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Beyond - Legends Without the Force, 2012 diary challenge, with fanart completed

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by earlybird-obi-wan, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Title: Without the Force
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: after last books LOTF
    Characters: Marhin Adin and Aaqu Maerhin
    Genre: diary
    Summary: Marhin Adin and Aaqu Maerhin write a diary
    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to George Lucas.

    Entry 1

    I am Aaqu Maerhin and the husband of Lynne Er-Smia since yesterday. I will write about that but first this.

    I had a diary years ago but lost it somewhere in the Valley of Eled-Hir where I had my home. It was a diary begun 4 years after I left the Jeditemple. Master Yoda was responsible telling me to let the Force guide me to my home planet Moniron. There I was safe when the Jedi order was almost destroyed. I met Kaagi Adin again and more of my Jedi friends. I was a witness to the rise and fall of the empire. I met Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Anakin after they became one with the Force. I heard their stories. I rejoiced when I heard that Anakin was redeemed by all his friends. Only recently I was saved by Yoda and Jacen after a crash in a hideous valley that robbed me of all my Force powers.

    Yes, that crash and being with Marhin Adin in that crashed transport has prompted me to begin a new diary. I am without the Force and so is Marhin Adin and we will use this diary to write about our recovery. In my next entry I will tell more about the accident.

    - - -

    Aaqu has given me the pencil. He has written about his former diary and oops. I seem to be the one to have that one gone missing in Eled-Hir?s place. I had it to read shortly after my marriage to Erenya and I was riding on Dewali to a nice place in the wilderness. She ? up to some mischief ? was following me on Esha and that started it. She patted Dewali on his back. He ? with me hanging on ? bolted and the diary must have ended up somewhere in the bushes or maybe a Konjy hole. Frantic searching didn?t reveal the diary but maybe someone will find it and get it to my new home here in Noranan.

    Yup I have a new home and I will be going there after my recovery.

    Geez I have to stop.
    Jason Guyet is coming for our treatment and it?s endurable because he distracts us with funny stories.
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  2. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Jason Guyet is coming for our treatment and it?s endurable because he distracts us with funny stories.

    That beliefs me.
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Cool! A double-diary ;) between Aaqu and Kaagi :D

    Definitely need to know more about this accident that shut off both their Force access [face_thinking] And looking forward to their recovery.
  4. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    I'm very curious to know what happened too. :)
  5. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    Looks good, it's going to be interesting reading about two severed force users, with trials and tribulations.
  6. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    He does in my other stories and here too.

    They will tell about the accident and more
    You will see some in the next entry

    Thanks for reading. Ups and downs will come for the two

    Entry 2

    Jason Guyet came to give me therapy for my leg and had a funny story about his stay on Varanko after a crash. Yes Jason has been in many accidents too and he distracted us with the story about the Varanko crash and the fun he had during and after his recovery. Ceitans and Varankonin are a bunch of funny beings. Jason told us that he was very confused when they guided him for the first time out of the sedation. He thought that Bul Jorakina was the same as a famous master sergeant of Talon Intelligence Squadron and had almost no memories about the crash.

    Coming to that ? more about Jason?s tale will come ? I have only vague memories of the accident. We were on approach in our GMK four transport to Noranan general hospital when the thing started to plunge down. I tried to access the Force and found that I couldn?t and that was my last conscious thought.

    Kaagi told me after I regained consciousness that we crashed our transport in a lake in the Valley of the Darrin that was killing our midi-chlorians in a rapid way.
    I give the pencil to Marhin. Maybe he can write something more before dinner arrives.

    - - -

    I have more memories of the accident. I must have lost consciousness after plunging the totally out of control transport in a lake and feeling intense pain from things trapping me. And there was a dream of a hideous creature attacking me that had me regaining consciousness and seeing a puzzle of durasteel and transparisteel and more. In short it was a wreck. And I saw Aaqu and wanted to extricate him but ? yup ? I was trapped like him. I saw the blood on his scalp and suspected a severe head-injury. I had to hurry and yanked my left hand ? it was pinned to the bulkhead by a piece of durasteel ? free and had my hands on Aaqu?s head to stabilise him.

