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Before - Legends A Deeper Shade of Green : Sequel to HOME. Oct. 4 (a tiny partial post - size matters not )

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by jodiwent, May 27, 2006.

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  1. jodiwent

    jodiwent Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2000
    This is the sequel to HOME, a Young Yoda Story.

    Today Jedi Knight Paak saw something he rarely saw. One of his best students in his Temple saber classes so ruffled that he looked like a first year youngling, not the sixth year initiate on the verge of becoming a chosen Padawan. Even the boy?s opponent felt sorry for him. Beating someone in this manner was no victory. When the boy tripped backwards, the opponent couldn?t even make the winning strike. The opponent stepped back, powered down his saber, and took off his blindfold.

    ?Nexu, why have you stopped?? the teacher asked.

    ?Sir, he?s not even trying,? Nexu answered. ?He wants to lose.?

    It gnawed Nexu to admit that. He knew he did not have the skills to beat the other boy unless he was being let win. For years he had wanted to defeat the little green freak, just once, fairly, at least.

    ?Yoda,? Paak addressed the other boy, who had not stood up yet. ?What is wrong with you today??

    Yoda?s small green blade shut off. He uncovered one eye and looked up at the Jedi Knight with the most forlorn look he?d ever seen on the usually mirthful child.

    ?Know not do I,? Yoda said, but it was a bit of a lie.

    Paak had a feeling he knew why Yoda was not himself. He dismissed the rest of the youngling initiates so he could speak to Yoda privately. Paak had always been someone special to Yoda. It was Paak and his master, Chee, who had brought Yoda to the Jedi. Throughout the years in the Jedi Temple Yoda had spent learning the ways of the Jedi, the two humans had kept in touch when they were not on missions. They had given him extra insights into the Force. For a year now Paak had been a knight and had been assigned as an instructor of Ataro to the older initiates. This meant he did not go on as many missions that year. Yoda had been his top student in that year as well, but Paak had not chosen the green boy as his Padawan. This was not what was bothering Yoda today. What was bothering Yoda that day was Master Chee.

    ?The Force will determine his fate Yoda,? Paak said to the boy who was still sitting, focusing on his toes, not the knight. ?And yours as well.?

    Today Yoda wished Paak did not know him so well. He felt as if he were to talk about Chee, he would lose his calm and cry like a crècheling. Paak knelt down on one knee to be as low as Yoda.

    ?Today?s a big day,? Paak continued. ?Today you are twelve.? It was the sixth anniversary of the day Yoda had been brought to the Jedi Temple. That was the day that became his birthday. ?And Kodo will be six, and leave the crèche.?

    Yoda nodded, that was a happy part of the day.

    ?Here Chee should be!? Yoda broke his silence with a flurry of frustration. ?Knows what day it is, he does. Not here WHY!? The boy became silent again as the feared tears came.

    ?If he could be here,? Paak reassured. ?He would be.?

    Yoda wiped his eyes. ?Know that I do.?

    ?Then you can?t be angry with Master Chee for not being here.?

    ?Not angry. Worried I am.?

    Paak understood. He was worried about his old master as well. Chee hadn?t made contact with the Temple in almost six months. There had been no contact with anyone. Not even a rumored sighting of the man. There were some who thought him dead. There were some who thought that if he wasn?t dead, there was something else wrong. There were some who quite frankly thought Master Chee had, right before disappearing, lost his mind.

    Paak and Yoda believed none of that. If he were dead, they would have felt it. They didn?t hold with the gone crazy theory either. They knew him too well. The didn?t even think it odd when Chee began insisting that he had, on occasion, heard the voice of a knight who had died, years ago, on the mission where they had found Yoda and his brother. Paak had felt the embarrassment of what other Jedi were saying about his old master, but if Chee said he heard J?iil talking to him from the netherworld, Paak believed him. The older Jedi pulled a piece of flimsy-plast out of a pocket. He o
  2. WWERVD7

    WWERVD7 Jedi Youngling

    May 16, 2006
    very good amazing first part, it's very funny when Kodod relizes everyone is looking at him
    can you pm me when the next part is up
  3. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler of Fun & Games star 9 Staff Member Manager

    Jul 7, 2000
    Hmmm, must say I'm surprised that Knight Paak hasn't taken Yoda as an apprentice, more surpseid that Yoda is twelve and not yet chosen. Like both Yoda and Paak, I'm worried over what Master Chee might have gotten himself into.

