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ST Your top 10 strengths of the Last Jedi

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Ender_and_Bean, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    Here's mine:

    1) It's one of the most personal and psychological blockbuster films of the past 17 years. The characters are the focus and it's not just a special FX reel the way so many blockbusters are.

    2) Our childhood hero, Luke Skywalker, is fleshed out with more depth, revisiting his character flaws from previous films and overcoming them with the help of his former Master. He achieves true enlightenment and becomes on with the Force in one of the most remarkable Light side feats ever seen on-screen before. He experiences life from some of the same perspectives of his former masters and is reminded again by how easily the Dark Side can call out to any of us and be answered briefly if we're not careful. More than anything, we see our hero move from denial and projecting a mistake into accepting it and seeking to atone for it. These are the kinds of ideas normally reserved for independent art house films and not blockbusters but The Last Jedi is stronger for its willingness to dig deep and look at the kinds of issues our real life heroes deal with following war. Luke's transference staring out at the twin suns is the kind of emotional visual that no other saga save for perhaps LOTR has been able to deliver in a blockbuster. It's the performance of a lifetime from one of my favorite actors.

    3) It's the timeless fairy tale of a girl from nothing who has found herself in the middle of an adventure that culminates with a man of nobility, riches, technological wonders, and ultimate power falling hard for her and offering to take her away from that life of hardship and struggle, where few seem to really understand her, and her resisting that easier path in life out of concern for the downtrodden all over who are still struggling just as she did. Where this fairy tale in space moves from here is anyone's guess but it's as toxic and manipulative and fascinating a core conflict as there's been at the heart of a blockbuster since the father/son concept set the new standard.

    4) It's still the best merger of genres and experiences that audiences can enjoy on the big screen. The space opera, western, and sumurai influences remain but added to the mix is now Miyazaki-inspired spirituality with the Falthiers, heist film subgenre influences complete with Casino influences, better war drama chain of command influences on both sides (instead of only from the Empire's perspective), and even last stand survivalist influences where evacuations and bunkering up (like Helms Deep) are necessary to live. No other blockbuster combines so much so effortlessly.

    5) It's delightful and magical. Not only visually but in humor and tone. Whereas LOTR and The Dark Knight were somber to a fault, and Guardians and Thor Ragnorok never stopped to set-up emotion... The Last Jedi might be the best blockbuster this century that effectively balances humor and emotion in a manner that allows for both.

    6) It's surprising. Most of us spoiled ourselves and lived this movie for years but imagine the general audience who didn't. Johnson effectively took what most people expected and used it against them to surprise them in a manner that few blockbuster films do.

    7) It's offbeat and quirky and less-focused group polished than most mega blockbusters which feel like they're painting by number and built by a team of writers and a lot of focus group sessions. This blockbuster is unique enough and offbeat enough with its subversive qualities (Roasted porgs, Luke milking, drunken aliens, Snoke being sliced in 2) that it has almost an underground arthouse quality to it that fans can dig into and enjoy over and over the way they do John Carpenter films.

    8) It's more self-contained than most middle chapter films are with a strong opening that immediately sets the table, death of a primary villain and the fitting end of one aspect of life for our hero.

    9) It features better acting than many blockbuster films and some of the best acting in Star Wars. Other films focus mostly on their main character's weaknesses only and the others are merely there to prop up the primary. Even Han Solo, once he revealed he had a heart of gold and didn't only care about money and avoiding choosing sides, became one-note the rest of the way. Nothing tempts him the rest of the way to leave his friends or make any real mistakes. Not so in this saga. Each character -- including supporting characters -- gets their moments and they're tested by situations that play on their weaknesses as characters, allowing these fine actors to shine.

    10) It's brand new! Whereas so many other blockbusters these days are still being adapted from material we already know well -- whether they be novels, or comics, or video games, or plays -- This saga is one of the few that's truly created each time on its own, leaving all of us scrambling to wonder where it will go to next and speculating in a manner that no other saga has its fans doing.
  2. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    Just in reference to #5. I'm not necessarily sure if that's a good aspect of the film or not. Maybe it's all about perspective. IMO, what made R1 special (and an instant Blu-Ray buy for my home library) was that it did end on a somber note. Unlike many here, I've only seen TLJ once. Granted Luke's passing on came as a shock; but you'd have to have figured something like that would come sooner or later. Hamill isn't getting any younger. The OT was about him. The ST is supposed to be about the next generation. And TLJ didn't really leave any cliffhangers. It's not like Han being frozen in Carbonite just before the credits rolled in ESB. Maybe they purposely didn't have a cliffhanger because the intention is to to a time jump for the next film. Who knows?
  3. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003
    I couldn't manage 10 , but -

    1. Mark Hamill as Luke , god he's so good , as always .
    2. I laughed out loud more than once .
    3. The fight with the red guards is awesome .
    4. The hyperspace Kamikaze shot is breathtaking .
    Ahsoka's Tano likes this.
  4. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    When they announced anthology films I was looking forward to different tones and I really enjoy Rogue One as well. I liked being able to experience this saga more from the human soldier's perspective. In fact, one of the reasons I enjoy the Poe storyline is that it sort of continued that momentum into TLJ by getting more into the chain of command issues from the perspective of the heroes. The OT mostly only did that with the villains.

