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Awards 2016 FanFic Awards Guide & Announcements Thread | Thread now locked

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Chyntuck , Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014

    This thread is now locked. You can see the Awards Ceremony thread here

    Welcome to the Guide and Announcements thread for the 2016 Awards!

    This thread should serve as your guide to dates, eligibility, rules and a place to ask any questions you may have. It’s long, so apologies, but we’ll try and have the most important info up top.

    I am the Evil Overseer for these awards, but the people doing the real work are the volunteers, and I assure you that they deserve your gratitude, if nothing else for putting up with me. Please join me in a big round of applause for:

    Anakin Solo Revanchist, divapilot, Findswoman, Kahara, Nyota's Heart, Raissa Baiard and RX_Sith
    =D= =D= =D= =D=

    We also owe a mega thanks to Ewok Poet, who is not volunteering but who was of immense help in establishing the lists of eligible fics and authors for each era. =D=

    The general structure of the Awards process will be similar to last year’s. However, following the post-Awards survey that was held in March 2015, the volunteer team has decided to make a few changes in order to accommodate the various concerns that were raised. In this thread, you will find announcements of these changes and an overview of how things will go. We are doing our best so that everything runs smoothly and that we don’t need to change any rules halfway through the process, but as you all know to err is human, so please bear with us.

    For those who joined the boards recently, or who are new to fanfic, here is a quick recap of how the awards work:

    The awards process is split by Era. So fics are competing only against other fics of the same era.​

    The first phase is Nominations. This is when any and all users can nominate the fics that will compete in each era.​

    The second phase is Excerpts. Nominated authors are asked to supply excerpts of their fics to give voters an idea about their writing.​

    The third phase is Voting. No one needs an explanation about this, right?​

    The fourth phase is the Awards Ceremony. We announce a few winners every day, so as to let people time to congratulate them.​

    The last phase is Prizes. Fanficcers usually volunteer to supply prizes for the winners, and we distribute them following the method described below.​

    There will be individual threads for each part of the awards (Nominations, Excerpts and Voting) along with detailed instructions on how to proceed with that part.​

    Before we start, just a general reminder that the JCF's Terms of Service and the rules spelled out in the Fanfic FAQ apply to the awards process like everywhere else. If you are not familiar with these, please take the time to read them before you jump in.


    As you will see below, we need prizes for the winners. Please PM me any ideas you have for prizes, or anything you would be willing to contribute yourself.

    To help us spread the word about the awards, so that we have as many nominators and voters as possible, please consider replacing your current signature for the next few weeks with some big-fat-red-letter version of "The 2016 Fan Fiction Awards have begun! Check out the thread in Fanfic Resource!"

    And, obviously, the best way to help us make these awards fun for everyone is to nominate and vote!


    Overview (changes since 2015, dates and eligibility)​
  2. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014

    Before is a standalone era again! It’s a small era, only 50 eligible fics, but many people requested it in the post-Awards survey and we deemed that many of these stories are so different from Saga that they should compete separately. This era will have 7 award categories.

    Sequel Trilogy fics will also compete as a separate era. It is only 33 fics, but 2015 was a special year with the release of TFA and we thought that these stories should receive special visibility for the occasion. This includes all Sequel Trilogy speculation fics (whether based on New Canon, Legends or a blend of the two) and fics that were written after the release of TFA, as well as all fics involving characters that were introduced in TFA. This era will also have 7 award categories.

    Note: This is a mini-era that we created only for 2016. How the New Canon/Legends divide will be handled in the 2017 awards is up to the 2017 team. Force help them.​

    Last but not least, we will providing you with a list of eligible fics and authors for each era. This is kinda indispensable since the search function is down, but it also makes things much easier for us volunteers, since we will all be working off the same list when the time for nominations comes. EDIT 17 March 2016: The list for all eras has been posted here.

    There will be a few other, smaller changes, but we’ll present those as we go along.


    In order for this process not to be ridiculously long, the eras will go in pairs. Beyond and ST will go first, followed by Before and Saga.

