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ST Can we talk about the vision?

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Immortiss, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. Ricardo Funes

    Ricardo Funes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    Also, sorry if it was already mentioned.... is it possible that Snoke was helping the Knights of Ren during the "EXT NIGHT - 196 - BATTLEFIELD • A battle rages. The sword is being used." shot?
    Does the shot list any Snoke scene that was cut from the vision?
  2. Jedi Master Scorpio

    Jedi Master Scorpio Star Wars Television star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 24, 2015

    I remember reading this then watching the movie. It made that scene make so much more sense. That was definitely a flashback scene that Rey had. It was Maz who was actually there and probably witnessed the attack by KOR. And Kylo probably did have the Bespin Lightsaber for a moment. But Maz somehow managed to steal it. Explains why Kylo knew about the blade in TFA.

    This is the only scene with the KOR in TFA. And Pablo confirmed it wasn't the Jedi Attack that was referenced in TFA by Han Solo.

    Digesting all of this information is very fun. I may be in the minority opinion here, but I think both Attacks that were led by Kylo and KOR happened after Rey was already on Jakku.
    She was never present for either.
  3. Plan741

    Plan741 Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 22, 2015

    Han and Leia would never drop their kid off with a slaver/slamo like Unkar no matter what happened to their other kid. Even though Ben turned, Leia wants him back.
    old padawan and MeBeJedi like this.
  4. Plan741

    Plan741 Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 22, 2015
  5. Plan741

    Plan741 Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 22, 2015

    It wasn't poor direction at all; the training of the Jedi teaches them to be focused, passive and at peace. They teach against anger, fear and hate. Someone awakening to the Force wouldn't have that benefit. She has anger, she has fear, and she used them.
  6. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    I'm diggin' this Plan741 dude/chick :D

    It was decided that learning the ways of the Force had to be a constant struggle for Luke and the he would always have to prove himself. In regard to the Dark Side of the Force, the story meeting transcripts suggest that although can't see it, it should be the real villain of the story. In his training Luke discovers the roots of the evil Force. The danger, the jeopardy is that Luke will become Vader, will be taken over. He has to fight the bad side and learn to work with the good side. Lucas felt that at one point during the training, Ben should explain to Luke that he should use his powers with moderation. If he uses too much of the Force, it will start to use him. For example, to lift objects Luke has to use the bad side of the Force, so if he overuses this power, the dark side will start taking him over as it did with Vader. When Luke fights, he has to use the dark side, but he is also using the good side for protection. In this episode Luke should embody the classic tale of the ugly duckling who becomes a hero, and by the end of the film Luke should have become Ben. - Annotated Screenplays
  7. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Hello all. I saw the movie for the third time tonight and heard something I had not heard before. During Rey's flashback, there is the scene where she is supposedly saved by another person whom Kylo kills. After than person falls, it appears that Rey back up as Kylo starts toward her. I could have sworn I heard Kylo say something like 'Baby Jedi', 'Tiny Jedi', or some derivation. Did any one else hear this?

    If this is true and Rey is the child Jedi whom is presumably saved again very soon after, it would also lend more significance to Kylo reaction "WHAT GIRL?" when the First Order officer tells him that she was with BB-8.

    I have heard nothing of this "Baby Jedi" from anyone else. Am I hearing things?

    Mav Edit: Merging with Rey's Vision thread.
  8. B99

    B99 Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 10, 2014
    Nah I didn't!

    Maybe he said Baby mama??
  9. Darth-Seldon

    Darth-Seldon Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 17, 2003

    I disagree with your interpretation that the Dark Side is calling to Rey through those visions or that she is deriving her power from the Dark Side. When I referred to it as "not a dark place" I was referencing Maz's castle. Clearly, the visions themselves were dark and Rey had a negative reaction to them. The mere fact that their content matter is dark does not mean that it is the Dark Side calling to her. Rather, the Force is showing her things--revealing the past and possible future. The visions themselves acted as part of Joseph Campbell's "call to adventure." When the hero is first called to their quest, initially they refuse--like Luke's initial unwillingness to travel with Obi-Wan. Part of Rey's journey in TFA is to leave her past on Jakku behind and venture into the larger world--to accept a greater purpose in a larger universe. Clearly the vision is unsettling. Her reaction is pretty normal for anyone who suddenly experienced such a vivid "hallucination" without any real understanding of what caused it. Having said that, Rey's use of the Force in subsequent scenes shows an intuitive use of the light side of the Force. She is resistant to embrace any type of power. Her first use of the Force is through the mind trick (a power often associated with Obi-Wan)--an ability that requires calm concentration. While Finn is eager to engage Kylo Ren with the lightsaber, Rey's first reaction is to stand back. She only engages when her friend is in trouble. During the duel, as she's pushed to the edge of a cliff, her tactic is to calm herself--to close her eyes and concentrate. Its at this point that she surprises Ren and overpowers him. Unlike Anakin and ANH/TESB Luke, she is not animated by frustrations, impatience, anger etc. By contrast, she appears quite calm considering the mayhem around her.
  10. Darphus_Mon

    Darphus_Mon Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 23, 2003

    Sounds interesting. April 5th can't come fast enough!!
  11. Unit51

    Unit51 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Dec 29, 2015

    I wanted to 'like' this twice but I couldn't so I "liked" it and quoted it.
    Darphus_Mon, MS1 and MeBeJedi like this.
  12. Knights of Ben

    Knights of Ben Jedi Padawan star 2

    Jan 30, 2016

    Nice post. Just a quick point to make with regard to Rey's vision (this might have been covered already however). I've seen a few people asking, "since when did the force show visions of the past?" Well, at least since since Yoda mentioned it in ESB:

    "Through the force, things you will see. Other places. The future...the past..."

