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Beyond - Legends Before - Legends X marks the spot UDC X

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by earlybird-obi-wan, Aug 9, 2022.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    X marks the spot
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: 107 BBY – 176 ABY
    Characters: OC's and canon from Legends
    Genre: drabble challenge
    Summary: various moments in the life of the Jedi

    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm belongs to Disney.

    Week 1

    1. Prelude

    He was 2 when he was with his parents on a transport about to leave the planet Eljajon where his father and mother had endured much hardship because of their strange abilities. Settling on Eljajon after coming from Irellion had seemed a great idea but it was not to be.

    His father Koranar was pestered by his colleagues.

    His mother Igenia had given birth to him but had to go back to her work as soon as possible getting nasty comments about him.

    The engines of the transport were powering up.

    They were the prelude to a bright future.


    2. Bygone

    The transport began to hover.

    Jadin Finn was smiling, looking out of the window with his father and seeing something. “What is that?”

    “That Jadin, is the smoke and ashes coming from a volcano. In bygone days volcanoes were seen as the harbingers of death and destruction and a place where the gods of doom were residing.”

    “No scary tales Koranar. Jadin is only two.”

    “Yes Igenia. Only some science. Jadin likes that. Eljajon has many volcanoes my son and the scientists are observing them as natural things and taking care that no one will get injured.”

    3. Impend

    Skrrrrrrwwkk spprwrllk

    “What is that dad?”

    “I don't know Jadin.”


    “And those clouds and that smoke. I am worried too Koranar.”

    “That's from the volcano and shouldn't be a problem Igenia. The volcano is too far away to give trouble.”

    Skrrr splaak kraash

    “And that's a pebble hitting our window. See Jadin, nothing to worry about.”

    “Yes dad.”

    “Don't worry Jadin. The pilots won't leave if that volcano can give trouble. We are leaving see. We are turning on the tarmac and ready to go. I am glad we are leaving.”

    4. Descend

    “Pilot descend now. The Force is guiding me.”

    “What's up padawan? We are diverting to Eljajon because you insited.”

    “There, trouble on the tarmac. A transport is crashing.”

    “We can make it. Control is giving me directions. We can land near the terminal.”


    “Kaagi, hopping on your seat doesn't make this go faster.”

    “Yes master Ra-Ond but we can help. See, that ambulance is hurrying to the transport.”

    “A survivor?”

    “Yes I can see them guiding a stretcher out.”

    “We have to help that one.”

    “A hunch?”

    5. Arise

    Kaagi was restless. They were holed up in this room in the hospital for days, listening to the holo-news about the growing volcano Ana Eljajon. And today was his birthday.

    A knock on the door.

    “Doctor Paulo.”

    “And with me this.”

    Doctor Paulo came in with his nurses guiding a cart with a cake.

    “Happy birthday to you.”

    “And he is here.”

    “Jadin Finn.”

    Kaagi had a smile on his face. “Arise Jadin Finn. You have to help me with my birthday cake.”

    The smile on Jadin's face was priceless. “I will become a Jedi.”
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2022
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Love the details of a disaster leading to a rescue.
    Tarsier, Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    It is always nice to give more depth to my OC characters with these drabbles.
    The next 5 have Finn and his friends but are focussing on Jocasta Nu and Thame Cerulian

    6. Battlefield

    “Look at that Jocasta.” A hand – belonging to the Dorophin species that was fully covered with black hairs – was pointing down to a play-ground in the crèche of the Jedi-temple.

    Initiate Jocasta Nu – nose up in the air, haughty pose – looked for a second down and turned to her agemate, initiate Ekiway. “I can only see a mess with dolls, pillows and assorted blankets and wet sponges. And already forgotten by you, you have to adress me as initiate Jocasta Nu, initate Ekiway. What is it in your view?”

    “A battlefield, madame initiate Jocasta Nu.”

    7. Opponent

    “It is a battlefield and we can join them if you like. I do!” Initiate Ekiway began to walk to the stairs leading to the play-ground. “And crèche master Jemelia is there. We can go too and join them. Jadin Finn is in trouble with Eunice Kiriani as his main opponent. And she gets supplied by initiate Gher.”