    18 - 27 March: Nominations for Beyond & ST

    28 March - 6 April: Nominations for Before & Saga

    7 - 16 April: Excerpts and Synopses for Beyond & ST

    17 - 26 April:
    Voting for Beyond & ST​
    Excerpts and Synopses for Before & Saga​

    27 April - 6 May: Voting for Before & Saga

    8 May: Beginning of the Awards Ceremony for all eras


    Eligible stories are stories that were started OR updated from 01 January 2015 at 00:00:01 PST to 31 December 2015 at midnight PST. As stated above, you will be given a list, so this should be fairly straightforward.
    • If you started your story before the move and it is still truncated, it is highly recommended that you either fix it or have a link to another site with the story by the time voting starts. Failing to do so means others cannot read your entire work and may be less likely to vote for you. If there is a link, the story on that site MUST be compliant with the Jedi Council TOS.
    • Stories that won awards in the (however distant) past are not eligible in the categories they already won, but they can compete normally in every other category. There will be a note about such stories in the list of eligible fics. Reposts are eligible like any other story, with the same restrictions for those that already won an award.
    • There are specific provisions for eligibility in the Best Series and Best Author categories, as well as specific individuals who forewent eligibility in one or more eras. Please check out items 6, 7 and 11 in the FAQ below for details.
    • Any user (reader or writer) who was active in 2015 is eligible for the Best Reviewer category, except the mods, overseer, era volunteers and former winners. You will be provided with a list of ineligible users together with the list of eligible fics.
  3. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014

    Because of the difference in the number of fics between smaller and bigger eras, and because of the specificity of the smaller eras, the eras get different categories. Definitions of the categories will be provided in the Nominations Thread.

    The Random Award

    Following the popular demand for a fun category in the post-Awards survey last year, we present to you the Random Award. We are asking you to make up a crack!category (e.g. Best WTF Moment, Best Scene Pushing the ToS, Punniest Character Name, or any other crazy idea you might come up with) and nominate a fic for it. All proposals will go to the voting round, and the award will go to both the nominator who invented it and the writer who won it. This category is not era-specific.

    The award categories for Before are:

    GENRE: Best AU, Best Canon, Best All-Around

    CHARACTERS: Best Character, Best Relationship

    AUTHOR: Best Author

    OTHER: Best Reviewer

    The award categories for Saga and Beyond in 2016 are:

    GENRE: Best Alternate Universe, Best Canon, Best Humour, Best All-Around

    STYLE: Best Epic, Best Short Story (includes poem, vignette and song-fic), Best Series

    CHARACTERS: Best Interpretation of a Canon Character, Best Original Character, Best Villain/Antagonist

    RELATIONSHIPS: Best Canon Relationship, Best Original Relationship

    AUTHOR: Best Author, Best New Author

    OTHER: Best Reviewer

    The award categories for Sequel Trilogy in 2016 are:

    GENRE: Best Speculation/Spoiler Fic, Best Post-Premiere Fic, Best Legends Inclusion

    CHARACTERS: Best Character, Best Relationship

    AUTHOR: Best Author

    OTHER: Best Reviewer

    We encourage authors to provide as much information as possible about their fics in the title bar or the opening post of each story thread, so as to make the nominations process easier for everyone.
  4. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014

    The nominations period for each era will last for ten days. The Nominations Thread will consist of:
    • a reminder of the nomination rules,
    • a list of categories for each era with a clear definition for every category,
    • a list of eligible fics and authors, broken down by era, and
    • a nominations form that you will fill and send to a different sock for each era.
    Your PM will then be opened and read by three volunteers who will count your nominations and contact you if there is a problem (e.g. if you forgot the link, if the fic you’re nominating isn’t eligible, etc.)

    For nominators
    • Anyone is eligible to nominate, whether writer, reader or lurker. No need to sign up as in the past.
    • Anyone caught voting multiple times with a sock will be banned and no longer eligible to participate in the awards in any way.
    • Lurker accounts will be verified by the mods to ascertain that they are not socks and nominations will not be counted if the account is deemed suspicious.
    For writers
    • You are eligible to nominate like everyone else.
    • You may not nominate yourself. This includes fics that you co-authored.
    Nominations rules & Fics that go to the voting round
    • You may nominate up to two fics in every category, but they should be by different authors. Similarly, you may nominate up to two authors and up to two reviewers in their respective categories.
    • You may not nominate the same fic in more than three categories in each era. This is to ensure that a wide variety of stories appear on the nominations list.
    • To go to the voting round, a fic or author should have two nominations or more. However, we will waive this rule if we don't have enough nominated fics in a specific category.
    • If a fic was nominated in more than 3 categories, it goes to the voting round only in the 3 categories where it received the most nominations. In case of a tie for third place, the least populated category will be chosen. In case of a tie between two equally populated categories, a category is drawn at random. See item 17 of the FAQ below for details and examples.
    Colours for nominations

