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ST Bets! Will Finn develop Force powers/become a Jedi?

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by DARTH_small_paw, Dec 19, 2015.


Will Finn develop Force powers/become a Jedi

  1. yes

    203 vote(s)
  2. no

    292 vote(s)
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  1. Kyra_Rey-Kylo_Ren

    Kyra_Rey-Kylo_Ren Jedi Padawan star 2

    Oct 31, 2015

    Didn't get this hype you're talking, not for a second i thought he would be a Jedi, possible yes, certainty? never
  2. Sgt. Carver

    Sgt. Carver Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 27, 2015
    I got some bad news for you then. Maybe you would be happier with heroes like Chris Pratt in Jurassic World, but Finn isn't like that.
    rumsmuggler likes this.
  3. The_Mandalorian316

    The_Mandalorian316 Jedi Master

    Oct 25, 2004

    THANK YOU. How can people be so damn confused about something so evident? He just wasnt as capable with it right off the bat as Rey was. But he was defnitely more capable with it than Luke in ANH and even ESB to a certain measure as he went up against Kylo Ren. Why is this a thread?
    NooThe, Granek, rumsmuggler and 3 others like this.
  4. CrazyOldJedi

    CrazyOldJedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 29, 2000
    Jeez, some people go on as if their opinion is the only one that matters. Which kind of kills the Discussion part of it.
  5. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    I'm fine either way. He's a great character in TFA, not to mention Boyega is a great up-and-coming actor.
  6. Snokers

    Snokers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 8, 2015
    It wouldn't bother me too much if he did develop force abilities at some point in the trilogy but I think it's better to just have Rey as a Jedi. That's one of the things I love about the Original films is that it wasn't bogged down with too many people running around with light sabers. You CAN have too much of a good thing. :cool: (I'm not a prequel hater)
  7. sterling3763

    sterling3763 Jedi Master star 4

    May 1, 2014
    I couldn't disagree with you more on the substance of your post. But kudos to you for the Pretty-in-Pink reference. I approve.

    Moses has no bearing on Finn. None.
  8. EvacuateMomentofTriumph

    EvacuateMomentofTriumph Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 18, 2015
    Same actor, bruv.
  9. Momotaros

    Momotaros Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 13, 2013
    This I don't understand. It seems some have a problem with him becoming one,because some how it will diminish Rey. We don't even know if she going to stay on the light through the whole saga. Yet,Finn can't be a Jedi only Rey's allowed too. I"m like WTF...[face_laugh] I don't know if he will be one,but come on now. Rey's role not going to get smaller by having two Jedi. Espically when by all accounts on here. Both Rey and Finn had equal screen time this episode.
    Obiwan10, NooThe and cbsnswf2390 like this.
  10. Snokers

    Snokers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 8, 2015

    I don't think I said it would diminish Rey's role at all. I just think one is enough for now. Remember he was a storm trooper who left The First Order and just happened to crash land on Jakku and run into Rey and the gang so it seems a bit silly to have him just happen to be stong in the force as well. But like I said, it wouldn't bother me if he was too much, he looks amazing with the blue lightsaber and I loved all aspects of his character in the film.

    Suppose my point is not everybody has to be a Jedi, Han Solo and Leia are just as important to the saga as Luke is and the original trilogy might not have worked without them at all. Theres a place for him whether he's a Jedi or not.
  11. sterling3763

    sterling3763 Jedi Master star 4

    May 1, 2014
    Yeah but different characters. In different universes.

    Again, do you think that Poe's arc is informed by Llewyn Davis? Or En Sabah Nur?

    What about Hux? Should I be looking to Harry Potter or About Time to see what Episode VIII has in store for Hux?

    Finn is nothing like Moses. And there's nothing we can glean for Moses's story that will tell us where Finn will end up.
  12. Momotaros

    Momotaros Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 13, 2013
    You know who Finn reminds me of. If he becomes a Jedi. Kyle Katarn. Thier stories seem very similar.
    Granek, rumsmuggler, bat22 and 2 others like this.
  13. DaveyWanKenobi

    DaveyWanKenobi Jedi Padawan star 1

    Nov 4, 2015
    I think there is a really good chance he develops force powers/becomes a Jedi over the course of the ST. Rey will be top dog though.
  14. DaveyWanKenobi

    DaveyWanKenobi Jedi Padawan star 1

    Nov 4, 2015
    *sorry, double*
  15. DaveyWanKenobi

    DaveyWanKenobi Jedi Padawan star 1

    Nov 4, 2015
    *hate when that happens*
  16. James T Kirk

    James T Kirk Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 22, 2015
    I hope he doesn't become a Jedi, but when I hope for something or predict things I'm usually disappointed or wrong. So yes, he probably will. I like him as Rey's friend (not love interest) who is handy with a blaster.
  17. TheBountyHunter77

