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Beyond - Legends Saga Before the Saga Zoochberry Cobbler (Kessel Run Challenge 2023)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Kahara, Jan 15, 2023.

  1. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    You had me at "Just call me 'Buckets of Blood'". [face_love] I'm a little weird. :p I'm glad Indeera is getting better. :)
  2. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    I'm enjoying the sense of Mother Nature healing someone whose health suffered for a very long time ...
    Yes, drink it in, Indeera!

    Even more cheeriness from one who's anticipating a change necessitated by her health. Such a nice interlude to read in an unfamiliar era to me ... so High Republic is 10k years *I'm guessing* prior to my familiar ROTS-ANH period? One thing I appreciated as an indicator of time passage was the use of docking rings for starships, seen in AOTC, I think, and then vanished by the time of ANH. It was a small thing, but indicated ~Progress. Does High Republic show such indicators, or ... ?
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  3. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Very nice! Even though the character and setting are still new to me, this is a very effective and enjoyable little vignette of someone who, in the course of a slow recovery process, begins to discover a new life path available to her. Because that certainly can happen under circumstances like those—the whole “one door closes but another opens,” type thing, and there’s no feeling better than the good feeling you get from helping someone. And the charming Dr. “Buckets of Blood” Buck sounds like he would make a wonderful mentor! :D Congrats on getting this done so fast and so well! =D=
    earlybird-obi-wan and Kahara like this.
  4. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    The Universe Through Seaglass

    “Are your antiques running away now?”

    “No, of course not. They’re very happy here. But, this one I think you might like as a memento.”

    Maz hands Finn a piece of seaglass that glints amber-orange in the light, and he looks at her inquiringly.

    “Do you sense anything in the Force from this?”

    “Hmm,” he closes his eyes and concentrates with more ease in the oddness of it all than he had with the crystals. “Actually, there’s kind of… nothing there. To the point that it’s strange.”

    “Precisely!” She grins with glee. “This glass came from – well, who knows. A bottle, a piece of an old-fashioned glass window, a spectacularly ugly vase that someone accidentally knocked over the side of a luxury watercraft during an altercation…”

    “Nothing you know about.”

    “Nope! But anyway, the point is that this glass rolled around in the waters and sands of a very highly Force-saturated sea for decades before someone retrieved it. And now its – memories, I suppose – have been smoothed away by the surf and it has sat undisturbed in this nice taozin-silk cloth since it arrived here.”

    “I feel like Han would say that’s not how the Force works, but you’re the expert here. So this is like the opposite of the kyber crystals, sort of?”

    “Ehh, not quite but it doesn’t really matter right now. What does matter is that this seaglass is something of a blank slate, but we can make it “record” for lack of a better term and I think that would be a fabulous way to celebrate this occasion.” She takes the seaglass piece and concentrates, imbuing it with the emotions from the combination of Finn’s presence and the kyber song that still echoes in the room. He watches with interest, seeing the result but not the way it’s done – learning that sort of craft would take many years, though she thinks he may well be one with the knack and wouldn’t that be phenomenal? When it’s done, the seaglass radiates sparks of blue-green from within as she places it in Finn’s hands. He cradles it carefully, sensing the amber-captured memory of that first kyber song, and smiles.

    “Thanks, Maz. I don’t know what to do with any of this Force poodoo, but it’s good to have something to remind me of the good in it, I think.”

    She smiles, thinking of the seaglass pieces she wears in an amulet around her neck. They’ve worn to tiny pebbles over the ages but still bring her recollections of some of her most precious days. Her young friend can certainly use more reminders of happy memories and there’s no time to start collecting like the present.


    “Pish tosh. Of course I’m sure that there’s a kyber crystal in there! I’m not an amateur.” Maz gestures emphatically and goes back to chipping away at the barnacle-encrusted lump she and Finn are leaning over to see. He looks at her dubiously from behind the safety goggles, and she sees swathes of worried stonefruit-orange and hopeful amethystine dancing around him along with a dozen other hues of emotion.

    “Well, there’s something weird in there – ”, and he glances at the faint phosphorescence of the formation, “ -- but how common is kyber in a random undersea lava-rock?”

    “Not.” Chip, chip, chip. “But it is hardly ‘random’, or it wouldn’t have broken off at a touch like that. There are reasons why this area was used to cache things that we didn’t want the Republic or the Empire finding. There was… an incident on Eiram a couple centuries back. And then much later a volcanic eruption happened in this area. It all left a sort of, ah, disruption in the Force here. There are spots like this all over the Galaxy, so nothing too suspicious. But it made certain things less likely to be noticed. Perhaps those events were also a catalyst for the forming of this kyber, if it formed itself naturally -- as I suspect it did.”

