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BROKEN ALLEGIANCE Remastered Edition -- now online!

Discussion in 'Fan Films, Fan Audio & SciFi 3D' started by Vidman, May 8, 2002.

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  1. Inkthinker

    Inkthinker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 1, 2002
    Wow... such controversy...

    I've been in deadline hell for a week or so now, and haven't been keeping up. Only just now found out about the new version of BA.

    Anyhow, I think it's awesome that you guys went in and actually edited the FX to improve the film... I also think it's pretty damn cool that you gave credit to those of us who spoke about the issues that we had. It's a first for me, to see someone actually go the extra mile rather than just say "screw it" and be satisfied with the product as is. I for one, am impressed at the effort, and I haven't even seen the new version yet (DLing now...)

    We should all be such perfectionists. It reflects well upon us in the end, I think.
  2. andalite

    andalite Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 29, 2002
    I completely agree.
  3. icicle

    icicle Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 27, 2000
    I think the effort that Vidman put forth is great. It shows that he is committed to doing the absolute best that he can do to make his film shine.

    However statements from Inkthinker like "instead of just saying screw it" in reference to other films who choose to leave there work in its original state after releasing it aren't accurate either. Does Spielberg just say "screw it" when he releases a film such as Jurrasic Park with some glitches in it? I don't think so. And there are some glitches that make it "not perfect" but still very enjoyable.

    It is totally up to the individual filmaker as to wether he or she wants to add or enhance their film after it has been released. However I would like to think of releasing your film as the point in which you are finished with it. Done. But I guess in the world of fan films these rules don't really apply.

  4. JediTAC

    JediTAC Jedi Knight star 5

    Nov 30, 2000
    You just won't give it up, will you. [face_plain]
  5. Inkthinker

    Inkthinker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 1, 2002
    Seriously, man... doesn't that dead horse stink yet?

    Why are you having a problem with this? What reason could you possibly have for discouraging the habit of perfecting your work?

    Don't you think this is exactly what happens between the theater release of a film and the DVD/VHS release? If the director or editors have serious issues with scenes, then they fix them. And that's what's been done here.

    EDIT: I think this thread is done. I guess we can call this stuff good 'thread bumping' but now we're just going round in ever decreasing circles.
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