    However, for me... other franchises do somber and grim and realistic incredibly well. When I want that kind of experience I'm more likely to seek out Christopher Nolan films or Denis Villeneuve films or David Fincher's films and really move in that direction. I liked to be able to experience sort of a lighter version of that seriousness within Star Wars in Rogue One and I'm looking forward to further explorations on tone in the anthology films but Star Wars delights and mystifies better than most. Before filmmakers figured out how to deliver Super hero movies with polish and craftsmanship Star Wars was one of the few delivering magic and powers to the screen in ways that allowed us to suspend disbelief and go along for the ride. Now, post-LOTR/Potter/MCU etc children have grown up around an era of delight and magic more frequently than many of us did. Star Wars has more competition for the hearts and minds of the next generation than ever before so I really appreciate the tone of the Last Jedi and feel like Star Wars reminded all the other franchises again who's boss.
    Ahsoka's Tano likes this.
  5. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
  6. ezekiel22x

    ezekiel22x Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2002
    1. Mark Hamill. Finally the Disney era films have a signature performance. While I have a few issues with the writing, seeing Hamill back in action was worth the wait.

    2. Expansive, over the top action scenes. Nice to feel that same fun wow factor I hadn't experienced in SW since the PT.

    3. The casino planet. About time we saw another "glitzy" location.

    4. Porgs! Nice to see that goofy/cutesy side being allowed back in a manner beyond one token droid.

    5. Poe had an arc. Seemed to better live up to his billing as a bigger character this time around.

    6. Broom kid ending. Heartfelt scene that made me think back to TPM, and all the distance the saga has covered thus far.

    7. Porgs!

    8. Some very pretty shots. Disney's first two installments lacked that "I need to pause and soak this up" visual quality I found in I-VI, but TLJ had some beauty to it.

    9. Starts with p

    10. Ends with orgs
  7. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    ezekiel22x I was actually trying to find a thread exclusively about porgs within the forum. Obviously I understand how they're all the rage right now since the films' release. I wonder if it was a deliberate marketing ploy by Disney so they could sell plush porgs in advance of the holidays hoping that they'd be the next Tickle-Me-Elmo dolls.
  8. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    The best part about the Porgs is that they never took them full Ewok IMO. Johnson seemed to have the good sense to use them more sparingly than I think many thought based on how heavily they were featured in the trailers. He also wasn't afraid to show then getting pummeled or eaten. So, he sort of created a way where people who loved them got some fun and people who hate cuteness had fun. A rare feat.
    Ahsoka's Tano likes this.
  9. CakeThiefPro

    CakeThiefPro Jedi Knight star 2

    Sep 16, 2015
    Here are the parts I reallly enjoyed:

    1. Kylo Ren becoming a fully realised villain and actively choosing the dark side. Both by killing Snoke and trying to strike Luke. He doesn't have the experience or discipline of prime Vader but he's definitely on his way and no one can say he isn't powerful.

    2. Luke seeing R2-D2 again. As much as I hated Luke's portrayal in this movie, this was the one heart warming glance back into the character that I grew up with.

    3. The opening bomber scene. I think it was great to see one of the rebel heroes plans not play out exactly as they hoped. The war has a cost and every risk you take puts more lives on the line.

    4. DJ - A lot of people, quite rightly, get caught up in the morality of the light vs the dark but after decades of conflict and destruction I think it's natural that regular people would grow sick of both sides. At this point I think it's natural that some people would care more about their own survival than a seemingly never ending struggle. I don't agree with his outlook but it was interesting.

    5. Holdo's sacrifice.
  10. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    Holdo's sacrifice was certainly among the hallmarks of the film. So far the only complaints about that particular scene that I've read in the forum is that the explosion wasn't big enough lol. Yeah, where's Jerry Bruckheimer when you really need him?
  11. Oswin Oswald

    Oswin Oswald Jedi Knight star 2

    Apr 16, 2017

    My issue was that she aimed badly and didn't take out the bridge. Guess she wasn't a very good navigator "Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy!
  12. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014

    Did she have enough time to think about aiming for the bridge before hitting the switch? From what I gathered, she only cared to take out the destroyer itself who was firing on the defenseless rebels in the escape pods.
  13. Oswin Oswald