    As a nominator, you could win colours! In order to encourage users to nominate as many fics as possible in as many categories and eras as possible, we will be giving one week of colours to the two users who send in the most nominations across all eras. In case of a tie between three or more nominators, two names will be drawn at random.

    You may start gathering who you want to nominate for awards at any time, but please don’t send them to the volunteers until the Nominations thread goes live (you wouldn’t know where to send them anyway). Please remember that you will need links to the stories that you are nominating; the links will be provided in the list of eligible fics.


    Authors will have the choice to provide either a synopsis or an excerpt of their fics that go to the voting round.

    Each author will receive a PM with the list of their stories for which excerpts/synopses are needed. The authors will then send their excerpts by PM as well. All excerpts will be posted in one thread, with a breakdown by era and category.

    The Excerpt Thread will be open for ten days for each era before voting starts.
    • For the Best Epic, Best Series, Best All-Around, Best Author and Best New Author categories, the excepts/synopses should be 600 words at most. For all other categories, the maximum word count is 300.
    • As not every processor counts word counts the same, we will use THIS online word counter. Anything over the limit will be cut to the limit.
    • Authors who choose to provide an excerpt may preface it with a very short intro that will not count towards the excerpt's word count. The maximum word count for this intro is 50 words.
    • For the author categories, you can submit any example of your writing that was posted here on the JCF within the eligibility dates.

    The voting period will begin after the excerpts period is over and will last for ten days for each era. The Voting Thread will consist of:
    • A reminder of the voting rules,
    • A list of the fics that made it to the voting round, broken down by era and category,
    • An era-specific voting form that you will complete and send by PM to an era-specific sock for each era.
    Your PM will be opened and read by three volunteers who will count your votes and contact you if there is a problem.

    Voting rules
    • Anyone is eligible to vote, whether writer, reader or lurker. No need to sign up as in the past.
    • Writers may not vote for themselves, including for fics that they co-authored.
    • Anyone caught voting multiple times with a sock will be banned and no longer eligible to participate in the awards in any way.
    • Lurker accounts will be verified by the mods to ascertain that they are not socks and votes will not be counted if the account is deemed suspicious.
    • You can vote only for one fic in each category.
    • You can vote only for the fics that made it to the voting round (obviously!)
    Colours for votes

    As a voter, you could win colours again! In order to encourage users to vote in as many categories and eras as possible, we will be giving a week of colours to the two persons who send in the largest number of votes across all eras. In case of a tie between three or more people, two names will be drawn at random.


    Campaigning for nominations and votes is not allowed, not for stories you authored, not for stories you read.
    • Encouraging your fellow users to participate in the awards is acceptable in the course of normal thread posting.
    • Thanking your nominators once in your story thread or the title bar is also acceptable.
    • Anything that can be construed as campaigning will be removed by our friendly neighbourhood mods. This includes, but is not limited to, upping random threads with only awards-related posts.
  5. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014

    We hope that, like in previous years, fanfic readers and writers will volunteer to provide prizes for the winners. Prizes can be cover art, drawings, colours, advertisement space, fic-gifts, anything else you would like to provide. If you want to contribute, please PM me with your ideas or anything you would like to do to help with prizes, even if you’ve already expressed interest. The more crazy ideas, the merrier!

    If you win multiple categories, it is possible you may not be given multiple prizes, depending on the number of prizes we have available.

    Thanks to the amazing Raissa Baiard, all winners will get a Golden Yoda badge and printable certificate.

    How will it work?

    Due to the nature of the prizes we have to award, there really isn’t a fair way to distribute them. There will be a list of all proposed prizes and the winner will choose what they want as their prize.