    Poor left hand and poor me. The sutures were removed this morning and now it?s encased in a brace after therapy. Poor me? I didn?t feel the suture-removal or therapy at all because Erenya told me she is pregnant. Whoot.

    I have to stop. Erenya is coming with my liquid dinner. She will bring hers as well. I have no doubt that it?s again weird food.
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Great news about Erenya, gives Marhin more motivation to recover [face_thinking] LOL about the "weird" food.

    :eek: over the accident/crash. It's a marvel they even survived. @};-
  8. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    have to stop. Erenya is coming with my liquid dinner. She will bring hers as well. I have no doubt that it?s again weird food.

    [face_sick]I wonder, I wonder...
  9. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    What great news to aid in Marhin's recovery. :D [face_dancing]
  10. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    More weird things are coming

    AzzureAngel2 yup women and their taste;)

    It sure is

    Entry 3

    Weird food, yup Erenya had pickled veggies that had Aaqu scrunching up his nose and me ? not yet able to scrunch my nose but getting a whiff of the horrible stuff ? telling Erenya to eat the stuff somewhere else. She did. I had a liquid bean soup dinner and a tasty one this time followed by a tiny piece of briku fruit pie. Yup my innards are improving and Jason suggested that. According to dad the bean-soup was smelly as well but he had it and all the Adins had it and I remember Jason telling me that the bean-soup reminded him about something brewed by Master sergeant Bullwinkle on the Hands Down. Anyway the bean-soup was not like the stuff I had been trapped in in that dreadful place.

    I stopped writing about Aaqu?s head-injury and stabilising him. Yes I was in that murky ? not very cold ? water but even water at skin temperature can get you hypothermia. I wanted to get us both out of the trap, tried to access the Force and found out that I couldn?t. Worse; we were trapped by pieces of wreck and had no way of getting out. I felt Aaqu stirring and began to tell him tales, not knowing if he was conscious or not. It distracted me from the intense pain.
    I was telling Aaqu a story about Kaaginha and Arandi when I heard the X-wings coming shortly followed by another craft that splashed down.
    Hey Lynne is coming.

    - - -

    I have read Marhin?s entry after Lynne left. Arandi!

    That?s Kaagi?s husan and he has been up to some mischief with Imdal and Esha. Erenya was doing the laundry when the three husans ? escaped from the meadow after being in their stable for an entire day because of some whacko healers?disaster weather (Kaagi?s name for bad weather) ? came cantering to where she was trying to hang the laundry to dry with Kaagi ? in his wheelchair and holding the basket ? helping her. The laundry ended up on the grass and had to be done again and that became the real problem.

    Lynne had followed the husans to the Adin meadow and got help from Erenya to get them back to the stable. That was after Erenya asked Kaagi to do the laundry. She shouldn?t! I have seen laundry disasters from Kaagi from the day he was old enough to come with Master Ra-Ond and me ? padawan Maerhin ? to the laundry room in the Jedi Temple. Little Kaagi ? four years old ? tried to help Master Yaddle and stuffed all her laundry in one machine with result that tiny robes became very tiny and not wearable anymore.

    Kaagi added his dirty gowns and sheets to the laundry ? they were the same colour ? programmed the machine and waited for Erenya to return. And Lynne heard after some time the ruckus coming from the Adin cottage. ?That temperature is good for gowns and sheets but not for delicate underwear.? Ah the culprit is coming.

    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Oops on the delicate undies - although maybe he did that so they'd fit even more snugly [face_mischief]

  12. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    :) fun reflections on laundry! Gotta be careful of those darn Huesans, they wander out at the most inappropriate time.

    It would be extruciating not having acess to the Force when trapped.
    Love that they both read each others entries; I see subtle fireworks in the pipeline!
  13. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Yes, doing laundry can be a tricky thing. ;)
  14. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Kaagi added his dirty gowns and sheets to the laundry ? they were the same colour ? programmed the machine and waited for Erenya to return. And Lynne heard after some time the ruckus coming from the Adin cottage. ?That temperature is good for gowns and sheets but not for delicate underwear.? Ah the culprit is coming.