    “Finn, that Irellion initiate.” Jocasta heard footsteps coming to a halt and turned to the newcomer. “He is the one behind this battle between the 3 and 4 year old initiates. Ah Master Cerulian. You are quite interested in this battle?”

    8. General

    “They need a general to command.” Ekiway was standing before the stairs, took a jump and stood on the banister.

    “Ekiway, what are you doing?” Jocasta Nu looked down. “We were supposed to go to the archives for some studying.

    “You go.” Ekiway turned to look down at Jocasta. “I can go to Master Madame Jonata Djannaella Elleneyella Amoel after this fun.” And he glided down the banister to join the four initiates in their wet sponge battle.

    “Throw it that way Finn.”

    “Nice catch Gher.”

    “You are getting it Haldor.”

    “Splash him Eunice.”

    9. Knight

    “Initate Nu, I can accompany you to the archives of Master Madame Jonata Djannaella Elleneyella Amoel.” Master Thame Cerulian had seen the battle continuing for some time with the four initiates getting wet.

    Jocasta Nu turned towards him. “You are my knight in shining armour. I love to go to the archives and study.”

    “And your companion Ekiway? Should we wait for the battle to end?”

    “Ekiway is always more interested in living things that are found in the gardens.” Jocasta shivered. “A week ago we were in a garden and he showed me a naked slug. Eech.”

    10. Ceasefire

    “Something is happening.” Master Thame Cerulian looked down, hearing the sharp tip tap of a gimer stick.

    Sponges were flying high.

    But not by the four initiates.

    “Younglings, younglings ceasefire we do. Wet all you are. Victory of one side there is not. Return to the crèche we have to. And,” Master Yoda turned to initiate Ekiway. “You too general Ekiway.”

    “That has us free to go to the archives,” Jocasta Nu was beaming. “I can go with you master Cerulian?”

    Thame Cerulian looked down, saw the winking of a yellow eye and said “You can initiate Nu.”
  4. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Playful use of the prompts and a unique view of Jocasta
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  5. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    I really appreciate how you used "sound effects" in this one! That, combined with the mostly dialogue-only style really helped drive your story forward. =D=

    Padawans will always be padawans, won't the? :p

    I could so see Jocasta Nu here, even as a youngling - or, initiate, I should say. ;)

    [face_laugh] [face_love]!! I just loved this.

    Fantastic work with these! It's such a pleasure to see you taking part in this challenge, as always. =D= [:D]
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2022
    Tarsier and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  6. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Jocasta is already interested in becoming a librarian and another well known Jedi will be in the next set
    Thank you for your great reply and here is the next set dealing with a master getting a padawan.

    11. Inlay

    Jen Duryea, Jedihealer, neurosurgeon was tired after saving the life of a Jedi-knight coming back from a mission to end a dispute. Sure he had had the support of his colleagues Aaqu Maerhin and Kaagi Adin but a scrub-room fight after the procedure was not his thing this time. He had headed immediately to his appartment and was after visiting his fresher going to his bed when he saw the box with the inlay in silver. It had been a gift from his master Dick Alsten when he followed in his footsteps and became a neurosurgeon after he was knighted.

    12. Outrun

    Jen Duryea sat down and guided his long legs on the bed. He smiled. Two days ago in a running competition between healers and nurses in the basement-course of the Jedi-temple he had outrun his colleagues, most notably Kaagi Adin without using the Force.

    Kaagi was cheered on by his padawan Don Lawrin.

    Jen had to do it all alone.

    A padawan. After his knighting he had been too busy in the healers' ward to think about taking one but now seeing the box with the inlay in silver representing a scalpel and stethoscope he began to think about it.

    13. Withdraw

    Jen Duryea woke up, stretched his long legs and sat up. He had dreamt about a padawan. Seeing the box he decided to get one and what better place to go than the play-ground of the crèche?

