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Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by MarvinTheMartian, Apr 23, 2006.

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  1. morgan-aleghieri

    morgan-aleghieri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 2006
    Of course we did :p
  2. casual-jedi

    casual-jedi Jedi Master star 4

    May 6, 2002
    It was kind of an obvious set up I thought... but it was still pretty cool.
  3. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    Oh yeah, as soon as the post-credit sequence started I pretty much saw it coming, but still.
  4. Magnus_Darcrider

    Magnus_Darcrider Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 24, 2005
    Well I thought it was going to be one of three things:

    1. Zombie Xavier.
    2. Magneto finding he still has the power to move chess pieces with his mind
    3. The Cure wearing off while Iceman and Rogue are "gettin' jiggy with it".

    I was almost right.

    Be seeing you,

    Magnus Darcrider
  5. casual-jedi

    casual-jedi Jedi Master star 4

    May 6, 2002
    Is it just my wishful thinking, or...Did Magneto actually make that chess piece wobble a little at the end?

    And...The setup for Xavier's 'relocation' I thought could've been more subtle... it was just kinda random like, "here's a guy, no brain higher function but the body's still okay - ;)"... I wonder WHO that could possibly be handy for?
  6. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    Well I didn't think on the vegie man too much before right at the end. But yeah, I don't really know who Juggernaut is either, and I've read like 4 comics in my life, 3 of them xmen! :)

    And yes..wobbling chess piece.
  7. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    Well I didn't think on the vegie man too much before right at the end. But yeah, I don't really know who Juggernaut is either, and I've read like 4 comics in my life, 3 of them xmen! :)

    And yes..wobbling chess piece.
  8. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    The chess piece wobbled, yes. I thought it was a great thing to go to the credits on, very cool.
  9. GoobaFish

    GoobaFish Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 15, 2002
    I'd have thought that Rogue would have changed her mind about the cure, and I was positive that she would start draining him when they touched in her room. Some may see that as corny, but I would think it more of an X Man thing to do.

    I have been all for Cyclops ever since the first movie. Back then I had only really seen the cartoon, but Cyclops was the leader (behind Xavier). I know that Hugh Jackman becoming A-lost had a lot to do with Wolverine becoming the main X Man in the movies, and I love how he plays the character. The second movie was where I really felt that. Cyclops has been a wasted character in the movies, his only real character depth has been his grief.

    But I agree with Magnus and BigBossNass. I enjoyed this movie a lot! And I really didn't notice the "de-ageing" of Charles and Erik. I took note of Erik and thought "they should have made him look younger".
  10. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    Yeah I'm reading about the cg Patrick, how stupid am I not to notice that. I just thought it was nicely lit :)

    Yeah I was disappointed that ther wasn't more of Cyclops in this one too. Grief can bea powerful weapon too ( see ZOE in Serenity) I thought he'd be kicking a$$.
  11. Last_Chael

    Last_Chael Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 25, 2006

    You scored as Rogue.

    Rogue is a strong but tragic personality. She loves Gambit. Because of her mutant powers, she cannot touch anyone without hurting them. Therefore, she longs for human contact. However, this southern gal's strong personality has allowed her to deal with this. Powers: Absorbs lifeforce and powers by touch, Super strength, and flight

    Rogue 80%
    Jean Grey 75%
    Storm 70%
    Gambit 50%
    Nightcrawler 45%
    Iceman 45%
    Wolverine 45%
    Emma Frost 35%
    Cyclops 25%
    Beast 25%
    Colossus 25%

    Hehehe Rogue all the way!

    I did love this movie, love Jean Grey's costume! Though I do feel the first one is still the best. I agree that the pacing was much too quick, but it was still an exciting movie that I thoroughly enjoyed.

    However, I have to comment that I believe Cyclops is not dead, and that Rogue has not lost her powers. The cure can not last forever, she will get it back!
  12. -luigi-

    -luigi- Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 26, 2002
    So did anybody stay until after the end credits?

    I usually do but for some reason I left before and I just found out there was something extra at the end!

    If anyone know what it is can you fill me in?
  13. NeecH

    NeecH Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 14, 2003

    Iceman is a very powerful but volitile X-man. His ego and reluctance to follow orders means that he often clashes with Cyclops. Despite being immature sometimes, he's very popular with the ladies and is an extremely powerful X-Man. Powers: Can lower the temperature in areas around him. Basically, he has a near limitless ability to freeze things and make massive amounts of ice.
  14. morgan-aleghieri

    morgan-aleghieri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 2006
    So at parties where they've run out of ice, he's like Jesus :eek:
  15. NeecH

    NeecH Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 14, 2003
    ... just don't ask where the ice cubes come from ;) .
  16. MarvinTheMartian

    MarvinTheMartian Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 31, 2002

    You scored as Beast.