    Love this bit especially!

  15. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    For yaddle;) read what Kaagi writes about Obi-Wan in before.

    Those are coming and one is in the next entry

    for men;)
    Yes he is coming and it leads to

    Entry 4

    Dad took a blood-sample from us and left after giving me the assurance that he will get new underwear for Erenya. And I have given him the advice to take the women shopping. Dad alone and getting underwear is a sure way to get funny comments from mom and Erenya. He once came back with red underwear and had to bring that back. Blood red underwear; yes.

    Blood. That was staining my hands and Aaqu?s head when Kevin Kaol appeared. I heard dad on the com and yelled that he had to go back to prepare for surgery. Aaqu was in a real bad shape.
    Kevin and Ger ? he was the other man ? used cutters to open the transparisteel. And I heard more transports arriving.

    After some time ? I don?t know how much ? a man appeared upside down next to me and asked me to keep Aaqu?s head stable for a little longer. That was Jason Guyet. He put a cervical collar around Aaqu and relayed Aaqu?s injuries and what was trapping him. He fitted Aaqu with an oxygen mask. And I got an IV and I felt the needle. Yeah without the Force I had no way to control anything. And Jason first thought that I was a nurse.

    Ger cut the metal and Aaqu was free and hoisted out of the wreck using a soft foam filled sling.
    Jason was keeping me conscious with stories and one?
    Dad?s coming back.

    - - -

    Kaagi was back with the results from the test. And you could see on his face that he was very pleased. Our midi-chlorians were making faster moves. Not multiplying but that?s too soon according to the old book about Dagnir and his reunion of the Moniron people after being saved by the healer of his enemy. ?Anjii el Unwari? is that story and I have read the book in the basic translation and in the original language. The books led to discovering a cure to wake our midichlorians.

    I have to stop.
    Kaagi is ordering me out of bed and if I can walk from nine to five ? room numbers ? I can go home with Lynne.

    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  16. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Men buying underwear for women - that is funny.

    Great news about the midi-clorians! :)
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    LOL on the underwear and =D= on the midis being awaked.

  18. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Kaagi was back with the results from the test. And you could see on his face that he was very pleased. Our midi-chlorians were making faster moves. Not multiplying but that?s too soon according to the old book about Dagnir and his reunion of the Moniron people after being saved by the healer of his enemy. ?Anjii el Unwari? is that story and I have read the book in the basic translation and in the original language. The books led to discovering a cure to wake our midichlorians.

    Good to know that there is a cure! :)

  19. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    waking up midiclorians[face_thinking] . I like the concept:D
    well done. Don't run into the yellow or red on this one please!
  20. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    I have planned the diary for the whole year and I hope that yours is planned too. I love to read about Jori Lekauf

    Thanks all for reading and touching and funny moments will appear

    Entry 5

    Last entry I was telling about Jason keeping me conscious with his stories. And doing that he was with his boots in the dirty water and yup he got dead midichlorians too. All the rescue-workers coming into contact with the water had dead midis.

    But there was one guy not affected at all. Jacen Solo ? the redeemed Jedi ? was helping me giving his support as the luminous being he had become. Later I heard from dad that Master Yoda was supporting Aaqu. Ah Aaqu wants to write some.

    - - -

    Master Yoda; I have no knowledge about him supporting me during my surgery. But I have seen him doing that in the past. He has helped Kaagi two times. The first was when he was injured on Hamalk after saving slaves and the second time was here on Moniron.

    Master Yoda has helped our notorious healer?s disaster Obi-Wan Kenobi. That Jedi was ? initiate, padawan, knight and master ? prone to injuries.
    Inherited from his Master? Sure; Jinn and friends were frequent visitors too.

    Given as a legacy to his padawan? Not that sure; Anakin was usually the one to get Kenobi to us healers. Yes Anakin was a few times in the healers? ward but mostly it was he who was getting his master under our care because of some daring reckless stunt. The Skywalker ? Kenobi duo bantered even about rescuing each other. They counted the times.

