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You know you're addicted to Fan Fiction when...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction Stories--Classic JC Board (Reply-Only)' started by Mr. P, Oct 31, 2000.

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  1. Jedi_Master_Insei

    Jedi_Master_Insei Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 1, 2000
    you know... I am seriously scared now... I am guilty of about 99.99999% of all this... and what's really frightning... I'm not bothered by it at all...
  2. Anika Skywalker

    Anika Skywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 15, 2000
    -During Science class you spend all your time thinking about what to post next on your fanfic.
    -Then you write it down during English class.
    -You say you have homework that needs to be done on the computer and you get on the internet and read fanfic at the same time.
    -Whenever you write non-Star Wars stories you can't think of any names for the characters except Star Wars names.
    -You draw your fanfic characters on the papers you're supposed to be doing Algebra classwork on. Then you scan them onto the computer to show fellow authors. Especially if you're an artist, then you can make them jealous.
    -You wake up in the middle of the night to check fanfics you've been reading or add on to round robins you've joined.
    -Can't... get... off... computer! Help!
    -And your siblings get very angry because you're on the computer all the time. And your parents get mad because there's only one phone line and they can't get on the phone because you're on the internet all the time.
    -You get grounded from the computer for being on it all the time.

    Sigh... I am guilty of all of these.

    ~Ånika §kywalker
  3. Arctic_Wolf

    Arctic_Wolf Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 19, 2000
    I'm guilty of these
    -Can't... get... off... computer! Help!
    -And your siblings get very angry because you're on the computer all the time. And your parents get mad because there's only one phone line and they can't get on the phone because you're on the internet all the time.
  4. Vergere

    Vergere Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 19, 2000
    "YKYATFFW... " huh?!
  5. Liz Skywalker

    Liz Skywalker Ex-Mod star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 13, 2000
    You know you're addicted to Fan Fanfiction when...

    When your grandfather hands you an article he found in the paper by someone with your real name and asks if you wrote it (my real name is quite common actually) you say that you write online, not for papers, then go on explaining that even though STar WArs pays less, it's much more rewarding.

    when you can spin off a disclaimer in your sleep.
  6. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler & Former Mod/Wacky Wed. Winner star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 7, 2000
    ...when listening to the radio brings memories of the fanfics they were included in.

    Sting's Desert Rose always brings a smile with the memory of an amazonian, bleach-blonde smuggler stripping in a cantina full of drunken Jedi.
  7. imzadi

    imzadi Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 19, 2000
    When you check up your exam times and realise you had an exam that morning, have a small fit and relax by reading more fic. (guilty).

    When your spell checker no longer bothers with words like "sith," and often suggests "Padawan."

    You try to explain your fanfics to your family. "Now dad, you know Obi-Wan Kenobi?...(dad looks blank) Okay, remember the movies with Darth Vader and Luke?... You know Sir Alec Guiness?... (blank look) The old man with the beard? It's about him, when he was a little boy. You know the cave in ESB, (blank look), when Luke was on the swampy planet? You know the cave where he chopped off darth Vader's head, (blank look), (Mum pipes up) I don't recall that he chopped off his head. - He did mum trust me -

  8. Angel_of_Naboo

    Angel_of_Naboo Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 18, 2000
    Gee, I'm soooooo guilty! I'm a total Fanfic junkie!
    I particularly agreed with:
    "You start to think in English even if it's not your first language."
  9. Morpheus mercenary

    Morpheus mercenary Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 12, 2000
    im guilty of a lot of these....but the following 2 are the most severe

    When you plan your fanfics with "soundtracks"

    You start expecting to see Fanfic charracters to show up in Ep. II and III
  10. LadyVorgunby

    LadyVorgunby Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 2, 2000
    oh boy I'm guilty of so many of these...

    -Putting off your homework to read fanfic and justifying it knowing your roommate will be up to three am anyway doing chemistry homework
    -Give non-star Wars characters SW names and pass it off like their parents were obsessed (yep, guilty)
    -You swear Sith instead of ****
    -You start refering to perspective students at your university as initiates (guilty again)
    -You slip and call your professor Master
    -You refer to your dorm room as your quarters

    and there is the thinking that FanFic characters are cannon...I love An-Paj!!
  11. anya Skywalker

    anya Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 14, 2000
    When you wish you were a fanfic character and end up putting yourself in one of your stories....
  12. Liz Skywalker

    Liz Skywalker Ex-Mod star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 13, 2000
    when watching a totally unrelated movie, you start connecting it to star wars and think of writing an AU p.o.v. to it. (soooo guilty) and possibly doing a crossover.
  13. Calamity Jinn

    Calamity Jinn Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2000

    ...when you're REALLY nice to your sister in order to get her to post on more threads!

    (Only j/k Jem!)

    ...when you stop watching your favourite programmes on TV to be able to read/write more.