    Because different eras have different numbers of awards, here is how we will go about this. This process is designed to take into account the different number of categories in each era.

    1) The order in which eras go will be drawn at random.​

    2) The Best Author in each era will choose first.​

    3) The Best New Author in Saga and Beyond will go second.​

    4) The person with the most wins in each era (excluding author categories) will go third. If there is a tie, a name will be drawn at random.​

    5) The two persons with the second largest number of wins in Saga and Beyond will go next.​

    6) The two persons with the second largest number of wins in Before and ST and the two persons with the third largest number of wins in Saga and Beyond will go next.​

    7) The two persons with the fourth largest number of wins in Saga and Beyond will go next.​

    8) Rinse, repeat until all winners have received a prize.​

    9) If there are any leftover prizes, we will restart this process from step 4.​

    10) The prize for the Random Award is 96 hours of colours, both for the nominator and the winning author.​

    11) The prize for Best Reviewer is a week of colours and a title.​

    To make it as fair as possible, prizes will not be given out until all awards are completed. There will be an announcement of winners in the Awards Ceremony, and then prizes will be done.
  6. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014

    1) Which volunteers are working on which eras?

    Before: Kahara, Nyota's Heart, RX_Sith
    Saga: Anakin Solo Revanchist, divapilot and RX_Sith
    Beyond: Findswoman, Nyota's Heart, Raissa Baiard
    Sequel Trilogy: Findswoman, Kahara, Raissa Baiard

    2) Why are Sequel Trilogy fics competing in a separate era?

    2015 was a special year because of the release of TFA. There were several great speculation fics posted on the boards before December, and there was a slew of TFA-based fics after the film hit the movie theatres. Separating those fics into an era of their own was a good way to make sure that they get the special attention they deserve while not overshadowing or being overshadowed by other fics that were posted in Saga throughout the year.

    The ST as a separate era is a transitional measure for a transitional year. The best way to handle the New Canon/Legends divide in the future will be discussed again in the post-Awards survey.

    3) I don’t get how you define the Sequel Trilogy era, can you explain again?

    The ST era is for any fic that has to do with the Sequel Trilogy. This includes:
    • Speculation out of thin air,
    • Speculation based on the idea that the ST would somehow continue the Legends-verse, or would be based on the Legends-verse,
    • Speculation based on spoilers, trailers, posters, cast announcements, release of character names and anything else that leaked or was released before TFA hit the movie theatres,
    • Fics that include any character that is first introduced in TFA,
    • "First impression" fics written after TFA was released.
    4) Will ST fics also be eligible in Saga or Beyond, depending on how they are tagged?

    No, they won’t. Each fic is eligible only in the era under which it is listed in the list of eligible fics that we will provide.

    5) Why is there a different number of categories/different types of categories in each era?

    The number of fics competing for the awards differs wildly from era to era. Saga has more than 250 eligible stories, whereas ST has only 33. In order to be fair, or as fair as we could, we decided that Saga and Beyond, being much bigger, should have more award categories, which is why we added Best Humour and Best Villain. At the same time, it would have been difficult to apply some of the "classic" categories to the small eras, because the number of eligible fics for those categories was so tiny, so we had to be creative and flexible.

    6) What's the deal with eligibility for Best Series?

    A series is a collection of two or more stories that are interconnected by their theme, storyline or characters. For a series to be eligible to compete for Best Series:
    • At least one of the stories that make up the series should have been posted within the eligibility dates.
    • A series that won Best Series in the past is not eligible for it again, but new stories that the author added within the eligibility dates are eligible as standalones in every other category.
    7) What's the deal with eligibility for Best Author?

    The Best Author award is intended to honour an author's entire body of work. Therefore:
    • Authors who won this award in 2011 or earlier are eligible for it, because their body of work will have changed considerably since they won the award.
    • Authors who won this award in 2014 and 2015 are not eligible for it in the era(s) where they won it, because we don't want the same people winning the award year after year. This cut-off date will change at some point in the future.
    • Writers who were active as co-authors only in 2015 are not eligible for Best Author. The same goes for Best New Author.
    8) Who prepared the list of eligible fics?