    He was there seeing a boy who had withdrawn from the game to treat a injured initiate.

    The 5 year old initiate was familiar. He had seen Dooku brought to the Jedi when he was four months old and getting his shots in the healers' ward. He had been the one to give them. He remembered the intense dark eyes staring into his.

    14. Partake

    Jen Duryea saw Dooku giving the ginger haired boy a push and haughty look before standing up.

    “I was helping you Dooku and you reward me with this?”

    “My Force powers and not your stroking and patting on my leg healed me.” Dooku strode away unheard by a crèche master partaking in the 'catch the ball' game.

    The boy got up with a painful look on his face.

    Jen walked to the boy.

    “You were great youngling.”

    “Jadin Finn.”

    “Jadin Finn, do you want to become my padawan? I am Jen Duryea.”

    “I do.”

    15. Uphold

    Jen Duryea guided Jadin Finn to his appartment, careful to adapt to the slow stride of the boy.

    “Dooku gave you a powerful push I see.”

    “I a sure that a bruise is forming on my left side, but it will heal quickly because I am an Irellion. I was found by Kaagi Adin and his master on Eljajon. I was the sole survivor of a crash.”

    “You can tell me more but we are here.” Jen guided Jadin inside. “And I have to uphold the tradition, giving you a padawan cut and braid. Sit down Jadin.”
    Kahara, amidalachick and Mira_Jade like this.
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Great learning more about Jen Duryea and how he teamed up with Jadin
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    And he is there with his padawan in a story that's mostly Nu

    16. Breeze

    Padawan Jocasta Nu was very excited when she walked down the ramp of the Jedi-temple transport onto the tarmac of Coronet city spaceport and felt the breeze flowing through her hair and the long braid. Finally she was going to see the archives of the Corellian Jedi in Coronet city. She was with her master Madame Jonata Djannaella Elleneyella Amoel.

    Hurrying after her master she saw that Master Hir H-ilin and his padawan Ran Gher were lagging behind, interested in a starfighter. But Jen Duryea and his padawan Jadin Finn and Alco Moronin and his padawan Ekiway were keeping up.

    17. Idyll

    “Master,” padawan Ran Gher saw Hir H-ilin halting. “We have to follow the others. The Corellian Jedi archives are our goal. Archivist Amoel has organised this trip.”

    “Ah whatever,” Hir H-ilin sure wanted to have another look at the starfighter that was for him the idyll of engineering coming from the Corellian Engineering Corporation in Corruul. “We will be back to see this beauty.” He hurried after the others seeing the smile on Ran's face. He knew. Ran Gher wanted to become an archivist. And the technical department needed those too. He had always trouble finding needed parts.

    18. Shade

    The spaceport, Coronet city centre, Treasure ship row, high rises, shopping malls were of no interest for Jocasta Nu. She was hopping on her seat until the hills with some large and smaller buildings became visible. There, the destination; Master Amoel wanted copies of the important files of the archives of the Corellian Jedi.

    Jocasta was out of the transport as soon as it halted before the big building.

    “Master Moronin,” padawan Ekiway had eyes only for what was growing in the shade of a large tree. “I see an unknown succulent.”

    “We go and explore my padawan.”

    19. Balm

    “That's to be expected from the padawan of a gardener,” Jocasta Nu huffed. “They were supposed to help us with the copies. I want to go inside as soon as possible. This balmy atmosphere is a disaster for my hair.”

    “It is for my belongings too,” master Amoel was clutching a bag. “We need precise copies.”

    “We don't go to the archives either, master Amoel.” Jen Duryea steered his padawan towards the garden. “I want to meet the inspirator of my master. He is retired but knowing Randy Bel Wandal, he will be there in the university hospital.”

    20. Linger

    “That leaves only us,” master Amoel hurried inside the building with Jocasta.

    “As expected a timely arrival, but where are your helpers master Amoel?”

    “And you are?”

    “Irin Halcyon-Bel Wandal. Follow me to the archives where my husband has everything ready for you.”