    It seems like Rey's vision contains both.
  13. Bowen

    Bowen Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 6, 1999
    Has it already been mentioned that Rey clearly says, "Yoda!!" (young Rey voice) as soon as grown Rey has walked down the stairs before she enters the room with the saber? Kind of interesting - she knew Yoda.
  14. MS1

    MS1 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    I can't recall the actual sequence order but if it proves to be a flash forward I wonder if the massacre could be occurring at the temple/planet where Luke is? So in the vision firstly Kylo Ren destroys the Jedi leading to Luke departure and then flashes forward to Kylo Ren and the KOR hunting him down the where he is training Rey in hiding at the first Jedi temple. The dead people are simple villages who have been harbouring Luke and Rey and in a twist of fait killing the defenceless villages is what progresses the story and Luke's return. Or his death and Rey's ascendancy.

    Except in the KOR scene Kylo Ren has the cross blade sabre which we are lead to believe is destroyed and it just wouldn't follow sw tradition for him to make a replacement exactly the same.
  15. Knights of Ben

    Knights of Ben Jedi Padawan star 2

    Jan 30, 2016
    No, really? That's cool, but I didn't catch that! That kind of makes obi wans, "first steps" line a bookend to this earlier yoda line!
  16. Bowen

    Bowen Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 6, 1999
    Yeah it took me literally 20 viewings to confirm but everyone will catch it on Blu-Ray because it's so easy to rewind and replay. It really interested me. I mean we hear Yoda yes but to hear HER say Yoda by name - now that's interesting. Could Rey have had some training as a young girl perhaps?
    whostheBossk and Ricardo Funes like this.
  17. Knights of Ben

    Knights of Ben Jedi Padawan star 2

    Jan 30, 2016

    The million dollar question. I've seen more than a few ppl online actually who are convinced that the outfit young Rey is wearing is that of a Padawan. Guess we'll find out!
    whostheBossk and Ricardo Funes like this.
  18. Bowen

    Bowen Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 6, 1999
    That's interesting! Could very well be. I can't wait for Episode VIII lol. Dang. Why must it be almost two years...
    Ricardo Funes likes this.
  19. Howard Hand

    Howard Hand Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2015
    It was one of my favorite scenes of the movie. Very visceral and emotional. Great foreshadowing too.
    Ricardo Funes likes this.
  20. jimmycrank

    jimmycrank Jedi Knight star 4

    Dec 29, 2015

    I hadn't noticed her say Yoda!!! That's very interesting. You may be the first to catch it :D , Should be going tomorrow, Will keep a keen ear out for it.

    I know.....2 loooonnggg yeeaarrrsss :_| Rogue one will help at least!
    nightangel and Ricardo Funes like this.
  21. Bowen

    Bowen Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 6, 1999
    I think nobody notices because she repeatedly says "no" and your ears start to ignore it. But seeing it so often, it's no, no, no, etc. then bottom of the stairs, "Yoda!" Once you hear it, it's clear as day and you won't unhear it lol.
    jimmycrank and Ricardo Funes like this.
  22. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    Reylo confirmed.
    Darth Dementor likes this.
  23. Darth Dementor

    Darth Dementor Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    This is a great analysis! For the longest time I couldn't figure out why Bespin Corridor was I'm the vision bit this angle sheds some new light on it (no pun intended).

    Rey's vision alternated from past events to future ones and I never noticed all of them were bad events. The first two/three events stand out to me the most:
    •Bespin happened decades before Rey was born and Vader reveals he's Luke's father. I'm now thinking it means Rey comes from a bad family or its a precursor to Luke being betrayed.

    •Rey falls on the ground and a shot of a hooded Luke touching R2D2 then another sharp cut to Rey, still on the ground, being saved from an apparent attack by Kylo. I'm not sure if they're both the same thing or two different events. But I suspect, they, both happen in the future. And I'm starting to think if it does, Kylo will confront Luke and it ends violently.

    •Rey abandoned on Jakku already happened; past event.

    •Kylo pursues Rey in a snowy forest was a future event, taking place at the end of the movie.

    In the vision our heroine sees Kylo more than anyone and both times being followed by him. Perhaps Rey is tempted by the Dark side and doesn't resist?
  24. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Why didn't Luke receive any visions when he first touched the saber in Obi-Wan's hut?
  25. Ghost Ryder

    Ghost Ryder Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 16, 2016
    It could be that Luke wasn't as attuned to the Force at the time. Although Rey didn't understand it, and didn't want to be tied to some great mystery/destiny, she had a lot of time alone while growing up, and no one to discourage her perception or imagination. Of course, if she had prior training, that would obviously be an explanation.
    Ricardo Funes likes this.