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A live action and a new animated SW series?? (From the Marketing meeting)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by wstraka5, Nov 6, 2003.

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  1. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Ack, no, keep it away from ABC and the Beyond the nasty baggage that comes from dealing with Disney, network TV is far too fickle and ratings-driven to be able to sustain a SW show.

    >> Live action sounds fun at first, but you'll never get ILM quality effects (TV shows don't have that kind of budget).<<

    If Lucas produces, he'd likely utilize his ILM discount card ::)

    Remember that Lucas used Young Indiana Jones as a test bed for FX work that later went into the PT's production.

    >>You'll never have the EPIC SCOPE of Star Wars.<<

    Sure you could- especially with the amunt of CGI and bluescreen technology Lucas has at his disposal. They could easily work in one major action sequence (say, the coruscant speeder chase, as an example) and a handful of different locatioons or planets in a single episode and remain under budget, and, once you vary things among multiple episodes, you'd recieve the impression of a much more epic scope, likely even greater than the one presented in the films, due to the amount of time you now have to play around with.

    >>CGI/animation gives practically unlimited scope, unlimited imagination, unlimited guest appearances (Mark Hamill needs a ***damn Star Wars gig!!!), greater production value and would be the best format for an Anthology format.<<

    CGI would also likely cost more than a live action sequence would- Final Fantasy's top-notch CGI for it's movie cost like 60-80 million dollars to produce for a two hour film. You could produce a full season of live action episodes at that cost, and each episode could still have 2 to 3 times the average budget of similar series.

    >>Ask yourself, would you rather have full-on Clone Wars type stories with Jedi performing super-human feats or some 20-yr-old cast as Wedge Antilles talking for an hour?<<

    If that same 20-something hopped into an X-Wing cockpit and gave us some great dogfights, I'd choose the latter without question.

    It's also a matter of different styles- obviously a Prequel-era show will have a greater focus on Jedi action and their super-human feats, wheras a classic-era show would have to focus more on the pilots and smugglers, and thus have it's action directed more towards space battles and shoot-outs.
  2. jp-30

    jp-30 Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2000
    > Final Fantasy's top-notch CGI for it's movie cost like 60-80 million dollars to produce for a two hour film.

    Yeah, 2 years ago, made in super hi-res for a theatre viewing. This SW thing wouldn't happen for another 3 years from now - by that time decent CGI sets will probably be relatively cheap.

    I still reckon a setting between Episodes 3 and 4 would be the most likely timeframe.
  3. farraday

    farraday Jedi Knight star 7

    Jan 27, 2000
    Mmmmm live action.

    A live action series with a story arc can feel much more epic then a movie.

    If it's done right.

    I think the worst thing that could happen would be to have a live action episode series, where each one is more or less complete of itself.

    Or if it were animated a plot structure similar to the Starship Troopers: Roughneck Chronicles. Certainly the universe is big enough, but if they turn it into a hokey B-movie fest then it's not really worth the energy to change the channel to watch it.
  4. snap-hiss

    snap-hiss Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2001
    I still reckon a setting between Episodes 3 and 4 would be the most likely timeframe.

    I agree. If it's done after E3 that would probably be the most likley bet, however there wouldn't be much to work with. Unless like Vader is the main character.

  5. jp-30

    jp-30 Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2000
    > Unless like Vader is the main character.

    That's what I'm hoping. Wouldn't be any issues with acting either.

    Point. Nod. Twirl and stomp.

    How hard can it be? :p

    You can get any old monkey in a Vader suit, and have a decent voice actor mimic James Earl Jones.

  6. juzarj

    juzarj Jedi Youngling

    Nov 10, 2003
    If they did set the show during the time between episodes III and IV They could set it around the last remaining jedis being hunted by the empire

    each week they would have to try and stay under vaders radar and evade capture all while still trying to do good around the galaxy :)

    many other shows have tryed this concept the 'outlaw hero' (A-team to name one heh) and been very successful
  7. Raven

    Raven Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 5, 1998
    come on, fanboys, look me in the eye and tell me that the idea of such a TV series doesn't turn your heartbeat up......

