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An word on Series sets of Ewoks/Droids?

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by darthsmozers, Mar 25, 2005.

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  1. darthsmozers

    darthsmozers Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2000
    So far I've declined to buy the two DVD animated features of Ewoks and Droids, hoping series sets may become available. Has there been any word on sales figures for these two DVDs and how that may impact series sets? After all, they could be put together just like the Clone Wars DVD, as a volume.
  2. vong333

    vong333 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 18, 2003
    At the official site forums, someone mentioned to me that the warehouse at LFL where they stored the negatives was damaged. I asked a couple of the VIP's there and can't seam to get a response. Right now its very up in the air. We might see a TPB of Reversal Of Fortune before there is a release of Droids/Ewoks sets of dvds. As far as getting them, I'd say go ahead. You 'll have at least 8 episodes per disc. Meaning that you'll need 7 more episodes of Droids to include the Great Heep presentation, and 27 more episodes of Ewoks. If you want them quick and just want to have them until confirmation can be made of future releases, then I suggest that you tour e-bay and local comic shops and sci-fi conventions and try to purchase them there. There not "officical release" but nevertheless you'll have all the storylines. For now, I'd say get them both. You can't go wrong there. Good Luck!
  3. darthsmozers

    darthsmozers Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2000
    true, i mean they are only 9 bucks each or so. i just cant imagine season/volume sets going unnoticed, what with the clone wars cartoon, and the upcoming 30th anniversary. there have to be original film somewhere....

    but good idea, to just buy them now. its less than 20 bucks for the set after all..
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