    Jocasta followed her master and Irin Halcyon but she had lost her interest in the archives. She didn't want to linger here any longer. 'Corellian Jedi are married and can go back to Corellia after their knighting. The rule of no attachment; that's the Jedi code.' But she helped her master with the copies.
  9. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    These are all wonderfully done, and I really enjoy seeing young Jocasta Nu as well as your OCs!

    I can totally picture this!

    Sounds like they are having lots of fun! :D

    I love the description of the box! Perfect for a healer.

    The haircut, of course. :p Nice seeing the start of their master and padawan relationship!

    Love seeing Jocasta again in this set, and I can relate to her excitement here. Libraries and archives are wonderful places. [face_love]

    I love these little details like the university hospital, it's great world-building!

    Awesome job on these, and I look forward to more! =D=
  10. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Thank you and more OC's and canon characters are in the next set with Jocasta Nu

    21. Astray

    “These old copies. I know where we collected them,” master Madame Jonata Djannaella Elleneyella Amoel had a stash of flimsies on her desk.

    “On Corellia, with no help at all from Duryea, Finn, Moronin and Ekiway. Only Ran Gher was helpful and his master Hir H-ilin was hopping on his feet to go back to that starfighter.”Jocasta Nu – recently knighted – took them.

    “File them and in a secure place.” master Amoel had a smile on her face. “We don't want young ones to see them. They might go astray after reading what Corellians can do.”

    22. Temerity

    'This is the place to place these Corellian flimsies.' Jocasta Nu was in one of the halls on a ladder. 'No one will ever read them. Corellians and their customs. Not something for us, striving for perfection, no attachment, serenity.' She placed them and climbed down when she heard a crack.

    A grate was opening and two beings floated down.

    “Who has the temerity to fly into our precious archive?” Jocasta Nu could barely avoid the Dresselian master Jess Creoni and his padawan Haldor Nellorian. Reaching up she felt the two decorations that made her hairbun. “This is OK.”

    23. Nuance

    “I am glad you are OK madame Jedi-knight Nu,” padawan Haldor Nellorian landed before the haughty looking woman and turned to his master. “We have to fix that grate before anymore duct-crawling adventures led to dire disaster, mayhem and even death.”

    “You and your elaborate description my padawan.” master Creoni bowed before Jocasta Nu. “But you. No recklessness on our part. We floated down.”

    “Temerity is an apt description on what you did.”

    “Ah a nuance,” Haldor grinned. “Just as it is a new hinge and some rust removal to repair that grate. We have to go.”

    24. Duress

    Jocasta Nu saw the two leaving the way they had come. The ladder was used. A jump and they were back in the crawl-duct to continue their exercise. Giving a satisfied sigh – they didn't see the Corellian files – she walked back to the main hall of the archives to see a youth she had seen years ago studying in the archives. She stopped at the desk of master Amoel. “The Corellian files are hidden.”

    A sigh and a smiling face. “Thank you Jocasta. You know I have been under duress since we collected them. Now they are safe.”

    25. Perception

    “From what?”

    Jocasta turned to the youth and a well known master. “Master Thame Cerulian, the files are safe from the inquisitive eyes of Jedi-knights wanting to know more about attachment.”

    “Ah but that's only Master Amoel's perception,” master Cerulian stated. “My padawan Dooku and I are very interested in your Corellian files.”

    “But now we want to study ancient holocrons,” Dooku had an eager look in his dark eyes. “To know more about the dark times, the Sith and the history of the Jedi is my goal.”

    “That and your ambition to become the best swordsman.”
    amidalachick, Tarsier and Kahara like this.
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Love the mischief and teasing
    Tarsier, Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    and more fun coming with this

    26. Splash

    A run. A high jump. Aided by the Force. A big smile. Looking down at his friend floating in the great swimming-pool in the basement of the Jedi-temple. A wink with his left eye. Arms and legs held to his torso. Making himself into a ball.


    Water flying every which way.

    “Kaagi Adin, now you are doing it again.” Aaqu Maerhin managed to avoid the big wave coming towards him.