    It doesn't turn my heartbeat up. I have absolutely no interest in the early days of Han and Chewie. No real interest in what Leia was doing either.

    Now, Page on the other hand...

    I could also really go for a KOTOR era show, or a post NJO era show.
  8. hellsingLeader

    hellsingLeader Jedi Youngling

    Oct 27, 2003
    I think a live action show would be an interesting idea

    One set right before or durring the classinc trilogy would be sweet
    the story could be told from a different point of veiw not involving the major charters from the trilogy as much perhaps
  9. dp4m

    dp4m Chosen One star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    Now, Page on the other hand...

    I could also really go for a KOTOR era show,

    I satisfied Raven with two ideas?

  10. Cal-gon

    Cal-gon Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 12, 2000
    I'm all for small screen Thrawn can be done...all it needs is acceptance...Stargate SG1 had a contract for 3 seasons just so that it was given a fair shake...It can be done...but personally...if it didn't...what already fine for me.
  11. farraday

    farraday Jedi Knight star 7

    Jan 27, 2000
    Yes, if a network refuses to give it a long term contract it's too likely to be too limited in scope and execution to be worthwhile.
  12. Walkersky

    Walkersky Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 27, 2003
    This is probably either based on bad information or bad memory, but I vaguely remember getting excited about a Star Wars TV show rumoured around the time Ep VI was released.

    If memory serves, it was called 'Saga Scribe' and followed the exploits of a band of bard-like journalists whose job it was to weave in and out of the Rebel/Empire conflict and record events from both sides for prosperity.

    I never heard anything more about it - the original rumour came from a Star Wars magazine (I think). Still, sounds like a concept with legs to me - I'd still like to see it.

    But, as I said, I cannot confirm this at all.
  13. amidalak

    amidalak Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 27, 2003
    if this were to happen, i hope they avoid any of the current eu (at least the books/comics.) i read it, but i don't really accept it, taking a kind of "infinities" approach to it, that the current eu is fun in a "what if" kind of way. i would like to see them do something with yoda, where we see him as a jedi succeeding on all kinds of missions, unsuspectingly foiling the secret plans and designs of whoever the current sith lords are. or go with obi wan's adventures on tatooine after ep. 3, kind of like the old "incredible hulk" tv show, where obi wan would just kind of wander around doing good deeds without his lightsaber, but always slipping through the fingers of some local authority who suspects who he is, but can't prove it. these ideas would be cool to me live action or as a cartoon.
  14. DarthBane93

    DarthBane93 Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 11, 1999
    Have an animated series of events after ROTJ with Luke, Han, Leia, and co. That would be my first choice. Grand Admiral Thrawn as the main bad guy anyone??? :D

    Another great idea would be the Sith Wars. That to me is almost as intersting as the Empire's rise to power. I have no idea on a backstory, but 1000 years before TPM would be a great timeline. Just introduce new characters and go from there.

  15. half vader

    half vader Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 1998
    Amidalak, the Incredible Hulk T.V show was a rip-off of The Fugitive, which came decades before (and wasn't a new idea then either). The format's been done a million times, most recently (but really well) by - Samurai Jack. The Obi-wan/Fugitive thing would be so close to Jack there's really no point. Sure it'd be cool and all, but I'd rather see an anthology Star Wars show, and more Jack. :)
  16. snap-hiss

    snap-hiss Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2001
    The only Sith that are alive during Yoda's lifetime are the Sith that are covered in the films.

  17. dizfactor

    dizfactor Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 12, 2002
    If a live-action series is made, trust me, it would be too much like Star Trek. People have a hard time telling them apart anyway, despite having almost nothing in common.

    in today's TV environment, i would be less worried about it turning into Star Trek and a lot more worried about it turning into Angel or Smallville. not that those are bad shows, but if they ever made an angsty teenage Jedi soap opera, i think i would have to go kill someone.

    Doesn't seem like many on this thread have even seen the Young Indy series.

    Young Indy was great. well, OK, teenage young Indy was great, annoying little kid Indy was pretty awful. however, didn't the show have massive financial difficulties?

    Troops: The Series, that would indeed rock!


