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Tidewater, VA all six movies

Discussion in 'NorthEast Regional Discussion' started by DOMNUSKYWALKER, Nov 30, 2005.

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    DOMNUSKYWALKER Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 12, 2005
    Ok who has sat and watched all six movies in one sitting? I havent yeat people keep interupting and I end of going somewhere. I want to because we just got a big screen. That was our xmas present to each other this year. I hope to watch all six this weekend.

    still no word on the xmas party or the borders thing? Let me know

    Chris aka/Domnu Skywalker
  2. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    I have wanted to watch them all together (including the Clone Wars cartoons) since Ep3 came out on DVD. But I was thinking of doing it over like a couple of days. We are talking about over 15 hours of Star Wars.

    I watched Ep4 after coming home from seeping Ep3 (one of the many times). My perspective of Ep4 was totaly changed. Darth Vader did not blast his was onto the Tantive IV... it was Anakin.

    DOMNUSKYWALKER Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 12, 2005
    Yea my perspective changed about Darth too since the prequils. Its kind of sad really, I mean Anikan was never truely free. He went into another kind of slavery, with a greater cost. I liked Maul because the boy could fight, but Darth, he is still the badest Sith to me. Calm cool and deadly and not even physically touch you to make start pushing up daisies.

    All six movies are a challenge. I dont think even I can stay awake either, hee hee!! but it would be fun to try anyway. Do you have any links for boots and sabers? I have two posibilities, but more choices would be nice.

    Chris aka/Domnu
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