    “It's your 57th birthday and you were the one to get us invited here to avoid the mayhem and pranks our mischievous colleagues were planning.”


    27. Rumble

    “But we are here too.” Jen Duryea shed his cloak to reveal his swimming-trunks and the weapon he was hiding. A squirt from the water-gun flew towards Aaqu Maerhin.

    “And they are coming,” his padawan Jadin Finn copied his master, landing a prefect splash of water on Kaagi Adin's head.

    “Not me, you scoundrel.” Kaagi sputtered and heard the rumble of marching feet coming nearer and nearer.

    “Who did tell them that I was going here?” Aaqu pointed to a large group of initates led by a crèche-master.

    “We are innocent.” Jen Duryea shook his head.

    28. Thump

    “Me too.” Jadin Finn nodded. “But maybe it was my visit to the crèche to get this water-gun that inspired them. Master Sol-Bonaydara was curious why I needed two water-guns.”

    “I suspected something.” Master Sol-Bonaydara guided his group to the edge of the swimming-pool.

    “But we saw master Maerhin going to the basement crèche-master Sol-Bonaydara.” initiate Qui-Gon Jinn was holding the hand of Tahl.

    “We did and asked you to go this way,” initiate Tahl smiled. “And what's that?”

    “Us, joining the party.” Gavin Maurishka had a hover-float coming to a stop with a big thump.

    29. Flutter

    The big thump was followed by a little one – more sounding like a flutter – of tingling things banging against each other in a big can.

    A big smile from Gavin Maurishka. The tips of his big moustache were dancing when he turned to his companion.

    “Serinka with a birthday cake.” Qui-gon, Tahl and more initiates chorused.

    “He has the tools for a barbecue and I baked the cake.” Serinka managed his hovercart to a stop.

    “And I have 57 candles for the cake and one lighter to ignite all,” Gavin began to install the barbecue.

    30. Crackle

    With a crackle the last ember on the barbecue died.

    Satisfied, Aaqu Maerhin was satisfied when he saw the initiates and crèche-master Sol-Bonaydara leaving. His birthday party had been nice. He had wanted to take just a swim in the swimming pool with his friend Kaagi. But with padawan Jadin Finn asking for waterguns it turned out quite different.

    Master Sol-Bonaydara knew about the birthdays of all the initiates who had been in his crèche. He had secretly asked Serinka and Gavin to join the party. And leave the planning of parties to the Serindians. They are famous for that.
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Fun playful use of the prompts
    Kahara, earlybird-obi-wan and Tarsier like this.
  14. Tarsier

    Tarsier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    These are great! I love learning the background on Jadin. And you always do such a great job weaving canon characters in with your lovely OCs. :)

    I really love the playfulness - sponge fight in the creche! And then, even better when the masters get in on the fun at the pool.:D:cool:

    Great job!
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  15. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    more to play and rescue in the next set
    And masters will get a lesson here from . . .

    31. Obstruct

    “Observe without being seen, that's the way of the Jedi-spy,” padawan Magin Bhik whispered.

    “But we will get wet,” master Nin Sonnie revealed himself.

    “Ah master Sonnie, you sneaked up to us,” crèche master Sol-Bonaydara dropped the rock away from the fountain. “I was demonstrating to Aiden O-Lenge and Nejaa Halcyon how to lift a rock to obstruct the flow of one of the fountains.”

    “But you know master Sol-Bonaydara, that we Halcyons are weak in that power,” Nejaa Halcyon said. “But I will learn the ways of the Jedi and will become a great Corellian Jedi.”

    32. Infuse

    “I hope my master will infuse all his knowledge about becoming a spy into me,” Magin Bhik joined his master.

    “You have mastered the rules of hiding. And your lightsaber reflects what you will be.” Master Sonnie's eyes drifted to the belt with the lightsaber of his padawan followed by a gaze to the lightsaber with the curved hilt of master Dooku standing at the top of the stairs leading to the fountain.

    “Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn is here too,” Aiden O-Lenge looked up. “He is the man who rescued me, brought me here and gave me my name.”