    The list was originally prepared by Mr Chyntuckopoulos for the Master Index of Post-Move fics. It was then revised and corrected twice by Chyntuck, and then once more by Ewok Poet with help from Findswoman and Raissa Baiard. We are fairly confident that no eligible fic was left out, but as stated above, to err is human, so if there are any mistakes let us know.

    9) What should I do if I want to nominate a fic that is not on the list, or not in the era I want to nominate it for?

    You should first verify if the story appears on the list at all. If it does, you should nominate it under the era where it is listed. If it's not there at all, please PM me about it and I will (hopefully) supply a valid explanation why it shouldn't be there (e.g. it was reposted under a different title).

    If you believe that a story is listed under the wrong era, again, please PM me. However, bear in mind that some stories are mistagged, and some have no tag at all, so double-check first that the story does belong under the tag that the author chose for it.

    10) The list of eligible fics specifies only author and title, where can I see details about the fics?

    Check out the How to Find Stories section in the Master Resource Index for a list of current indexes.

    11) Some fics and authors are listed as "not eligible" on the list of eligible fics, why is that?

    Some authors are not eligible for the Awards this year, either in a specific era or in general, because of their role. This includes: 1) mavjade and Briannakin, who chose not to be eligible as mods for this first year when awards were managed by volunteers, 2) Chyntuck who is not eligible as overseer, 3) divapilot, who chose to forego eligibility in Saga to volunteer, and 4) Nyota's Heart, who chose to forego eligibility in Beyond to volunteer. The era volunteers are also not eligible for Best Reviewer in the era(s) where they volunteer.

    In the rare case where an author who is not eligible has co-authored a fic during the eligibility dates, the story itself is eligible provided that there were 3 eligible authors for every non-eligible author.

    Furthermore, stories that already won one or more awards in the however distant past are not eligible for those categories anymore, but they can still compete in every other category. The same goes for authors and reviewers in their respective categories.

    Individual authors may also choose to withdraw their fics from the awards, in which case their fics will be listed as non-eligible.

    12) How are nominations and votes going to be counted?

    Each era has a specific sock to which you will send your nominations and votes by PM. Only the era's three volunteers and the overseer have access to that sock. Each volunteer will open your PM separately and count your nominations/votes independently. The overseer will then reconcile the three volunteers' counts to make sure that there were no mistakes.

    In case there is a problem with your nominations/voting PM (e.g. you forgot to mention the name of the character you are nominating, you voted for two fics in the same category, etc) the volunteers will verify among themselves that there is indeed a mistake on your end and will contact you to ask you to clarify or make a correction.

    13) Do I have to nominate two fics in each category? Or can I nominate only one?

    You can nominate up to two fics by different authors in every category. This means that you can nominate only one if you prefer it that way, but we encourage you to take advantage of the possibility to nominate two. Being nominated is a good way for authors to get some visibility for their work, so it would be nice for them. Plus, the more fics you nominate, the more likely you are to get colours!

    14) Do I have to nominate fics in all the categories/eras? Or can I send nominations for only some categories/eras?

    You don't have to nominate in all the categories and eras. Sending in nominations for a few categories in each era, or for only some of the eras, is perfectly acceptable. However, there again, we encourage you to nominate fics and authors in as many categories and eras as possible, so as to give visibility to the largest possible number of writers. And don't forget the colours!

    15) I sent my nominations PM, but I changed my mind. Can I send another PM?

    No, sorry, you can’t. The volunteers are expecting to deal with a large amount of nominations, especially in light of the fact that you have the option to nominate two fics per category, so please don’t drive them crazy and send your nominations PM only once.

    16) I missed the deadline for nominations, can I still send a nominations PM?

    No, sorry, you can’t. Once the deadline passes, the nomination totals are collated and the PMs are sent to the authors for excerpts. We can’t change the result halfway through.

    17) I don't understand which fics go to the voting round, can you explain again?

    There are two restrictions in place for a story or author to go to the voting round.

    The first restriction is that a story should be nominated by two or more people in the same category to go to the voting round in this category. We will make an exception to this rule in the situation where a category does not have enough nominated stories.