    Awww, very sweet reunion between the brothers.

    Excellent start Jodiwent. I'd also like to be added to the PM list. :)
  4. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004

    Excellent Yoda is twelve is he any taller:D

    ?Sir, he?s not even trying,? Nexu answered. ?He wants to lose.?
    Ohh thats not like Yoda he must be really worried about Chee

    Great Start=D=
  5. dralksakrak

    dralksakrak Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 29, 2006
    Very nice. Read HOME. Me like.
  6. Just-Plain-Shmi

    Just-Plain-Shmi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 7, 2006
    VERY interesting start. I suppose I should go back and read the prequel? [face_thinking] Nice work, and I look forward to reading more. Could you PM when you update?

    JPS :)
  7. Kestrel_Kenobi

    Kestrel_Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 26, 2005
    lovely jodi - glad you're continuing this I am! :D
  8. Jaya Solo

    Jaya Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 12, 1999
    Yay! Great start to the sequel! Hm... so the plot begins with Master Chee being gone... Interesting... :D I can't wait to see what happens next!
  9. jodiwent

    jodiwent Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2000
    Thanks WWERVD7, Healer_Leona, Gkilkenny, dralksakrak, Just-Plain-Shmi, Kestrel_Kenobi, & Jaya Solo. It's always great to know who's reading and who likes the story.

    Here's the next part.

    That day was a good day for the brothers. Shortly after being reunited, Paak allowed the younglings free reign.

    ?I?ll get out or you young fellow?s hair then, shall I??

    Kodo nodded and Yoda got a mischievous grin on his face. With no adults on their heels, Force knows what kind of fun they might get up to.

    ?Try not to cause too much trouble,? was Paak?s parting admonition.

    After the knight left, Kodo asked Yoda, ?Much trouble do you get into usually??

    Yoda made his scrunchy face, as he thought. ?The time there was - - ? Yoda didn?t tell what he had done. ?And the time - - ? He paused again. ?Then when I - - ? Yoda cleared his throat and concluded, ?No, usually not.?

    Kodo?s eyes shifted from side to side to side. Somehow he wasn?t believing his brother.

    ?Show you your room first,? Yoda suggested. ?Find out when your classes will start. Who your teachers will be.?

    ?Paak and Chee will be my teachers; won?t they??

    ?Maybe - - Maybe not.? Yoda saw that Kodo was, despite six years of Jedi discipline, disappointed. ?Even if not your teachers or masters, always your friends they will be.?

    Kodo nodded in agreement. ?True that is.? The smaller boy tried to hide his disappointment as he followed Yoda to the dormitory.

    Yoda had suspected that allowing him to be Kodo?s first day as an initiate ?buddy? was a test. Originally he thought the one being tested was himself, now he believed it might be Kodo. The Masters probably wondered if six years of Jedi training would be undone by brotherhood. Even if they believed in both younglings, it was Jedi tradition to test the point.

    When the brothers reached the new initiate?s room, the older one realized the Master?s had put Kodo as far away from his own room as possible. If there were to be any late night sneaking about in the planning, they would not make it easy for the younglings. Kodo was thoroughly excited to see a large envelope, with his name in big bold letters, hanging on his door. He didn?t know what it was, but to him it was fun to get something of his very own. In the crèche he had to share everything with his crèche siblings. He opened the envelope and read its content seeming to overlook the fact that the room was his very own as well. Yoda thought his brother would want to see his room. Kodo seemed more interested in staying in the corridor and reading his schedule.

    ?Your door, open,? Yoda bossed. ?Proper that the first one in you are.?

    Kodo opened the door, but his eyes were still glued to the flimsy of his classes. ?Look Yoda,? he said with glee. ?One of my teachers Paak is.? The youngling turned the flimsy briefly then turned it back to continue looking.