    33. Obtain

    “I did initiate O-Lenge.” Qui-Gon Jinn said. “During a mission to start the negotiations between two rival groups I found you in a bar named the O-Lenge and you were crying until I walked with you to the engine room of our transport when we were in hyperspace. You were the one who spotted the faulty converter. I felt that you had affinity with the Force. You gave us aid and rescued us.”

    “The Jedi order obtained a child showing already an affinity with technical things,” Master Sol-Bonaydara stepped aside when he felt a bump against his left foot.

    34. Immerse

    It was a rockhound, one of the little rodents living in the garden of a thousand fountains that was startled by the crèche master stepping aside.

    Qui-Gon Jinn – fully immersed in the living Force – brushed past his master and managed to lift the rockhound before it was immersed in the water of the fountain. “Got you and go this way.” He placed the rockhound safe on the edge of the fountain and gave it a soft push.

    “Rescuing another pathetic creature Jinn.” master Dooku strode down the steps until he was face to face with his padawan.

    35. Dissipate

    “I did,” Qui-Gon bowed his head to avoid the gaze of Dooku.

    “You did, just as you are doing all the time padawan.”

    “Your padawan saved a living being,” master Sol-Bonaydara saw the angry looks Dooku was giving. He wanted to dissipate the situation between the two. “It is the Jedi way. Or did you forget the lessons I gave?”

    “I do remember that lesson,” padawan Bhik nodded.

    “And I too master Dooku,” Nin Sonnie said.

    Dooku – face impassive – turned to the crèche master before adressing his padawan. “We can meditate on rescuing creatures.”
    amidalachick, Kahara and Tarsier like this.
  16. Tarsier

    Tarsier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    Yay, Qui-Gon saving a tiny creature - love it! [face_love]
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    He sure is the one to save beings
    And the next set is about loss and comfort

    36. Squall

    Jadin Finn was in tears when he left the hall of fire. All his friends had paid respect to his padawan Jerza Quwin, the victim of the poisonous Tockei spore. During the mission to Carandas she had jumped in front of a mother and baby. He had been unable to get her back in time to the Jedi-temple to receive the antidote.

    “Our transport is ready.”

    Jadin followed Kaagi Adin.

    Crash webbing was secured around him.

    Kaagi did the same and guided the transport through the door.

    A sudden violent move.

    “Whacko weather-control. But we escaped that squall.”

    37. Tide

    The squall was followed by an uneventful trip in hyperspace, followed by a journey through the nebula surrounding the Moniron system and a landing on the meadow near the capital Monir.

    Kaagi and Jadin hiked into the wilderness.

    Kaagi found the field where his cottage had been. He told Jadin about his youth. He ended “I felt the severance of the bond between me and my parents.”

    “We both experienced the loss of a bond,” Jadin nodded. “The tide surging between two or three minds was gone.”

    “Tide? We can go for a swim and meet the Falgans.”

    38. Surf

    Jadin asked “What are Falgans?”

    “They are aquatic mammals living in all the oceans of Moniron and quite intelligent. I was 18 and with my master and Aaqu on Moniron for the marriage of Aaqu's brother Airyn and Elenta Eglem when we decided to go to Rhonda for a few days before returning to Coruscant.”

    “You will see them when we go to the beach. They love jumping in the surf and will wait for us to take a ride. And you can hear their story through mindtalk.”

    “I like to meet the Falgans. Let's go Kaagi.”

    39. Current

    “We can take the transport. I know a nice beach near Monir. And the current there isn't strong. Or do you like the big waves?”

    “You do. You are making those when you are in the swimming pool in the basement. But I? And do we have our swimgear?”

    “No but the beach-house has that for sale. Let's go Jadin.”

    Kaagi landed the transport near the popular beach and soon the two Jedi were going to a changing cabin with swimgear and towels.

    “To the Falgans,” Jadin was first at the surf and waded into the water.

