all six directly. We don't know if there was an argument or not. We don't know how everyone took sides. We don't know what other students thought of Luke. None of this is provable right now.

    However, still believing that Ben killed all the students (that's twelve of them) unprovoked (as in, without Luke's lightsaber raised in the hut) with any level of pre-planning (Rey explicitly tells us this is not the case) are all officially debunked headcanons. What we actually do know is that six students ended up dead, Luke raised his lightsaber and Ben's decision had not been made before that moment.

    Canon is whatever Disney/Lucasfilm says it is in films, books or any other official medium. Whether or not a group of fans approves of what it says about any character is irrelevant.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  14. cappoe

    cappoe Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 12, 2018
    Doesn't matter what was meant to happen dear. It was cut and Poe was given a much more core role in the films probably cause JJ saw what the audience did with Oscar and how he played Poe. Poe Dameron is very much a member of the trio, as bitter as that makes you. He along with Rey and Finn are the only ones that will continue post episode 9. Along with BB-8. The core trio, and the new droid. :)

    Whether Ben killed one or all of them is irrelevant, he is a murderer. Point blank, period.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  15. NileQT87

    NileQT87 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 21, 2002
    Poe killed most of the Resistance, dear. Point blank, period. Also, Hux committed genocide on the Hosnian system. Tarkin blew up Alderaan.

    You know who else is a mind rapist by your own criteria, dear? Obi-Wan, Luke and Rey. That's not a Jedi vs. Sith power. Both do it flagrantly.

    You know who actually killed the abusive megalomaniac murderer in TLJ? Kylo Ren. He did more damage to the First Order in one scene than all of the Resistance combined.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  16. cappoe

    cappoe Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 12, 2018
    You know who actually learned dear in TLJ through their mistakes Poe Dameron? Did Kylo learn anything, no not so much. He was still the same emo immature temper tantrum child from beginning to end. Poe was so affected by what happened at the beginning of the film by the end of it he realized how precious life is and sometimes it's best to live to fight another day then do anything suicidal.

    Kylo Ren is a leader in TFO he is just as much responsible for those deaths as Hux is. Not to mention Kylo killed a whole village at the beginning of The Force Awakens as well as Padawans at the Jedi Temple. However many he killed is irrelevant, he's a murderer.

    You have no idea what a rapist is do you? Okay you want to play this game, tell me a time where Obi-Wan, Luke, or Rey said these words during interrogations "you know I can take what I want from you". Tell me when has Obi-Wan, Luke, or Rey TORTURED people by using Jedi Mind Control...I'll wait. Oh and they have to be strapped and can't move. There's a huge difference the way they do it and the way Kylo does it.

    He killed Snoke because HE wants to be The Supreme Leader...what part of that entire scene don't you get. Snoke was standing in the way of his goal. He had to be eliminated. Of course where Snoke died, a abusive mass murderer still lives, Kylo Ren himself.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  17. NileQT87

    NileQT87 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 21, 2002
    Does choking someone count as torture? Or does it only count when the character victimized is human and not in a helmet? Is it only torture or rape if the victim is strong enough to try to fight back? What if we applied all invasions of body and mind equally?

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  18. cappoe

    cappoe Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 12, 2018
    ...That's it? What a incredibly weak example and in that case self defense. But keep on digging that Kylo Ren sized hole.
    anakinfansince1983 likes this.
  19. TheReal_Rebel

    TheReal_Rebel Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 17, 2015
    I simply don’t believe they will be killing off the Skywalkers.

    I believe Disney will hedge their bet by allowing for the line to continue somehow. For instance, OT characters or Ben Solo having unknown offspring. While there maybe other stories worth telling, the Skywalker family remains too important to Galactic history to be brushed aside. Is also the one family name in Star Wars recognized by everyone in the World.

    Particularly, if other films fail centering on other characters and families. Disney will want to always have a Skywalker chestnut to pull out if needed.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
    2Cleva likes this.
  20. Mila Lazarus

    Mila Lazarus Jedi Knight star 4

    Dec 29, 2018
    I'm a bit puzzled by Kathleen Kennedy who seems to spoil the issue of Ep 9 by not quoting Kylo Ren... She wouldn't be stupid enough to spoil so blatantly, would she?

    Maybe Kylo will be dead... But maybe Ben Solo will be still alive, and Kennedy can't quote him since it would reveal everything.