    Last entry I wrote about walking from nine to five. And today I did. Kaagi will send me home tomorrow. Lynne will be delighted when she comes this evening. Hmm dinner is coming. Let?s see what Marhin will remark. It?s Erenya.

    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  21. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Loved to hear about Jacen and also poor Obi-Wan for being such a frequent client to the Healers.
  22. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Last entry I wrote about walking from nine to five. And today I did. Kaagi will send me home tomorrow. Lynne will be delighted when she comes this evening. Hmm dinner is coming. Let?s see what Marhin will remark. It?s Erenya.

    Love the daily life of your characters.

    And they really should name a wing at the healer´s ward after Obi. :D
  23. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Yay for couples getting to see each other again ;) :D

    [:D] !!!!

  24. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    good work earlybirdobiwan[face_peace] , just one thing i didn't get the first lines said that Jacen was effected then the next line said he wasn't, did I miss something?
    Good to see Obiwans and Anakins friendly banter about rescues made it in!:)

    on a side note... umm I don't plan, like write things down. I just find the endgame and work towards it. if thats planning then i do:confused:
  25. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Obi is and cared for by Kaagi and Aaqu

    They didn?t but room nine is everywhere.

    They are one in the Force

    Jason is effected and Jacen not. And I love to write about Obi-Wan and Anakin.

    Entry 6

    Erenya is like al pregnant women I have seen on Moniron. She likes weird stuff (Marhin?s saying) and she doesn?t see why we don?t have a taste at all for pickled vegetables and aged Nerfmilk cheese. Never liked cheese and now ? after my head-injury ? it?s just some horrible stuff. And I bet Erenya is one of the few Dunai elder who loves chocolate. She had sprinkled that on Marhin?s pudding and he refused to eat it. Being without the Force and after the Midillamin treatment to remove the dead midis and the Eiaa treatment to get those few midis that were left and hibernating awake chocolate isn?t Marhin?s thing anymore. And I never loved it. Erenya ate the pudding and she is still talking about the delicious taste and smell. Smell eech. My nose must be affected after my injury. Lynne confirmed that after getting the test results from Timo Herefa who had taken a scan from my head.

    Being at home is lovely with Lynne caring for me. She has her work in the hospital and takes me each day to the hospital for the therapy for my leg. Kaagi is usually the one to give me that therapy and ? as you can expect from him having to wear a brace to be able to walk with or without a stick ? he is very encouraging. Lynne saw us practising and Kaagi was demonstrating that he could walk without a stick for a short stretch. She clapped her hands and that had Kaagi distracted and stumbling but with the Force ? something that?s still elusive for me ? he was able to take a sort of spring and jump steps back to his wheelchair. I did my exercise with stick and that stick ? a wooden one crafted by Lynne ? had us remembering funny events from our days in the Jeditemple.

    Sure Kaagi has written about that in his diaries. He had heard little three year old Obi-Wan talking to Yoda and Yaddle and concluded that the difference between the two masters was a stick. ?Mastuh Yoda has stick. Mastuh Yaddle has not. She is a woman.? That were the words from the toddler.

    Lynne was doubled over with laughter when she read the diaries. Kaagi sure was a prankster in his days as a Jedi and that pranking has never left him. It?s beneficial for the patients under his care.

    At home I have other therapy and that?s riding Imdal and since a few days Lynne is accompanying me. She had taken rides on Imdal and Dewali and liking that she went searching for a husan. The stable of Jagi Er-Tunal had two husans for sale. Aronia arrived yesterday with Andar. Aronia is a black beauty and Andar ? her three year old brother ? is a grey with flowing white manes. He will be the ride of Jehna Er-San. I will help Jehna to train him.

    With Lynne working here I go after my therapy to room nine to stay with Marhin in that room and help him. He is still on full lower life-support and confined to his bed with his broken legs. Erenya visits him each day with or without Erindi. Yesterday I was still here when she came. And she was alone and had made a fruit-pie to make up for the bad pudding.

    - - -

    The fruit-pie was nice and that bad pudding was days ago. I had ended my entry with seeing Jacen Solo. I will continue the story of our resc
    AzureAngel2 likes this.