    40. Depth

    Feeling the surf lapping at his feet, burying them in the sand Jadin grinned “it is a lazy current. But where are the Falgans?”

    “There,” Kaagi joined Jadin in the water and pointed at two Falgans coming towards the beach and making jumps in the waves. “You can grab their fin.”

    Jadin waited for Kaagi to see how he put his hands on the head of the Falgan before taking the fin.

    Jadin reached out and felt the depth of the emotions displayed by the Falgan when he bonded with the mammal and felt comforted coping with his loss.
  18. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    What a wonderful source of solace
    Tarsier, earlybird-obi-wan and Kahara like this.
  19. DaenaBenjen42

    DaenaBenjen42 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 15, 2005
    I'm still getting over my SW avoidance, but... hi! (You've been putting up with me. Thank you. Sincerely.)

    “On Corellia, with no help at all from Duryea, Finn, Moronin and Ekiway. Only Ran Gher was helpful and his master Hir H-ilin was hopping on his feet to go back to that starfighter.”Jocasta Nu – recently knighted – took them.

    Missing a space, there... and those dashes could also be commas.

    “But we saw master Maerhin going to the basement crèche-master Sol-Bonaydara.” initiate Qui-Gon Jinn was holding the hand of Tahl.

    Initiate should probably be capitalized.

    “I did initiate O-Lenge.” Qui-Gon Jinn said. “During a mission to start the negotiations between two rival groups I found you in a bar named the O-Lenge and you were crying until I walked with you to the engine room of our transport when we were in hyperspace. You were the one who spotted the faulty converter. I felt that you had affinity with the Force. You gave us aid and rescued us.”

    Is O-Lenge their name? If so, you need a comma after "did.' And if Initiate is their title... capitalize it.

    “Rescuing another pathetic creature Jinn.” master Dooku strode down the steps until he was face to face with his padawan.

    Period should be a question mark, Master should be capitalized.

    ...still confused as to who Kaagi Adin is, but I liked these. :)
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  20. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    followed by some fun in the next set
    I am Dutch. Kaagi Adin (the name came from Kaag, a canal in Warmond) is one of my OC's

    41. Per Se

    “You didn't want to use the showers before boarding our transport.” Kaagi Adin wiped the sand from a chair in the main room of the transport after seeing Jadin standing up to get a cup of caf.

    “That was after you wanted to leave per se after that lovely blonde girl with the blue eyes clad in a polkadot bikini got an interest in you.” Jadin had a big smile on his face.

    “She was closing in on me and I didn't want to disappoint her.”

    “You could have told her that you were 54 years old.”

    42. Ad Hoc

    “That would have been an ad hoc solution.” Kaagi removed more sand from the chair.

    “But workable. She would have immediately known that you could have been her father.” Jadin poured a cup of caf.

    “Hmm that caf smells good.” Kaagi walked to the galley and poured another cup of caf. “But leaving in a hurry was the best thing to do and our astromech was already planned to take the first jump to the nebula. I have guided the transport through the nebula and now we are bound for the next stop.”

    “And that is nowhere?”

    43. Vice Versa

    “Yes up the ecliptic and quite near Bor Rhimmol. They are just coordinates in empty space. Ossus will be our next destination and after that it is New Holstice and Coruscant.”

    “Travelling vice versa to get home. There should be an easier way to do this without five stops and an engine wrecking journey through that nebula.” Jadin finished his caf and put his cup in the galley.

    “There isn't. And you are spreading sand all over the place.”

    “I will take the shower.” Jadin wiped more sand from his torso and took his bag with clothes.

    44. De Facto

    “Yes sugarcookie.”

    “You know de facto that sand and sea give a very adhesive combination when it touches skin. The sand goes everywhere and now I will take that long shower to get rid of it. You have done so already and now it is my turn.”

    “Get going Jadin. I have to go now to the cockpit.”

    “Yes Ossus and New Holstice and after that home.”

    - - -

    “Clean and dressed.” Jadin sat down next to Kaagi in the cockpit.

    “You certainly took your time. We are on approach for Coruscant.”