    Bad Boys, Bad Boys, whatcha gonna do?
    whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

    "so, wait, this is your cousin's sandcrawler?"

    Best place would be on HBO or Showtime at this point. No commercials, and it'd be in good company with other quality shows on a lineup.

    i don't see that happening. HBO's whole strategy is to push for prestige dramas and comedies for adults, realistic shows like Sex and the City or The Sopranos or artsy/surrealist stuff like Carnevale. if Twin Peaks or Mulholland Drive were still around and looking for homes right now, they might find them on HBO right now, but the SW franchise right now is an embarassing failure with the critics and doesn't appeal to the right demographics to work on HBO. if there were going to be a live-action show, it would most likely be on the WB or something like that. which, as mentioned earlier, would suck.

    If Lucas produces, he'd likely utilize his ILM discount card ::)

    don't count on it. ILM is a business and it has expenses. if a Lucasfilm TV project wants movie-quality CGI, it wouldn't cost much less than it would for anyone else. a full-on CGI effects show would cost SO much money - it wouldn't really be practical on the scale that you're talking about.

    It doesn't turn my heartbeat up. I have absolutely no interest in the early days of Han and Chewie. No real interest in what Leia was doing either.

    same here. honestly, i'm so sick of the whole Rebellion Era (and imemdiately pre-Rebellion) that it's not even funny.

    Now, Page on the other hand...

    Page goes in the "boring" category for me, too, i'm afraid.

    I could also really go for a KOTOR era show, or a post NJO era show.

    KOTOR-era would be hot. i think post-NJO would possibly confuse too many people.

    Have an animated series of events after ROTJ with Luke, Han, Leia, and co. That would be my first choice. Grand Admiral Thrawn as the main bad guy anyone???

    no. god, no. no more Thrawn. i'm so sick of him.

    if this were to happen, i hope they avoid any of the current eu (at least the books/comics.) i read it, but i don't really accept it, taking a kind of "infinities" approach to it, that the current eu is fun in a "what if" kind of way.

    well, LFL doesn't treat it that way, and they're pretty big on the "everything is canon" approach to maintaining continuity. besides, any TV show, if successful, would represent a massive opportunity to drive up sales of comics and books and videogames and whatnot, and i doubt LFL would shoot itself in the foot in that respect by ignoring EU continuity. if there is a TV show, i would count on it being grounded firmly in the EU.

    The Obi-wan/Fugitive thing would be so close to Jack there's really no point. Sure it'd be cool and all, but I'd rather see an anthology Star Wars show, and more Jack.

    frankly, i'm not sure in general that any SW animated show would be good enough to me to sacrifice Samurai Jack. that show rocks so hard it isn't even funny. i'd rather see an animated show than a live-action one, but i'd rather see more Jack than an animated show.

    the ideal set-up for me would be an animated show in the prequel era, either
  18. amidalak

    amidalak Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 27, 2003
    The only Sith that are alive during Yoda's lifetime are the Sith that are covered in the films.

    how do you figure that? is palpatine 900 yrs old, too? i'm not as huge on the eu as some people around here, but i thought the sith existed down through the years with "only two, master and apprentice." so unless old palpy is really darned old, there has to be more sith alive during yoda's lifetime.

    by the way, i am familiar with the fugitive, i just figured the incredible hulk would be a more easily recognizable example to use in this particular forum. and i disagree, i think the familiarity to this type of story would make the show tolerable and maybe even interesting to those viewers who aren't star wars nuts like us (they are out there, guys!) especially if it turned out to be live action.

    also, my impression is that GL doesn't give two thoughts to the eu that is already out there, and i don't really think that with a tv show he would think twice about screwing with continuity. and the problem with using characters other than those that are already easily recognizable goes back to those viewers who are not the sw nuts we are. we are a large community, but i just don't think we could provide the viewership that would make a tv show viable, unless more "casual' viewers could be brought in.
  19. dizfactor

    dizfactor Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 12, 2002
    also, my impression is that GL doesn't give two thoughts to the eu that is already out there, and i don't really think that with a tv show he would think twice about screwing with continuity.