    Yoda wanted to say, ?Then teaching you I will be too,? as he was Paak?s demonstrating student for the smaller initiates. Yoda could see slight disappointment cross Kodo?s face as his checked both sides of the flimsy. ?One of my teachers, Master Chee is not,? Kodo said. ?Not at the crèche to see me was he either.?

    ?Off on a mission he is,? Yoda half-lied.

    ?On a mission - - alone??

    ?Not Chee?s apprentice anymore, a knight Paak is now.?

    ?Know that I do, but strange it seems.? Kodo also asked, ?If not Chee?s apprentice Paak is anymore, who is??

    If it were possible for one of the green people to go red in the face, Yoda would have. He could feel the heat of anger rising on his cheeks. Attempting to remain calm he answered, ?No one.?

    An, ?Oh - - ? slipped from Kodo?s lips before he realized he had hopped onto a sore subject with his big brother. He didn?t ask any further questions that a non-Jedi youngling would have. Nor did he speak of his own hopes of who might be his own master in the future. He had a feeling his brother was not telling him everything about why Master Chee was not t
  10. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler of Fun & Games star 9 Staff Member Manager

    Jul 7, 2000
    The brothers are so cute together. I do agree with Yoda about this being a test though. I'm not surprised at all that they think Kodo would made a good healer. I agree.

    Hmm, Nexu could try aplogizing for his words and join in anyway. o_O

    Superb post Jodi. :)
  11. Jaya Solo

    Jaya Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 12, 1999
    Hehe! Great post! I love the little test between Yoda and Kodo. :) I loved it. :)
  12. WWERVD7

    WWERVD7 Jedi Youngling

    May 16, 2006
    you really make a fabulous chemistry between Yoda and his younger bro infact besides all the jedi stuff it reminds me of how my big bro use to worry about every time i moved so great story can't wait for the next part
  13. Aya-Na_Bashu

    Aya-Na_Bashu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 14, 2005
    Yoda and Kodo are so cute together. I was a little worried that they might not be so close after all this time had passed.

    Isn't it just like a younger sibling to step on the sore subject?

    Could you PM me when you update?
  14. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004

    Yoda and Kodo so cute the interaction between them

    Great sequel=D=
  15. Cushing's Admirer

    Cushing's Admirer Chosen One star 7

    Jun 8, 2006
    This is so cute! You're very good. I hope Master Chee is all right...Will both of the boys become learners? Looking forward to more.
  16. Kestrel_Kenobi

    Kestrel_Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 26, 2005
    Lovely post jodi - Yoda and his brother are so cute - you write them so well.

    Could you pm me with updates please?
  17. jodiwent

    jodiwent Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2000
    Thanks Healer_Leona, Jaya Solo, WWERVD7, Aya-Na_Bashu, Gkilkenny, Dooku-Darklighter, & Kestrel_Kenobi.


    On their return to Kodo?s room someone was waiting for them. When he saw Master Garade? it seemed as if Yoda?s heart stopped for a moment. This did not go unnoticed by the Jedi Master.

    ?Surprised to see me young Yoda?? Garade? asked.

    ?Expecting to see you, I was not.? The young Jedi couldn?t contain his suspicion. ?Want something do you??

    ?Want something; why would I want something other than to make sure our newest initiate is doing well??

    ?Hello Master Garade?.? Kodo had seen her a few times over the years in the crèche. He bowed. ?Fine I am.?

    ?You do know that I am to be one of your chief advisors Kodo.? She seemed to make this statement more for Yoda?s ears than Kodo?s.

    ?Did not know that,? Kodo said. ?But glad to hear it I am.?

    Kodo may have been glad, but Yoda wasn?t. He jumped in with, ?Doing nothing wrong are we. Assigned to be his buddy I was.?

    ?Did I say you were doing something wrong young Yoda??

    Yoda knew he had spoken rashly. He answered, ?No Master, said that you did not.?

    ?No need to defend then.?