    45. Et Cetera

    “Hey, did you see that kid?”

    “Yes I have seen him often here in the hangars. Young Aiden O-Lenge loves to visit the engineers.”

    “What is he carrying?”

    “A Gizmo. They are the new popular toys on the holonet. And the crèche-masters love to tell the initiates tales about the Gizmo.”

    “I want to know more. See you.”

    Kaagi saw an engineer coming towards the transport and hurried away. The many marks of rocks were there on the hull. Each scratch would have to be explained. Scratch 1, scratch 2, scratch 3 et cetera et cetera.
    amidalachick and Kahara like this.
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Nice how the prompts are connected through dialogue :cool:
    Tarsier, Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  22. Tarsier

    Tarsier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    36-40 I love the Falgans! [face_love] Are they an original creature? And what a great activity to experience after a loss.

    41-45 Love the banter! :cool:
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2022
    earlybird-obi-wan and Kahara like this.
  23. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    and they were following the previous set.
    Falgans are original creatures and appearing in my stories. They were healing for Jadin and the fun came afterwards.

    The next set deals with Xanatos and Qui-Gon Jinn and their visit to the healers.
    Xanatos has dark dreams.

    46. Tetchy

    'Yes, slash, red, slash, red, that's the way. Go and join your master. What a great way to please him. He will be satisfied. Use your force. But betray him when you can. Rule of two. Learn from the history. Kreya, Atris, Nihilus, Malak, Revan, no not that one, he turned. Darth Bane and.'

    “Xanatos, wake up. You are turning your bed into a mess.”

    “I had a nice dream Jinn.”

    “Making you tetchy. Tell me about it.”

    “None of your business master. My dreams are mine. How dare you come to wake me this early.”

    47. Prudent

    “We have to go to the healers for shots.”

    “Those morons.”

    “Xanatos, get dressed. You know we have to take the regular shots or we don't go on...”

    “A mission. I know master but those shots. It's only when we are meeting beings showing symptoms of running noses, fever and so on and do we?”

    “We do. It is prudent of the healers to invite all active Jedi-knights and their padawans to take the shots for the Corellian flu and...”

    “I know. But they are rude, jabbing you with their needles.”

    “Not this one.”

    48. Daring

    “Who is the doctor death we are meeting?”

    “You will see when we are there. Get dressed Xanatos. I like him.”

    Xanatos began to dress. 'My dream was nice about the dark youth pleasing an unseen master. A daring order but he was doing it. The way of the dark. Sith. But telling my master about what I have seen? No way. He will have endless questions.'

    “Xanatos are you ready?”

    “Yes master. No breakfast?”

    “We will go to the restaurant after the shots.”

    “If you say so master. But I sure don't like it.”

    49. Ornery

    “Healers prodding you with their needles and cold hands.”

    “I should have known. It's master Qui-Gon Jinn and his ornery padawan Xanatos coming to to the healers for their shots.”

    “And you are?”

    “Crèche master Cali Jemelia. And with me are Ken Zamay, Nil Monwa and Enga Mariss and they like to get their shots and what comes after that.”


    “In we go and there he is.”

    “Healer Jadin Finn. He is funny. He will have those large plastform syringes.” Ken ran towards the healer.

    “He will.” Nil Monwa followed his friend.

    50. Jovial

    “And I will become a healer.” Enga Mariss joined her older friends. She really liked the healers and what they were doing.

    “Done. There you go Ken. But wait for Nil and Enga to have a go with that water.” Jadin Finn gave Ken his present. “They are already filled with water. One shot here and...”

    “Fun in our home.” Ken waited with a smile on his face. He was jovial to his friends. “Nil, Enga, now.”


    “Stupid girl.” Xanatos scowled.

    “It's only water and now it's your turn padawan.”

    “Yes master Jinn."
  24. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellent. =D= Xanatos' personality shows through his growsing. :p
    earlybird-obi-wan and Kahara like this.
  25. Tarsier

    Tarsier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    Nice! Xanatos was a great character for this particular set of prompts!
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.