    Oswin Oswald Jedi Knight star 2

    Apr 16, 2017
    She had plenty of time since she let a bunch of Resistance ships get destroyed before making up her mind. But if she took out the bridge, that would take out the command and there would be chaos in the chain of command for a long time.
  14. Darth Dnej

    Darth Dnej Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 27, 2013
    1. Kylo Ren - He was already a strong character for me in TFA, but this film really built on him so well. I don't even know what he's going to do next. I'll include his force connection with Rey in this strength.
    2. Poe Dameron's arc
    3. The Throne Room Scene
    4. Luke on Crait
    5. Yoda
    6. Rose and Finn: Admittedly the kiss kind of came out of nowhere. Most of the other parts of their relationship was great.
    7. The Bombing Scene with Paige Tico
    8. Holdo's Sacrifice
    9. The Falcon's Run on Crait
    10. The War Profiteer Angle - Though this should've been explored more
    Deliveranze likes this.
  15. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
    1. Mark Hamill

    Pretty much is the reason this movie is as engaging as it is. Regardless of the opinions that his characterization was botched, it is always good to see Luke Skywalker.

    2. Opening scene

    A nice action packed scene that, while nothing special, had some visually stunning moments like Rose's sister sacrificing herself to drop the bombs.

    3. Stick fight

    Pointless? Maybe. But in a movie with no lightsaber duel, I enjoyed Rey and Luke's sparring scene for whatever reason. But Rey beating Luke? Um...

    4. The Mutiny Plot

    This was interesting. I was hoping in TFA, we'd see some conflict between the Republic and the Resistance, and this came close to that. Sure, was it in the end, another pointless scene? Probably, but I really did enjoy they added a bit of a complexity to the new Galactic Civil War.

    5. Canto Bight
    What a beautifully designed world. Shame it played such an insignificant part, but damn, did it look gorgeous. Probably the first planet in the ST that I didn't feel like I could take a 6 hour trip to.

    6. Snoke's Guards Fight

    Just a badass scene. No explanation needed.

    7. Green Milk Scene

    Yeah, as ridiculous as this was, it made me thirsty for some weird reason. Don't judge me.

    8. Luke's entire appearance on Crait

    Best part of the film. A huge cop out he's a projection, but it was still nice to see Luke get one moment to shine.

    9. Yoda

    Good to see the little green friend. Looked weird, but come on. IT'S YODA.

    10. Arms dealing

    A interesting plot point that went nowhere. Still cool to imagine.
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  16. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014

    CakeThiefPro and Deliveranze like this.
  17. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    1. Humor, and the overall quotables. I’ve really missed good dialogue. That’s not to say that Rogue One, TFA and Rebels have not had any good lines, they all have, and the PT had a handful as well, but I haven’t felt the “so many quotable lines I can’t even quote them all” vibe since the OT.

    2. Reunions. Luke and Leia, Luke and R2, Finn and Rey.

    3. The explanation of the light side of the Force as not limited to any particular religious belief. Through Luke’s commentary, Johnson manages to point out what went wrong with the PT Jedi without going out of his way to bash them or portray them as more over-the-top trollish than they actually were.

    4. Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher’s acting. Great swan song for Carrie and Trickster-level stuff from Mark.

    5. Luke’s lessons to Rey. Limited in time but very succinct and encompassing.

    6. Canto Blight. I mentioned this in the favorite scenes thread but I loved it, the visuals and the commentary from Rose about how disgusting war profiteering is.

    7. Porgs. I love them, I want one, but my cats would pull a Chewie.

    8. Luke Force-projecting himself. I did not think I was going to like that at all, and I ended up loving it.

    9. Luke’s very worthy send-off resembling the twin suns scene.

    10. I’m going to second Ach-To.
  18. Julius Vernon

    Julius Vernon Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 7, 2012
    Use of color.

    The film has a distinctive feel because of its use.
  19. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
  20. Ben-Solo

    Ben-Solo Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 19, 2017
    1. The introduction and impact that Paige Tico had on the story (as a side note pickup the novel "Bomber Command" well worth the read Paige Tico-centric)
    2. The journey of Luke Skywalker
    3. Poe Dameron's self-discovery character arc.
    4. Ben Solo's characterization and Adam Driver's delivery of it through his acting.
    5. John Williams Score. (transitions were well placed, and the interwining of themes were beautifully coordinated from Leia's theme to the Flight of the Resistance)
    6. Cinematography and custome choices weresomething from the original trilogy.
    7. Daisy Ridley's acting
    8. The space battle in the beginning
    9. The Opening Crawl explains everything and leaves nothing to doubt
    10. Rose Tico, new fresh character who helps Finn discover his true calling
  21. Darth Smurf

    Darth Smurf Small, but Lethal star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    1. Humor
    2. Visuals
    3. Battle at Snokes throne room
    4. Music