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20th Century Fox turned down Clone Wars...

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by FloridaFilmGuy, May 16, 2008.

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  1. FloridaFilmGuy

    FloridaFilmGuy Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 1, 2000
    As told by George Lucas to Roger Friedman, columnist for

    "Every studio rejected it, including Fox, and I?m very loyal to them. They have right of first refusal. Eventually I brought it to Warners. It?s the first time that three components of the studio have acted together. It?s very exciting."

    Could it be because it's bad?
    Who would turn down SW?

    That's up to the viewers to decide I guess....

    Click here for story
  2. VladTheImpaler

    VladTheImpaler Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 13, 2000
    I'm assuming this is the TV division, not feature film.

    As cool as the new series looks, I'm not sure if it's quite mainstream enough to work on primetime network TV(Fox Network). And it's too expensive to relegate to Saturday morning fare. I guess they could put it on FX...but I don't know if it fits in with the rest of the programming on that network.

    Very strange that Fox turned it down, but I can kind of see why they would. I think the show is just a better fit on Turner stations. And then the movie release was just kind of a last-second idea, if I'm understanding it correctly.
  3. Cid

    Cid Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 7, 2007
    Good. Remember that fox are the idiots that canceled firefly 13 episodes in. Far as sci-fi goes i have little faith in their ability to decide what's good.

    They probably just didn't want to put it in prime time or something.
  4. FloridaFilmGuy

    FloridaFilmGuy Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 1, 2000
    If FOX finds "King of the Hill" a place on their schedule, they can find this project one as well.

    That's a show that doesn't even need to be animated to begin with.

    FOX could have milked this amongst it's many divisions, just like Warner Bros, it should be safe to assume people will watch.

    But what if they didn't like it?
  5. Cid

    Cid Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 7, 2007
    Again, i have little faith in Fox's judgement. Film or TV. Whether they like it or not doesn't concern me in the slightest. These are the same people that royally screwed up Xmen 3 pretty much because they wanted to give Bryan Singer the finger. If they can keep Tom Rothman employed in the entertainment business in any capacity their opinions are irrelevant.

  6. FloridaFilmGuy

    FloridaFilmGuy Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 1, 2000
    I can't agree.
    They had no issues releasing the prequel trilogy. They saw the potential money there wether good or bad...

  7. Garth Maul

    Garth Maul Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 18, 2002
    The PT was destined to make money; Fox only distributes, they don't have to fund the films. And there was no doubt they would make a bunch of money.

    SW has never tried to go into television, and Fox has a craptastic record with its own animated series: Futurama, Family Guy, etc. They've canceled many excellent shows before their time and I really don't trust their judgment on anything whatsoever on television.
  8. Darth-Seldon

    Darth-Seldon Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 17, 2003
    Fox is the network that cancels shows like "Arrested Development" but maintains the worst reality series and other assorted rubbish like "King of the Hill." I wouldn't count their judgement as anything of importance.

  9. darth_nemisis

    darth_nemisis Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 15, 2004
    I was pretty surprised when I read that...but the more you guys mention how Fox really isn't too great in keeping shows, especially the example of Arrested Development, I am kind of glad they did not take on the Clone Wars cartoon.
  10. G-FETT

    G-FETT Chosen One star 7

    Aug 10, 2001
    Quite surprising. I suspect they didn't know how to market it. Good for Warners for taking it on, anyway.
  11. FloridaFilmGuy

    FloridaFilmGuy Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 1, 2000
    Click here for a one year old review of the Clone Wars from a marketing meeting that seems to confirm Jabba's son ridiculous name, and Anakin's padawan.

    My hopes have been hurt a little, I will admit.

    By the way, Jabba's kid's name made TFN front page today, while this article is a year old.

  12. WookieeWarrior9

    WookieeWarrior9 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 5, 2007
    Sounds like a PT hater wrote that bit. And you'll notice that the synopsis from TFN has the name it quotations, which typically signifies a nickname.
  13. FloridaFilmGuy

    FloridaFilmGuy Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 1, 2000

    PT hater or not, "Stinky the Hutt" sounds absurd.

    And him spewing green gas farts from his mouth even more.

  14. WookieeWarrior9

    WookieeWarrior9 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 5, 2007
    Gas is better than some of the other things which could come out of his mouth.
  15. Berkyjay

    Berkyjay Jedi Youngling

    May 25, 2007
    It's most likely a nickname rather than his (or rather its) given name. I know human babies stink when they go poo poo....imagine what a little Huttlet smells like. Most likely one of his rescuers gave him the nickname.
  16. Jango_Fettish

    Jango_Fettish Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 17, 2002
    Its obviously a nick name.

    We already know his name is Rotta the Hutt. Thats been confirmed like ten times over. It's even on the Lego box.
  17. darth_nemisis

    darth_nemisis Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 15, 2004
    Yeah...Stinky is kind of weird. It does seem sort of Nickname-ish, but who knows.
  18. WookieeWarrior9

    WookieeWarrior9 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 5, 2007
    Even if you hate "Stinky," keep in mind that he's almost certainly going to be a non-factor once the series rolls around.
  19. Gallandro

    Gallandro Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 8, 1998
    This is also the same studio that passed on Indiana Jones. Fox TV really doesn't have a place for the series, it doesn't fit their television demographic, and I highly doubt Lucasfilm wanted it relegated to Saturday morning.

  20. FloridaFilmGuy

    FloridaFilmGuy Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 1, 2000
    By not fitting their demographic, then it must mean it is aimed at kiddies.

    I dount an adult cartoon SW CGI series wouldn't fit FOX's Sunday night animation block.

    Family Guy, Simpson's, American Dad an all that stuff isn't for children anyways.

  21. zombie

    zombie Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 1999
    I think thats more what it is.
  22. G-FETT

    G-FETT Chosen One star 7

    Aug 10, 2001
    This Stinky The Hutt rumour sounds rather like the Farting Yoda fiasco this site wipped up before ROTS came out.

    Do we have confirmation on this?
  23. WookieeWarrior9

    WookieeWarrior9 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 5, 2007
    Ever considered that it's for both kids and adults? Like George has said, there's never really been an animated series both kids and adults have watched (with the possible exception of Ren and Stimpy and Spongebob).
  24. zombie

    zombie Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 1999
    Simpsons is more of a childrens show nowadays. I can't imagine many adults watch it anymore.
  25. vong333

    vong333 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 18, 2003
    I'm not going to take seriously that idiot that said that he went to some conference and was dissapointed with the animation. Thats fan boy baloney. I'm going to wait for the cartoon and movie to come out. The new trailer was just awesome when I saw it in the theater, and I belive that this stuff will be good. I truly do, but I also expect the usualy book/comic book loving die hards to trash it like ususal. This seires will be good, and FOX is stupid for not taking it.........

    Which means its going to be a success, becuase the other cartoon series was a huge success for the cartoon network and the creators themselves.
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