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Chic, IL C-3PO: The Golden One's Lineage (Spoilers from New Release)

Discussion in 'MidWest Regional Discussion' started by JediGemini, Dec 9, 2000.

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  1. JediGemini

    JediGemini Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 28, 2000
    Yeah, I just watched the Ep. 2 "footage" (or whatever you wanna call it) from the new release of the SW:SE. They had a really cool ad for, btw.
    The whole thing is actually very cool and it gets you really excited for Ep. 2.
    Anyway, the people who play Owen and Beru Lars talk, and then comes Anthony Daniel who talks about 3PO. At one point he refers to Anakin as 3PO's "father" which is cool 'cause I've never really thought of it that way before.
    So, he's like the long lost Skywalker sibling and doesn't even know it (or at least he never says he does)! I thought that it was quite interesting and wonder how C-3PO would feel if he found out that Anakin was Vader and what-not. Anthony Daniel's actually did a little diddy for the audience in full 3PO voice on what he thought 3PO would say if he found out Vader was his "father" too.
    Any thoughts on this for the people who've seen it?
  2. MaraJadeSkywalkerFF

    MaraJadeSkywalkerFF Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 27, 2000
    That scene with Anthony Daniels was very funny!

    Also funny was George Lucas talking about C3PO's life. Something like: "He was born a droid. He'll die a droid. In between he has a very rough droid life."

  3. JediGemini

    JediGemini Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 28, 2000
    Yes, I forgot about that one MJS. That was very funny!
    But, I just got a kick out of Anthony Daniels doing 3PO out of costume. It was too weird, but way cool!
  4. Mos_Eisleian_Radio

    Mos_Eisleian_Radio Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2000
    Lucas' C-3PO line reminds me of Marvin's summation on waiting for Arthur, Ford, Zaphod, and Trillian in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: "The first thousand years, they were the worst. The second thousand years, they were the worst, too. The third thousand years, I didn't care for at all. It was all rather downhill from there."

  5. jedigal

    jedigal Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 21, 2000
    I just wanted to say that, wow Phil, you are a veritable library of useless fun information! :)
  6. Mos_Eisleian_Radio

    Mos_Eisleian_Radio Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2000
    Why, thank you. I think.

    That's the thing about Marvin, the Paranoid Android. No matter how annoying you think Threepio is, you'd start climbing the walls after spending more than 5 minutes with Marvin. "Well, pardon me for breathing, which I don't do anyway, so I don't know why I said it. God, I'm so depressed!"

  7. Stardreamer

    Stardreamer Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 26, 2000
    Did they change that line for the book? It was even more depressing in the radio series; instead of thousands, Marvin was talking in tens of millions. "The first ten million years were the worst...."

    I actually find Marvin quite amusing, and not annoying at all. He's the sort of character who'd be a total cynic if he could muster the energy to care enough. ;) Plus, he has some of the best lines.

    "There's only one person as intelligent as me within thirty parsecs of here and =that's= me."
  8. Empyre

    Empyre Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 25, 2000
    Praise the maker.
    This is a phrase that we hear Threepio say a few times during the original trilogy, yet what does it mean? At first, when I saw the original trilogy I assumed it was a droid's version of thank heavens, but now we know who the maker is. It is Anakin, aka Darth Vader. So everytime that Threepio says it he is invoking the name of one of the second most evil person in the universe. So does it lose all meaning that it may have had? I mean, he is saying it as if the maker is good but really the maker turns out to be bad. Or did it have any meaning to begin with, was it just a meaningless exclamation like so many words are in our modern language.
    Just something to thing about. It suddenly struck me while I was replying to survivor thread.
  9. Stardreamer

    Stardreamer Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 26, 2000
    I don't expect that Threepio knows he's invoking Darth Vader when he says "Thank the maker!". It's possible--indeed, probable--that, in the course of various owners between Anakin/Shmi and Luke, he's had at least one memory wipe.

    Of course, it's possible that when Amidala and Leia fled to Alderaan (remember that Leia does have fleeting images of her mother), C-3PO went with them. I can see Amidala taking him, as a reminder of the good man she once loved... but having the droid's memory of Anakin wiped, to prevent Leia from finding out.

    That would explain the remarkable coincidence of C-3PO and R2-D2 being together at the start of ANH. ;)

  10. jedigal

    jedigal Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 21, 2000
    Wow. Good theory, Thom.
  11. Mos_Eisleian_Radio

    Mos_Eisleian_Radio Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2000
    Blame my memory like a sieve. I actually seem to remember millions, but typed thousands for some reason. The version that sticks with me the most is the record albums (which were a slightly different version than the radio series) and I haven't listened to them in years.

  12. JediGemini

    JediGemini Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 28, 2000
    Hey, good stuff Empyre and Thom. You guys are thinking. :)
    "Thank the maker!" I guess that's just the irony of the whole thing.
  13. Stardreamer

    Stardreamer Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 26, 2000
    I do have flashes of brilliance on extremely rare occasions. ;)

  14. Stardreamer

    Stardreamer Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 26, 2000
    Interesting coincidence... the latest issue of Star Wars Tales (issue #6) from Dark Horse Comics includes a story entitled "Thank the Maker". I found it to be very well-written; the story centers around events on Bespin in ESB, behind the scenes as Vader lays the trap for Han & Co. in order to bait the greater trap for Luke.

    Anyway, the focus is on Vader, his reactions to news of C-3PO being shot, and then being found again in Leia's quarters after the "lunch", all intermingled with flashbacks to when young Anakin first found the parts for the protocol droid and began making him.

    It's a cool story.

  15. Empyre

    Empyre Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 25, 2000
    Yes! Now the a major publisher is using my ideas. I mean how else could they have gotten the idea.
    And for those who would say that I reversed the order, the only comics I read are Sandman.
    The story though I am pretty sure would not have occured. Yes the droids name was never mentioned but you'd still think he'd have some glimmerings of his identity from his distinctive style of talking. I am wondering if anakin initially thought them all destroyed, maybe in the devastion that wracks Naboo later. Anakin thinks that they are all dead and then his old master shows up with his son and later finds out he has a daughter alive also.
    Maybe that is also why Vader makes a point of prodding Obi-wan's clothes. He saw him die once and then resurface, why not again?
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