    Beast is an intelligent, politcal spokesman for the X-Men. He has a Ph.D in Genetics and is well versed in literature. He may look like a blue fuzzy monster, but deep down he's very benevolent and logical. Powers: Enhanced strength and agility

    Beast 70%
    Nightcrawler 70%
    Storm 70%
    Rogue 70%
    Wolverine 60%
    Cyclops 60%
    Iceman 60%
    Emma Frost 60%
    Colossus 55%
    Jean Grey 50%
    Gambit 50%
  17. morgan-aleghieri

    morgan-aleghieri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 2006
    You scored as Nightcrawler.

    Nightcrawler is a very symbolic X-Man. He is persecuted by society because of his devilish looks, but it is his faith in God that gives him strength. He is a very gentle x-man but he does know how to fight and he enjoys fencing. Powers: Teleportation

    Nightcrawler - 60%
    Storm - 55%
    Rogue - 55%
    Jean Grey - 50%
    Beast - 50%
    Cyclops - 40%
    Wolverine - 35%
    Iceman - 35%
    Colossus - 35%
    Gambit - 25%
    Emma Frost - 5%
  18. Fampa

    Fampa Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 20, 2002

    It must be my anal-retentiveness.

    A good trooper always follows orders....
  19. Lozza

    Lozza Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2005
    After a tie-breaker I ended up with Frost.

    Emma Frost is a former enemy of the X-Men but has joined them. She finds certain rules about not reading minds without permission too confining, and she still retains a bit of a bad-girl side. Some x-men are not certain of her alligence, and for good reason. Powers: Telepathy, Can turn her skin into Diamond, Psychic persuasion.

    Emma Frost 75%
    Jean Grey 75%
    Rogue 70%
    Beast 70%
    Iceman 70%
    Cyclops 65%
    Storm 65%
    Nightcrawler 65%
    Colossus 60%
    Wolverine 50%
    Gambit 45%
  20. GoobaFish

    GoobaFish Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 15, 2002

    Sorry for not knowing names, but Xavier made it into that braindead guy's body and greeted that lady doctor as she walked in one day.

    And The cure is not permanant L_C, Magneto moved the chess piece.
  21. -luigi-

    -luigi- Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 26, 2002
    Thanks mate, I thought that might have been what it was.

    And I saw the Magneto one as it wsa before the credits.
  22. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    You scored as Jean Grey

    Jean Grey is likely the most powerful X-Man. She loves Cyclops very much but she has a soft spot for Wolverine. She's psychic so she can sense how others are feeling and tries to help them. She also has to control her amazing powers or the malevolent Phoenix entity could take control of her and wreak havok. Powers: Telekinetic, Telepathic

    Jean Grey 80%
    Emma Frost 80%
    Storm 65%
    Cyclops 55%
    Colossus 50%
    Wolverine 50%
    Rogue 45%
    Nightcrawler 40%
    Iceman 35%
    Gambit 35%
    Beast 25%


    Who'da thunk it! I'd never have guessed Jean Grey!

  23. RoGuE_StreaK

    RoGuE_StreaK Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 24, 2005
    Finally got around to seeing it last night.

    Thought: Was the post-credits scene an "ooh!", or actually a double ooh? Maybe I missed something, but was there a significance in the recognition? [face_thinking]
  24. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    Yeah I thought that too. How did she know his voice????
  25. casual-jedi

    casual-jedi Jedi Master star 4

    May 6, 2002
    Maybe Xavier's the only one that calls her by her first name???


    You scored as Colossus.

    Colossus is the strongest X-Man physically. His love for his family and his sister Illiana make him strong. Although he can be prone to fits of rage, he has a big heart under that organic steel skin. Powers: Can change his skin into organic steel making him nearly invunerable and exponentially increasing his strength

    Colossus 85%

    Wolverine 75%
    Iceman 70%
    Jean Grey 65%
    Beast 65%
    Rogue 65%
    Gambit 60%
    Storm 60%
    Emma Frost 60%
    Cyclops 55%
    Nightcrawler 30%

    Dang it, I so wanted to be Wolverine.:D

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