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Saga Burning Memories Obi-Wan vig 1 shot

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Alishu06, Jun 12, 2006.

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  1. Alishu06

    Alishu06 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 29, 2005
    Author: Me
    Time: At the end of episode 3.
    Thanks KELIA for yet again betaing.

    Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master and General to the Republic army, was terrified.

    ?It can?t be?? those three little words poured out from my mouth. I stared in shock as I watched my now former padawan and friend bow down in front of Chancellor Palpatine, no, Darth Sidious.

    Emotions flowed through me, some emotions I haven?t felt before. Anger, hatred, pity, embarrassment, self-loathing, and sadness.

    I looked to Master Yoda, who had known that Anakin had been the cause of the death and destruction.

    ?I can?t watch anymore,? I went and switched the hologram off, and turned back to Yoda.

    ?Destroy the Sith we must.?

    I knew he was going to say that. ?Send me to kill the Emperor. I will not kill Anakin.? My stomach churned at the thought of that. I couldn?t kill the man I had practically raised, thought of as a brother, loved as a son.

    ?To fight this Lord Sidious, strong enough, you are not.? Yoda looked at me with compassion; he knew how it felt to go against a padawan.

    ?He is like my brother?I cannot do it.?

    ?Twisted by the darkside, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader.?

    My heart sunk. I must do this. I sadly thought. ?How could it have come to this?? I rasped out.

    ?To question, no time there is.? Yoda started to walk; I followed him, trying to ignore the blood stained marble floors.

    ?I do not know where the Emperor has sent him. I don?t know where to look.? I realized that I was whining. I hung my head, part in shame and part in grief.

    Our footsteps echoed in the empty halls. I looked at the stairs where Mace and I had talked only a few days ago. I looked and saw the shadows of the past.

    ?Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, and find him, you will. Visit the new Emperor, my task is. May the Force be with you.? He stopped walking and looked to me as he said those words.

    ?May the Force be with you, Master Yoda.? He turned and walked towards his destiny, and I walked into mine.

    ?You?re going to kill him, aren?t you?? the young Senator, Padme gasped out.

    I hated coming here, I hated telling one of my oldest friends about the man I knew she loved. ?He has become a very great threat.? I couldn?t believe those words had come out of my mouth. I watched as the young Senator hobbled to her couch and sat down.

    ?I can?t?? She laid a hand on her stomach.

    That was when my suspicions were proven true. ?Anakin is the father, isn?t he?? Padme looked away. I walked out to the veranda, ?I?m so sorry.? I left with only one lead and not a good one at that. Padme knew where Anakin was but she wasn?t going to tell me, so I will find out some other way.

    Just as I thought she would, Padme ordered for her ship, unnoticed I boarded and hid in the small prison quarter.

    I gave Padme enough time to try and reason with Anakin, before I made my appearance. But I heard every word that the couple spoke. I tried not to grow angry with Anakin. How could he allow Palpatine to twist him into this monster that stood only meters away?

    The smell of sulfur engulfed me. The heat burned my eyes. It was time. I inched slowly to the top of the gangplank. My hands on my hips, I glared at Anakin.

    Everything went in slow motion for me as I watched in horror as Anakin forced choked Padme. I could hear myself yelling at him to release her. The next thing I knew we had both drawn our lightsabers. I hadn?t ignited mine, as had he.

    I watched as he came towards me. I felt my mind go numb as we fought, our lightsabers clashed together. The humming grated on my nerves as I fought my former padawan. I looked into his face. Anger and hatred covered it.

    The next thing I knew I was on the bank of a lava river, Anakin below me.

    ?Its over Anakin, I have the high ground.?

    ?You underestimate my power.? He glared at me.

    ?Don?t try it.? I yelled at him. He didn?t heed my warning. I stood ready as he jumped over me.

  2. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Absolutely beautiful! =D=

    I looked at him with pity and tears in my eyes, as I did I remembered the god times we shared. ?You were my brother, Anakin, I loved you.? I stared helplessly as his pants caught on fire, I heard him scream again, this time in more pain.

    I looked away as the fire moved up his body. My heart clenched as I watched my boy, my brother, my friend, slowly be succumbed to the fire of Mustafar. I ran; I ran as fast as I could. Trying to get away from the burnt smell of human flesh, to get away from the picture of my friend burning.

    I knew that at that moment I would never be able to think of Anakin in any other way.

    :_| Oh, you're killing me!
  3. Sara_Kenobi

    Sara_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Sep 21, 2000
    Very powerful writing! well done! =D=
  4. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    :_| :_| :_| :_|

    It's just as heartbreaking the second time around.

    You really captured Obi-Wan's emotions well.

    Great job

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  5. hyperspace_police

    hyperspace_police Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2005

    You captured Kenobi very well.

    Nicely done.

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