    he wouldn't be directly involved in a TV show to that degree. he's going to be too busy making the non-SW movies he's planning and otherwise running his empire. they would slap his name on as "Executive producer" and he would delegate it to other people who would make him money, and those people would look at the EU as a source of synergy and cross-marketing and wouldn't screw with it if they could avoid it.

    and the problem with using characters other than those that are already easily recognizable goes back to those viewers who are not the sw nuts we are. we are a large community, but i just don't think we could provide the viewership that would make a tv show viable, unless more "casual' viewers could be brought in.

    i understand the concern, but first of all, i don't think the casual audience cares much about SW anymore. TPM took the wind out of a lot of people's sails, and enthusiasm for AOTC was noticably lacking. it did fine at the box office, but nothing exceptional on the scale of previous SW films. i don't think using established characters would make too much difference there. it would be better to have a really solid show with mostly new characters rather than try to milk the same tired characters for what little they're still worth.
  20. amidalak

    amidalak Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 27, 2003
    i understand the concern, but first of all, i don't think the casual audience cares much about SW anymore.

    that's the biggest reason i don't think a live action show will actually be made. i'd love to see one, but i just don't think our community alone can carry a live action show, no matter how well it is done. add to the fact that there is a divide in the community over the eu, if they went that route i think they would have an even smaller viewership, which a live action tv show just couldn't afford.

    a cartoon, however, that has less of the problems a live action show would have, and will probably be the format that is most successful, if tried at all (beyond the clone wars, of course).
  21. Darth-Presley

    Darth-Presley Jedi Youngling

    Nov 11, 2003
    A live action Star Wars series could be great - but you have to move your thinking sideways. A great series would be one that happens in the SW universe with little or no relation to Movie events.

    My Ideas? Glad you asked - I was totally slayed by the story portions of the STAR WARS: BOUNTY HUNTER game.

    Ever since I played it last winter, I've been thinking how great it would be to have a tv series starring Tem Morrison as Jango Fett. Clancy Brown as Montross would be a great recurring villain and I'd even like to see that toydarian Roz as Jango's sidekick/manager.

    You could do a great Eastwood/Leone style series based around the bounty hunting milieu of the Star Wars universe. Imagine Jango in a SW adaptation of "Fistful of Dollars" or "For a Few Dollars More" - it would totally rock.

    I know Tem would do it, too - he did that video game! We need more Jango! One movie and game was not enough! More JANGO! STAR WARS: BOUNTY HUNTER TV series!
  22. Skywalk272

    Skywalk272 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 16, 2000
    In respose to the very first post on this thread....

    I liked the Ewok movies....


  23. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Yeah, any live action or animated TV series will be firmly grounded in the EU without any doubt (afterall, any TV show is EU by default- even the stuff written by LUcas like the Ewok movies).

    >>but the SW franchise right now is an embarassing failure with the critics and doesn't appeal to the right demographics to work on HBO.<<

    You forget that HBO is the one with the current rights to air AOTC, etc. And I think they'd welcome a SW show into their lineup as it would allow them to raise the visibility of their programming and possible draw a new audience into their other shows.

    On the flipside, Showtime works well too, since they've had a fairly decent sci-fi lineup from time to time, with Stargate SG-1, Odyseey 5 (though I think that's been cancelled now) and Jeremiah. SW would complement any of those quite well.

    >>if there were going to be a live-action show, it would most likely be on the WB or something like that. which, as mentioned earlier, would suck. <<

    WB likely couldn't afford a SW show, and their lineup would not complement SW well.
  24. Justinian

    Justinian Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 17, 2002
    After how well Clone Wars has gone I would guess that they would easily go ahead and make a cartoon series. It could work for anything, and even be done as "cartoon mini-series." 10 hours spent on Shadows of the Empire, Thrawn Series, stuff like that.

    As for live-action, while i would enjoy it, it could seriously suck. Of course the idea of Starwars series at 8 and 24 at 9 on Fox would make tuesdays rule eh?
  25. Lavaman

    Lavaman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 19, 2003
    How about The Young Han Solo Chronicles. You know it's going to happen. :p
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