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Full Series A droid army under the Jedi would have been humorous, badass and effective?

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by DarthTalonx, Sep 25, 2015.

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  1. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    We see in TCW's Citadel arc, undercover battledroids controlled by R2D2 who assist the Jedi and clone troopers to infiltrate and ultimately escape from the CIS stronghold.

    The droids display a good moral code and humorous behavior as well as doing the job of helping to secure the battle.

    Is not the morality and effectiveness of either clone troopers or droids dependent on their leaders/commanders? For instance, the clone troopers would have had different ways of doing things depending on their Jedi General. And when they were cut loose from these officers, after Order 66 was given and they willfully obeyed it, then they became as ruthless as their Imperial officers, acting as the first new Stormtroopers (clone stormtroopers).

    Would have been interesting to see more droids in battle. And winning. And also Clone Commandos!!

    In the epsiode, we saw the droids being noble and effective. So wouldn't an army of droids under the Jedi also have served well?

    Todd the Mod EDIT: No "what if...?" threads
  2. Toxic Spider

    Toxic Spider Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 20, 2015
    Probably. Droids wouldn't have been as effective as the clones because they lack the adaptability of living beings, but as we saw with R2-D2, droids can still be very resourceful when given the opportunity and treated like people instead of tools.
    DarthTalonx likes this.
  3. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    People love to trash Karen Miller's TCW books but one point in their favor is that the magnaguards are scary as hell.

    Not sure about their serving under Jedi though.

    "Feel your presence in the Force, I do not."

    "Roger Roger."
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  4. Vorax

    Vorax Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    Lucas did't seem to want the battle droids to be serious, just a mass produced threat to get the heroic characters and plot from point A to point B not unlike Stormtroopers in the OT. Droids are programmed rather like Clone Troopers, and they do appear to have near human personalities and sentimentalities in SW universe. The B1 droids are depicted as dumb but their dialogue to the enemy and even eachother suggests humor already inherently present and they seem dimwitted and goofy like Neimoidians who created them.[face_cowboy]

    Droids I do think would've been more effective if they were led by a Jedi or an actual Sith Lord which they never quite were. Maul was not in charge of the droid forces in TPM but he did implement Destroyers properly in the hanger bay but he had no idea Anakin would be a in a cockpit, but he was there for the Jedi mainly and to capture the Queen alive. And in the cut scenes its shown neither Sidious nor the Neimoidians heeded Maul's warning that their was a hidden threat so the Neimoidians just committed all their forces to the front line and took no precautions. The Neimoidians do not appear like military commanders of any competence, they're actually an oxymoron and a bad joke since they're all cowards and more concerned about profit and not any true military objectives. Lucas seems to have deliberately done this in his mind, as those Neimoidians are basically bankers but yet produce a massive droid military which they seem to use more for sealing deals by force and leverage than actual military conquests. Dooku was more a background politician and rarely did his own field commanding or dirty work, Grievous was not a Sith and neither he nor Ventress took the droids seriously nor had any care about their own forces as they seemed to have had as much contempt and dislike for them as the Jedi did. Grievous uses just the droids superior numbers but never really shows any tactical command. Plenty of times they're shown destroying their own droids out've anger or frustration sometimes even brought up by just the droids being goofy.

    Droids appear to be a threat for the Empire as they're being used by nefarious shadowy groups and even Vader uses CIS droids during a post ANH timeline.
    DarthTalonx likes this.
  5. Darth Valkyrus

    Darth Valkyrus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2013
    It depends on the droid. Or rather, the brains they put in them.

    Droids with HRD level intelligence would be a devastating fighting force.

    The CIS never valued intelligence in the droids much, subscribing to the belief that mass-spamming vast numbers of low-intelligence droids would carry the day.
    DarthTalonx likes this.
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