    ...when you start buying microwave meals so you can spend less time cooking and more on the fan fiction.
  14. Vergere

    Vergere Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 19, 2000
    ...i actually do buy TV dinners to save time. heh.
  15. Mr. P

    Mr. P FanFic Archive Editor, Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 1, 2000
    OMG!!! I just came back into here for like the first time in a week, and there's so much stuff in it that I am guilty of!! Here's another:

    You spend all your free periods in school on the JC, reading fic.


    --Mr. P
  16. Opie Wan Cannoli

    Opie Wan Cannoli Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 10, 1999
    -you're out of school, have a real job, and STILL write fics

    -You've written a Melrose Naboo special and find it quoted in this thread! (I promise I'll send them part 2 someday)
  17. Jedi_Master_Insei

    Jedi_Master_Insei Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 1, 2000
    -The characters in all your stories have the exact same name (or just a small change to it) as your main Star Wars character.

    -You write all your friends into your fics, even if they might not even know who wrote the Rogue Squadron series of books (the blasphemy!).

    -You stop being friends with your best friend since Kindergarten just because they didn't know that your fic was voted the best fic on a website and they said it was trash.

    -When a fire broke out in your house, you ignore the burning photo albums and save your hard disk of your computer because it has all your fics saved on it.

    -Your dad has to buy you your own computer, separtate phone line, and internet service just so he can get some work done and make sure you don't go postal for not getting to see if someone posted in the last few milliseconds.
  18. JediGaladriel

    JediGaladriel Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 3, 1999
    You mean it's weird to do this when you're out of school and have a job? I thought one of the points of finishing school was to have more fic time... :)

    ...when you start buying art supplies so you can learn to draw your characters, and proceed to spend many hours doing so

    ...when you want some good political argument and think, "Hey, I'll check that Gore/Bush satire thread at the JC!"

    ...when you start flat out begging artists for illustrations for the Illustrators' Gallery at your website

    ...when it's not your turn to write on a round robin, you get antsy and either start adding on to anything that comes your way or adding totally pointless scenes to your other fics because it's too spooky in your room without the keyboard clacking

    ...when you get a response to an old fic -- a response with illustrations! (it's not a SW fic, so I have nowhere to put them) -- and you think, "Hey, maybe I should go back to that series, in addition to the four I'm already working on..."
  19. Destiny_Skywalker

    Destiny_Skywalker Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 12, 2000
    When the fact that your computer hasn't been able to access FF.N for the whole weekend makes you want to cry... *turns red*
  20. Liz Skywalker

    Liz Skywalker Ex-Mod star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 13, 2000
    >>-Your dad has to buy you your own computer, separtate phone line, and internet service just so he can get some work done and make sure you don't go postal for not getting to see if someone posted in the last few milliseconds.

    you mean...I thought my dad was the only one who did that!

    ...when you want some good political argument and think, "Hey, I'll check that Gore/Bush satire thread at the JC!"

    I know what you mean! I always check in on it.

    >>When the fact that your computer hasn't been able to access FF.N for the whole weekend makes you want to cry... *turns red*

    so I'm not the only one who hasn't been able to get on. I've been crying also, don't feel bad.
  21. Rabe'

    Rabe' Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 1, 2000
    --When your parents no longer ground you from the phone. mall, etc. but now they use FF. (the cruelest punishment of them all)

    --When your English teacher reads past the word "sith" in a report you wrote b/c you've used it so many times.

    --When you enter your fanfiction into a nation competetion for teenager authors. (especially guilty)

    Healer Leona - I know what you mean! I will probably hear on an oldies station many, many years form now, and still have that image in my head!
  22. Vergere

    Vergere Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 19, 2000
    don't fret liz, my dad had my brother hook up another computer with aol, a printer, and a word processor(i made them put that in) so he could do his work as well. plus, my family has gotten used to using Internet Explorer, since im always using our AOL account :)
  23. Calamity Jinn

    Calamity Jinn Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2000

    ...when your favourite thread finishes, you feel like you've lost something special.

    *Bawls* It's soooo unfair!!! No more ANTAR!!
  24. Vergere

    Vergere Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 19, 2000
    --whenever you have free time, you plot out more of your fanfic in your head.
  25. Jedi Kylenn

    Jedi Kylenn Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 2, 1999

    I hear you! I just know that every day at 3:30 JC time I'll be going through severe ANTAR withdrawals!


    * * * * *

    The company I work for designs medical case management software. This is for patients who have suffered catastrophic injuries (as in severe car accidents, etc.) or have chronic conditions that need to be tracked long term (leukemia, diabetes; etc.) When we test this software, we have to make up our own patients including names, addresses, etc. and the problems that come with them.

    Well, for those who follow Jemmiah's stories, my patient list might look oddly familiar: Jay Abran, Simeon Cates, Garos Hmiol, Dex Berlingside...
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