    The second restriction is intended to ensure that no single author or story can sweep the awards. The awards are intended to be fun for everyone, and if a single author sweeps the awards, it's fun for them but not so much for everyone else. Under this rule:
    • If different users nominate the same fic in different categories, and the fic ends up being nominated in more than 3 categories, it will go to the voting round only in the 3 categories where it received the most nominations.
    • In case of a tie for 3rd place, the category that has the smallest number of nominated fics will be chosen. This is to ensure that no category is "underpopulated".
    • In case of a tie between two equally populated categories, a category is drawn at random.
    Example 1: After all the nominations come in, Great Expectations has 6 nominations for Best Epic, 5 for Best AU, 4 for Best OC and 3 for Best Relationship. It goes to the voting round for Best Epic, Best AU and Best OC only.​

    Example 2: After all the nominations come in, Hamlet has 7 nominations for Best Canon, 4 for Best Epic and 3 each for Best Canon Character and Best Relationship. There are 3 other nominees for Best Canon Character and only 2 for Best Relationship, therefore Hamlet goes to the voting round for Best Relationship.​

    Example 3: After all the nominations come in, Pride and Prejudice has 8 nominations for Best All-Around, 6 for Best Epic and 4 each for Best OC and Best Villain. There are 3 other nominees for each of Best OC and Best Villain, therefore one of these two categories will be drawn at random.​

    We are hoping that we will have enough nominations not to need to change these rules along the way. If we need to make any changes, everyone will be informed in this thread. The more you nominate, the smoother the process for everyone!

    18) I’m an author and the excerpt thread went up before I could send in my excerpts, can I still send them?

    Of course! You can send your excerpts at any time during the excerpts period. Just PM them to the volunteer who contacted you, and they will be posted within the day.

    19) I’m an author and voting started before I could send in my excerpts, can I still send them?

    No, sorry, you can’t. Once voting begins, the excerpts period is over. We tried to contact you and we couldn't find you, but we can’t change anything once voting starts.

    20) Can I vote for more than one fic in each category?

    No, sorry, you can’t. You have to vote for one fic only. We need to choose a winner, that’s what voting is for.

    21) Do I have to vote for a fic in all the categories/all the eras? Or can I vote only in some categories/eras?

    As stated above for nominations, you don't have to do anything. You can vote only in specific categories in a given era, or you can vote only in some eras, but there again, we encourage you to have a look at the excerpts and vote in as many categories and eras as possible, so that authors get the recognition they deserve. Oh, and did I mention the colours?

    22) I sent my voting PM, but I changed my mind. Can I send another PM?

    No, sorry, you can’t. The volunteers will never be able to keep track of votes if people start changing their minds. Take the time you need to prepare your PM, and please send it only once.

    23) Oh boy, that’s a lot of stuff you made me read. What’s in it for me?

    By participating in the awards as a nominator and a voter, you get to tell other users of these boards about your favourite fics and to give your favourite authors some well-deserved visibility. You also get to read fics you hadn't noticed before, that will be nominated by other users. And, well, if you nominate and vote, there's a little something in this thread about winning colours :D
    jcgoble3 and JadeLotus like this.
  7. jcgoble3

    jcgoble3 Chosen One star 6

    Nov 7, 2010
    First post! (Since nobody else bothered to post today. :p)

    I is excited. :D
  8. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Check out the Resource and Stories forums to see the awesome banner that Raissa Baiard has designed for the awards. If you can't see it, go to "preferences" under your profile and tick "restore dismissed notifications".

    Raissa has also committed to design a Golden Yoda badge for all the winners. This has been added under "Prizes" above.
    I was beginning to wonder if no one was interested, or if our FAQ is really so comprehensive that no one has any questions 8-}
    jcgoble3 likes this.
  9. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Ah sorry, I was too busy regretting that my TFA fics missed the cut-off by six days. :(

    If only the new film had given me more inspiration.
    Chyntuck likes this.
  10. taramidala

    taramidala Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 18, 1999
    I'm sorry, but I'm just not seeing where to view the list of eligible fics?
    Chyntuck likes this.
  11. jcgoble3

    jcgoble3 Chosen One star 6

    Nov 7, 2010
    As I understand it, the list will be posted along with the nomination thread?
    Chyntuck likes this.
  12. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    The list of eligible stories in all eras is up! You can see it here.

    taramidala Now you know why you couldn't find it, it wasn't posted yet ;)
    jcgoble3, taramidala and Annia Piet like this.
  13. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Nominations for Beyond and ST are open!