    TheBountyHunter77 Jedi Youngling

    Dec 20, 2015
    Think about he title of this movie "The Force Awakens" that's a BIG title to just be referring to Rey. I believe that title is meant to be taken into consideration the whole time your watching the movie. So the force obviously awakened in Rey but for an AWAKENING to happen and to be recognized by Snoke and Ren, to me, that would mean the force AWAKENED in a big way. So in more than one person. Also think, Rey gets awakened to the force at the same time a storm trooper AWAKENS from his conditioning and brainwashing as a First Order soldier? When this, to our knowledge, has never happened with any other storm trooper. Seems like more than a coincidence to me. Also, combine that with the looks he gets from Ren multiple times, and him wielding a lightsabers effectively AND wounding Kylo AND being a rather less than average guy but doing all these extraordinary things. Also Star Wars has a reputation for taking the underdogs and doing great things with them usually involving the force, and Rey seems the obvious choice. Almost too obvious to be the HUGE hero for this trilogy. To me, it seems as tho the force is strong with this one (FINN)
    Obiwan10, NooThe, pkp2 and 6 others like this.
  18. pkp2

    pkp2 Jedi Youngling

    Dec 20, 2015
    I agree , I don't thinks its a coincidence that Finn is the catalyst for all this, I say catalyst because he's the one who rebels against the first order, granted bb8 is the first one to meet Ray but Ray doesn't really become involved until she meets Finn. I also think that in the trailers and in the movie the moment when Rey offers her hand to Finn and he takes it is quite a big moment and symbolic of their future together, perhaps as Jedi padawan learners. Keep in mind it was Finn who used the Luke's lightsaber first, and face Kylo Ren on his own before Ray takes over. If you pay attention his skills aren't all that bad and not unlike Luke's first attempt in facing Vader for the first time. It is unclear weather or not this signifies his force sensitivity but it's not a far stretch to conclude that he is. Also, thorough out the previous movies the Jedi place great importance on abandoning fear and Finn moves from being fearful and wanting run away to that moment when he faces Kylo Ren, I would say without fear. (Keep in mind J.J. Abrams told Boyega that he was now the "Star" of Star Wars, while it w as a misdirect for this movie in terms of Ray clearly strong in the force, Boyega has too large of a presence to be ordinary.)
    P.S. Either way I for one am very pleased with the movie, it felt more like the original Star Wars, with the same intensity and excitement I think that Boyega and Ridley did an amazing job! You can tell they worked very hard on this film, I'm really grateful they did such a good job.
    Obiwan10, NooThe, Sgt. Carver and 3 others like this.
  19. bat22

    bat22 Jedi Youngling

    Dec 19, 2015
    That's what some theorized when they saw the teaser w/ Finn clad in the Stormtrooper armor. I don't know if he could - or should - be a traditional Jedi, but early Kyle Katarn was a highly unorthodox example of one. W/ that as his template, Finn has a nice place between Rebel pilot/operator Poe and Jedi apprentice Rey.
  20. neo313

    neo313 Jedi Master

    Jul 27, 2004
    He got beaten down every time he used a saber, even by a stormtrooper. He may be cultivated into a Jedi like you can do with your companions in KOTOR 2, but he certainly does not have any force ability in TFA. More likely he will play the role that Han did in the OT. Everyone can't be a Jedi. Although maybe Snoke wants to destroy Luke precisely because he can always train more Jedi. But the films explicitly state a family/genetic component of force sensitivity

    And if Luke had an entire academy, where did they all come from? The Skywalkers don't have a monopoly on force sensitivty
  21. RobShanti

    RobShanti Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 6, 2009
    My bet definitely is on Finn finding out he's Force sensitive. I mentioned my reasons for this in the John Boyega thread:

  22. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    you are completely wrong. that's why this is a thread.
    TheBountyHunter77 likes this.
  23. Vehgah

    Vehgah Jedi Knight star 4

    May 8, 2014
    Ask yourself this.

    A)Is this a story about wiping out the Sith?
    B)Or is it a story about restoring the Jedi Order?
    NooThe and Jedi Merkurian like this.
  24. TheBountyHunter77

    TheBountyHunter77 Jedi Youngling

    Dec 20, 2015
    Your right everyone can't be a Jedi, we're not saying that, were saying FINN is going to be one. And yes generally a family with force sensitivity is important but not necessary. We also don't kno Finns backstory which is probably on purpose. And as far as getting beat by a stormtrooper that just shows he lacks experience. Remember storm troopers aren't trained with blades u less they are specialized and Rey already knew how to fight like that because of her bow staff
  25. EvacuateMomentofTriumph

    EvacuateMomentofTriumph Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 18, 2015
    Watch attack the block. Pay particular attention to his acting range and ability. There in lies the answer
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