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Beyond - Legends ~Beyond the Rim~ A/T SbS AU Completed 8/09!!!!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Lonewolf89, Mar 31, 2003.

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  1. The_Jedi_Obi-Solo

    The_Jedi_Obi-Solo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 6, 2003
    That last post was great! I enjoyed the action! :D
  2. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Thanks for the great replies everyone! Here's the next post. :D

    In All Things The Force:

    More and more warriors continued to pour into the cavern as the Jedi fought to hold back the hoard. Attacks came from all angeles, mercilessly pounding away at the team's defenses. In a matter of moments they would be pushed back against the rock facing. They would be cut off completely from the exits.

    Anakin felt his energy fading as his brother and Tahiri let go of their joining links. Sharing his power with them had drained him more than he had expected. His body felt as if it had received an overdose of the Force. It sucked out what little strength he had left in him. His vision swam as he struggled to gain control. It was all he could do to continue block the onslaught of amphistaffs slicing towards him. He could feel the desperation and panic of his team as they struggled to keep up with their attackers. Their situation was quickly turning from bad to worse. He was their leader, and he knew he had to do something.

    So, Anakin did the only thing he knew to do. He opened himself to the Force once more. This time he didn't even attempt hold back the flood of energy as it rushed into him. His mental buriers were shattered, allowing the pure, unchecked power to wash over his mind like never before. In those few seconds he realized what true strength was. His senses heightened, he could hear, see, and feel every thing around him. He could sense all the thoughts of his team echoing through his mind as if they were his own. He could taste their adrenaline tingling in his mouth. The feeling overwhelmed him. He couldn't take much more.

    Then suddenly, he felt it. Control. It was just in his grasp. He called to the Force and immediately it responded. It came to him, allowing him to guide it's every movement. He was it's ultimate wielder.

    "Down!" he shouted over the noise of clashing lighsabers as he let the energy swirl around him. All the Jedi ducked and Anakin let lose one bone-shattering telekinetic shove. The Yuuzhan Vong were ripped from the floor and jerked into the air. They flew through the cavern, their bodies slamming against the opposite wall with an audible crunch. After several seconds Anakin managed released his hold on them, letting them fall to the ground.

    Silence filled the huge room as the Jedi slowly got to their feet. They looked at the scene in shock. Dozens of warriors were sprawled on the ground, their limbs twisted and shattered, a gruesome image of death.

    "How did..."

    Anakin turned to his brother, pleading with him for understand. "I'll explain it later. Right now we need to go. More of them are already on their way."

    Jacen just nodded in confusion as he fell in step behind his brother. Anakin could feel the mixture of surprise and wonder rolling off of the team. He knew they were trying to wrap their minds around what had just happened. Then again, so was he.

    "We've got to get Rhyll before we leave," Danato said suddenly, shaking his astonishment long enough to get the words out.

    "I know," Anakin replied, heading towards the far exit. He felt Tahiri come up beside him. She reached over and placed a hand in his arm. He looked over at her. Her expression was soft. It amazed him that after the slaughter he had just committed that she could still look at him that way. So trusting and openly.

    "You did what you had to," she replied, reading his thoughts. Her eyes shone with love.

    "Another time," he replied quietly as he turned away. It wasn't that he didn't want her there, but he didn't feel like this was the best time to discuss what had just happened.... what he had just done.

    "Here," Danato said, pointing down a side passage. He stepped into the lead and walked towards the shadowy corner he had left Rhyll in. He jumped back quickly as a blaster muzzle was shoved into his face.

    "I thought you were a Vong," Arles hissed through gritted teeth. Her shoulders dropped and she forced herself to relax. "They kept marching past here."

    "We noticed," he replied,
  3. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    So, they've won.

    About time the good guys scored a victory.

    And the Vong are going to be shocked when they find out about this.
  4. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Star-Lead: Yeah, they haven't gotten many breaks during the mission.
  5. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    [face_shocked] Where'd everybody go?

    Good work as usual Lonewolf. :)
    Thanks for the nominations BTW. :D

    *cough*Valin*cough* ;)
  6. Jek_Windu

    Jek_Windu Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 26, 2003
    Great post!!!