    Check out the Nominations Thread here. Nominations for these two eras will close on 27 March 2016 at midnight PST. Nominations for Before and Saga will begin on 28 March.

    Please pay special attention to the definition of Best Series in the Nominations Thread Given the number of PMs I've been receiving about it, there's a lot of confusion about this category. We tried to be as clear and specific as possible, but if you still have doubts, don't hesitate to ask!

    Remember that you will NOT find any series threads or archive threads in the list of eligible fics. Those threads were broken down and their component stories listed individually, except drabble/drabblish threads, for which we couldn't list every single drabble.

    A few people asked to be removed from eligibility, either for a specific story or in a specific category. The List of Eligible Stories and Users has been updated accordingly.
  14. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Hey everyone, please do NOT send your nominations to me. There's a sock for each era, please send them there.

    You'll find the details of each era's sock in the Nominations Thread here under the headings Process to nominate for Beyond and Process to nominate for ST.
  15. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Just a reminder that the deadline to send nominations for Beyond and Sequel Trilogy is on Sunday 27 March at midnight PST

    Remember, Beyond and ST are separate eras and there are different categories and different eligible fics for each. Please have a look at the Nominations Thread here and take advantage of the weekend to send in those noms :)

    Also, we need prizes for the winners! If you can contribute something, please PM me.
    Findswoman likes this.
  16. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Last day to send nominations for the Beyond and Sequel Trilogy eras!

    The deadline is tonight at midnight PST.

    Don't forget that Sequel Trilogy is a separate era from Beyond. It feels a bit neglected! Please have a look at the Nominations Thread here and send us more noms for both eras :)

    If you'll be sending us nominations today, please make sure to check your PMs on Monday and Tuesday in case we need to ask you for corrections or clarifications. We won't be able to count your nominations if you're not around to reply [face_worried]
    Findswoman likes this.
  17. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Nominations for the Before and Saga eras as well as the Random Award are now open!

    The deadline is Wednesday 06 April 2016 at midnight PST. You can see the nominations thread HERE.

    Don't forget that Before is a separate era from Saga, and that the Random Award is not era-specific.

    Nominations for Beyond and Sequel Trilogy are now closed, we'll be counting the last PMs today. Thank you to all who nominated [:D]
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  18. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Hey everyone, don't forget to nominate for the Random Award too! It feels a bit neglected :(

    We're of course still accepting nominations for the Before and Saga eras too. The deadline is Wednesday 06 April 2016 at midnight PST. You can see the nominations thread HERE.
    Findswoman likes this.
  19. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Oh crap, yes.

    I'd forgotten about this.
    Chyntuck likes this.
  20. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Please show Before & Saga some love! We already have amazing nominations for these eras, but we could use more :) The deadline is Wednesday 06 April 2016 at midnight PST. You can see the nominations thread HERE.

    Also, we already have some hilarious nominations for the Random Award, but here again we could use more. Keep'em coming!

    Findswoman likes this.
  21. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Got a couple entries written down for Saga; just got a lot more reading to do.

    Puzzled by Saga-ST tag. Obviously Saga. Were its stories covered by the now closed Sequel Trilogy noms as well?
  22. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Sith-I-5 Per item #4 of the FAQ above:
    Sith-I-5 likes this.
  23. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    Just wanted to say that I find it refreshing that somebody other than the "known" avid readers is adopting this approach. :) The fanfic is changing and it's awesome! :)

    Also, as far as awards, go, can anybody apply to give them away and can they be something different from last year? I had a great idea, but I'm not sure if it's allowed.
  24. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    I'm not sure I understand, can you clarify?
  25. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Sorry - long day. [face_blush]

    1. Can I contribute prizes, too?

    2. Can they be something other than fic-gifts and illustrations?

    Didn't mean to confuse you.

    EDIT: I certainly hope that this was not a policy violation, as I did not see that there's a ban on things that are not eligibility of stories.
    Findswoman likes this.
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