    Even Disney's claim that the ST will mark the end of the Skywalker saga appears like a ridiculously massive spoiler. But Ben is a Solo, not a Skywalker... His mother doesn't even consider herself as a Skywalker, she kept her name Organa. So in a way, the Skywalker are gone with Luke...
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
    lovethedarkside likes this.
  21. TheReal_Rebel

    TheReal_Rebel Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 17, 2015
    Replying to Mila Lazarus. For some reason wasn’t able to.

    A descendant of a Skywalker immediately has —forgive the pun—inherent dramatic potential. That’s why Disney would want to keep the Skywalker line going. People wondering about a new character from that lineage, regardless of their their family name, which way they would go. Dark, light, grey, etc.

    You could even hire Mark Hamil or Hayden Christiansen to play descendants.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
  22. Oissan

    Oissan Chosen One star 7

    Mar 9, 2001
    Not quoting Kylo Ren for what?
    Did I miss anything?

    I don't see any massive spoiler in marketing IX as the end of the Skywalker saga. Just because it ends, doesn't mean it couldn't possibly be picked up later on again. Star Wars "ended" with RotJ, and most people probably didn't expect further movies after nothing happened for years on end. Then the prequels came, finishing the story, with RotS "definately being the last Star Wars movie" and being marketed as such, only for new movies to come out about ten years later. So just because the Skywalker saga "ends" for now, doesn't necessarily mean that it will be gone forever.

    Calling it the end of the Skywalker saga doesn't really spoil anything. All it says is that the story is complete (for now). It doesn't mean that there aren't any Skywalkers anymore, or that Ben will definately be dead. After all, RotJ was the end of the saga before, yet the heroes were very much alive. Harry Potter survived the end of his series as well, as did the heroes in Lord of the Rings (more or less).
    lovethedarkside and Mila Lazarus like this.
  23. Mila Lazarus

    Mila Lazarus Jedi Knight star 4

    Dec 29, 2018
    Kathleen Kennedy (Lucasfilm's president) said this in 2017:
    "We're sitting down now, we're talking about the next ten years of Star Wars stories, and we're looking at narratively where that might go," Kennedy explained.

    "Future stories beyond Episode IX with these new characters: Rey, Poe, Finn, BB-8. But we're also looking at working with people that are interested in coming into the Star Wars world and taking us to places that we haven't been yet. And that's exciting too because it's a vast galaxy far, far away, so the possibilities are endless."

    Ok I didn't know that this kind of announcement ("the end of the Skywalker saga") had been made before.
  24. Oissan

    Oissan Chosen One star 7

    Mar 9, 2001
    Well, you can't list every single character for the future. She basically listed the core heroes at that time. Doesn't mean that further characters couldn't be important as well, and it definately doesn't hint at the fate of everyone else. All she really said is that they are currently looking at what they might do in the future, that's as open a statement as it could be. If anything, including Ben / Kylo Ren in that list could have been interpreted as a spoiler, because it would have sounded like he definately makes it out alive. The heroes (not the old mentor-types though) are always likely to survive the end of such a story, so talking about their future use isn't something out of the ordinary, but you don't want to spoil the fate of the villain / antagonist, as that would also rob your final episode of a ton of suspension.

    That specific statement had not been made, but comparable ones. It's nothing but a marketing ploy really. If you describe something as the end, people are more likely to not miss out on it. It feels more like a grand finale and conclusion of a story if you portray it as such. It's not really a wrong statement either, because at that point in time no further plans for the characters exist. That's obviously something that could change in the future.
  25. TheReal_Rebel

    TheReal_Rebel Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 17, 2015
    What happens to Star Wars story and characters greatly depends on how episode IX does at the box office and amount of toys it sells. It has little to do with any pronouncements KK has made in the past.

    If you recall in 2015 KK said “the Saga Films are about the Skywalker Family.”

    I can say I’m among those who have more trepidation about seeing ep. IX, even though I don’t need to spend a dime to do so.

    I’m more interested in seeing The Clone Wars, Cassian Andor, the Mandolorian on Disney+. Also interested in Dan and Dan’s KOTR and whatever comes after the ST.

    So I’m not abandoning Star Wars, but I haven’t bought TLJ anything and might not buy episode IX anything depending on how it makes me feel.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019