    YAY!!! The Vong finally got their scar-ridden butts kicked :D

  7. JEDIdreamcloud

    JEDIdreamcloud Jedi Youngling

    Jun 29, 2003
  8. JEDIdreamcloud

    JEDIdreamcloud Jedi Youngling

    Jun 29, 2003
  9. JEDIdreamcloud

    JEDIdreamcloud Jedi Youngling

    Jun 29, 2003
  10. JEDIdreamcloud

    JEDIdreamcloud Jedi Youngling

    Jun 29, 2003
    code name rmc, are u there
  11. Evil-Wan_Kenobi

    Evil-Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 27, 2002
    *Blink blink*
    Your weird...
  12. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Thanks, Jek! I hope to update tomorrow.

    JEDIdreamcloud, just a warning, posting over and over like that can be seen as spaming. Be careful or you might be banned. :)
  13. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Sorry Lonewolf. I've gotten a little behind. [face_blush]
    *mumbles--Stupid real life stuff getting in the way of SW* :p
    All dowloaded to the Palm Pilot, though. I'll comment soon.

    Whoops, wrong thread. [face_blush]

  14. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Jade-Walker: No problem. :) I've had trouble keeping up with fics this summer too.

    Moff: Thank you! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Valin. He's in the next post.

    Thanks for the nominations BTW.

    Ditto. :D
  15. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Lying In Wait:

    The trek back to the ship was short considering that they had only to retrace their steps through an already cut path. The group remained silent most of the way. Everyone was left to their own thoughts as they marched through the underbrush. Even Tahiri was quiet. She positioned herself protectively beside Anakin who continued to stare straight ahead. His ice blue gaze played off of the trees in front of him.

    He was running the cavern scene over and over in his head, trying to think of something else he could have done. But he knew he had had no other choice. Destroy the Vong, save his team. The sacrifice wasn't that great when he looked at it that way. As a Jedi though, all death. Even that of your enemy's.

    It should hurt, he thought to himself. If it doesn't it becomes easy, and something like that should never be easy.

    Anakin pulled himself back to the present as they began to approach the Firelight. He raised his glow rod, casting the light towards the clearing ahead. The first thing he noticed was bodies. Dozens of Yuuzhan Vong lay on the ground. Most were burned from blaster fire, but a few had the tell tell markings of lightsaber slashes. Not only that, but the ramp to the ship was down.

    He motioned for the others to hang back while he scouted it out the area. He stepped forward cautiously, dropping to the ground just as a blaster bolt flew past his head.

    "Valin, it's us!" he shouted quickly. He scanned the area franticaly as he tried to figure out where the weapons fire had come from. He turned his head as he saw some movement underneath the Firelight. Squinting, he could make out a shadowy figure hunched down in the dirt.

    Reaching out with the Force, Anakin realized it was Valin. He felt the pain rolling off of the boy in waves. He rushed forward and catching him just before Valin fell face first into the mud. Anakin grimaced as he felt the younger Jedi's strength draining away.

    "I thought you were them," the boy croaked, looking up at him. Blood was covering his clothes, and his face was a mass of cuts.

    "Valin, where's Xan," Anakin asked. His voice was soothing as he tried to ease some of his pain with the Force. He followed the boy's finger as he pointed to the lowered docking ramp. Anakin could faintly make out the Merin's teenager's limp form inside the ship.

    "I didn't let them get the ship. I made sure they couldn't get onboard," Valin stated. His head lulled back, and his eyes could no longer focus. He was slipping into unconsciousness.

    Anakin nodded, "I know. You fulfilled your mission." He glanced up as Jacen moved into the clearing. "Can you help him?"

    Jacen shook his head, uncertainly, "I think so. If it's not too late." He reached down and picked Valin up out of Anakin's arms.

    Anakin pushed himself to his feet as the rest of the group headed towards them. Jacen moved into the Firelight and to the bunk rooms. Anakin was about to start checking the ship for damage when suddenly, his danger sense screamed at him in the back of his mind.

    "Get in the ship!" he yelled to the others. His violet blade flew into his hand as five Yuuzhan Vong charged him. Danato, Rhyll, Tahiri, Tenel-Ka, Kyp, and Jaina bounded into the Firelight as he covered their flank. He could feel dozens of warriors out in the forest, surrounding them.

    He had cut down two of his attackers already when he felt something coming on him from his side. He hit the ground as a huge fury creature threw itself over his head and on the remaining warriors. It was the same animal they had run into when the team first landed.

    He watched in morbid fascination as its teeth pierced the Vong's crab armor. The Vong screamed, and struggled to make it back into the trees. But it was too late. Anakin looked up and saw the warriors in the forest being attacked by the creatures as well.

