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Activity Members...

Discussion in 'Archive: FanForce Activities' started by Sar-Tamber-lac, Dec 20, 2002.

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  1. Sar-Tamber-lac

    Sar-Tamber-lac Jedi Master star 5

    May 24, 2002
    As most of you know, Saint John just became an official chapter. This is all really awesome, and we are very happy. However, an interesting comment was made while waiting in line for the movie at our third meeting. One of the members said, "We're having a third meeting to something on the internet, and there's no one here that we've actually meet over the internet!" All six of us who belong to the Saint John chapter all met and go to school at Bethany Bible College! We have no one (save one, but we haven't met him yet) that is active that we met over the boards. So this is my question:

    What are some ways we can advertise ourselves in the city of Saint John and try to root up some members?

    And if you live in Saint John, then speak up! :)
  2. PtrsonsZOO

    PtrsonsZOO Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 30, 2001
    Flyers at Comic & Collectible shops are a good start. So is attending various related conventions (sci-fi, fantasy, collectibles, comics, rpg's, literary, etc) and meeting people there, passing out flyers/cards and just making your presence known. Bulletin boards at schools & community centers are a good idea as well. Any place you can stick a flyer w/ the url to get people interested.

    We go to cons quite a bit, we post in other forums, we belong to other groups (Rebel Legion, Propbuilders, 501st etc.) and we just talk to people wherever we go about who we are and what we do.
  3. Rox

    Rox Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 24, 2000
    You also might want to try submitting your meeting to your local newsparer for thier events page.
  4. Sar-Tamber-lac

    Sar-Tamber-lac Jedi Master star 5

    May 24, 2002
    Ok...We'll have to check out those options. We really want this thing to take off! Thanks a lot, y'all! :)
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