    “See, I thought you’d just been hiding your loot in an undersea deathtrap for fun.” Effervescent motes of fuchsia and burgundy amusement float through the air like dust and her corrective lenses, unique as they are, catch the variations for her to see. (There’s a bit of actual dust in Maz’s workshop too, really. It adds character.)

    “Oh, but I was! Diving is one of the great joys in this galaxy, and the blue hole cave systems of Eiram’s western isles are a stunning natural wonder. The close quarters cut down on the size of the wildlife, too.”

    “Uh huh. That’s why the cave walls were shaking and there was a distinct glug glug in the Force… in an area of Eiram that you said was not currently tectonically active. Sure, Maz.”

    “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” She ignores Finn’s skeptical look and his following rueful laugh. Bet-Sii has grown into such a majestic creature. But there are some things people are just happier not knowing.

    She gives the mineral formation another tap with the fusioncutter on its most delicate setting, and a section that her chiseling has weakened finally crumbles away. Sparkling blue-green light pours out of the interior like juice from a pallie-fruit.

    “Now we’re getting somewhere!” she cheers, and Finn smiles, carried by her enthusiasm and his own curiosity.

    Another few careful nudges and the “lump” of lava rock splits open fully, revealing an interior of luminous crystals. She pushes the halves of the opened geode towards Finn. “An excellent job if I do say so myself, you may compliment me at any time.”

    “That is definitely something.”

    “That’ll do. Well, go on! See which one is for you.”

    “... I don’t know --” A smoky vapor of dark blue self-doubt surrounds him, and Maz wonders at it. True, he’d only accepted Skywalker’s lightsaber from her before during a time of great emergency – but still. It’s not like he’s never been near anything Force-related in the intervening year-and-change, as their trip to the treasure cache recently proved.

    Then again -- as far as Maz knows -- he has only dealt with kyber crystals that were already housed in an existing weapon.

    “That thing practically glued itself to you, Finn. It’s your responsibility now. Congratulations! Good companions, kyber crystals. Don’t need a litter box, for one thing. Of course, you don’t have to use any of the crystals if you choose not to. And there’s no rule what you have to make of one – turning them into fancy letter-openers is just what the Jedi and Sith do. But they are in your keeping. You should at least be aware of their connections to you.”

    Finn nods, and she sees that willingness to jump into the unknown that has always been a part of him deep down -- even from the first time she looked into his eyes and saw the haunted look in them. He picks up one of the geode halves and holds it for a moment. The light from within it flares like a torch and he pauses for a half-second but it’s not hesitation this time; she can see the moment when the Force innate to the crystals calls directly to his own Force connection, and the soft glow of lavender-grey peace that envelops him before he becomes fully absorbed with the kyber’s song. An incandescent display of colors sparks in the air, slowly merging into one – a deep oceanic blue-green, almost teal in hue. Finn carefully sets down the geode and she sees that he is holding a crystal of that same blue-green that has separated out from the others. He holds it to the light and she can see that blaze again as it catches against the interior of the kyber.

    This sort of thing is really one of the reasons for her out-of-control collecting habit. Sure, it keeps her busy and she can make use of some artifacts herself, but being able to see people spark to life when they find the thing that is meant for them (or could be meant for them) is a true magic that she will never be tired of.

    “This is -- a lot, Maz. I’m not sure what I even want to do other than see the Galaxy and help with putting it back together the best I can. All of this Force stuff is so much more complicated; I’ve seen the worst of how some people use it. And it took a real toll on Rey, with Kylo Ren and Exegol and somehow Palpatine, why, and all that, though she’s been more like herself lately. I’m not sure that I want that kind of power, though I’d like to be able to be there for her and I know she’s hoping I’ll learn with her. She hasn’t mentioned it lately, but I can kind of tell she’s trying not to badger me into it.”

    Maz tssks under her breath and hops up on the table so she can look the Human in the eye easier. “I’m not a Jedi and never have been – well, except for that week, phew, that was not for me. But anyway, one thing I’ve learned from watching all these millennia is that communication is important and Jedi are often not very good at it. Especially with each other; they can sense a bit about each other and assume the rest a bit too easily. I recommend talking to her, though it’s up to you.”

    “Hey, I talk to Rey!”

    Maz snorts. “You sure do, but not much about the Force from what I’ve seen. Nor about some other conversations that you might have.”


    “It really is prudent to use words sometimes, you know.” He really is just too fun to wind up. And Maz knows him and Rey well enough to sense that it will work out quite well for those two, one way or another. She looks around for a convenient distraction to rescue the Human from this conversation, since he looks in need of it and she’s not entirely without mercy. A glint from the shelves above – aha! She climbs up, scurrying into the chaos of the storage areas above and returning to earth with a leap once she’s found what she sought.