    Yoda was sure that Garade? was the one who made sure the two brothers would see each other; but not for heart felt reasons. As for her being one of Kodo?s advisors, he could only believe this Master was taking advantage of Maser Chee?s absence.

    Knowing he had already made a bad impression, Yoda impertinently added, ?Supposed to be a free day for Kodo this is.?

    ?That is so young Yoda,? Master Garade? kept her formal tone. ?That does not mean that other Jedi may not greet Kodo into his life in the order.? She looked directly into Yoda?s eyes before concluding, ?Does it??

    ?No, does not mean that,? Yoda conceded.

    ?Then you don?t mind if I show young Kodo around the Temple??

    What could Yoda say but, ?Mind; how could I?? He turned his words around the way Master Garade? often seemed to do.

    ?Kodo,? Garade? addressed. ?If you could go change out of your swimming attire, we can be off.?

    Kodo did not hesitate to go into his room to change into his tunics. He was so open he had no doubts of anyone. Yoda still carried a skeptical streak. He stood there discerning Master Garade?.

    ?You need not wait,? Garade? told Yoda. ?He will not need his buddy any longer today.?

    Yoda wanted to object, but he knew he?d be playing into her hand if he did. He bowed properly adding, ?Good day Master.?

    The Master bowed back courteously saying, ?Good day young one.?

    Composure was kept until Yoda was a good ways away from the meddling Master. Of course, he minded. He wanted to show his brother the Temple, but an initiate could not argue with a Master. One could disagree with a Master, but not argue with them. Yoda knew Kodo would not come to harm in Master Garade?s care; he still didn?t like it. Half the ways back to his own room he was muttering to himself. Reason took hold, and Yoda took a deep breath. ?Not my place to question what the Masters do. The same as any other Jedi Kodo is.? The second part of Yoda?s walk home was spent convincing himself of these assertions. ?Perhaps meditate I should.?

    Once in his room, Yoda closed his blinds so that only a faint glow of light shown through. He climbed up on his meditating pillow sitting in a contemplative pose. Even at this young age it did not take long for Yoda to quiet his mind. Soon he was bathing in the calmness of the Force. Ease came to his thoughts. All would be well with Kodo; now Yoda believed it.

    In his meditation Yoda lost all track of time. He didn?t know how long he had been meditation. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, but he was deep in the peaceful fiver of the Force. As always when Yoda meditated, he saw things; the future; things long past - -

    One thing the little green boy did not expect to encounter was a voice that would not leave Yoda alone. At first faint
  18. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler of Fun & Games star 9 Staff Member Manager

    Jul 7, 2000
    I do hope that Master Garade?s not up to something. o_O Relieved I am that harm she did not to Kodo. ;)

    She does drive me to distraction though. She certainly does rub people the wrong way.

    Wonderful post Jodi!. :)
  19. Kestrel_Kenobi

    Kestrel_Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 26, 2005
    I'm with Master Garade I do not!

    Loved the description of Yoda meditating...who was the voice though? Mmmm [face_thinking]

    Lovely read jodi :D
  20. Aya-Na_Bashu

    Aya-Na_Bashu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 14, 2005
    Trust Garade, I . Do . Not! Grrrr!
  21. Cushing's Admirer

    Cushing's Admirer Chosen One star 7

    Jun 8, 2006
    Oh...I don't like this female Master. Return home soon, Master Chee does? I'm glad Paak is still there to smooth the waters and be a friend to the brothers. Who is this warning Yoda to find Chee? Have suspicions, I do!

    Keep going, well done...;)
  22. Just-Plain-Shmi

    Just-Plain-Shmi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 7, 2006
    Just finished reading chapter 2 and liked it very much! =D=

    Nexu could not bring himself to take her advice. He did wish he could join in the teaching of the youngling. It looked like fun. He still felt uncomfortable because of all the things he had said about Yoda in the past. It didn?t help that his first words about Kodo had been, ?oh great, another one.? Maybe he could make it up to him, but not that day.