    Spinning around, he lunged towards the Firelight's ramp. He scrambled up it, and slamming his fist down on the controls. As it began to slide up, he
  16. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    More? AHHHHHHH! I just caught up!
    Okay. At least I can post my reactions to all but the last post. ;)

    Chap 21 comments:
    Another excellent fight scene, Lonewolf. :) seems as though Donato and Arles are getting more accustomed to each other. ;)

    Oh no! Rhyll's in trouble! [face_shocked]

    Yeah, Anakin and Tahiri really aren't given much in the way of alone time by fate.

    Everything seemed much to easy. He couldn?t shake the thought that it should have been much more difficult.
    Never a good thing in the Star Wars universe. ;)

    Arles! NOOOOO!

    Chap 22 comments:
    She didn't like riddles and ploys. She would have much preferred a straight out battle.
    Tahiri sounds reminicent of Han in ANH.
    Luckily, Anakin's always liked mind puzzles. :)

    [face_shocked] Donato's just going to leave her there? I know that she told him to and all, but...

    Chapter 23 comments:
    Great action scenes, Lonewolf! :D

    Jacen's connecting with the Yuuzhan Vong brain is reminiscent of the end of Traitor.

    Interesting internal struggles of Jacen. :)

    All Things In the Force comments:
    He opened himself to the Force once more. This time he didn't even attempt hold back the flood of energy as it rushed into him.
    Uh oh. :( This sounds a little too much like his death scene in Star By Star! *puts her hands over her eyes*
    I can't watch!

    *Lets out her breath* Good! It's not the same result. :)

    Yay! Arles appears to be doing better. :D

    All made it out alive! :D See Del Rey! :mad:

    Great work in the last couple chapters, Lonewolf! I can't wait to see how this continues. :)
  17. Jek_Windu

    Jek_Windu Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 26, 2003
    Great post!!!

    I think Anakin is grearing up for yet another guilt trip. I'm glad Valin didn't have to pull a Ganner :D

  18. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    Very good post.
  19. The_Jedi_Obi-Solo

    The_Jedi_Obi-Solo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 6, 2003
    Awesome Post! It was fun to read! :D
  20. Tahi

    Tahi Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 8, 2002
    Finally caught up with this story. Marvellous action. Anakin ran towards the jagged rock face, and ran up it. He twisted his body in mid air as he flew over the warrior?s head. He landed on his knees, thrusting his lightsaber blade up again. I loved that bit - I can just see it, like in a movie.

    Yay - for Arles. She's one tough lady. Poor little Valin - he's really been through the works.

    It's good to see Anakin analysing his actions. As he suggested - the day he stops thinking about the ethics of his actions is the day he has to start worrying. I love the reference to Tahiri just being there for him, even though he doesn't want to talk. Amazing posts Lonewolf. :)
  21. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    Well, things are better for the gang. Kind of. In a way. :p

    Valin-tough little guy. ;)

    Good post Lonewolf. :)
  22. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Jade-Walker: Thanks for all the great feedback! :)

    Danato and Arles are so much fun to write together.

    The actions scenes were a little difficult. After some work they ended up playing out well, I think. I'm glad you enjoyed them.

    I tried to show a lot of development for Jacen and Anakin in those last few posts. I'm glad Jacen's moved out of his whiny stage. He's become a lot more tolerable as a character now. Easier for me to portray too. :D

    Jek: Thanks! Don't worry, I don't think Tahiri's going to let Anakin get too depressed about this.

    Thank you, Star-Lead and Obi-Solo!

    Thanks so much, Tahi! It's great to see you over here again. :)

    See, Moff, I told you I'd get back to Valin eventually. You just had to have some patience. :p
  23. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    Always glad to be of assistant Lonewolf.

    BTW, I need the opinion of my readers; do you think that I should add a second excerpt from In Enemy Hands (working title) to Manticoran Honor?
  24. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Poor Valin :(
    That's his first real taste of death and war, I think. Poor kid.

    Anakin didn't spend a lot of time thinking over his actions when he already knew what he had to do.
    He learned that the hard way when Jacen talked him out of firing at Centerpoint. ;)

    Jek: I'm glad Valin didn't have to pull a Ganner
    Yeah. I'm glad the kid looks like he made it through relatively okay. :)

    So they blew up the Vong brain. I wonder what's in store for them next.

    Great post, Lonewolf. :D
  25. Jedi_jainafel

    Jedi_jainafel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 5, 2002
    Wow, Anakin was incredible, especially when he found the control that he couldn't in the books.

    Gee, i bet cha that Valin's going to be abit disturbed after that.


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