    The waters of Eiram are as blue as she recalls and bluer, scintillating through the lenses that have only gathered perception as time goes by. She is glad to be swimming again; this was a much-missed escape from the world during the rise of the First Order. Even as she’d tried to stay out of things (knowing she’d somehow fall in it anyway), there had been too much to do to keep ahead of events and she hadn’t been able to relax enough to really want to go into the waters where she’d be more vulnerable to potential enemies.

    Finn swims along beside her, obviously comfortable with the diving equipment. She is definitely going to have to prank him back for “falling” in the water when he “can’t swim”, an act that she is both embarrassed to have fallen for and more than a bit delighted that he pulled off so easily.

    The young Human has great piratical potential if he doesn’t decide to go the route of the Jedi or some other calling. She’s glad to see him get into a bit of mischief; the tiredness he’d carried with him from the end of the war seems to be falling away bit by bit. It’s a joy to see him have the confidence he’s gained through his adventures, but she’s glad the cost hasn’t been a permanent case of over-seriousness. It’s an all-too-common affliction among Force-sensitives as they grow into their abilities, and one that doesn’t get less frustrating for how many times she’s witnessed it.

    A school of kornipaks flurries around them as they descend towards the trove she left here, and Maz hopes that it hasn’t gotten all messed up since the rise of the Empire. (Adorable critters, but overly prone to grazing on anything and everything with their little ocean-goat teeth.) She never had made it back before the First Order happened, and only now does it seem like a good idea to retrieve these treasures.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023
  5. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    A delightful piece about collecting glass and other treasures. The water is giving such pleasure in this, revealing the treasures, hidden there by barnacles
  6. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    First of all: YAY! You did it! [face_party]

    What a beautiful concept! I especially love the idea that a regular crystal—or even a pretty piece of glass—can become a template for a Force imprint of memories, thoughts, etc.—so much so that it causes a color change, it looks like. Wonderful imagery throughout the story, with such a variety of color and texture words. It’s co cool how the colors of the Force auras seen by Maz seem to blend into the colors of the crystals. And great choice of characters, too: they both have what one might call a slightly unusual or unorthodox attunement to the Force, at least compared to some other characters, and Finn couldn’t have found a better guide to help him make sense of it all, and to help him sort out his thoughts about the events of the trilogy he’s just been in—and of course banter, too! :D They started by diving for kyber, but ended up by bonding and learning—and in Finn’s case, making an all-new sense of the gift he has. Beautiful job on a beautiful concept and scene—and really, great work on all your stories for this run! You did an amazing job and I’m so proud of you. =D=
  7. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    "is that communication is important and Jedi are often not very good at it."

    [face_rofl] [face_laugh] [face_rofl] [face_laugh] Ain't that the sad and sorry truth. :p

    Fantastically done, @Kahara =D= =D= =D=
  8. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Most excellent finish to the Run! I especially liked the diving buddy relationship they've got going on; it's unique, I think. Immersed in possible danger, getting through it with enough skills and experience ...
    The joy of learning and teaching, well expressed.


    :eek: What a strange feeling that would be ...

    Loved the impishness here! [face_party]
  9. UltramassiveUbersue

    UltramassiveUbersue Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 7, 2022
    The Universe Through Seaglass
    There's so much that I love about this fic! The title, to start with. :)

    I love the banter between Finn and Maz, and she comes across as such a sweet, fun, eccentric elder lady. The idea of her dropping out of Jedi training after a week made me laugh; she is obviously too much into just enjoying life. Beautiful imagery, and I love the worldbuilding you've created with this Force-obscuring seaglass.

    Well done! =D=
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Gorgeous details about how Maz perceives things associated with the Force and I enjoyed the banter and warmth between she and Finn. There's a friendly camaraderie there.
  11. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    I'm going to politely ignore your week 10 fic because I haven't touched the High Republic material yet, but I have all those books and comics sitting on my shelf and I'm planning to read them in the coming months, so you can expect a return visit from me when I'm done with them [:D]

    On to The Universe Through Seaglass! Like Ubersue, I love the title. It made me anticipate all sorts of beautiful Kahara imagery, and I was not disappointed :)

    You built such a fantastic relationship between Maz and Finn here, with the combination of mentor/pupil and best buddy elements [face_love] I was really disappointed at how little the ST used Maz after establishing her as an eccentric elder being who, one would expect, has a lot to share in that particular context, and you really brought her to life here.
    So, first: the tone. That "nope" sounds exactly like something Maz would say, even in a conversation about the mystical aspects of the Force :D And then, her explanation of what this rare and beautiful object actually is, how the flow and erosion of time turned a piece of junk into something precious, and how she can use it to make it personally valuable to Finn – and with that reference to the pieces of seaglass she is carrying around her neck, it's as if she is giving him a part of herself. Which, metaphorically, she is actually doing by sharing her knowledge, her wisdom but also her whimsicality, to help him not take his Force powers too seriously.
    More [face_laugh] It's just so Maz, bringing all this Force mumbo-jumbo down to earth.
    More more [face_laugh] There's a crack!story about a Jedi instructor trying to corral Maz into the Temple that needs to be written here.