    Lovely ending. :D

    JPS :)
  23. no-one

    no-one Jedi Youngling

    Jan 3, 2003
    What?! No more?!


    jodiwent must post soon, must! or fade away I will... wondering shall I be nothing else get done will I... upset hubby will I have ........ahhhhhhhhhhhhg post you must jodiwent post you must!
  24. Jaya Solo

    Jaya Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 12, 1999
    Great job! How do I keep missing these? :) Great job!
  25. jodiwent

    jodiwent Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2000
    Hummm - - Healer_Leona, Kestrel_Kenobi, Aya-na_Bashu, & Dooku-Darklighter I'm not sure how much I should say about Garade' outside of the story ;) thanks.

    Hope you like the rest Just-Plain-Shmi

    There you are no-one posting I am!

    You keep missing them the same way I keep missing yours Jaya Solo err ah but you pm me. [face_blush]

    I hope I remember who all wanted PMs - -


    Sleep cam easily and was peaceful for Yoda that night. The specters that filled his meditations did not revisit his slumber. The young Jedi awoke promptly in the morning. He wasn?t going to be late for anything that day. The everyday routine would be followed. Jedi garb was adorned and meticulous arranged. Not a hair was out of place. Not a spec of dirt was under nails. One thing Yoda always did was put his best foot forward. Sometimes that foot got stepped on or was out of step, but never purposely.

    He soon reached the training hall where Paak?s class for the smaller initiates was held. Lenna was already there stretching out for the demonstrations. Some of the younglings taking the class were doing the same. Some talked to each other informally because class did not start for another whole five minutes. Yoda took note that Kodo was not among either group of younglings. He sat down next to Lenna to begin limbering up as well.

    ?Hello Yoda,? Lenna greeted.

    ?Greetings Lenna,? Yoda returned. ?Seen Kodo have you??

    ?No, I haven?t seen him yet. The other new kids are here.?

    There seemed to be three new additions to replace the ones who had moved up to the older class.

    Four minutes passed before Knight Paak entered the room and all chatter stopped. During training Paak was all seriousness. With a clap of his hands he called out, ?Younglings, line up.?

    Nine children made two lines. The new ones did not have to be told to joint them. Little Jedi stood respectfully waiting for instruction. Paak stood in front while Yoda and Lenna stood of to the side. The teacher announced, ?We shall begin.?

    Yoda and Lenna bowed to Paak. Paak bowed in return. The younglings bowed to their teacher; again he bowed back.

    During all of this bowing, Yoda concern was growing. Kodo was not there.

    Paak turned to the two demonstrators and told them, ?Yoda, take the new students and show them whet they need to begin.?

    ?Yes Master,? Yoda said with a bow. In class even a knight was called Master if they were teaching.

    ?Lenna, let me see you put the others through repetitions of the basics.?

    The girl responded with a bow and, ?Yes Master.?

    Six of the children followed Lenna to one of the matted areas of the sale and began one after the other going through a series of rolls. The other three followed Yoda to another matted area on the other side of the training hall. All three were taller than Yoda, but were not out of the crèche long enough to make any wisecrack about it.

    ?In Ataro,? Yoda started. ?Many rolls and flips you must learn. The first one is a forward roll.? Yoda demonstrated what was the simplest of the rolls for the new younglings. ?You try. Hit your heads on the mat do not.?

    The three new students began to do the roll over and over like the other ones were. This was when Yoda saw Kodo come in the room. The older brother motioned for the younger one to join his group. As Kodo trotted over, Paak, who was watching Lenna?s group, had something to say. ?Yoda, that youngling is late. You know what he must do before beginning.? The knight turned his attention back to Lenna?s group. He called out corrections when he saw something out of place. He was going to leave disciplining the wayward initiate to Yoda.

    ?The forward roll keep doing,? Yoda told his charges while he went to talk to Kodo.

    ?I?m sorry I?m late,? Kodo started. ?I - - ?

    ?Excuses a Jedi does not make. Around the room run you must ten times, then join this group you will.? Yoda didn?t like the fact that the first thing he had to do as Kodo?s teacher was to discipline him.

    Kodo loo
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