    More generally, I loved how you elaborated on Maz's hoarding habit: on the one hand, you gave it meaning, because these are objects that she expects to be able to share, on the other hand, you made it complete lunacy with the idea that she has stashes of stuff in the strangest places. It was a great way to develop this character!

    Thank you for keeping us readers happy and entertained with your stories for the past three months, and congratulations for completing the challenge! =D=
  12. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Your entire Run has been an absolute pleasure to read - even if I mostly lurked and was entirely remiss in leaving feedback along the way [face_blush] - but I wanted to reach out and comment on my favorite piece in The Universe Through Seaglass, at the very least, before the next Kessel Run starts up again! [face_love]

    First of all: you had me at the title! What a gorgeous title! I was hooked, well before reading a single word. [face_hypnotized]

    Second: Maz and Finn! I'm not much of a ST girl, myself, but I do have a soft spot for Maz and Finn. Both characters had so much potential, and I love that this story is quite literally about Maz seeing that potential, and encouraging it in her own way. [face_love]

    Absolutely nothing. :p

    [face_hypnotized] Yep. This is definitely how the Force works. This bit of lore just . . . feels right, besides being infinitely beautiful, to boot! [face_love]

    The universe through seaglass, indeed! [face_hypnotized] This was just so . . . beautiful, and evocative for being so. This is the kind of treasure that's priceless for those who know where to look - that's priceless for being imbued with value and thus made precious for being so, and hello there, underlying message - and your prose sparkled and glimmered to match! [face_love]

    Ha! Maz. :p

    This was a great use of the reverse narrative, too! It's subtle - and it feels like we're looking through that glass with your words, if that makes any sense? Everything about this story was soft and roiling and wave-like, and I loved the feeling of reading for just that reason alone. =D=

    More gorgeous descriptions - and I love how Maz can see emotions through the Force. [face_hypnotized]




    Now THIS is a story waiting to be told! [face_batting]


    [face_rofl] [face_rofl]!!

    This is such a spot-on character insight - for both of them! [face_love] Maz knows treasure when she sees it - let alone a kindred spirit in his own right when it comes to her own niche interests in a certain sort of collecting. [face_thinking]

    Every word of this is absolutely stunning. [face_hypnotized]

    I see what you did there. [face_mischief]

    Aw! Finn and Rey is another relationship with so much potential that I wish we were able to see more of, and I do love this glimpse of them here. I was also reminded of Luke and Mara in a way, post-TTT, which is a wonderful call-back in its own right. [face_love]


    [face_laugh] [face_mischief] [face_whistling]

    This whole story rather had a "inhaling after holding your breath" kinda feeling, and I love how that paired up with the joy of diving for diving's sake! War takes so much, from everyone, in so many ways - but here, Maz is taking this particular joy back for herself. And for Finn too. [face_love]

    *snorts* I love it! :p

    I like how you explained this too! There's such a difference between Finn in TFA and the rest of the trilogy (which I personally mourned, he was such a dear in TFA) and this explains that sharp shift in his character in a way that's more characterization than a lack of cohesion in the writers' room, perhaps.

    Little ocean-goat-teeth! I loved this. :D

    And here they are, back at the beginning. [face_love]

    I truly enjoyed this story - and your entire Run, at that - and can't wait to see what you have to share with us if you join in on fun again this year! [face_batting] =D= [:D]
    earlybird-obi-wan, Tarsier and Kahara like this.
  13. Tarsier

    Tarsier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    The Universe Through Seaglass - as everyone else has said, what a beautiful title!

    This is beautiful, love every word!!! I especially love how Maz can see emotions as colors. Grat character exploration here. And I love the lore about the seaglass and the crystals.

    This is such a great character insight!

    So true!!!!

    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Drifted back in here to catch up on entries I missed.

    Moonamber's Montane Memorabilia
    - I liked the cozy feel of this shop. It sounds like a fun place to browse through. Being next to a bakery would be hard.

    The Small Hours
    - Loved getting better acquainted with Talu and her family. Hard adjusting to the things staying under the Imperial radar calls for.

    On Sunset Shores
    - beautiful scenery and nice bit of introspection for Indeera.

    Kahara and Findswoman like this.